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Part III

On Patterns of Control, Management, Manipulation, and Entertainment

Get ready for a wild ride as Volt expounds deeper on Patterns of Control, Management, Manipulation, and Entertainment, arming the battling Investigator with the Vocational Objectives of Learnt Transmutation (VOLT).
The Call of this Vocation is a separation, not in negation, but because of the extreme affirmative force and forward Kinetics driving the Vir and others sharing in the attractions of the Vir.

Access Denied, Part III is available on Amazon, in digital and physical form, and can be purchased there.

However, I highly suggest that the reader make use of the free content first, so that they can come to determine if the material matches their nature and needs, and/or is not compatible with what they are looking for. If one comes to find they are compatible, one needs only use the Amazon link provided above to purchase the digital or hard copy of the treatise. 

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A Voltential Production

© 2023 by Volt Altair

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Edited by Eilidh LaSauvageonne

Original art by Eilidh LaSauvageonne

Book cover by Eilidh LaSauvageonne

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ISBN: 9798378302116


First printing, 2023

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“The Vir and the Votary Vow to never be conquered, to be vanquished, and the way that they adhere to this Vow is through conquest, not avoidance of it. They do not seek to conquer others. They seek to conquer themselves, so as to become UNCONQUERABLE by others. ”

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Access Denied was, as stated from the start, a self-defense manual for the Vir. Though what the Vir is... has not been entirely made clear, the presence of it is front and center.

A Vespillo is one who is called an “undertaker”, in that the “undertaking” is specific, and it is that of learning about, investigating, and experimenting, with the “Ways” of the “Vir” as they are expounded upon, in my literature. One is not a “Vespillo”, an “Investigator of these ways” if there is no “investigation” and “experimentation” on display. One is not a Vespillo, because they read and agree with these pages. There is the actionary stage that is needed.

In the past, when a past associate saw me using Vespillo, he adopted it as a screen name, in social media. He would then tell me a couple weeks later that he did not like the word, because it meant someone who buried the dead. He did not like the term, yet he was quick to give himself the label, because he knew I was presenting the term as “desirable” in these “Ways”.

This is called being a “charlatan”. Had he been an actual Vespillo, he would have known why the term was chosen, and what it meant. That “burying the dead”, here, is esoteric, in reference to the “dead self” or the “artificial persona” that one has received through compulsion and shaming, from that of the collective. That the unexamined life is a dead life, and unplanned life can not be examined, or is not worth such examination.

To quickly adopt a title without earning it... is DEAD thought, and common thought, like in how you have names that you have never learned about, and have never challenged, or how one receives a title from precedence and familiarity. He was, as a dead being, adopting what to him was a mere “tribal marker”, to say... he is “one of us”, though there was no “us”. It should be of no surprise that this mental midget of malcontent would “wash out” of association with me, well identifiable as a coward, who did not have a single trait that matched the Kind I was promoting. He wanted to, like many will, but he was sick and defeated. He was dead, and likely still is.

But this is what will occur easily from the insincere. They will be malcontent, hear, or read of the Ways I promote, and like all things in their lives previously, treat it like a new unicorn to ride, and ride it in fancy and make-believe alone is all they could do.

A Vespillo buries the dead, and that dead is the persona of the collective; but they do not actually deal with that persona. Through practices of the Vir, that persona atrophies. It is, in essence, not buried, but extinguished, but not through a “putting out”, but instead, due to the absence of “feeding” and “caring for it”, once recognized to be the “fire of others”, the “collective”.

When one, metaphorically, tends to their “own fire”, they do not have the time, the energy, or the motivation... to tend to the “fires” of others. Let them blow out, and tend to your “fire”. That is this Way. But the malcontent can not do this. They are malcontent, because they were born collectivist. This particular chump would declare himself a Libertarian and think he was individualistic. This was his unicorn. However, everything he did in life was in service to a collective, the excuse for his cowardice, and there was no “him” that existed as a standalone, with a well cultivated fire. This chump, like many of you chumps, thought buying books he would never read was the mark of being a part of a Way. Costumed charlatanism.

Owning this book, and/or hearing my words is not about being of this Way, or suited for it. Most who will read my works, and/or listen to my words will be those looking for something to oppose, to overthrow, to undermine. Especially males. Most males are looking for a daddy target to overthrow. That was the primary motive behind this lackey, and his pursuit of gaining and maintaining access to me. I knew it, while it was occurring, but in those days, I was still in investigation mode, in experimentation mode, and observation mode.

