Part III
On Patterns of Control, Management, Manipulation, and Entertainment
This session started on 7-20-2022. Rewrites were being conducted for Access Denied, on account that so many things have since changed, from the start of this project.
The Emotional Kinetics, and the system of its communication is primary now to all that follows. On account of this, it requires its own work. Following this final element of “Seduction”, I will write a chapter to conclude this part, that puts it all into perspective.
Excited ignorance is where I am at now, in the Kinetics, and the explanation of Seduction. Excited ignorance, and/or repudiation, is numbered six, out of the seven, in the Kinetics, but can also be seen as a near two… in the Kinetics.
One through six is not fixed. They have to be ordered, but in actuality, how one feels, or what becomes expressed of the feelings has variations. Some of the Emotional Kinetics require previous stages to be present, and therefore, are numbered so.
Diffidence, the first of the Emotional Kinetics, is numbered one, because this is about how one is born.
In this system of thought, one is said to be either born in that of diffidence, or born in that of confidence.
Another way to say this, could be, but lesser, that one is born timid, or one is born bold, in that of temperament. All four attributes are useful.
Fantasy, and the need for it, is connected with what is both the second and sixth Kinetics, based on how it is being referenced, excited ignorance.
Taking actions in one's living, as a hominid endowed with “abstract thought”, means having to act based upon “ways”. These ways can be rituals, can be traditions, can be customs, culture, orders, and/or KNOWLEDGE, and understanding… that is scientific.
A way does not mean a well Reasoned, and informed way… nor a Virtuous way. Simply, it is “a way”, and “the way” as it is able to be identified.
The “way of diffidence” inevitably leans towards the way of “excited ignorance”.
When one is excited in ignorance, the value of customs, traditions, rituals, and cultural dictates becomes higher, as they exist to “inform” and “direct” the ignorant's behavior.
“The way of ignorance” is common, far more so than a “Way of Knowledge”.
Diffidence is at the root of this. Ignorance here is not merely that of not knowing, as explained previously. It is an actual desired state of removing “knowledge” and “understanding” as a component, and instead, being guided by something else.
That something else is “concern”, is a “regard”. What one regards is what they “take notice” of, what they “look upon”, what they “heed”. This correlates with “value” in a sense, a very light sense. It is perhaps more so before the term value, but for now, I shall leave that be.
“Regard” is too:
“a look, in appearance; respect, esteem, favor, kindly feeling which springs from a consideration of estimable qualities”.
When one is born in diffidence, this determines how they “take notice” of things. It determines how they “SEE” things. It also comes with a forbiddance, and no matter the level of “praise” they may “appear” to give any sense of “knowing”... knowledge can not be their “Way” and their guide. Diffidence is about lacking the innate drive to trust their own quality.
It is that default state, whereby they “regard” themselves in “low quality”, in “low order”. Having “low regard” for self, lacking in trust of their own quality… they can not, no matter their ramblings, come to have a “trust” and a “high regard” for others. They can have a settled regard, sustained, and this will be proven only to those who know the “value” of a thing.
This diffidence, or lack in trust of one's own quality leads to this “feeling” that is at the base of “excited ignorance”. They can not trust knowledge, and therefore, they do not in actuality ever truly come to the “favor” nor the “recognition” of what knowledge is. To them, it is mere “simple facts”, acquired and used for useful purposes, more often than not mechanical, and servile.
“Regard” is able to be considered through a simple question of… “What does the subject look at, consider, favor?”
This is what they regard, and regard is lower than value, though I shall continue to use this term value more generally. There is conflict with the term value, in the way in which I use it, because it is from validus, and is “to hold a thing in strength”. Most have regards, not values. I may correct this notion in the future, but for now, it can only be afforded a mere mentioning of the need.
Low regard, in life, often leads to being surrounded “in sight” by things of low quality. Low quality in things surrounded by, begets concerns… for their quality, well-being, and sustainment. This, often more so than not, breeds anxiety.
This is why, “regard” and “concern” are not clearly emotions, and therefore, are not numbered in the list of Kinetics, but they are essential terms to grasping what is numbered in the Kinetics.
Excited Ignorance
Now, most of the time, two will be in the sixth slot. Right now, I will put it in the second slot as a reminder to the reader and listener that ALWAYS, this element of excited ignorance is present. It is present in tradition, in customs, in social norms, in normative behavior, “regards”, favors, rituals, and so on. Almost all of these are products of ignorance, and that is why most will go through the motions, and be costumed in their ways, versus actual in their ways.
