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Part II

The Battle of Access

Everything in life is about Control, is about Management, Manipulation, and Infuence... demanding a sense of Wisdom to Wield. One can not be engaged in self-defense, if they have not come to seek to "overstand" these realms of "influence".

Access Denied, Part II is available on Amazon, in digital and physical form, and can be purchased there.

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A Voltential Production

© 2022 by Volt Altair

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Edited by Eli LaSauvageonne

Original art by Eli LaSauvageonne

Book cover by Eli LaSauvageonne

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ISBN: 9798365698833


First printing, 2022

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“EVERYTHING is about CONTROL and COMMAND: either you have it over self and condition, or the condition and/or others have it over you. This is the question to always be asked, and this is the war that is innate to life, that is demanding to be fought in a skillful way.
The Children of Ineptitude do not fight this war. They instead engage in inept tactics to lead others astray, and lead others into being accessible, so that as they suffer their ineptitude, they have collected others to suffer with.”


I will open up Part II with a warning similar to the opening of Part I. After the release of Part I, there were readers who were in communication, who missed the warning entirely, and went on to VIOLATE its premises, and without the intent, act like a CHARLATAN. Either this means the warning was not clear, or it is evidence that one could not read, though they thought they could, and too, that it was not for their “nature”; though certainly, they thought it was.

So then, with this warning, I have chosen a different approach, with a more blunt clarity; one that addresses ALL READERS in the same way.

A treatise called “Knowledge of Self” is in the works. That treatise is a part of the first Discipline of the Mind of a VIR, that at present is being called Ipseity, but could be changed later, in its name. This Ipseity as a Discipline is replacing the use of the term “Metaphysics”, in the 7 Disciplines, making the 7 Disciplines:


  1. Ipseity

  2. Epistemology

  3. Logic

  4. Ethics

  5. Aesthetics

  6. Jurisprudence

  7. Warfare


Ipseity is about the “Identity of the Self”, that of the “symbolic kind” and the “kind that is innately sensed”.

This warning is around the present state of the term “one's nature”, and/or “one’s essence”, or “one’s DEFAULT character” not having been in actuality explored. In the absence of a clear account of these expressions, and what they mean in the “Way of the VIR”, readers have RUN AMOK with them, adding their MUD to the notions, and CONVERTING them into their own FANCIES. This must be avoided.

A patch, then, for this problem follows.

Say you have read Part I, and now, here “YOU” are, working on Part II. When YOU read Part I, there is a good chance you thought, every time the word “YOU”, as in the reader, was used, the things said did not APPLY to YOU. Instead, it meant OTHERS, THEM, THEY, those who are not reading the book, and therefore, not presumed to be in agreement.


From the point of view of the “Patterns” written and affirmed in Access Denied, everyone who reads the literature is prima facie, or at face value, presumed to be a REPLICANT, a LOOPER, who exists in CAPTIVITY to SAM, the Society Advanced by the Majority.

This means, YOU, the reader, when you start talking “game” about how you are the things promoted, you would find yourself challenged on that matter, and likely to be revealed as arrogant because of exaggeration of Sense of Self and ability, and then, delusional, in that you have a wanted Way to be, and then there is that in which you are being, but the want is being narrated; not the ACTUAL, in being.

REPLICANTS, AUTOMATONS, LOOPERS, CHUMPS, and SLAVES. These terms are used to describe… not… THEM, some other tribe, some other YOU, some other than YOU.

These terms are being used to describe… that of YOU, the reader, with no exception. This does not say by what degree a reader is these things, and/or if they can

come out of captivity. Coming out of captivity does not mean adopting the language of these works, and saying “it's how I have always thought, and it describes me as the Vir”, and so on. This, many elements of Part I warned against.

The manual was called a SELF-DEFENSE MANUAL for that of the VIR. It was not called a social self-defense manual that is for YOU.

When YOU, the reader, read the manual and have the thought… “I need to figure out how to apply this in my life”… then you have IGNORED the warnings. You will be engaged in what is called FAMILIARIZING the PATTERNS. What this means is, you have a you that you are familiar with. You think that you can be in agreement with what is described as a Vir in these works. But you can not see what a VIR is; you can only see others so far as you can see yourself. So you make the mental error of thinking, “well, surely, if I am entertained and amused by this piece… I am that Vir, and these traits are in me.”

That is highly unlikely. I aim to discourage YOU from starting off with that thought. For tactical reasons, it is not a wise thought to begin with.

When you familiarize, you are unknowingly CONVERTING the words and the meaning to match your present sense of things, and your present belief of things. You are BASTARDIZING the Patterns. It is BASTARDIZING, because you are REMOVING its FATHER. Remember, Father is from pater, and pater is the FORCE of PHATER, of Patterns, spoken of in Part I, and other works of Voltential. It's a PRIME ingredient. A Father is one who bestows Patterns. I am not “the Father” or its Father, but the Pattern bestowment does work through me, in another way. Therefore, I am bestowing its patterns, in appearance, and would seem to be the “Father” of the works. For the sake of this example and use of “bastardizing” as a term, it could be said I am the “Father” of the works, as I am its AUTHOR; however, one must not think this way, for it is not in ADVANCEMENT an accurate way to see me. I do not in fact BESTOW Patterns, but I expound on them, and guard over them. This difference can not be clarified at the moment.

When one thinks they can match the work to their present living, they are saying, it can apply to one who is in captivity. You are in CAPTIVITY. But this is an error to think.

Access Denied is not about how to get more Control over your condition as a SLAVE, a SUBJECT, a CHILD, a boyfriend, a husband, a student, and/or a worker, who are all in the LOOP. Access Denied is about when one has investigated and discovered their INNATE ESSENCE, Ipse―the Self as it is Sensed, and the Self that is SYMBOLIZED, becoming ADVANCED to the SELF that is KNOWN―one then receives from this KNOWLEDGE something to OBEY. This is tricky, and why this whole element of Ipseity is saved for its own manual.

Access Denied is written out of order, because it was a warning for those of you who have no SENSE of who I am, and some associates are to see that “We”, those of this “Way”, are “VILLAINS” in the eyes of those in CAPTIVITY. It is warning you about how some of “us” as individuals have aligned.

It is not a promotion for you the reader to then align with it, to get access to a tribe, so that you can have a sense of belonging, because you struggle with this feeling, and well, any tribe you encounter will do, and become your target for the need of relations. This is what you are doing, when you try to get the “WAY of the VIR” to make sense in your LIFE of DEFEAT. YOU, the reader, not some other, is being said to likely be living a LIFE of DEFEAT and you FEEL this is very true.

But another common human social error occurs.

Humans, because they play make-believe for Entertainment and amusement, are driven to “think”, in the loose sense, not consciously, but subconsciously, that no one else is sincere either. Humans, that means, likely YOU, the reader, thinking everyone else is pretending, wants to come along and pretend as a group. “Oh, we just need to say the words, and agree, and we become a 'us'; and it is 'those' who are not 'us' whom the perceived negative elements seem to be about. So long as 'we' are pretending together, we have our TRIBAL connection”―in narrative alone, yet live in the same exact manner as all others, thus being the masses, the many, and the multitudes.

When you are into the UNICORNS and RAINBOWS of NARRATIVES, and you are allowed to FANCY yourself anything, this is exactly what you will think EVERYONE else is doing. Though this is an error to think―call it the personal esteem fallacy―it is an error that is reinforced in how likely this is actually the case to be valid.

Most are pretending in their narratives. Most are merely being AMUSED, and sharing in AMUSEMENT with others, about what they claim are their VALUES. But this is not a “matter” of guessing who is merely amused and amusing about, versus who is sincere. It's able to be determined, which is the case, by how one is LIVING.

When you read anything dealing in the “Way of the VIR”, and you are able to maintain your course as was, before reading it… it then DOES NOT APPLY to you. It does not teach you how to be more USEFUL to others, and that you ought to. It does not make you a better student in shaman schools, that it clearly says are POISONOUS. One does not legitimately conclude that Control and Command has to do with their SCHOOLING, and schooling more, and better. That is a BASTARDIZATION.

The “WAY of the VIR” has the element of not being in that of the realms that shamans and Brahmins control, which is almost all realms, if not actually all realms. One does not then say… they can apply this in their already established patterns of living. That is ABSURD; yet that is exactly what CHARLATANS will say, and do. They will take what is a CLEAR system for VILLAINS, and somehow make their life of DEFEAT and SERVITUDE seem to apply to the system, and have use for it. A life of defeat and servitude has absolutely NO USE for any element of the “Way of the VIR”. The “Way of the VIR”, from the human perspective, is the “Way of VILLAINS”; not the “Way of sacrificing, servile heroes”.

From a looper to a wandering Fool, to a learnt Fool, to a learnt Champion, then follows the learnt Hermit. In the tarot symbolism, the Vir is the Hermit, and is often identified as having withdrawn from SAM, the Society Advanced by the loopers, that is, the Majority. The Hermit has left the “world”, and “wanders”. This is the kind of Champion and COMMANDER that the “Way of VIR” is talking about. It is not talking about the hero of society who does better in school, gets the better job, makes more money, finds a wife, and has some kids, and dresses up around miserable peers who have done all the same. That is the LOOP, and when one tries to make the “Way of the VIR” fit into that narrative, they are a CHARLATAN who is BASTARDIZING the nature of VIRITUS, making it conform to their COWARDICE and LIFE of DEFEAT.

Chapter 4 of Part I illuminates the three principles, the three affirmations of the VIR, that:


  • That Min, or human biology is based on PRIMAL conditions, not domestication, and that Min, or human is held in captivity to domestication;

  • That domestication turns the Min, the human, against itself.

How does one say they agree with this, and then carry on in a DOMESTICATED manner?

That is one carrying on HATING themselves, if they agree to the three above. That is not one FIGHTING the WAR, and being a CHAMPION in the war; that is one who is living in DEFEAT, as a CHUMP. How then can they say they agree with this, and live defeated, and as a chump?

They only can if they are a CHARLATAN, who is playing MAKE-BELIEVE for amusement. They like the “ideal” proclamations, on account of being AMUSED in a NOVELTY. So they can continue on exactly as they were before exposure to these ideas, and they think to themselves they need only, as they always have, merely SAY they are this and that, and it makes it so.

IT DOES NOT. And you need to STOP. You will be exposed in this, ALL OF YOU.

One who does not realize they are in CAPTIVITY to DOMESTICATION is a MENTAL MIDGET, when and only when they have heard the Call. Before that, they were just an AUTOMATON. Sure, an automaton is a mental midget, but it does not mean it's supposed to be. But merely not “supposed to be” does not mean “is not”. That has to be demonstrated in “not being a mental midget” by becoming and being a “mental Champion”, not a chump.

One does not have this DEMONSTRATED when nothing has changed in their COURSE of LIVING, but only changes in their ACCOUNT, or NARRATIVE having changed. This absurd error will occur 98 percent of the time. YOU, the reader, need to listen to that warning. It means whether YOU know it or not, you are likely doing this, and have done this. YOU, yes, YOU, are likely the CHUMP and the DEFEATED, and it is absurd to think, you merely speak and report yourself to achievement. That is girly nonsense.