I allowed others to have access to me, because they were experimental subjects. They were also informed that this is what they were. This was not kept from them. When they were challenged, and had conflict with me... they knew why. It was often me calling out their wordplay, in the absence of any actual actions to back it up.

Their unicorn narratives were being passed off as the way to measure them, versus how they actually lived. I can not repeat this point often enough. A whole book should be written to just say this over, and over again, as I then observe it being ignored by those who want access, and wish to convince others, they are on this “new thing”, this “novelty”, and then have an “us and them” narrative of mere collectivism, and tribalism.

As I explained in Part II, no longer am I engaged in individual experiments, and investigations. I have gathered enough data to be engaged in certainties, enough to inform decision making, and choose associates. When these books were being written, the few around me who had escaped its judgements for association were being informed that they too, would need to RESET and pass the “wall” of “Discernment”, and be valuable in association, and not merely permitted access from past conditions.

Most were not able to meet this need, and therefore, access being denied would be rather inevitable. In fact, the more and more I develop in these notions, the more and more, most can never meet the expectation.

But at 43, I have already done my part in this process, this Game of Virtue. All of my books are about the “Game of Virtue”, and surely, I will title one that way in the future. These books are not for where I am in the Game, or how it could be played now. These books are for a “future me”, or that is, someone yet to be born, who will be born of my “Ways” and Kind, and thus, as if having been me, or to be me, and he will have these shortcuts to cut through the nonsense he shall be likely born to.

In essence, they will not be of much use to me going further. I am the producer of these Ways, and in no way, am I under the belief... that there is an audience for these Ways. Most who appear to be an audience for these Ways would just as quickly betray them.

The Way this is known, is found in the level called the “Venator”, which is Latin for “hunter”. One who is on the hunt is one who is no longer investigating, and testing the likeness of the “Vir”, but is applying it. This means, they are playing the Game of Viritus, though likely, the orientation, and introduction level of it.

This is proven in collaboration and life. It is proven in that, they no longer engage their decision making with normy thought, that is born out of the collective. It means, they agree with, and own the premises, and they are using them. The path from Vespillo to Venator, and its speed, and flow, is correlated to how much work I have produced to “actualize” the “Way”. When there is a great deal presented, the Vespillo would be proven to have only existed because they are now a Venator. Without this flow to a Venator, the individual was never a Vespillo. They may have had a novel interest in what I do, but it was not designed for them, and not usable.

When they take a novel interest, there will be those whimpering little tits out there, who will accuse me of “controlling” that individual, of “managing”, of “manipulating” that individual, of “seducing” that individual. This whimpering little tit of an accuser, and/or their group, and/or the collective, will not be able to, nor have had read my actual positions on these four traits, and what they mean.

ACCESS DENIED is a self-defense manual. It is not Viritus, and Volential yet, actually explained. It is the first step of “withdrawing” from petty battles, such as the interpersonal and relationship based ones, which most are forced to prioritize, so that the individual can get ready to be about themselves.

It is not “The Way of the Vir”, because ACCESS DENIED is not a standalone or affirmation. Access Denied is first and foremost the “blowing out”, the “extinguishing” of impediments that are needed to be addressed, so that the Vespillo, the one undertaking this investigation, will do so without the mud of his or her captives, oppressors, and progenitors, and precedents.

Because of books and videos, I will have made attempts to remove myself from the equation. This means, I do not sell others on these ideas. So when a whimpering little tit, and/or their collective becomes accusative, and they target me, they will not know what you ought to know, from reading and/or actually listening to me. Those who seek out these things are the ones to be measured, because it will be them, and only them seeking to Gain and/or Maintain, Cultivate, and/or Protect ACCESS to me. Not the other way around.

However, the self-defense element here, is the “wall”, is the “fortified bridge”, is the “barrier of discernment” that says like Gandalf...

Winter Forest

Thou shall not pass.

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That, access to me can not be the primary. That, for others, to have future access to me, it would need be... as a Guide, a Mentor, through that of this “Way” and its stage of “Cultivation”, not “Gaining and Maintaining”, and certainly, not in any role their imbecile minds may crave.