Style over substance is often the mark of excited ignorance.
The more stable list is:
Excited Ignorance
When one is lacking in “trust” of quality of self, quality of others, and quality of condition, ignorance is what they will favor. A great deal of “knowing” adds to them being “unsettled”, or that is “anxious”, and the presence of this anxiety as a beast is the presence of a craving, to have relief of it.
This notion of relief is essential to understanding behavior. When one sees another who is with these default Kinetics―which is perhaps almost all one could encounter―they will often see them in a relieved state. So long as they are relieved… they can appear to be the opposite. Their diffidence can appear to be trust, because it is relieved by the condition. Their anxiety can appear to be calmness, because they are relieved by the condition. Their repugnance can appear “cooperative”, because the condition is in their favor.
One has to measure the level of servitude in the condition, to that of relieving the emotional baseline of the subject. When they see the service of the condition to the emotions of the subject is high, they ought not be so foolish as to then think comfortable displays, and satiated displays, alleviated and relieved states are indications of the subject's emotional character.
When subjects deviate from these relieved states, when not served, they blame the condition as the trigger, and they use language of saying, “this, is not them”… meaning, their relieved version, but this is a version of them brought about by the condition. It will be, when the conditions do not serve them, they have excuses for their emotional displays. These emotions that come out during trying times are the real, and actual emotional states of the subject… not how they were during relief, and deference.
Seduction requires all of this above to be true.
Seduction requires that the seducer has some sense, or obedience to “rules” made by someone with past “sense” of this. That, they implement fantasy as a means to control the Kinetics of the target.
The target will become revealed in their default repugnance, if the marker takes to offering challenge, and stress. Instead, by offering fantasy, the marker keeps the mark from entering their emotion of repugnance.
Amusement wields their repugnance; Seduction circumvents it.
The aim of Seduction is to distract the mark with fantasy.
In the Kinetics, the marker is taking the marked through a well designed path.
The mark begins in their diffidence, not trusting themselves or others. The marker knows they must come, then, with indirection, and develop a “familiar” position, till the mark is disarmed of their suspicion.
This could not work and be the case, if not for the mark being in diffidence. If the mark was in confidence, and therefore, inclined towards knowledge, or that is, certain belief… then there would be no value of the familiar, but there would be a demanding character behind the values.
A marker can not mark one who is in confidence, and merely take up a position of familiarity to disarm them. One who is born in confidence does not require relief. They do not require that others take up their concerns, and their regards, and ally with them. These are all products of one who is born in diffidence.
When the marker observes further the diffident, they have a sense that they will have concerns and be unsettled. The marker, the seducer, moves to answer these concerns with distraction and relief, not by taking up the concerns, but directing the regards of the target onto a fantasy that provides an escape from the regards they were unsettled around previously.
If this is done with success, the seducer temporarily alters the path of the Kinetics of the seduced, the target, the mark, to that of:
Excited Ignorance
The components that are missing are “escaped” temporarily. Their repugnance, their disgust, and their despair are still present, and will try to feed for relief, as all the emotions do. But the seducer, the marker will keep the mark, the seduced, the target distracted through fantasy. This is in the Entertainment emotion, with the added subcategory of Seduction, not amusement. Amusement, as the category, would have diffidence, to anxiety, to repugnance, to excited ignorance, to Entertainment.
Amusement is to relieve, and express repugnance, so that one does not feed disgust, and despair. Amusement is for evading disgust and despair. Seduction is for evading repugnance, disgust, and despair.
Both of them attain this through exciting ignorance. They can only excite ignorance in those who were born in diffidence.
The value of amusement among humans is very high. The value of Seduction among humans is much higher. This is on account of rarity.
Those often held in the highest esteem, among humans, are their entertainers. Those often “entertained” do not themselves have the ability to entertain. To entertain, that is, to bring about a certain “frame of mind”, in the first two, is to bring about the “frame of mind” of evasion, through excited ignorance, for the purpose of RELIEF, and ESCAPE of one's Emotional Kinetics, and the suffering they expose.
It is an emotion, that of to be entertained, on account that it is a beast that needs to be fed… in “regards” to all the other beasts of emotions that precede it. To be entertained is the ultimate aim of the emotional body of humans, and others.