One does not READ to a level of Control and Command. That is ABSURD. The words of these works are not saying “you are amazing, you just need to believe and act like it”. No, that manipulative crap is for weaklings who are broken. This work does not say, like Tony Robbins, “your broken is your beauty”. No, that is not the WAY of these works. You need to go run to him for that manipulative emotional control.

NEEDY people use CARE, LOVE, and COMPASSION as weapons to SUBJUGATE others. They say they are doing these things for others. They are not. They are NEEDY. They NEED to be VALIDATED, so they crave the validation of others, and the attention this needs. So they come out towards others, and they get them pumped up, and feeling good, so that those others will look at the PREDATOR with awe, and the PREDATOR will feel a short-lived validation. That it will be short-lived, they need to, regardless of their gains, keep repeating this RELATIONAL NEED. Those who talk care, love, kindness, passion, and compassion are needy social predators, who have discovered that this is the currency of getting others to like you and validate you.

Reader, I am NOT DOING this to YOU. I am not convincing you that you are not a CHUMP. That would be against the odds. Listen, or read me with clarity… I am calling YOU, the READER, no “matter” who you think you are… a CHUMP, and one who is living DEFEATED, in CAPTIVITY to DOMESTICATION. I am calling you this. ALL OF YOU. I am the VILLAIN; not the kind, caring, compassionate, nice, altruistic self-sacrificing HERO. That is not me. So if you hear and feel these things, then you are TONY ROBBINS yourself. You are changing, and bastardizing the message, so that you FEEL a sense of belonging. STOP.

If one agrees with the three propositions above, then it means one must accept first and foremost that they are in captivity. But being in captivity does not mean this Way is that of the Way out of captivity for YOU. Everyone being in captivity does not mean everyone is supposed to be free from captivity. Most are born to be in captivity, because they were born chumps. This Way is for those BORN to be CHAMPIONS, who feel the captivity, and feel they can be without it, but simply just did not know how. The “Way of the VIR” is not the “HOW” that applies to most. There are those in captivity, who feel it, who need to find a different “HOW” to “get out of it”. This “how” only applies to the MARTIAL how. When one does not develop towards the martial, does not get excited to learn and know strategic and tactical thought, and how to be battle ready, then this is not to be their “how”. This is not “we are Warriors talk” while in actuality, nothing about you is Warrior-like. This is actual Warrior living, where day-to-day, you better be working on the Warrior traits of pride, of curiosity, that begets boldness, that begets Vigilance, that begets Veracity, that begets Wrath, and that begets VALOR.

Can you say you were already doing this at life?

That would be absurd. So then when your day-to-day, tomorrow is the same as it was yesterday, YOU ARE IN THE LOOP. What in your day had you being BOLD versus TIMID?

What in your day did you show EAGERNESS to LEARN and KNOW, thus curiosity?

What in your day brought out your VIGILANCE, where you can say you were AWARE of the mechanics of all around you, and had no confusion, and no FEELINGS of INADEQUACY?

Where in your day can you say you had VERACITY where you spoke and represented a potent sense of ACTUALITY, and did not ACQUIESCE to others in politeness, in niceties, in allocentric adjusted behavior. Where in your day was your WRATH, or VVRATH if one will, where you came forward in the face of an injustice and you said NO, and did not permit it, and energetically shut it down? Where in your day were you showing that you would choose to be in accord with what was VALID regardless of the cost, thus Valorous?

How does one not have these things play out in their day-to-day, and then somehow think they can call themselves one who lives this, as a COMMANDER, or a VIR?

Every day, these are REAL questions. You ask yourself, did I live according to this PATTERN? Did I try? Were there DEFEATS? Were there VICTORIES? Were there DISADVANTAGES, were there ADVANTAGES?

Listen, or read this with clarity, you chumps. These are REAL QUESTIONS. That means, if you are not asking them DAILY while reading these works, you are just here for AMUSEMENT, and when you then act like it's more, it will be because you BASTARDIZED the material, and/or the PATTERNS to match your life of COWARDICE, of DEFEAT, where you can not ask those questions, and answer in the affirmative that you lived based on those traits ANYWHERE.

When you can not start learning those traits and easily apply them, then STOP reading these works and acting like they apply to you. It means they do not. Key word here is EASE. Not struggle, not difficulty, not needing to be convinced and motivated by others.

I will end this warning with clarity here. You the reader, when you talk or write like you are not a CHUMP, not DEFEATED, not DOMESTICATED, not in CAPTIVITY, knowingly or unknowingly you are running a CON, first on yourself, then on OTHERS, and because of your IGNORANCE, when you get caught by those who are learnt, you will accuse them as the ones who were running a con. “We are all just PRETENDING… Right?”

NO… “WE” are not a “WE”, and this is not some tribe, or new group to join, where the price of admission is to find in your defeated lives things you can say match what the work says.

There is absolutely NOWHERE in the defeated life, the DOMESTICATED life, where it would show out that one is applying the traits these works AFFIRM as CONTROL and COMMAND over CONDITIONS and SELF.

I will simplify. When you actually begin to LIVE like a Vir, or one who has Control, Management, Manipulation, and Command over their conditions and self, everything you are familiar with, that has been around you in ease, WOULD BE SHATTERED, and EVERYONE around you would REJECT you.

This clue does not get anymore clear. When you are still fitting in, and everyone is still acting the same around you, and you them, then you are a COWARD to whom these traits do not apply to. This is the “VILLAIN'S WAY”, because in essence, once you actually detect the traits as being likely in your “nature”, and then you OBEY these traits, it makes almost ALL CONDITIONS CONTRARY. You will not have PEACE, because that peace you had before was not peace; it was PACIFICATION. You had DEFERENCE, and what was yielded to in you were your ineptitudes, as a mere commoner, a peasant, a CHUMP, who was and always has been looping about in the values bestowed by SAM.

So then, how does it all play out?

Does one quit school, their job, their families?

For certainly this is what one FEELS, when it applies more to them than not. The answer is NO, and this surprises everyone. The answer is NOT no, about school. If you are schooling in a technical realm, where you aim to use the degree to get a job that is not RELATIONAL, but “semi-skilled” based, then the schooling could be worth it. If you are schooling to school, and day-to-day you have RELATIONAL requirements of an EFFEMINATE nature put upon you, then you are living DEFEATED, as a CHUMP.

Mostly, one should not school. School is poison, and more often than not, the degree for the job being needed often means, one should not have pursued that kind of work. One should pursue work that they can engage from an autodidactic point of view.

But if one is already in work, and has work security, thus resource security, then does it mean they should stop? No, it does not mean they should stop, if and only if they have a plan, a STRATEGY for taking the present condition and resource state and securing a WAY OUT, with the resources presently held. If one is in the loop of work, and they do not have a definable plan of escaping it… then they are merely a LOOPER. One is not a looper because they work. This is a bastardized sense of what is being communicated. One is a looper when they have no realistic plan to get out of the loop, and into a life of advancement. When one has a plan to engage the loop, only to SUPPORT their ADVANCEMENTS, it means they have DAILY ADVANCEMENTS that are supported. When one does not have daily advancements while looping in work, then they are a LOOPER. One does not have a plan to loop, and then “one day” or “some day” stop, and call that a plan. The kind of plan this work speaks of is the kind that is occurring DAILY. This plan is a BATTLE plan. One works to get shelter and sustenance, and those getting ready for battle will do this as a minimal, and not seek to have greater shelter and sustenance that require more SACRIFICE. Those who are rich, and live as RICH are SLAVES. They have at the same time a stronger loop, to where if they do not sustain in it, they easily LOSE their luxury.

One who is of this “Way” is not one who is of the “luxurious way” around resources. When one has a BATTLE PLAN of this sort, they do what is necessary to secure their resources, and the resources are secured so that they can train. What does this mean?

These standards here, around work, are from the perspective of the VIR, not… your perspective. The VIR is a NOMAD, and can ever only be semi-settled, and never actually settled. The VIR has a low relationship to the value of resources. They are, in essence, minimalist. He who wants a BIG house, and NICE car, and shiny things, gained from a GOOD JOB, is not right for this. One who knows these things are impermanent and mean little, though are still necessary, in the minimalist sense, is closer.

The work and the resources are a means to secure the leisure, and the health necessary for the MISSION, to READY for the BATTLE, the WAR of LIFE that is stated as the first premise. This means, one has to set aside time and energy, in their DAY-TO-DAY, to work on the ADVANCEMENT that leads to VALUE in what these works proclaim.

Because Access Denied is written out of order, one does not have the specifics on what this entails. There are some who have been counseled on this outside of what is publicly available.

What they know, and what is known is that the Seven Disciplines of the Mind of the VIR is a daily STUDY and ADVANCEMENT. This is for MIND WARFARE. Then, what they know is that the body needs to be FIT to FIGHT. Not competition fighting, and gym fitness. But fit to fight in a martial sense, that is economical. Not big dudes who require lots of fuel and resources to stay big. Fitness kinds are not who this applies to. More often than not, they are decorating themselves for validation in what others would see. They are exercising to be seen as healthy, to attract the opposite sex, or to appear stable to others, and maintain social networks.

Every day, one should be doing something, no “matter” how small, that pushes their fit to fight, their reflexes, and their ability to engage and disengage. Every day is best. This means, it could be shadow boxing for 20 minutes, or even, as I use it, VR boxing for 30 minutes a day. If one can spar with an associate a couple times a week, this is good, so long as dominance hierarchies do not plague the association. Many gyms are plagued by dominance hierarchies, and one who rejects this as the case would do so not having had a contrast of what it is like to NOT have daddy issues, and DOMINANCE issues. They will have convinced themselves that they act as FAMILY with each other. Do not fall for this gym mindset. It's governed by mommy and daddy issues.

The Sauvageonne who is the editor of these works is a perfect example of what fit to fight means, in this sense. She lives out in the wilderness in a rugged and demanding environment. Has a heavy bag hanging from trees, and pads attached to trees. All by herself, enters the bush, and engages in archery, and combat drills against the pads. Works with a polypropylene sword, and has no one there to deal with, as a motivator, or downer. It's all about what she does, when, and how. It's self-motivated, and self-sustained. It's individualistic, and this is key to “this Way”. Those who go to gyms often need to be around others, even though they will not admit often to that need, and perhaps, in its normalcy, be straight unaware of it as that… A NEED. But it is a need, and that is HUMAN, and SHAMAN; that is not VIR.

If one can not dedicate 30 minutes to an hour a day to themselves and their own advancement, then the loop has too much strength over them, and this needs to be managed.

When one can, based on schedule, there is always a preference for an early rise. This is the WAR rise, where one ought to be up BEFORE the Sun. For me, this is 0430 every morning. A looper wakes up, goes to school or goes to work, without ever having taken time for ADVANCEMENT in themselves. They wake to “GO TO”. When one does this, it is the clear sign they are a looper. One must, when they can, be up early, and about the SELF. This means, in the context of CONTROL, Management, Manipulation, and ADVANCEMENT, being about the MIND sciences and ARTS, and liberating oneself there first. So this means studying METHODOLOGY, and how to bring SYSTEMS to your day-to-day activities. Everything ought to have a definable STRATEGY and SET of APPLICABLE tactics.