If with ACCESS to me, it would be for the sake of CULTIVATION. Because something would be being CULTIVATED, it is inevitable, and in fact, has already occurred... that whimpering tits would use the term “CULT” and “CULT OF PERSONALITY” in reference to me.

“He is trying to build a CULT!” This would be the accusation, though, not likely. Not likely, because I have developed a system that should weed out all of you who need cults, either to be a part of, and/or to blame as the villain of your unicorn narrative.

There are these nasties out there, especially in social networks, and in social tech, who discover how they can grow their brand easiest by having something to oppose and overthrow, and pull in others with the same malcontent as them, to share in this. They will make it about “we are against this cult, and/or that cult together”, but in actuality, it would be them trying to grow their own brand and have purpose.

When using the language for the “Value” structure of “Gain/Maintain, Cultivate, and Defend/Protect”, I stuck to the Ancient and old structure of Esoteric Mystery Schools, which too were called “Cults of this and that”, and/or to some the “Occult”. I knew this language could later be used to trigger the attacks of uglies, but I did not choose it for that reason. I chose to stay true to the “Sciences” at the base of what I am doing, and honor my Ancestors, in this sense, for they did the work in making my mind operate as it does, making this life easy to conquer, or rather born conquered. So then, I have no need to change their language―and certainly would not do so to avoid the scorn of uglies.

Because of this, there is no defensiveness in me towards being labeled a “cult of personality”, and/or that there are “cult” elements in what I do.

It will come as a surprise to the reader, most―well, if they have yet to read Part I or II―to find out... that I am not, and never have been normal. My professions in the past were not normal; my journey as a youth was not normal, and because of this, I am spicy. One of those unusual things I had done professionally was infiltrate, gather intel, as well as engage in extraction of individuals, who were in “CULTS” or “new religious movements”, as they are labeled. I was considered in a certain industry to be an EXPERT in cults, and how they work, and how to “deprogram” those subject to the cults.

I have entered and exited more cults than you have, or that is... likely to have, because this was once a part of my profession, as a part of an industry called “K and R”, or “Kidnap and Ransom”, where I was an operator who engaged in the “field elements”, and extractions.

I will not detail this, but I bring it up to make a point. I know CULTS, and I also know that only INDIVIDUALS are not in a CULT. Collectivism is all CULT. Statism is ALL CULT. MEDIA is ALL CULT. All culture is CULT. The true mark of a CULT, so to say, is when what is being CULTIVATED is not akin to your individual nature, but at the behest of the interest of others. Schooling is a CULT, and stooges are the product of that CULT.

When you have “anti-cult” sentiment, here is a simple question for you.

When you were in compulsory education, did you call it a cult, and did you rebel? Did you stop going to state sponsored curriculum, and did you break away at any time, from having it as a primary?

The answer is, you did not.

The answer is, that if you are calling something a CULT, you are doing so from having spent the entirety of your youth in a cult, having been cultivated for the interest of others. Is anyone ever surprised, when they find out that a CULT plays on “BETTER FAMILY” and “BETTER MOMMY AND DADDY” tactics? Why, they organize like family structures, with heads of the family, matriarchs, or patriarchs, and then set rules and expectations on the “children” of the cult, to which the individuality of the child is in need of being destroyed, to meet the ideal unicorn of the cult.

ALL FAMILIES are CULTS, they are just not necessarily kooky, and entertaining CULTS. Written elsewhere, I have stated that ANYONE and ALL who encounter and join cults, so-called... are ALL the PREDATORS. Yet, because of you all being so blind, you would think, those who leave cults are “victims”, and that they were tricked. I have never seen this to be true. Everyone who involves themselves in a CULT, is doing so on their level of ability to gain access and maintain access to others, to feed the same issues you all have in normative society.

You are ALL behaving like predators, and you are ALL behaving from fear and insecurity, and what makes a cult, a CULT, by your sense, is that often, these are merely the more “inventive” predators, who find a niche, and exploit it. They are the ones who make something that others can discover, and then set it up where other predators, skilled or unskilled, can come and exploit others in that system.

But when you do not make the cut, and you find when involved you were not as capable to be CONTROLLING of others, as much as the others involved are... you discover... they are wicked, and somehow, you are not. It's chumpy, and I have too much experience with CULT kinds to fall for that madness.