But how one is to be entertained is based upon how they have been managed in, or managing their previous Emotional Kinetics.
One who is often distracted, and easily relieved, will have a habit of repugnance relieved, or circumvented through Seduction. One who is not of a value to warrant others to seduce them will often be repugnant, and only able to be amused.
This is then to say, Seduction as relief, and Management, is not afforded to all, the same. This too is why its value, in its rarity, is much higher. Yes, it can be said, media offers Seduction, but a “group” Seduction is nowhere near as valuable to the individual, as that of being “regarded” themselves as a target of direct Seduction by a seducer.
One who has not been experienced with seducers targeting them, accidentally coming to be targeted, and experiencing it, will place a huge value upon it. But the error will be, because they have not been targets of a seducer's direction, due to their social value perhaps being low… they will have been for long with the habit of being repugnant.
They will then meet Seduction with repugnance, and have a repugnance the seducer will need to try harder to relieve, and get them to evade. But those often repugnant require far more from a seducer, than the seducer could get in return from the Seduction.
The best marks, or targets of a seducer are those who have had previous relationships with Seduction. Those marks will often be those who exist in favorable conditions, that have been serving them well, providing them with great relief. In this relieved state, they will often appear “childlike” and “carefree”, and therefore, found “attractive” by most.
However, this is them in a relieved state. This is them well served by the condition. This can be observed in seeing, often, they come from money, and social networks that are stable, with generational wealth and access, and have not had to “overcome” much in their life.
Protected and served, in the castle walls, naive and inexperienced, they will seem “untainted”, that is, lacking in repugnance, and “unjaded”, like the rest, and thus… innocent, and quite the prize. But too, them being used to being seduced, and relieved by their conditions will not be as needy as the repugnant, who needs to oppose things.
One who is often chased has no need to chase. One who is chasing is, more often than not, showing they are not often chased themselves. They have to try hard to be seen, and to get, and their anxiety has them fearing others will not notice them, and seek them out for access.
Because of this, for the seducer, the mark can not be one who is habitually repugnant, near to disgust, but also, can not be one who is always served by others, with massive relief, and therefore, does not feel its diffidence, and anxiety. The mark has to be one that is with just the right amount of relief, where it is not enough to keep them out of repugnance for long, but has them faced with some “fight” and “displeasure”.
That is to say… Seduction does not work on those who are pleased. It works only on those who are displeased, by a certain degree. A first level repugnant individual who is only slightly disgusted with their condition.
Hardly ever is there a thing such as one who is repugnant, in full force, who is then not disgusted, and nearing despair. Once one is habitually repugnant, they are habitually displeased, and therefore, prone to being disgusted. When they lack Control over their conditions, and what disgusts them, they begin to be slowed, and defeated, having to face the disgusted often, and they too will, and can only be disgusting. For only those who are disgusting will tolerate disgust. And in doing so, they slow to defeat, lacking in fight, and this is called despair.
One who is still repugnant to some degree against what would disgust them has some “hope”. They can be seduced. For, they wish for something else, and may be able to “fight for it”.
One who has no “fight”, thus despaired, can not be seduced. Seduction requires energy from both the seducer, and the seduced. It is a reciprocal form of Entertainment.
Escapism is a part of Seduction, but escapism can be entertained without Seduction. When one is “seduced” by way of simple “escapism”, it is often by some distant force like media, and this is easy to identify, because the target that is being seduced will not be in need of interacting, giving back, or entertaining the source of Seduction.
When they are passively seduced, this, I would hardly call Seduction, and say, they were relieved, through escapism, and that perhaps… in between that of amusement and Seduction is escapism, but escapism is a major part of Seduction. Seduction is escapism into FANTASY, but often overlooked is that the seduced has to be active in the Seduction, not passive, because they need to enter into the fight of the fantasy, and play along.
When one is often merely a spectator, they first and foremost bore those who can directly seduce them. They REPEL seducers. Active participation in the fantasy is a primary component of an actual Seduction, making it differ from mere relief given by way of escape. Escape, by any means, is often the mark of the amused, and the mark of the passive and timid chump. Whereas Seduction often has the fantasy actually having a value, and in order for that value to prove out, it requires active participation.