One does something for the mind, and one does something for the body, DAILY, that advises them to be BATTLE READY. What will you encounter TODAY? In those encounters, what are the STRATEGIES and TACTICS to secure ADVANTAGES and to ADVANCE in Control, Management, Manipulation, and Command? Not, those things for amusement and Seduction. There is NO ESCAPISM in this way.

Your primal systems need you to hunt, and to be exhausted at the end of the day. One's end of day, schedule around work permitted, ought to be around 2000, or that is 8pm. They ought to be exhausted and ready to sleep. Therefore, when possible, 2000-0430 is a good REST and FAST period.

When one, however, is dealing with a work schedule that conflicts with this, then they set up in the nearness to where they can. They set it up where their “ME” time, or “SELF” advancement time ought to occur 4 hours before their work time. If one works at 0800, they work on themselves from 0430 to 0800. It's about ME FIRST. It's about SELF first, and one has to figure that out in their schedule, and adjust it this way. One ought not work, then have energy to seek to provide themselves with ESCAPE and RELIEF. This needs to be avoided.

If one can not MANAGE their life this way, or does not, the rest of this “Way” will not apply to them. Let this be clear. If you do not start the day with you being the PRIMARY interest, then you are a looper, and it does not “matter” if you like what you read; it does not apply to you.

This way is for “SELFISH” glorified, “SELFISH INDIVIDUAL VILLAINS”. This way is not a Way about how to be useful to others, and in SERVICE to others. When you save your energy to be useful at work, and you aim to be useful to others, you are ALLOCENTRIC. THIS WAY is NOT ALLOCENTRIC. It's not about others, it's about THEE, and not no damn câlice of a YOU. This is not for a YOU; this is for a THEE, and one is not being a THEE when they wake in their day, be useful to others, and never find a way to first be useful for themselves. One is a YOU when this is their way; and that is not this “WAY”.

Let this be clear… The VIR is a religious being. Their religious being is about the Seven Disciplines of the Mind, giving the strategy and set of tactics needed to have Control and COMMAND over their CONDITIONS and SELF. The Seven Disciplines, though not yet prepared for the public, are the Vir’s religious core learning. The VIR lives RELIGIOUSLY, not in DEFEAT and SERVICE to some COLLECTIVE.

The Seven Disciplines of the Mind of the VIR are ALL WARFARE DISCIPLINES.

It is ALL WAR; not some of it. The VIR is a MARTIAL kind, and this is EXTREME compared to human kinds. One who is not being extreme has nothing to do with this Way. One who is flirting with its words has nothing to do with it as a Way. No, you CHUMPS, it does not apply and can not be applied to how you already live. STOP trying to make it seem like it can.

This perhaps will not make complete sense with the works being out of order. Access Denied had to come first, because those who were working the Seven Disciplines and that of battle readiness, and fit to fight, had to deal with social networks, and familiar interactions. Instead of keeping to consulting others in the systems privately, I shifted to that of writing for public access. This way, I can stop being NEEDED as a PERSONALITY in the SYSTEM, as a “daddy figure” that others try to overthrow, or LOVE. I will have neither of these two.

Even after all these warnings, a so-called reader, when they were ACCESS DENIED, said “thank you for your teachings”, to which it had to be made clear… CHUMP… I do not have “TEACHINGS”, and I am not a “TEACHER”. I did not TEACH them anything, or bestow teachings. They proved that they were not right for this, and were looking for the relational, because they, for starters, did not do all the reading. Then what they did read, they bastardized with their pain and suffering of despair. Then they saw me as a TEACHER, though they did not Value to even learn what I produced and WHY. This is what many of you would do. STOP. I am not here for you to CARE, and puff you up as some BEAUTIFUL UNICORN that needs to discover its GODLINESS. This is not some silly câlice of divine masculinity and divine femininity and other RAINBOWS. Homey don't play that.

This is a VILLAIN'S system that is HARSH and WRATHFUL, so that it would scare off you little wishful bunnies, and your sensitivities. You will not have your hand held, and be told cute things to keep you around. This is NOT a RELATIONAL SYSTEM. This is a system of WARFARE. You are not living a life as if there is a WAR, and that is why you are DEFEATED. But you can not live this life as WAR, if you do not have a STRATEGY and SET of TACTICS. I have not gotten there yet, and I know this. But readers did not seem to catch that. What is being said to advance in Control and Command has not yet been introduced, because of the out of order elements. They are coming, and I am working with urgency to get them out, because this then means… I can remove myself from the equation.

Reader, you reading this and/or seeking to participate is not VALUE added. I am not TONY ROBBINS. I am not NEEDY emotionally, craving your attention. I do not NEED you, and I am not driven to help others. I am not driven to CARE for others. I am not driven to be your daddy, and to turn to you to get a sense of my own significance. Yes, most have mommy and daddy issues, this is valid. I DO NOT. I am a SOVEREIGN, not because I say I AM; because I live as I am, and I have COMMAND not because I say I do, but because I live with such. DO NOT contact me over EMAIL to tell me about how screwed up your life was, and how the schools, mommies, and daddies made you FEEL less, and you need someone to talk to. STOP DOING THIS. Accidentally finding these works and the site does not mean you are bringing a VALUE to it all, by asking to be worked with one-on-one.

I have received too many emails fishing for attention, and in those emails, the individuals show that they failed to acknowledge my self declared motives. The books are being written so that I do not need to engage individuals one-on-one. They are being written to filter out the ones it does not apply to, and 99 percent of the emails are from individuals who showed they DID not READ with INTELLECT the work, but they felt their way through the works, and bastardized it to fit into their FAMILIAR ways. STOP.

This is for ALIENS, and werewolves. Not for humans. Stop your contacting me to talk about your HUMAN CÂLICE. Whatever you were, and whatever happened in the past has nothing to do with these works. You either wake up every day, ready to do informed battle towards VICTORY well-defined, or you wake up and loop in your misery. I am not AVAILABLE to tend to your wounds. I am not CARING, and no VILLAIN who is a part of this Way would be called this.

WE are not a WE, but those of this “Way”, lightly “We” are allies in the WAR, and COLLABORATE. “We”, in the light sense of “We”, do not gather and huddle in misery and despair, and vomit up about all the wrongdoing that someone did, somewhere sometime.

A social network will exist in the future around the “Way” in these works. Those who come to SUBSCRIBE to that and have access will be tried and tested, interviewed, and have to show and PROVE to actually have an INTELLECT behind them, grasping the works. More so, that long before they petition access to the network, they live a DAILY life of the Seven Disciplines, when they have been made available, and they have worked towards being BATTLE READY, or fit to fight. The network will not be available to those starting off merely looking for amusement.

These works are out of order, and the reader may forget this. Try not to. The Seven Disciplines are essential to these works, but the preparation and expounding on them will take some time, and there are no present works by others that I can recommend and call forth, in which it would be with ease, if there were.

Access Denied being that of the VIR and its social self-defense means, if one has not been of the “WAY of the VIR”, the works will not make much sense, and lack application. One does not pick up the works and say, this is for me, or not for me, based on their wants. One picks up the works and asks a simple question… Can I use this to inform my DECISION MAKING PROCESS, to bring about ADVANTAGES for my NATURE?

Well, not so simple, but it could be.

If the readings do not alter one's decision making process, an alteration proven in making DIFFERENT DECISIONS than previously made, then one is merely engaged in an AMUSEMENT, and needs to stop. Simple… Write down seven ways in which your decision making process has been altered, and you left the “ways” of SAM, and have a distinct process now for dealing with associations. If you can not list seven changes, symbolically seven, then you have your answer. These works are not for you, and you need to stop trying to alter them to make them seem like they are.

Even with these warnings, others will violate them. After the release of Part I, I communicated with readers in both emails, as well as in a social network I was engaging in. The network itself was based on previous activities. Because of this, when the participants were told a change was coming, and the brand would be VOLTENTIAL, and that the works would need to be read, and agreed with or disagreed with, many of them just kept on, and did not do the reading. When it came time to test them, they ALL failed, thinking they would maintain access based on RELATIONAL traits.

I ACCESS DENIED my whole network, who existed for the pursuit of AMUSEMENT, and it was time to get rid of amusement coming from others. These works are not here to AMUSE. They are here for ADVANCEMENT purposes.

A couple who had read the works tried to remain. One took the HUMBLE approach in their tactics. “Oh my woes, and the wrongs of 'THEM' who kept us this way, and therefore, I do not apply these works, but I am trying”. Another, was… “I am the Commander of Self”, yes, even though my day-to-day is entirely CONTROLLED by others, and I am doing exactly what the SOCIETY wants and needs me to do… But saying it is being it… in the world in which they are from. It's not.

When I corrected one of them, in a Q & A about his use of a specific term called “VESPILLO”, he missed the entire point. He believed my correction was an error, and that he had discovered that error.

He used the term “explorer” and that he was one, and therefore, of the category of “Vespillo”. All because he was READING the book, and only that. The book says, this is not the case, and warns against this thinking. I asked him, where is the word “EXPLORER” used to trait the Vespillo. A Vespillo is said to be an “undertaker” and from this term, metaphorically, comes the trait in Viritus, of the Vespillo being an “INVESTIGATOR”. It also means in Latin, “one who buries the dead”, and in Viritus, that is a metaphor for getting rid of SAM, the old program based on PRECEDENCE and FAMILIARITY. So where was the term “explorer” connected?

It was not.

His answer was, he “intuitively” felt as if the two words were the same, and then, in passive aggression, he posted the etym. for “explorer”, and it gave the trait of “investigation”, and so he concluded… “See, they are the same”. He did not draw his own attention to the words that the term was composed of.

Forest Sunrays

Etymology of Explore (v.)

1580s, “to investigate, examine,” a back-formation from exploration, or else from French explorer (16c.), from Latin explorare “investigate, search out, examine, explore,” said to be originally a hunters' term meaning “set up a loud cry,” from ex “out” (see ex-) + plorare “to weep, cry.” Compare deplore. De Vaan notes modern sources that consider “the ancient explanation, ... that the verb explorare originally meant 'to scout the hunting area for game by means of shouting'” to be “not unlikely.” Second element also is explained as “to make to flow,” from pluere “to flow.” Meaning “to go to a country or place in quest of discoveries” is first attested 1610s. Related: Explored; exploring.

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The ex as an “outward seeking” is far different from the in as an “inward seeking”. Both words, “explore” and “investigate”, are about SEEKING as what they share, but not the direction.

The VESPILLO is not an outward explorer, but an inward INVESTIGATOR.

The terms are not the same.


“set up a loud cry,” from ex “out” (see ex-) + plorare “to weep, cry.”


My works are flowing with etymology. I choose the terms with precision, as much as I can. I would not choose a term that is clearly EMOTIVE, such as to CRY OUT, to WEEP, and to GRUNT, and SHOUT.