There is no doubt that I attract culties. They see me, and see others gathered around me, and they immediately try to figure out how to “get access” and make it serve them. But most of you live dead lives, where you have no awareness. You automatically look at the one being centered around, and you say... “all the others must be under their spell”. This is a myth.

Only predators center around a predator, in this social predation sense. They want what the central figure has, and that is Control and Influence over others, and most are playing along in the unicorn realm, to leech off of the access the “central figure” has secured. This, your kind does in politics, in media, in education, and in the houses of familiarity.

Your kind is doing this EVERYWHERE, so when you seek “fringe” groups doing this, the way you can attack them is because of their numbers. Because of the obviousness of how they differ from your herd.

Do you then turn to Catholicism and call it a CULT, and look upon the “religious” as being engaged in a CULT? Now, because it has numbers, it has precedence, and it has familiarity; so the answer is no... you do not. Yet, they believe that GOD incarnated in flesh, and sacrificed himself for humans, in ways that can never be verified. And they center around a “pope” and his shamans, and have built a city-state of power, around all these ideas. Yeah, that's not a cult, that is a religion. The difference being popularity.

When the ideas are not popular and common, it's a cult; but when the ideas are familiar and stable in presence based on precedence, it's a religion, an organization, an institution, a political body, and all other things. THEY ARE ALL CULTS. There is no such thing in collectivism, and group thinking, of being void of a CULT. Do you pay taxes?


Because you're in a cult.

Do you govern your life with rules established and enforced by others, not daring to step out of line? Yup.


Because you are in a cult.

It is absurd for any to be defensive when accused of being in or of a cult. All culture is a cult; the question is, how big and normalized is your “us” versus your “them”. Because that is what it comes down to.

I can not stand culties, or collectivists. I can not stand for those who are insincere charlatans, who place personal relationships as a primary, over that of the arts of cultivating one's Command, or that of the mission and the objectives.

When you all relate first, and mission second, you're CULTS. When one is on mission, and the mission is the main point, there is cultivation of advancement in the mission. Cultivating relationships based on roles is CULT. Cultivating a mission of Command based on aims that enhance one's quality of life is called SELFISH.

There is no such thing as a SELFISH CULT. ALL cultures, present, are guided by collectivism and altruism, and the very act of becoming individualized is the very act of no longer being subject to and under a culture, but being subject to, and under the authority of Nature, and one's own nature. Individualized is the only way to not be “in a cult”, or of one, because “culture”, here, is a tool, and what is being “cultivated” is not “roles”, and is not mere “hierarchies”, and mere “relationships”, but instead, the cultivated target is one's own “faculties” or mental powers, of advancing in their Control and Command. This very expression would be used to attack an aim, as a “cult”.

“Look how they use their own expressions... How dare they? Look how they have their own lexicon... How dare they? Look how they dress differently, talk differently”, and so on.

You mean, like every foreign culture that is not like yours?

That is the simple element here at the foundation. Empathetic whimpering little tits of mental midget humans fear that which differs from them, and the answer to that fear is shame. The weak have no choice but to use shame here against their enemies, those who trigger this innate sense of low self-esteem, called humanity.

I will tell you what you rarely see. You rarely see anyone who is charismatic and above average taking on cults. It's always normies, or uglies among the normies. It's always those who in their own lives, have low levels of Control, low levels of Management, low levels of Manipulation, low levels of Seduction, and Influence. Chumps make it their mission to attack those that others find “attractive”, no matter why they are found attractive. To chumps, charisma is the mark of a con. To chumps, no one is beautiful, is noble, is righteous, but any sign that something is “appealing”, to the chump, is all the evidence they need to say it is “fraudulent”―because the chump can never feel confident, and always in themselves feel like a “fraud”.

I guide in breaking down just exactly what makes “culties” just that… culties. And one of the key elements here is they all have shamans at the center. Name one CULT that has “Warriors”, and requires Reason and methodology as a primary. You can not. Because these are not the ingredients of a cult, if it is expected to recruit, to expand in numbers, and enhance in Influence. These are ingredients that set a cult up for failure. So then, here is an experiment to run.

All of this is for an intentionally “failed” cult then.