The fact is, most have never been seduced, because most can not be seduced. Most can not be seduced, because most have gone past repugnance in habit, and into disgust that borders despair. So when a seducer observes them, they are repelled. Most are “shit”. They can not play with a seducer, to exchange in the value of Seduction. And when most can not do this… then that of Engaging Entertainment in the third is going to be even more rare than that of Seduction in the second. Engagement, then, in the Advancement of the Intellect, is going to be more mythical, versus discoverable to almost ALL, but a few.
The importance the subject of Seduction has to me, and its Kinetics, is on account that prior to the last few years, I was being treated by everyone as a seducer. When they were taking a liking to me, it was because they DELUSIONALLY believed the energy of attention directed their way was because of them.
They believed they were getting more attention than any had ever afforded them in their lives. This, because the attention I can direct towards others is far greater than what most could do.
But this was never because of them. This was because I am AWARE, and VITAL. Everything I do gets massive attention and energy. I am the SOURCE and the FORCE of the energy, and anything that comes across my targeting path… receives that energy. And having such cravings for attention and recognition, mental and emotional midgets of the past mistook themselves as being targets, and worth being targeted of that energy.
They would then sit back, and passively favor that for the first time in their lives, a seducer has chosen to seduce them, though they had no experience in Seduction. They had, up until that point, only familiarity with being amused in life, by others who were amused, and pathetic. They were not entertainers, being the source of interest to others, minus a few.
Because they were repugnant, with only a couple being low in repugnance, but most being in the phase of disgust bordering despair, they were passive… and they were not value added.
What I offered, however, was not fantasy. I was engaging in the Advancement of the Intellect. But those who have only experienced an amusing life, will only have a sense of amusement. They will not even have a sense of Seduction, let alone the more advanced Engagement of the Intellect. So then, because I did not come amusingly, they had to suppose I came seductively.
Being repugnant, disgusted, and thus disgusting, they would AMUSE themselves only, in fighting what they could only think was SEDUCTION.
The relationship to energy the repugnant and disgusting have is that of subversiveness, undermining, and negation. This is why, if I were a seducer, I would not have even been able to seduce them. Those who were able to be seduced still believed I was seducing… because that was their limits.
But they were far more entertaining, and enjoyed than most. This, because they were “playing” with “energy” and “playing along”. However, they too, failed to see… I was not selling fantasy. Every time I was about the Advancement of the Intellect, they would subvert it, and demand fantasy.
They would become excited in the mystical, and act differently, more energized than when I Illuminated the actual, which is used to advance in Control and Command over their conditions and self. One who thinks they are being seduced, and only can be seduced, will reveal this through low energy and integration of the actual, as they await triggers towards the fantastical, which then excites them beyond what they show about the actual.
WAITING passively for me to entertain them was the common occurrence in all. I have met but perhaps ONE true entertainer, during this whole investigation, who offers reciprocity in this movement. All others have been passively needy to be entertained by the condition, for relief.
My issue with Seduction is not from the human perspective. It appears, indeed, humans must have this value hierarchy, whereby they pursue that which relieves them of the hunger, the craving, and the torment of their emotions, founded upon diffidence. This may be all that is possible for being HUMAN.
Nay, my issue is that it then means, humans are too poor in thought and character to have access to me, because I refuse to AMUSE, and I must reduce the trap to SEDUCE. In all that I am about, having to state it in flesh and give attention before the subject… it appears FANTASTICAL.
I have intentionally designed it to stray from the fantastical, because, with ease, it can all certainly seem to be this.
To avoid being placed in the role of amusement and Seduction, ever again… I began to produce these works. Now, one can not come to say… I gave them attention to seduce them, because they were wishing to be seduced.
The way this is avoided is that, that which I put forth here, with its drive towards the factual and actual, ought to be void of the fantastical. So those who need fantasy would look upon it, and say…
“This is too demanding of confidence, a confidence I do not have. This is too demanding for knowledge, a knowledge I do not have. This is too demanding for ACTIVE participation, and ACTIVE, I am not… for I am passive. This is too demanding for VIGILANCE, and AWARENESS, and I favor my slumber. This is too demanding for EXPRESSION, for VERACITY, and I prefer to be unheard, unseen, without Influence, and deceptive. This, it would demand of me VALIANCE, where one has a martial quality, where fight is indeed present, but for a purpose, and an ADVANCEMENT, not resistance, defensiveness, subversion, and opposition. A fight for, not against. But I have only the sense to oppose, and to negate, never in that of a fight to affirm, and to proclaim.