Stirring the hunting grounds with shouts is not a part of the nature of the VESPILLO, but oddly, talkers who do not embody the things spoken are in essence, doing just that. They may be EXPLORING, and this amounts to AMUSEMENT, not INVESTIGATION. The word “INVESTIGATION” was used for clear reasons.


Etymology of Investigate (v.)

c. 1500, back-formation from investigation or else from Latin investigatus, past participle of investigare “to trace out, search after,” figuratively “search into, investigate,” from in- “in, into” (from PIE root *en “in”) + vestigare “to track, trace,” from vestigium “footprint, track” (see vestige). Related: Investigated; investigating.

Even in the hunting sense, instead of moving about shouting to startle the hunt, ignorant of where it is… the Vestigare―yes, a term starting with the valued V of Viritus, of course playing a role―is to IDENTIFY that of TRACKS, and TRACES, SIGNS, MARKERS, and the KNOWN, as a means to DIRECT one's SEARCH. INVESTIGATE based on the known, not move about SHOUTING in hope something is there, that will be moved by your shouts.

The reason it was said in all the works, “do not change the words”, it is because YOU the reader are not in a position to know the words, and why they were chosen. It's NOT YOUR SYSTEM, till it is. When it is YOUR SYSTEM, it is you CONFORMING to the SYSTEM, not you conforming the SYSTEM to you and POSSESSING it, as YOU. This is not the ORDER of things with these works. They are AUTHORED works, and you are not the AUTHOR of them. You have one CONTROL in all this. You either choose to come into ACCORD with the SYSTEM as it is, or you LEAVE IT ALONE. You do NOT ALTER it, and say you had an INTUITIVE sense that they mean the same.

It is not a suggestion to REFRAIN from ALTERING the words and their meaning. It is a COMMAND, and one who does not wish to be Vigilant around this COMMAND, and to OBEY it, yet remains associated, is, knowingly or unknowingly, a subversive wretch, and ought to be DENIED ACCESS.

They would then go on to say, I said that “explorer” is more connected to “AMUSEMENT” as terms. This was not said. What was said and written, and therefore, recorded, was one's use of the term “explorer”, in the intuitive, amounts to no more than seeking an amusement.

One could say that like many modern hunters today, that are rarely hunters, but go out to hunt, will amuse themselves in the bush, and not care to actually achieve in the HUNT. They come home empty-handed, often talking about the difficulties. When they do actually kill something, often, it will be because that something happened by while they were AMUSING themselves. Not real hunters, but those kind who get all dressed up, get with their buddies and do it here and there to feel like men. It's absurd.

You do not change the words. You do NOT look up etyms. and then not even know how to read them. A primary purpose of these books has to do with this total absence of a desire to work with others. It is always the same EDUCATED, ignorant and arrogant behavior that is likely to be encountered when you all have gotten your SENSE from that of SAM. YOU are predictably simply violating the WARNINGS from the start, and when you do this, it proves you do not have an INTELLECT, and are simply a schooled automaton who lacks any SELF-AWARENESS.

DO NOT CHANGE THE WORDS, not even a little. When the words need to be changed and updated, I will carry that out myself. Then, the change will be noted, in its DELIBERATION.

I am not using the English language the rest of you are using. I am not using your AMERICAN schooled relationship to English, or that is the auxiliary language called Basic English.

The language of Viritus is precise, deliberated upon, and expounded upon for a reason. Taking so-called liberties to alter the terms, and/or to “intuitively” engage them, is not a PART OF THIS WAY. NOT a part.

Let it be CLEAR.

A VIR is telling you what they are. A VIR is telling you THEIR WAY, as a VIR, the WAY of the VIR. A VIR is defining their terms, meaning, and use. A VIR is and has only been saying, THIS, as far as Access Denied goes, is the social SELF-DEFENSE MANUAL… OF A VIR.

Not of you, by you, for you. That is nowhere in the book. So when you make it match your YOU, you are hijacking it, and will receive VVrath.

You DO NOT play a role in what the WAY of the VIR is. It is not something that exists to SERVE you. It is not something that exists to be what you WANT it to be, for you to ATTACH to, to find meaning, purpose and relationship. When you seek to have these things, with this system, this WAY, and yes, this RELIGION, then you are seeking to assert your SENSE of SELF, and SENSE of LIFE on it. You are not seeking to KNOW, and to USE it for what it was designed for.

To close out the warning, here is something simple.

If after reading any level of these works, you are NOT training at least a little each day to prepare for battle, then the works are not for you.

If you are not learning, and coming to know the Ways in the Seven Disciplines, then the work is not for you.

If you are not CHANGING, and BECOMING more BATTLE kin, and therefore, not CONFLICTING with your conditions, then this work is NOT for you.

If you are not analyzing the CONDITION, and preempting ENGAGEMENTS, the WORK is NOT for you.

If you drink, smoke, use intoxicants, hallucinogens, and are fat, and not fit to fight, THESE WORKS are NOT for you.

These are not suggestions.

If you are some chump male who struggles with CRAVING attention Mommy and Daddy once gave you, and/or never gave you, in that of OTHERS, and that is most of you… THIS WORK IS NOT FOR YOU.

This WAY is not about reporting how SOCIETY has messed you up, and how this is wrong and that is wrong. This Way, with the start being Access Denied, means shutting down all that talk, all that anxiety, all that concern, all that care, and all the love, which are ALL the source of suffering. Shutting them down, not basking in them, sharing them, and using them as excuses for a continued life of DEFEAT. Save that câlice for the gurus.

Reader, I am the VILLAIN here. I can keep saying that, and it will keep being IGNORED. But now, let it be known, it is YOU who has something wrong with you, for ignoring it. When you go forward, it is you who is BROKEN, trying to make this a thing of HEALING. It is not. This is about being a WAR Champion, a MARTIAL Champion who LIVES their LIVES in the VICTORY of their own NATURE, once INVESTIGATED and found, brought forward with EXTREME ACCORDANCE in the face of any STRUGGLE.

This is for those who CAN, not those with all the reasons for why they CAN NOT. This is for those who CHANGE fast, when they hear a thing that rings out with clarity. This is not for those seeking to meddle.

Do NOT use this material to seek ACCESS to me, and to be RELATIONAL. I am retired from this world, and the works exist to remove me from the equation. STOP sending me EMAILS about how you are broken, how you want to try, and then asking me for individual GUIDANCE. That type of communication shows that you read material that was not written for you, but you needed it to be, and delusionally tried to make it be. I will not be your better Mommy, and/or better Daddy. I will not be your Mommy to overthrow, or Daddy to overthrow, because you never overthrew them, and took to your own standing.


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Prior to taking up writing and publishing, I was always asked, “What books should I read?”. For the most part, the individual assumed what I had been saying was the product of certain books, as in, like most, I was merely the “echo” of the words of others, having none of my own.

It is often presumed I am well-read, and rarely does anyone challenge this notion. In actuality, I have not read much in my life, and in my adult life, rarely.

As stated in other areas of my work, I read the Harvard Classics, or at least much of it, before I was of the age of 12. I read works on Metaphysics, studied Aristotle, Al-Fārābī, Avicena, Ibn Tufail, Pythagoras, Socrates through Plato, and moved on to Epistemology, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Jurisprudence, and War. These are all Disciplines of a specific interest, that are methodical and systematic. In reading the minds considered “great” on these Disciplines, I was given more questions than I was answers or conclusions to settle upon.

In my interest, out of the survival need to understand human behavior, I have had to dig into “power” structures, though I do not believe this term is best, for what they actually are. I prefer the term “control” versus “power”, as I believe this term “power” has been perverted. Power means “potent ability”, and it does not refer to, as a term, “impotence” and “ineptitude”, which are its opposites. However, “control” is rather neutral, and less demanding in character than a sense of “power”.

I read the classics concerning control and persuasion. Unable to find any quality sources for the “Classical Seven Liberal Arts” spoken of in the Second Degree of Freemasonry, the Fellowcraft Degree, I set out to reconstruct the notions on my own. I did this through the study of classics purely, with often hard to find pieces, like Buridan's Summulae de Dialectica and such. The Seven Liberal Arts are revealed to all candidates of Freemasonry, but are treated like all the other elements: as symbolic, in surface dwelling, versus having sources to take it to the depth it deserves.

I often tell others to start with The Trivium composed by Sister Miriam Joseph. Starting in 2005, I began spreading awareness about this piece online in all kinds of forums, as a means to instigate an interest in the Seven Liberal Arts, which are categorized as the trivium and the quadrivium. There is no actual system in complete form that is available to the public; however, this piece captures a decent amount of its essence. But the schooled mind does not truly work its way through this piece. I have had young folk ask me if I have read it, after they recently heard about it on some podcast, Youtube channel, or some popular speaker. What they do not know is that whom they got it from likely got it from the sources I was promoting when they were children.

I had been aware of John Taylor Gatto and the unschooling movements from the start, and I had studied Adler as a young man. I traveled around this world to read “books” in libraries that were not publicly available, and I committed a great deal of “text” to memory, as a means to preserve what I believe to be the most essential lessons to “liberate” and “elevate” the Intellect.

So then, though I used to tell others to read The Trivium, I have started to abandon all recommendations. The same can be said about Logic, as I used to recommend John Stuart Mill's System of Logic, Ratiocinative, and Inductive, and where such could be found, Buridan's Summulae de Dialectica. However, what I began to observe is that cowards, which most are, can not study and adopt these systems of thought. They can read the pieces, and think this matters, but it does not.

One mental midget who lost access to me went out and bought classical style Harvard Classics, and shelved them in their house, and seemed to think that mere possession of the books would give them the knowledge and ability to apply them in their life. Of course, this is not how reality works. They were just a servile mental midget with decoration, trying to have the appearance of “learnt” as to impress, but had no one to impress, because they were revealed. Far too often, I saw this. They were not unique. Folk will buy books, promote books, and try to get others to gather around them. I have a local fella who always wanted to meet and talk “philosophy”, or rather the opinions of the retarded schooled minds he had heard of, which were all the opposite in ideas of how I live, and of no value to me. This individual had nothing in their life that was philosophical. They were, in essence, simply engaging in speculative thought, because it made them “feel” intelligent, while they live like all the rest; a mere servile Child of Ineptitude.

These folk always presume that these interests of theirs are also mine; that I would see, and/or hear these things, and fall for their appeal. This is again because they are unskilled at Seduction. If they were skilled, they would know that I can see their lack of use of an item, or that I would ask of its use, and seek to speak on its material, that this is the actual point of the recommendation of literature. What good is there to recommend a book to someone, if not the good of elevating discourse?

Altogether, I have probably read a couple hundred books, and I very much doubt this. However, what I read extensively was the Oxford English Dictionary, and that of correlated encyclopedias. I used to copy them out and practice my English through them. For the most part, it can be said that I taught myself English, little by little. But it would be true to say, my sense of the language is archaic, in that I used archaic sources, and entered into intellectual discourse with minds long gone, only remaining in what etches they made during the condition of their existence.

This correlates to the topic of Part II, in that of the books I recommended to others, few of them could be read by a modern audience; yet the ones to follow here are of those few.