If I am a cult of personality, I will do everything, out of my nature... that causes failure in being a central figure to the lives of others. Why? Because I am not, and do not... favor Vampyres. I will not allow others to “FEED” on me, and I certainly do not FEED on other animals. I am not a FEEDER. I have my POWER, and it shines.

I DO NOT NEED YOU, and because this is true, and YOU will need others, you will be left thinking my SHINE is for you. It's not. You make it about you, and because you're hurt, by Daddy, Mommy, and your failed state, you need me to be the cause of that pain, and in order to make this happen, you need to either GAIN access to me, or oppose my existence. But neither of these two will work.

You're a chump, a culty, and I aid others in being able to discover that, and also, to eradicate in them this very CULT mindset, mommies and daddies put in them, in order for them to be obedient to precedence and familiarity. If families are not the first cult, where and how did culties get groomed to “fall for” later cults?

Literally, young children are placed in schools, before a stranger the “family” does not know, being taught what the “family” does not know, and having social interaction beyond what the “family” does know, and NO DISCERNMENT plays a role in any of this. How is schooling not grooming? How are your “familiar” intimacies, and cuddling not grooming your so-called offspring to be exempt from any discernment, and evaluation of affection, and interaction?

Everything you will have done as a mommy, daddy, granny, or whatever... groomed your offspring for exploitation. You are to blame for a failure in the Three Duties, when some predator who is unfamiliar to your family comes along, and exploits your offspring the same way you always have. They became groomed in your home, and the only difference between you, the defaults, and their new Controller, is precedence, and because of this, you will FEEL that human shame, and guilt, and nowhere in your process did those feelings stop your kind from being slavers and exploiters, grooming your young to be vulnerable. It's pathetic.


I am the Watcher. I am that Kind that has been here for a long time, looking at your kind, not like in how you look upon your own... but from that of a position where such a nature does not exist, and therefore, does not seek to be expressed.

I am the Aristoi, and because of this, I am not your leader, your lover, your Master. I am mine, and that is ALL MINE, and when others catch on to this, and make themselves their own... You will need to revolt, and declare to them as they get out of your hold, that certainly... they can not be their own. Instead, they must now belong to someone else, a new master, lord, and captor, and you know this, or think this to be true, only if, and because you have never known yourself to be free, and never known them to be free previously.

It is never... they have lost their freedom and Control and Influence over their lives, to another. It is always, “we”, the “family” and the “preceding”, have lost them to another. You see?

It is property, and I have induced a “mommy” to say this in the past, about her “child”, when she was accusing me of her “child's” choices. She said, it was like a property dispute, and that so-called “child” did not need me to interpret the meaning of that. Mommy called the roled “child” her property, and what concerned her, was her losing that property for her.

What did not concern her, was that that child was no longer behaving like a child. That, that individual was taking Control and Influence over their life, and now living more healthier than ever, not being preyed upon by any. That individual was now experiencing freedom. But freedom, to humans, means “ours, not theirs”. It means “us, not them”.

Freedom, to humans, is not born out of individualism, no matter how much their unicorn is painted this way. It's free to be a collective without challenge. And challenge to the collective is oppression to them. And when they lose one, they lose a part of themselves, because they are not an individual. They are the collective, the cult, that is struggling to keep it ALL together. Never did they think that one of “theirs” was “free” to begin with, and is now losing their “freedom” under the Influence of another.

No, this is not what is thought. It's, “we are losing one of our own, to THEM”. That is what is happening, proving the point, and when their imbecile offspring “breaks free” of this wacko Freedom of Individuality, and runs back to them, in defeat... they rejoice... for, my child has returned back to “me”, where they belong, and the whole formula would be proven too, and only to one who was individualized. But one who becomes individualized does not retreat back to a collective of precedence. Only a chump who lacks the capacity to individualize does that.

Now, one would think perhaps, this is me shaming chumps. No, that is your shame, internally. Me calling you all chumps, inepts, and so on, are classifications I am defining the whole way. It's not shaming, because it is not emotional. It's categorical. It's definitive, and it's observational. Shaming would be in play if the aim was to make you stop being it, and to be something else, with the use of the terms. Lower you, which you already are so low, so as to be over you and direct you.

This is never my aim. I am not lowering you; I am telling you what you are, based on what you say you are... human, that low and pathetic creature that does not apply discernment, and Reasoning to orientate its values, but rests ineptly in precedence and familiarity. Shame is carried out with the aim to “control”, to lash out. This is not my AIM, but may be the only aims you have ever known, exemplified in your “familiars”.