This demands of me that I am with courage and Valor, but I have only a sense of excuses for my cowardice, and state of decadence. This, all of this, levies far too much of a demand for me to play along, for its game, the game of Virtue, seems too much fortified, in actuality… and what I want is escape through amusement, and/or fantasy.
What I want is to be seduced. If I can not have access to him directly, to seduce me… I will then not pretend any interest in these works. But, if he SEDUCES me, and gives me what I want, I will pretend to have read, integrated, and to be about these works, and treat them as the fantasy I crave. Surely, he will not discover this about me.”
There will be no AMUSEMENT and SEDUCTION along this “WAY”. This Way is not a Way to relieve suffering. To relieve cowardice. To relieve subversion and negation. To relieve despair.
This is the “Way” of those born in Confidence, who once hearing its Call come STRAIGHT AWAY… to its Vows. This, is “THIS WAY”. This, is not your way, and the way of yours. This is MY WAY, and the WAY of MINE.
One who comes this “Way” will have to “grasp” these notions, and will be tested on them.
YOU, all of YOU, are not observed and profiled by a Votary, nor a VIR, the way in which you observe, and profile yourself.
Here is how you are observed, and profiled.
I see your diffidence. I ask in my observation, is it conditional, or is it innate.
I see your anxiety, your unsettled concerns; I ask in my observation, is it conditional, or is it innate.
I see your repugnance, and I ask of the same.
If I see your disgust… I have my answer… rapidly.
Once you have a habit of disgust, you are disgusting, and can only have gotten there if the answer is yes, to that of… diffidence, anxiety, and repugnance are INNATE to you as your temperament, and Emotional Kinetics.
And in this profile, now, which differs from the past… it is automatic, you would be ACCESS DENIED.
Those who in conditional diffidence, learn of the importance of confidence, and come to embody it, have awakened to confidence.
Those who in confidence awakened, come to awaken to the value of knowledge, prove so in becoming skilled, and proficient in knowns and their integration. They see their concerns reduced, and their Control and Influence over their conditions, increased. These do not come to see fight through resistance, defensiveness, opposition, subversion, and undermining. They are not defined by what they fight against, as most of you are. They are defined by what they FIGHT to AFFIRM, in and out of themselves.
This is the path of this Way. These are the emotions of this Way, that lay then the foundation of what can, and will be conceived. This is the emotional path of LIBERATION for the purpose of AFFIRMING the INTELLECT upon the condition, and causing the condition to favor the Intellect towards the next phase of this embodied experience.
When you meet a Votary, or a Vir, and you need to have the literature made sense of, to you, and them to explain it, to you, and to CONVINCE you… “We”, those of this Way… SEE your REPUGNANCE, your fight for ATTENTION. You need “US” of this “Way” to “serve” your ineptitudes. To give you energy, and to motivate you.
Access Denied.
This is only for those who can HEAR it, right straight through. SEE of it, right straight through. FEEL its potency, straight through, because… what they are feeling is that in them called Confidence, called Vitality, called Valiance, called Veracity, called Vigilance, called Validity, called Victory.
Were it not for the presence of such a “feeling” and its set, in one… there is nothing to hear the Call. Those demanding more are demanding relief, and servitude of their emotional ineptitude.
When the Votary and/or the Vir does not find among the populace those who can HEAR, and have heard the Call to this “Way”, they do not water it down, and negate the Way to match the servitude cries of the needy.
Instead, they wander alone, like the ronin, the swordsman lord of their own realm. They do not seek company among those of ineptitude. Instead, they accept with ease, and only if with ease, a life of wandering in contemplation, cultivation, and expression of the individual traits of the Vir. For the Vir, there is no need for the social.
The social is where their emotion of Entertainment plays out. The Vir does not have a social confidence. The Vir does not have a social Vitality. The Vir does not have a social Valiance, Veracity, Vigilance, Validity, and Victory.
These are INDIVIDUALISTIC, and no matter the direction of the populace, the many, the multitudes, these traits are prioritized for expression, for Vigor. For the Vir, all that is social will, and must be met in alliance along that of Entertainment that is Engaging, towards the Advancement of the Intellect and character, and this can not be done with those who are slaves, and servants of amusement and Seduction, and incapable of having emotions of Victory, for they are the subjects of the emotions of defeat.
In order for this social possibility to exist, there must be a challenge, a filter, a “Way” that removes from the assessment, right away, those clearly not suited for it. This LIBERATES the Votary, and/or the Vir, from having to assess per individual.