I often recommended The Leviathan by Hobbes, and then observed that those who knew of this title, more often than not, did not read it to its end, comprehend its content, or have any sense of its importance. To have discourse on Epistemology, I recommended to others, John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding, and Ibn Tufail’s Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān.

Yet too, those asking for recommendations rarely took me up on them, and went deep into the material. For the schools ensured you could not in actuality “read”, because it ensured the needed “Intellect” to do so would be “retarded” and “ill-formed”.

The secret that control structures do not want anyone to know

As a young fella in Brooklyn of the 80s and 90s, I did not attend the schools, minus the times I accompanied associates, for entertainment and investigation. When I would do that, I did not engage the curriculum, but instead showed up, to see what they were doing by compulsion throughout their days.

Now, these were “hood schools”, and so they are not an example of the common kind of schooling most would know. Inner city schools did not seem to even pretend to care, yet sprinkled into the tired and burned out set of “teachers” by self appointment, there were often some gems that made the “learning” real to the life of the young they were influencing. However, this is not the “schools”, but the individual that came to “matter”, if not “Pattern” in this case. One of the fellas I met in an associate's class, called Mr. Dunbar, was a “black fella”, as you all call folk today, who had been in the Air Force, returned to the city, and dedicated himself to teaching the youth. He walked to work every day, and did so fast, and powerfully. The day I visited his class, he was excited. I had this way of keeping the peace wherever I went. I stood out with my blond hair, green eyes, and fair complexion, but this meant, when you saw someone like me, it meant it was me... and I had a reputation for being able to throw down and destroy opponents. I was a Fighter... I am a Fighter, but more so a Warrior.

Mr. Dunbar had a new student who decided he was going to threaten another, and get in his face. Before he could do harm, Mr. Dunbar “yoked him up” and slammed him against the wall, and shouted the fear of “Wisdom” into his soul. For most of you reading this, a man like this could get arrested and would be seen as wrong, because you all have theories, and have no sense of the way others live in less sanitized spaces.

Mr. Dunbar knew when to “reason” and with who, and when to get “bouted”, and with who. Most of you do not know that. I liked this fella, and one of the things that interested me the most was that he was teaching English literature to these 8th or 9th graders, but he had his own way. He made the material match the “streets”. He spoke to them about Shakespeare and other writers in terms and filters that had application. The question was posed by him: “How can we use the past to teach us about the present?”

He was the first “common” I would hear mention Machiavelli. He mentioned it, because he knew these young fellas, all boys, heard his name in the rap music of the area. Rappers knew the name Machiavelli the same way I found out about it: through the Italians, down in Bensonhurst.

When Mr. Dunbar opened up discourse on The Prince, he also spoke of The Book of the Courtier, and other pieces of power. Too, it would be from him, I heard of Clauswitz and his treatise On War.

He got my interest, more so because he got “their” interest, and what I saw was something that would stick with me for the rest of my life, and influence what I would later do, when I became a mentor to at risk youth, in a facility in upstate New York, with all NYC and major city youth present.

He had these young minds excited to talk about the “game”. I was younger than these perhaps 9th graders at the time, but my associates were always older than me. I was perhaps 11, at this time, but I can not recall. The wit and the brightness in these young fellas popped out quick when the material had application. The classroom became loud, which is a sign of healthy discourse in Brooklyn. In most many places, loudness is discouraged, and this on account of a more pacified and timid culture among the subjugated commons. In Brooklyn, loud was not loud, it was Brooklyn.

“We” did not have folk telling us to keep it down, or lower our tones, or relax. It was “common” to speak with passion, to be excited, and to be fast.

When I was 8 years old, I became under the mentorship of an Italian fella in Bensonhurst. Now, I can not speak of his name, for it is not mine to give, but too, I also must be silent on many things concerning that world. This fella provided me with a cot to sleep on in his unused storage room, and allowed for me to move my bookshelf in, and stay only at night and early morning. At first, I washed dishes for him, then cleaned up, in general, then took care of the food runs and store runs for the fellas that played at the “tables” that were “downstairs”. In no time, I was his messenger, when he knew well that I could recall words accurately, and more so, overstand their notions. He taught me a great deal about his world, and he was intelligent, he was healthy, and he was in Control and Command over his conditions. He was no “fly boy” and he remained under the radar, taking care of business. He did not want me to be some messenger pigeon; he wanted me to be his voice. This was a man whose voice could get him in real trouble with his “competitors”, and so he had to safeguard its use. I became a proxy, a filter for this, because as a young kid, there was nothing the system could truly do against me, if found “saying some things”.

It would be this mentor that had me place a great focus on Machiavelli, as well as other material about control and persuasion. He always taught me to “read in between the lines”, and “watch the ways”, and “get past the words”. “A moving mouth is more often than not a mouth telling lies”, he would say. “Always watch what people do... and see if their words match.” This, I heard often, and the reason I heard it often is because it was applicable. Behavior existed in the observable world, whereas words spoke to the creation, in mind alone, of the speaker or the writer. You could not use such a realm as one that could be called “knowable”.

My lessons among the “Italians” were always about business, and that of the marketplace. It was a set of dangerous businesses, and because of this, an individual had to be Vigilant. You had to know where you could go, and where you could not. Most of all, I had to know how to speak with others in terms they could understand. I was good with my hands and my feet, for fighting, and this was necessary in “street cultures”; but under his mentorship, I had to become good at using my words, and to do this, you have to become good at using your head. But there is a flip side to this. You can not become good at using your head in the absence of “good words” and language.

This is the secret that control structures do not want anyone to know, and my Italian mentor and Mr. Dunbar, well, they knew this secret, and they were teaching it to others. Most could not hear it though, regardless of how loud it was in their face.


I heard it, and it became my “way”. If I was to increase my Control and my Command over my conditions, and myself... I had to start with the organization of my ideas. I had to become categorical in my thinking, just like Aristotle. I had to have a system for everything, and not be concerned with the accuracy of the system at first. I had to have some systematic approach, and be ready to abandon it for a better one, when new variables would become known―like water, ready to adapt and overcome, forcefully towards its own essence.

What my Italian mentor had me chasing, at 8 years of age, a few years later, Mr. Dunbar had, by trying to instigate the same in others. Key here is trying. Because my work required more of me, I could not visit his classes anymore. He found me in the park playing chess, and checked in on me. He let me know about all the things he was hearing in the streets about me, and he tried to remind me to “slow down” and to “conceal” more. He tried to counsel me in my strategies, but he did not understand what I had already come to know. I will share this with you reader, and tie it in to the nature of this book.

Social strategies and tactics have universal elements to them, so long as the “Player” and the “Played” are conformed to the “common” standard. If you are not “conformed” to the “common standard”, and you use these “universals”, you will fail at them. I learned this really young.

I learned that when I was living among so-called “blacks”, that I was not supposed to adopt a so-called “black identity”. I learned when living among the “Italians” so-called, I was not supposed to act like I was the “Italian standard”. I knew among the Brooklyn “Jews”, that I was not to pass myself off as one.

Had I not known this, and tried to be of the “common standard” of these “groups”, I would have been to all in it an imposter. I did not look like anyone I was among in Brooklyn. I stood out and was immediately identifiable in appearance. There was no concealment and hiding as an option. My “cover” was blown immediately, by the nature of my phenotypes. “We like him, but he is not one of us”.

For someone who may have been born normal, this would have hurt them. I was fortunate in nature, to be born an “individualist”. I have never had some need to tribe up, to be accepted, and to be evaluated in esteem of others. Now, those who have this need, which is common, will of course then be stunted in presuming I too have this need, and therefore, use their own limits in their ways of describing my motives. But then, you are a fool. In reading my writings, do I come off as someone who is with low self-awareness? Do I seem like I do things that I do not know the origins of? Do I seem like someone without knowledge of self?

To say yes to these things would be to project your own ineptitudes on me, while I display otherly. My symbolic narrative is evidence of the organization of my mind. It does not speak to my actions, but it speaks to the content of my mind, and how it is arranged; this is the power of the written and spoken word.

I was not bothered by not being “like” those around me. The beauty of Brooklyn was that there were so many who were different from each other, knew their difference, and “rocked” their difference. This is what I enjoy in others. I enjoy anyone who has a sense of who they are, and has learned how to “rock” it, to “own” it, and make no excuses for their proclivities. And this is what I did.

Mr. Dunbar knew I could do as any strategist and tactician could, and he thought I was not doing it... but what he did not realize was I had to “play” the game, not based on the “universals” which I had mastered, but based upon a set of strategies and tactics that matched the tools and the character I was born with.

By default, I was already visible, and would get attention. Therefore, to betray this knowledge, and seek to reduce it, would be seen as a weakness by all able to observe. It would be me seeking to do what can not be done. This too, would be wasteful. Instead, I had to flip the script. I had to play up on my differences, “rock” them, and turn them into gold.

Blue Pattern

“Fortune Favors the Bold”,

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they say, and where others play a timid and quiet game, I had to be a performer, ready to be noticed, loud, capable, and most of all, knowingly dangerous. Where I was living, being dangerous was not uncommon. Being dangerous was a necessity, and if you were not dangerous, it would have been best for you to move from “safe space” to “safe space”, getting out of the streets as fast as possible, because the streets required you be “about it”, or “bouted”. My work, and all I did was in the streets.

My work required covert thinking, and I mastered that. But my social existence had to be the opposite. Keep working on the “down low”, but socially, be known by all the right people, and unknown to all the wrong people. This too was key. Who knows about you is very important. Too, was there the need to always control the narrative. After all, how would that not be a motive in my use of the written word? You the reader can not know me, outside of my ability to control what you know.

Why would I leave you to think for yourself about me? This would be foolish. This would be a part of your naive culture, where you are told you think well, you are smart, and your thoughts matter. No they don’t. I am not telling you that nonsense. That would defeat the purpose of this self-defense manual.

This manual has come to exist because of the error in thinking that dominates the Society Advanced by the Majority, by SAM. You all can not think well. So when you measure me, you do so based upon ineptitude, not that of knowledge, science, a system, and certainly, not in the presence of some supposed Wisdom. You are all fools of ineptitude in my eyes, by default, till you show me otherwise. Not the other way around. I know better than that. Sharing some of these tales may help you see why I know better than that. While your youth was spent in mommy's care, and false protection that was in fact “retardation”, my youth was spent in self ownership, having adventures in all kinds of craziness. How can you folk hear me speak, read me, and see me do as I do, and think for one second that I came from something familiar to you? When all else in what I do lacks familiarity, should you then not presume the same of my origins and past experiences? But you do not, you “retard” your sense of me, and try to “retard” me at the same time.


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My SELFISH motives behind recommending books and writing

So then this leads to me addressing the motives behind even recommending works. My primary motive for recommending reading material and/or audio/video material to someone is purely SELFISH, as are just about all of my motives, if not all. Yes, you read that right, and should not be surprised. I AM SELFISH, though in the use of this term, “my disregard” for others, in carrying on in the way I am, is not the same as “harm” towards others. It means I carry on in expression of my Sense of Self, and Sense of Life with no concern, nor care for contribution by others. I do it for me, by me, and through me. I have the Law, “do no harm”, so my selfishness is not in harm to others, but it does not mean that when one reacts delusionally to how I am, thinking me other than, they do not harm themselves. They just might, which is why everyone needs to pay attention to my words when associating with me. I say it all with clarity and exactness. The question is, are you listening?