If I am about that “cult” life, it is better than that “thug life”. If I am about that “cult” life, it is better than that “corporate life”. If I am about that “cult” life, it is better than that “academic life”. If I am about that “cult” life, it is better than that “servile and laborious life”. Better than that “state life”.

Every one of these lives are cults, and everyone in them is about that “cult” life, and because of this, they will only use the term “cult” pejoratively, to slander one who is outside of the “family life”. And at the same time, saying cult in this way is born out of the same reasons to say arrogant where baseless, narcissist where baseless, sociopath and psychopath where baseless, and so on. The same dismissiveness found in the very inept way humans make light of things that ought to be serious, and make seriousness out of that which is clearly petty.

I am ABOUT that of cultivation of the RATIOCINATIVE FACULTY, through that of being about the cultivation of observation, investigation, experimentation, and that of KNOWLEDGE.

I am about that of cultivating methods of valid Reasoning, and employing them by a standard towards all decision making, with the AIM of CULTIVATING that of VIRTUE.

I am about cultivation of these aims, and I AM NOT ABOUT the CULTIVATION of relationships where others are servile in roles to some petty existence. This, the bulk of you cultivate. You CULTIVATE petty relationships around base and petty fears and insecurities.

If you need me to be a “cult of personality” trying to bring about a “cult”, because you need a target of your malcontent, by all means, have at it. But now, at least, what this so-called “cult”, what this so-called “culture” would be about would be made clear to all who come to investigate it. And those who do not investigate it, but take up saying whatever whim comes to mind, they will be revealed in advance quite easily to be the mental midgets morons they are... feeding their base inadequacies.

Suck elsewhere Vampyres, there are no whimpering little tits here.

That subject now conquered, I will get on with Control, Management, Manipulation, and Seduction. You see, it is not in the best interest of SAM, that is, the Society Advanced by the Majority, that I, or any other, should broach these subject matters. Control, Management, Manipulation, and Seduction fall under the categories of “feelies” and “vague-ities”. They are left this way, so that one can not have a clear sense, direction, and notion of their mechanics, and this way, two things can occur.

  1. They can be used against you and you have no defenses.

  2. If you are using them, you have the excuse of ignorance and intent, with presumption being, you, ignorant and naive, did not mean harm.


This is how the normies operate in all this. The second one is the most common one among human females, and human effeminate males. “I did not mean to do this and that”, draws on their supposed ignorance, and naivete. And most human males are in the first category. They are not shown the deference the effeminates are shown, so they do not try to get their way, relationally, via the same plays. This makes them often truly ignorant to the plays, but not as an excuse for getting caught.

Instead, human males who are not effeminate try to control and manipulate systems, and they rely on the hierarchy being there out of precedence and familiarity, and they seek to control a position that manages and controls roles. In these roles, the ones in them are replaceable.

This is true for females as well, but they invest more in relational plays, and therefore, are not quick to replace, unless the one being replaced is a human male, with another, to act in a servile and resource based role. When it comes to support social networks, the human female tries to hold tight, especially if she has a position in that social hierarchy that is higher. Where she can not climb her present one, she may branch out to others, but not if there is risk.

By not having systems that expound on Control, Management, Manipulation, Seduction, and Influence, these first two variables keep the “dark” being that which rules. Shedding light on these things is rare to occur, by one who actually does not wield the ways that are the norm. Books, literature, and speakers on these topics are often the same nasties that rely on them. So when they expound, they do so often in support of the sickness, with the only promotion being... Learn how to use it to your advantage.

This theme is the only one I have ever observed, and to that point, it could be said, it is slightly better to at least “know” what you are doing and how, versus just do these things unskillfully and ignorantly. However, there is a myth surrounding the way these kinds write and speak about Control, Management, Manipulation, and Seduction. They treat it like there is a science, in the way in which humans engage their plays, and therefore, they will call them maneuvers, tactics, and even strategies. Human Control, Management, Manipulation, and Seduction is not carried out with these labels being accurate.