When the Votary, and/or the Vir is left only to assess per individual, they are forced to be social, before SOLO, of the SUN. They are forced to be GROUNDED, and in service to others. This impedes the “Way” and always has.
My contribution to the “Way”, in this era, is this. I have discovered elements that can liberate the Votary, and/or the Vir for the “Way”, circumventing the Duty to expound, and answer to the inquiries of the profane, regardless of the awareness of their emotional body and intent.
According to the Law, if the Votary, and/or the VIR has a source they can make freely available to the seeker, no matter the disposition of the seeker, the Votary and the Vir can no longer be required to serve in the expounding of the Law, to that trigger. Only in the absence of sources and/or resources are a Votary and a Vir required to honor the social Duty of Karuna, of being a representative of Virtue upon this Earth.
Humans are the swine in which one of their own said… one ought not toss pearls to. Only swine value pearls. Only swine think themselves wise, in this. But this is not about pigs.
Humans, all humans, CAN NOT BE of “this Way”. But the Law has no protections against humans inquiring about it… because the Law requires a “service” to all that handle “abstract thought”, under the presumption that the presence of “abstract thought” is evidence of a “player”, of a “soul”, of a “conscious” and “active” “thought being” sent here for the “endeavor”. This, is an error. Humans mimic abstract thought, barely using it beyond grunting and shadowing, while feeding mere impulses of diffidence.
The number of forms have significantly grown past the number of inhabitants of operation. Surely then, it can not be concluded that before one in APPEARANCE are operators, struggling with the condition, to animal or to Intellect?
Pain and suffering in the animal is not evidence, nor a sign that an Intellect is in it, trying to be free, and then with what little freedom it has, it wields towards vice. This is evidence that it was an animal mimicking thought, in order to feed its cravings of relief. It's doing “tricks”, and for far too long, those with only a “nearness” to the “Way”, not having a “Law” Interpreter for some time now… have deluded “The Way” to serving “shadows”.
No more serving BEASTS of mental and emotional midegtry with “Patterns” of the “Way”. Existing in the era of now are massive amounts of venues to make the Way “apparent” and well guarded. It, the “Way”, can separate the chumps from the Champs. Individuals, sayers, expounders, and illuminators need not move about looking, and searching any further, only to find, you all become convinced by a brute of mind that has learned your tricks.
I noticed this often, in fraternal and social orders that claim to be the source, and the safety of the ancient esoteric knowledge. Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of the Order, and even the Order of the Quest. Halls, and rooms packed with mere BEASTS and BRUTES, with disgruntled and weak faces and frames, mimicking the tricks each has passed on to them, in order to appear “illuminated” for one day or a few out of the month, while afterwards, they head back to their “houses” all “fat” and “relieved”, on par with the other BEASTS around them, who do not even need to pretend, in their costumes as they do, to be more.
Their familiar beasts see in them, it is all pretend. A fantasy they become seduced in, so as to have some mirage to produce when challenged to consider what “meaning” exists in their life. What meaning, they will say… they will point to some “social good” they and theirs do, for the “needy”, and say… “we good, right?”
No… you are CHARLATANS, mere BEASTS, engaged in MIMICRY, and IMITATION, that you betray with your faces, your bodies, your consumption, your feeding, your expression, and your associations.
But among you, none will be the ILLUMINATED. They will not show you BEASTS that you are MIMICS. Those who are not meant to be mimics must see you all. You all are where mimics go to rest, and therefore, to be caught in a net, and kept from those who are more.
Your realms, your orders of mimicry have always served this purpose. Catch in the net the inept children, of all ages, who are looking for a place to rest, in their ineptitude. Give them somewhere to be, so they leave the active be.
“We” of this Way can not engage in amusement, and Seduction. In order for this “Way” to have such a “Liberty” towards Engagement, Advancement, and Cultivation of the Intellect, that “Way” must be “symbolized”. This having never been done, and only the works of mimics, and inepts being present, I must carve a Path, a Path of a thousand defeats, for the single Victory needed to add to the course.
What will follow these works, and including these works, will be the thousand defeats. It may become difficult for one to observe the single Victory, but where there is this difficulty, it will only be on account that they were never meant to.
These works are for those they have ALWAYS, no “matter” the condition, been meant for. To the rest…
This concludes Part III of Access Denied.
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