What is selfish about ALL recommendations I give, is that I “believe” the individual is far behind, and is not on a level that I can find entertaining enough. This value, the value of Entertainment, is the first value I am looking for in others. NOT “love”, not “alliances”, not “union”, not “friends”, not “relationships”. ENTERTAINMENT.

But as most are not entertaining, and when I come across those who can be, I selfishly offer guidance for them to develop further, towards no longer being a bore. To do this, I have to have others elevate their “mind”, and instigate their “Intellect”. It is intellectual Entertainment that I value the most. I get a great joy out of seeing others advance their Control and Command over their conditions and self. Like in how one gets serotonin hits from being successful, I get the same from seeing others be successful. When others succeed, it is as if I succeed. It has an amazing presence, to provoke others into higher performance. Sure, this too helps them, and makes them feel good and strong, and because of this, mental midgets try to say, what I do is not “selfish”. This is because you can not read, or understand terms. I am not motivated by how the receiver “feels”, or whether they do good or not. What happens to them is not the factor. It is selfish because I am motivated to help them get stronger, so that in getting stronger, it enhances MY EXPERIENCE.

It is all about ME, ME, and then ME, and if you have ever heard someone tell you that I am SELFISH, they were not lying. It is absolutely true, and they were told that perhaps day one of association with me. If you are all told that I am selfish, and then that becomes a problem, it begs the question... What were you aiming for, when associating with an admitted selfish individual? Why did you pursue me? Why do you associate and seek access, only then to turn around and say it was a problem?

Yes, only a problem though, because you did not believe me, and so when you aim to control me, and make me yield to you and your ways, and I refuse, and hold my own, then, well, you hate me for being selfish. You see, being selfish openly means not being servile. It means my existence is not for any one of you. However, only those who need others to serve them, and be inferior to them hate the selfish and take issues with being selfish. Selfish is a problem, because it means the individual controls access, and you psychic vampyres do not want access to have limits. So you need your targets to be selfless, to be sacrificial, to “care for others”, and to “serve others”. Not me, and now you know. But everyone always knows. I tell everyone that I am selfish.

Though I tell everyone this, they do not know how to think about it. So they blank it out, and act as if I am not selfish. This then causes them harm, when they do not get what they wanted out of me. This causes them harm, when I get what I think is a fair trade for what I have put into them. They then “feel” used because I required a quid pro quo for the association, even though I have taught that to all who associate with me.

Quid pro quo means “something for something”, or “what for what”. I do this, for this. All-inclusive collectivists do not require quid pro quo and in fact, they hate it. They want access with no requirements determining the access.

I will save the subject matter, or rather Pattern of selfishness for another area. It is a factor in what I am about―a large one. When I say selfish, it is defined and implied that I mean Rational, or rather Ratiocinatively self-interested, even as a moral expression. RSI, or Ratiocinative Self-Interest, does not have an allowance of doing harm, and it requires transparency in agreements.

With all of this said, my motives for the expoundings about to occur should be rather clear. However, I will summarize for those mental midgets not caring enough to be thorough.

I do not, and can not respect nor enjoy others who are easily manipulable. This is to say, ineptitude to me is unattractive and undesirable, and I do not use these two terms in the sense of the sensual. I am speaking of, and in that of character. I only enjoy in depth those with a character that is fortified, that is strong, and that is Vigilant. All of these are needed for the term, and the notion behind them, “Valiant”. Valiance is what I find attractive and desirable, and where it has yet to be developed, I instigate its development in others. For those who are not capable of this “Valiance”, then their value to me will only be in Entertainment.

“Game” is from gamen in Old English term, from Old Norse, which meant “joy” and that of “sports that bring joy”, and that of “amusement”, with the added element of “contest” that is carried out with “well-defined rules” and that of “standards”.

When those around me are engaged for mere “amusement”, then they are measured by how well they serve the Game, and not how well they supposedly “play”, as few I observe are actually engaged in “play”, which would be detected by their joy, and skill, but instead they are being played, which is revealed in their malcontent, their displeasure, and that of carrying on defeated constantly. I will not be amused.

This displeasure and this malcontent are diseases of character. It is a state of being infected with an “infection” that is symbolic in nature, of the mind and of one's Sense of Self and Sense of Life, all a symbolic sense. This forms one’s narrative, so to say, and all narratives are symbolic constructs. The narrative, when infected, causes the individual to infect all things they project their narrative upon. They become subversive, and they come to undermine that which is healthy, and all along, they have no sense that any of this is occurring, because a correlation to the “infection” is that they are not self-aware, and they are not volitional, and they are without Control, and they are not awake, but many of them are certainly “woke”, in mental “broke”.

In order to enhance my own conditions, I take Control and Command over my associations. The primary strategies and set of informed tactics that are Access Denied are born out of Viritus, that of the Martial Way of Intelligence, and as such, are driven by its main aims, which are to advance one’s Control and Command over their conditions and themselves. It is not an advancement in the Control and Command over that of others, which when such attempts are displayed, it is a clear indication that a charlatan and a predator, or subversive is at play. None of what is Access Denied can be used to subvert the standing of another in relation to themselves, though those subversives coming against a Departed will declare such is the case. They will declare this, because the Departed is removing access the subversive once had to them, and therefore, the subversive will say the Departed is “subverting”. But this is absurd, when the Departed is only Controlling and Commanding access to them, and is not seeking to gain, nor maintain access to the subversive.

The “Departed” is another name for the “Vespillo”, for in that this “Way” speaks to them, they will “Depart” from that of the “Land of the Dead”, those WITHOUT REASON and VIRTUE; but in actually, this, because they are “on a QUEST”.

In essence, it would be the subversive declaring that the Departed and their associates are subverting the subversives' access to the Departed. This is not subversion, but is instead called “self-defense”. It is not subversion to deny access. Only those who believe they are entitled to the access, for whatever their reasons be, can propose this to be the case, for certainly then, a subversive, a taker, and oppressive force is now most certainly revealed in this thinking.

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In Part I, I introduced the notion of the difference between cognitive species, such as that of stating there are those, most common, called humans, and then there are those who are “courageous”, who are “Valorous”, and “martial” at living, called the Vir... And in essence, their value systems innately differ. This is not about the two having a difference in choices. Ignorance of “self” is at the root of the humans' sense of “volition”, whereas the Vir does not have this ignorance, but has “Knowledge of Self”, and in this knowledge, then comes to have a “Way”. This “Way” is not one of choice, when Knowledge is present. This “Way” is one of “obedience”, but not the kind of obedience that stirs in humans that of rebellion, where their ineptitudes guide them. Obedience, NOT that of REPUGNANCE.

Instead, the “Obedience” of the Vir is not to another, but to “Nature”, that is... their nature. This nature is those traits that are essential to their innate character, and therefore, also called their essence. It is an amazing discovery to come to know what one's innate essence is. And what obedience that follows is absolutely necessary for a COMMAND to be produced. This is the essence of the expression:

Winter Forest


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Because these manuals are written from the perspective of the VIR, the tone towards being human will mostly be received as harsh. Mostly because humans will have their “feelings” hurt because of this. Hurting the “feelings” of humans is one of the worst things that could happen to them. It is worse than all the conditions of torment that were once common in the past. The “feelings” of a human is central to their whole sense of being. It is those very “feelings” that drive their very sense of “access” to others, it is... their GOD, and they worship it.

In Part II of Access Denied, I will be tackling a sensitive subject. It's only sensitive for those who are already aware, on some level, that social gaming exists, and that its “plays” are fixed, are “ancient”, are rather universal, and more than anything... rampant. In essence, there is often no escaping these plays, and for the most part... They are “played” from a position of ineptitude, often unknowingly, quite poorly, and the cause of so much social suffering, that humans experience on the day-to-day of their emotional existence.

Part II was not written all at once. In 2021, I spent a few months writing Access Denied, and it ended up being over a thousand pages, and this was going to be a single release at first. However, in the scheme of books, that would be too big. So Access Denied was broken up into parts. This is not difficult, because just about all of what Access Denied is, is conducted as “essays”―essays written during morning sessions, on whichever element I had desired to cover. This means, though connected as a single theme, it was not conducted in some orderly fashion of book writing. The reason for not sticking to the typical academic planned book is that when these essays are written, they “develop” my sense as well, of the subject Patterns. It is not me, in essence, writing what I know, therefore, exposing my limits. Instead, because “I” write in “stream”, in “flow” (Wu Wei) more often than not, soon as “I” am done, I have learned a great deal from what was written, and when I aim to write some more, it ought to be improved by this. It usually is, and so then, even though writing on the same subject Patterns, the one to follow will be more advanced than that of the preceding one.

As I write this now, the 2021 year is near its end, October 31st just passed, and Access Denied Part I was published on that day. That was a desire to have it land on that day, at least in digital form. Part II had a form to it already, but in looking at it, I decided to start from scratch and make some improvements to it. Because of this, the best elements of what was previously done in Part II will be added to this piece. So at times, it may seem a bit behind what follows now, but surely, will not be in contradiction. It may too be a shift in tone, or it may be carried out in the very same likeness in tone.

The reader is merely reminded to think of all this as essaying to some extent; that the topics receive treatments at different times, so therefore, have many repeated elements, and will have that slight sense of being all over the place, for not being the neat echo of academic mental midgetry.

With the subject matter of Part II being behavioral plays at access, I will try to maintain that course, and where there are Patterns that deviate, I will attempt to have them placed in more suited locations of following parts.

I aim to identify what the human behavioral plays of access are through the lens of a would-be Vir, making this, yet in extension, still a “tactical self-defense manual for the Vir” as spelled out in Part I. Part II certainly uses the fundamental arguments of Part I, so be sure to read Part I, at, where it and all my works are free. It must be read before this one, so I can avoid too much repetition in areas well covered there.

Part II will be about the “Battle of Access” and why it is a “battle” and what its roots are, drawing from Part I.

The objective is to examine the behaviors that are used to gain and maintain access, from the preceding familiar routes, too when you meet a target, who may be a stranger, or “replicant” stranger.

Part II will include some quick references to Part I, using it as the foundation. The objective of the elements in Part I being exposed once again in Part II is about securing the route.

The “Game”, the “player”, and the “played”

There are two categories in life, concerning the game, and nothing in between. You are either a “player” or you are being “played”, but rarely is there anyone to define what the traits are for either. This, because the “game” too is rarely if ever defined, at least well. There are mini-games everywhere, and someone sets out to explain those mini-elements, and when one plays the mini-element, they then think they are now a “player”.

For many of you, even using these terms will be rather new. You have never thought of a “game”, and never of whether you are “playing” or being “played”. You call this “life”, and “society”, and “school”, and “work”, and so on. This means your category is easy to classify:

You are of the “PLAYED”.