Knowing how it works does not advance tactics, or lead to tactical thought. It just makes you “aware” of the pettiness of your existence, and how pathetic you are being, or must be to get access, and maintain access to other pathetic creatures. Tactics, maneuvers, and strategies apply to skill based navigation, and human Control, Management, Manipulation and Seduction is not skill based. This is the first myth to learn. Effeminate males propagate this myth, because they behave like human females, when it comes to how they express Control, how they manage, manipulate, and how they seduce.

Make no mistake... Most nation-states, politics, media, and control centers are dominated by effeminate males, with more aggressive females, and there are hardly more than a few Warriors to be found among them. There may be soldiers, and too, they will often be effeminate. Warriors are not, and have not been oppressive forces in human histories. Effeminate kings, emperors, and their females have been on battlefields in armor, dressed to battle, but all along only in costume, hiding behind full forces of sacrificial dull males.

This is unicorn thinking. Take Joan of Arc, for example. She dressed for battle, but she did not actually engage the enemy and fight in battle. She never fought in battle, or killed an opponent. She was commander of the French Army, and it is easy to be seen as “fearless” when you have so many sacrificial males, between you and a threat. This, though, is not limited to her, but can be said of many kings, and emperors. They do not engage the enemy; they are the head, and the rest are sacrificial parts of the body that the head can live without. They are the “sweat” and the “blood” the whole has, and only to what degree they can be expelled without actual harm. Your ancestors, and your ancestry, even that of war, was all at the behest of effeminates, male or female.

You have been told a great deal of myths, surrounding what oppressors look and behave like; yet you are starting to have many examples to challenge this unicorn narrative, as the ones bringing the most oppression to your SAM are the ones who openly praise, propagate, and force into policy, effeminacy and deviance.

The secret here is, they were, and always have been the ones in power. It's just that in many of the phases of “Control” of the past, they knew to hide their ways, and keep them private from the peasants, and chumps they ruled over. But when their “Control” goes unchallenged, and their numbers bleed over into the commons, because their offspring number more than the amount of offices needing to be filled, then you see their offspring turn against their progenitors, and disrupt the societies.

But their offspring is the indication of what they are, whereas, they were concealing this, for good reasons. A suicidal movement always takes point with these kinds, because in actuality, they can not contain their impulses. They are very impulsive, but there has always been, previously, a buffer, called the leviathan, the state, for them to hide with. They paint the leviathan as noble, so that you see it and think, red white and blue. But in actuality, those who run that flag only see RED. They hide behind it, knowing the dopes will believe in the ideal thereof, and be oblivious to what practices are truly the nature of the thing.

When they number too high, it is the ways of their young, in the public square, that begins to expose what is innate to them, and this manifests in deviance, in ugliness, in that of being a disruptive, negate'itive overthrowing, and tyrannical force, to which ALL effeminacy leads to. Tyranny is not, and never has been so-called MASCULINE. Tyranny is, and always has been EFFEMINATE, and that is why it is neither female nor male, neither feminine or masculine, so to say... But is best seen as forces of negation, versus forces of affirmation, and your SAM's deviants right now are exposed, in that they can never AFFIRM a single “WAY”.

They can only exist to “NEGATE” those ways “AFFIRMED” by others, and ignorantly, you call this “socialism” and “communism”, which are character traits of a leviathan, which are the ways these shamans have always hidden, by having the cloak of economic and political categories, when in actuality, these are innate traits and attributes of their being.

When they have you thinking it's politics and economics, then they can spin you round and round with their words, flipping, easing, and employing guile. This, they could not do, if you were able to identify them according to their innate dispositions, and because of this, what I have to expound on would be―if only the masses were not simpleton cowards― the greatest verbal and/or written threat to their hegemony.

Of course, then, their effeminates would find me offensive, because what I then do is make possible the loss of VICTIMS, and they need lots of VICTIMS to sustain their ways.

In Part I, I wrote about Control. I asked, what is not about Control, and I moved to answer that question. Everything is about Control, but when you have a poor and inept relationship with Controls in your life, you have a nasty taste for the sense of it. In that nasty taste, you are under the Control of others. In the mere presentation of the nasty taste, often, you present so that others think, you do not aim at controlling them... because your “we” agrees, “Control” is nasty. This is the sham, the scam, the con, the NORM, and every one of you has this formula playing out all around you... never having it labeled, classified, defined, and expounded upon, thus, in such arrogance, and ignorance, having it sustained.

Continue to Chapter 1

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