If you do not know what I mean by “game”, you are not a “player”. If you do not have a set of strategies and tactics that you can define, and list... you are not a player. If you are not a “player”, you are being “played”. This too makes this manual odd, and clarifies its self-defense nature. I am always accused of being the one who is “playing” others, and only by those who have been “played” their whole lives. The ones who accuse me are the “played”. They accuse me because someone they thought they knew has now come to realize that they have been surrounded by the played, and when you surround yourself with those being played, you are being played. Players surround themselves with players. Now, I know I have yet to define what I mean. I will get there, this for sure. But I must go where the flow takes me... it's not my call.

Played folk are insecure and fearful. This, because they do not know of the strategies and tactics of Control and Command. Played folk need to keep others around them played, to feel secure and stable. This is what they do. Played folk need to be “retarded” and to “retard” others. This is what they do.

When someone catches wind of what I do, and it speaks to them, the first thing they are being told is “stop getting played”. As I have said, this is mostly new to many. This is not new to the language I grew up around. These metaphors of the “game” were commonplace in Brooklyn. In fact, any who have a sense of these terms learned it by proxies that were trying to mimic what was in the streets. You hear it in films, in music, and media, and you may even say these words... but do you know them?

“The game”, to the AVERAGE INDIVIDUAL, is the one of mating, of sex. The game is “running game”, or “he got game”, and “gaming this and that”. It's about the sexual marketplace. Then there is the “hustle”, which is that of one “getting theirs on” in the game of economics, the material marketplace. So you got “money” as a target, and you got affection and/or sex as a target that one develops strategies and tactics around. These are two of the “mini-elements” I speak of, and those in these “games”, and just one or both of them, are NOT PLAYERS, though they call themselves this. These are those still being played, because without them, as Non-Player Characters, the game would not even exist. They are the game, not players.

The game is SAM, the Society Advanced by the Majority, and in SAM are replicated the values. Money, for example, has no value of its own. It is a medium of exchange. When I was a young man, I would often laugh at fellas who pulled out wads of cash, and be like, “I got that cheese”, or whatever inept terms thrown around. I would then say, “You know that's debt, right? You know that if you do not exchange the money for something, it's worthless, right?” It is your purchasing potential, and what will be a measurement of value is not that you have it to spend, but what you spend it on. This would start a great deal of conversations, as I was often no older than 12 years old, being the first source of posing these questions in my environment. I had studied economics, and The Wealth of Nations. I had learned about currency and its purpose, trade and its significance. Not through many books, but through the “right” books.

I also knew the history of those abusing this ignorance in others. I knew about the music industry, and Jewish execs and management, who instead of paying black musicians money, they were giving them cars, and other material goods, to keep them dependent, teaching them they “need to stay fresh”. I knew where this came from, because the so-called “black elders” of my community were Warriors, who taught community through combat, and a part of that combat was knowing your history, and not getting played. At the age of 7, I sat through a local seminar by so-called “black leaders” that addressed the language of the neighborhood, and its roots, where the slang came from, and who originated the ideas.

These were “black folk” that had connections with the “Nation of Islam” and other outreach programs. Not only was I the only fair skin individual in that room, I was the only one in there younger than 25. But in those days, they all knew who my “father” and my “uncle” were, the “Brothers Shahbaz”, and I was “Baby Shahbaz”, as they called me. They saw past my complexion, because my roots were with these two Creole of color fellas, so they presumed I was simply a fluke, as I was.

“Keep it fresh” was one of those expressions spoken of, and I left remembering all that was said. Preaching about how this value of needing “new kicks” and releasing “new” and “new”, and keeping everyone fixed on this as a means to connect their status to it. “I got the new Jordans, yours are from last year”. Keeping the populace “retarded” around shoes, which continues to this day. They did this with cars, with clothing, with music, and with drugs. “New”. And this was easy to do, because novelty, that newness, is a strong variable to most. Most mistake pleasure in novelty for being that of curiosity. IT'S NOT!

The consuming loop is not the game. The consuming loop of getting money, getting material, and cycling through is “being played”. The loop around resources is nature's game, and when this is what one is consumed by, they're being played by nature. This is not wrong; it is “natural”, and that can neither be “good” nor “bad”, this judgment requiring qualifiers.

I learned at a young age about manipulation, and how there are those who keep others in the dark. I learned at a young age that knowledge of self is a threat to controllers who can never have knowledge of self, as they serve a different calling. And all these things that may have begun as learning, as theory, and the declarations of others would become found valid in my own observations, and better yet, experiments and investigations conducted with method, with deliberateness. I did not learn “good words” and MERELY come to repeat them. I learned things to consider, and to be on the lookout for, and I did just that; I considered them, and became Vigilant about them, and this is why you “retarded” kind, you mental midgets, have insecurity and fear around me, because you know nothing, but you feel my Vigilance, and you fear judgement, because you feel inadequate... because you are.

I do not care about judging you; it is not about you. It is about me, and I do not come to “care” to judge you, until you try to play me, from you being the played.

The “Game” is about two things. Repression of what one's nature is, or expression in and through one's nature. But Nature, that of actuality, gave the so-called human a dilemma. All animals, other than the so-called human, have no “doubt”. An animal has no need for self-examination, no need for knowing, believing, and deciding. It is as Nature compels it to be, and can be nothing else. The so-called human is inflicted with “doubt” by birth. It does not know what it is, so it must take its Sense of Self and Life from those who came before it, who too, were born in the same ignorance of self.

Mommy and Daddy, who too are ignorant animals mimicking their ignorant progenitors, can only state their role, as authoritative, in that, they have been here longer, and came before you―proof of their ignorance. AUTHORITY based merely on PRECEDENCE.

The human so-called animal is born with their first birth, in the material sense, to ignorance, not to knowledge. Knowledge, for present abstract beings, requires effort to attain. Too, it requires a sound process of reasoning. In the absence of a methodology, that is, a system that is definable, that is clear, that is achievable, there is none of this thing called “knowing”―at least, not with the ingredient of certainty, the needed ingredient, by degree.

The mini-games are often developed towards skillful play, and one can be played by the game, and yet be skilled in the game. In fact, this is what hierarchies are naturally developed around, that is to say, “the skilled”. But this is not “playing” in the way in which I use the term. One who is “playing” the game, so to say, is one who knows first and foremost that there is a game, and what it is, its identity. Then another thing oddly follows, in order to “play”, and that is an “obedience”.

The formula is “discover” the “Ways of Actuality”, the “Ways of Reality”, that is, the “Ways of what is”, and then after one has discovered these “Ways”, next is to “submit” to them, and to “obey them” in order for the third degree of realization to occur: that of “Command”.

This is also the meaning of the expression,


“In order for Nature to be Commanded, it must first be Obeyed.”


Too, this is the cure for “delusion”. This is all key to understanding what is meant by me, when it is said or written “the Game”. Reality, existence, Life, and being are all the Game, and it is never played in ignorance and under delusion, it is only suffered while in these states. This is the meaning of the expression in Buddhism, that “life is suffering” or Duhkha, though this is not what this term would have meant to the Saka, the ones in which the Buddha was claimed to be from.

Life is suffering to the ignorant and the delusional, and this suffering is not a dilemma to those having discovered the formula above. Discover the identity of Reality, then obey it, and then come to Command it, or rather, when best realized, COMMAND “through it”.

This term Reality, perhaps covered elsewhere, is often most “seductive” when used by an individual or group, in that, it seems to be the signified focus of both predators and prey who operate in its interest. This is to say, prey desire a greater grasp of “what is”, only so far as “what is” often holds them captive, weak, and oppressed, and to the predators, they seek a greater grasp of “what is” only in that they are insecure and fearful, and a control over “what is” gives them a false sense of a reduction in this fear and insecurity. However, this “what is” I have observed others call “Reality” falls greatly short from being so, because the predators and the prey that signify through this term are both ignorant and delusional, and have no Command over the mind, and its symbols, necessary to conceive of this notion of Reality, or that “which is” in what “it is”, WHICH IS... the sum of its identifiable parts.

Instead, the predator and the prey, who are mostly the same, differing only by degree of access to controlling hierarchies, are referencing and signifying not Reality, but often “petty conditions”. This term condition is better used to signify what everyone means when they say to you “Reality”. They are using the term Reality to speak of a FAMILIAR CONDITION, and the ways in which they believe the condition is constructed, and towards what aims. So when the predator and the prey speak on this subject, it is “matter”; and “how things are” and “have been” are the characteristics of this “matter”. And the predator increases their control, not power, over these conditions more often than not through the fortune of being default born to a higher status in the cycle of “predator and prey”; that is “takers and producers”, that is “laborers and exploiters”, and all the variants that can be applied, or has gained to some status, through having entered into the certification process by others, in order to don the necessary titles, garbs, and symbols of control, with the expectation that those yet attained in the degrees are to be subservient, not to them, but to the SYMBOLIC DEGREES in which they have become CLOAKED in. And that which is cloaked by these symbolic degrees of attainment is the fact that they are base, that they are bestial, that they are absurd in actuality, and no more greater by Virtue than the prey they exploit. But they are one and the same, the predator and the prey, even the master and the slave, in that with “fortune”, if it could be called this, being reversed, the one on the bottom made top would perpetrate the very same atrocities, the very same exploitation, the very same repression, and the very same oppression.

Take the insecure and fearful effeminate males who dominate politics and media, and seek to secure a higher symbolic degree in society, through certification among their peers of same or similar character, to rise through costumes of authority and gain access to the mechanics best for exploitation... that being government. These effeminates lived lives under the control of their mothers, when young, and were made to worship her, and she had no competition. Secretly, while worshiping her, they either wanted to have sexual control over her, or they wanted to overthrow her. Now of course, the inept and the prey minded would say, “this is fraud, and a wild theory not backed by evidence”. You would be largely mistaken, as if to think that those deviant thoughts you likely carry are going about undetected, unknown, unrealized, by those able to observe more accurately. This is not some condition of a minority, but because one is trained to suppress their own thinking, they hide this little reptile in places of acceptance, shape-shifting its sense so as to go undetected. But those who “watch”, they know it is present.

These effeminates want to be “mommies”, not daddies, though they will accept BEING DADDY... if they can take it, because after all, a daddy is a male mommy, only in a lesser degree of primacy. Mommy is best, daddy is a far second best, and to achieve this without merit and without talent, one need only secure a place in institutions of control, and get their “certifications”, and go ahead to ascend in symbolic degree of authority. Then one seizes this role of a mommy with a government force, backing “mommy knows best”. A shift begins to occur in civilizations, a term oddly treated by predators as well as prey as some honorable symbol, when the population all get equal access to the institutions that certify their mad and base shape-shifting movements. When this happens, the system becomes mixed. Default birth alone will not suffice. It is often a sign of a population that has increased trade, communication, and exposure to the workings of a system. So then those who were at the bottom, comedically seen as prey, will seek out these institutions and commit to the same behavior. They will be used by predators and promoted by predators to do as the “chosen negro” did during “slave days”, and that is, pick up the whip for the “masters” and be the source of the pain that breeds compliance, redirecting the attention off of those higher up in the cycle of predation.

When this grows popular, as it has in my own “time” and its conditions, eventually the whipping prey begins to see themselves as the “master” and challenges the “master” for a greater role of control, and in this challenge, not only needs to be like the “master”, but worse, needs to enact retribution and revenge for what the predators had done to the prey, and now the prey needs to be an apex predator, and so the cycle alternates. In all of this movement through systems of exploitation and predation, you have the sense that all mean by “Reality” and the “Game”.

It is all about the conditions; and the narrative, though “romantic” often, is merely a deception of the played, to make excuses for their base natures and the performance that is produced therefrom.

Same can be said about the mini-games. Ain't no female alive being wooed by a male who has forgotten “he wants that pussy”, and more so, though she may not know, it is not merely her form that drives him, but more valuable is her approval, and depending on the status the male has in society, too, the approval of their peers, if she stands out and above what options they think is natural to their status.

These two motives drive the social tactics of the base and bestial needs and desires, and not one female does not realize the first part of this, as she then accepts this role in the sexual marketplace, and uses her pussy and her approval as a form of “currency” to catch a mate, who too will be based upon her sense of opportunity, and her sense of status. Only, a male has his sense of status connected to his present resources, or his future opportunities and expectations. A human female, on the other hand, is measured based on her youth and physical appearance, and how she appears in the now, as both of these things fade― and they fade rather quickly, causing the aggression in their use to be hyper, so as to make proper speed of application upon those young male and old male, human fools who have yet to discover the mechanics of aging, and despair.

The sexual marketplace, too, is a major factor in the predator and prey cycle. Is it not considered commonly known that politicians, no matter their public face, tend to be found out to be “deviants” who hold secrets, and engage in activities they otherwise would not be able to, if not for their status in the social hierarchy, and the realm of resources and exploitation?

Is it not well-known that those who discover the route to fame and fortune tend to then develop seemingly behaviors, labeled by prey as deviant?

I would think most reading this would agree that there is a common trend among humans who gain to a sense of control over others, that is never achieved in their individuality, but is always a control of collective force. After all, has it not been said that,

Palace Hall

The masses build the castles of the tyrants.

Not a single tyrant or oppressor could ever be so without a collective force to do their bidding. Not a single tyrant could ever be in promotion of rugged individualism, and extreme individualism. Why... every tyrant that has ever existed, and will exist in the future, has to be a mommy and a daddy of collectivism, is because without it, they will not be able to exploit this human machinery of suffering made scientific, called government, and society... fused to make “civilization”.

Civilization is no more than the mask of a “city” wrapped around the face of timid, insecure, fearful, and effeminate mommies and daddies, who lack the boldness of an outright criminal, so they must hide behind benevolence, which is all, and always learnt, first and foremost, from mommy and daddy in the household. Show me a house under a mommy and daddy, and I will show you the breeding ground of ineptitude. You can blame it on the schools, the media, the movies, the music, on the government, or some foreign influence... all things that are not under one's entire control. However, the one realm having the control as default, as a given, under the mommy and the daddy, is the HOUSEHOLD, and here is where it all begins. And what has shown to begin in prominence is subjugation to ineptitude, for any young who would become adept at thinking and living would quickly come to see that their default custodians, their progenitors were fools, were idiots, were subjects of ineptitude themselves, and seen only as prey to the ignorant and delusional, when as “prey” in the predator prey cycle, they were putting forth their own mimicked tactics of predation, all masked under the terms “love and care” for the one they “possess” as their... “any role will do”.

Like how criminals and deviants use the mask of “civilization” to maintain their predation, so too do those most closest to you use the mask of “love and care”, and that of “family”, and “long time connection” as a means to have easy targets of their own ineptitudes, fears, and insecurities. The Game is nature's game, and it's called “expression”.

Everything has an identity, that is, a set of traits and attributes, and nature demands these be expressed. You have free and potent expression, and this is called “power”, which means potent ability, and then you have “repressed”, “detained”, and “delusional expression”, and this is suffering and leads to insecurity and fear, and therefore, prioritizes “securing” and bringing about “safety” in sense alone, though not perhaps in actuality. Both are products of nature, only in the degree of the traits being expressed, where the condition factors in as facilitator of an expression, or a repressive force of the expression. That which is to be expressed is predetermined, though that which is the condition around the potential of expression is not. Those who have conditions that repress their natural traits will feel repressed, lack a sense of security, and fear being expressed. It is these, conditionally, that make up the ranks of the ones who grab at control over others, through institutions, be them academic institutions, be them governmental institutions, or that of certifying bodies of gatekeepers saying who gets in, and who does not. Institutions and organizations with control mechanics gained through mere peer approval attract the insecure and fearful, because it sends out a beacon that says, “with us, you can control others; you just need to be under our control and do your time and duty; your turn will follow”.

Even as a pathetic young under the control of your pathetic elders, you are told the same. You need to be a “child”, though they mean, to them, “our child”. This is to say, they need you in this role. They need to have their turn being in “control”, like their mommy and daddy were. They want that, as this is the only kind of control they have actually been acquainted with. Some need to be the mommy in the classroom, where they saw how much control their “mommy” teacher had over other young. These roles have so many wearing the deceitful mask of civilization and benevolence, and the ignorant know nothing of the mask, mask makers, and its components so compounded.

The tactic of non-acquiescence in Access Denied

It was not long ago, a fella I was taking a liking to, also from Brooklyn, was coming and fighting with my weekly spar group. It was good to have a semi straight talker around again, as I tend to be the only one. There was that movie, The Last Of The Mohicans. Someone needs to make a movie called The Last Of The Brooklynese, and showcase straight talkers mixing with these gentle bunnies of subjugation, who dominate today. But this fella was expecting a child, and I held my tongue every time he spoke of how it felt to him, and how great it was, all along having suffering written all over his face. He was not pushing the narrative onto me, so I did not need to state my own position. However, as a part of Access Denied, one of the tactics is “non-acquiescence”, that is, never be silent on Patterns about you projected by others. Meaning, if they make it about you, you can not let them control the narrative and assign to you that which is not of your values. Silence is consent, and a “Departed” is marked by their refusal to be silent in the face of others trying to characterize and assign to them values they reject, or have no desire for. The Departed do not project on others their values. The Departed are able to be identified as authentic when they are only seeking to hold their ground, and develop their hierarchy of values. I will add a second story to follow to illustrate that point.

This fella projected on me, the last time we saw each other, that universally becoming a father was amazing, and the best thing. He made it a “universal” value. Had he specified that to him it is so, I would have said nothing. When one makes it a “universal”, they place you in the form. So of course, I spoke up and said, “do not try to feed me that con”. You males try to say this to others who, if they do not have children, often have a freedom that illustrates how much you are suffering. They can tell you are lying. They can tell your life has not turned for the best, but instead, you will disappear and now be contained to the house. You are now a servant with a contract of 18 years minimum. You will live the life of an indentured. And you most certainly can not sell me on that. I am meant to be free by nature's traits in me. But this is not universal.

Most males, especially human males, if not all of them, are not meant to be free. Freedom then changes its character, or that is, has its character changed by the “house servant”. Instead of it being individual freedom, it becomes “economic freedom”, so that for the male to serve their house, they need the “freedoms” to do well in the economy, and give their “mommy” called a “wife” the life that solves her insecurities and fears, and to provide for her offspring, which she claims are the stars in her sky, and the point of life.

Offspring is of no true universal value to males, but seeking that deference they see females get their whole lives, they observe quickly, a daddy will get some of that. A daddy can stop worrying about being physically fit. A daddy can easily refuse risky activity encouraged by their peers. A daddy can explain easily why he is a coward in the workplace, committed to a routine of labor. Daddy can explain easily why he comes home and has to have a beer and check out to some mindless form of so-called entertainment. Daddy can explain easily why he stays with the same female who has now backed out of the original behavior that got his attention to begin with.

The one explanation for his cowardice is very simple... He now has children, and by some material ease, he is now a “father”, though he, in actuality, is no “father”, but simply a “daddy” second to mommy, to be in the life of a new animal that will be conditioned to praise them, and obey them, though nothing in their characters says this ought to be the case.

Humans, as most of you are, you produce offspring to have servants to your emotions. Your mommy and daddy were motivated in the same way. For some of your predators who have access to better systems of predation, they go beyond the house and seek to control the houses of others. To do this, they seek roles in institutions and government. All humans, not Men, are SLAVERS. ALL, and there is not a single individual, as a Departed, who can be called such, while at the same time being observed to be pressuring and dictating to others what their nature is, and how they ought to live.

What one will not take note of in this piece, if they are inept, is that in no way, shape, or form has it been designated a “UNIVERSAL”. I have said, and shall repeat... you can not deny access to others, as a strategy or a tactic, when you are simply seeking access to them and others, in the same manner, and there is nothing about you worth defending. If you are not with the drive to be free, then Access Denied has nothing to do with you. Nature determined who had this drive. Those of you who think “economic freedom” is that drive, while you are servants in a house, you are not who this applies to. This is not to say, one who came to that condition before hearing the call to their nature can not change. If you are 32 years of age, and older, and with a family, then it would be saying that. You will need to avoid seeking to align with this “narrative”, this sense of things. It will be too late, because your physical brain is already wired with habits that will not be changed, in actuality, and all you would do would be a deception born out of malcontent.

Now one will say, “but Ta’ir, you are 42 years old”, at the time of writing this, in the so-called year 2021, or to my Kind 6021. Yes, but I have had the method my whole life. I am not the one working this system. Access Denied is not for me. I am not a Departed, nor a “withdrawn”. I was born of my Kind, and not of yours. I have been free my whole life, living out my nature. I am not attained, nor can I be. I am the result of others who did the work before me, and I was born by default with their victories. I have earned “nothing”. I have not had to work towards “awakening”; I am, as I continue to demonstrate, by default... awake. I do not know what it was like to be asleep, to have ignorance and delusion as a dominant force, which is too why it is likely, what I have to write and say has no real audience. That most will not be able to apply it accurately, and find fortune on the other end. These are considerations of a strategy and its set of tactics. But who it applies to, and who can apply it is unknown.

I do not need to apply the tactic of “non-acquiescence”, and any who has known of me has observed that. There is not a single individual who could say that I do not speak my mind and state my position. Even in the Armed Forces I did this, with sometimes a feudalistic desire of destruction coming over me, telling me to destroy leadership that was a threat. I had to restrain that force for strategic and tactical reasons that are simple: they are backed by more force, and I do not have the advantage. I do not see myself wrong when in accordance with my nature. My nature is what my system of thought is based on. It was not a system of thought discovered, that I then had to try to alter my nature, or actions to match. I do the opposite, and if there is anything to learn about Access Denied, it is that it is not about someone reading this, and seeking to match the nature it speaks of. This would be fraudulent.

That leads me to the second story, before I get back to the straight “DOPE” (that of Data On Previous Engagement) on these PATTERNS.

I am no human

If you read Niō Zen, Beyond Sissy Buddhism, you may account for where I wrote of a Hawaii trip, where I was on a walkabout with a fella to help him with an eye ailment, as well as counsel him in personal “matters”, or rather “Patterns”, if only such could be received. This would be the last time I would offer such counseling before discovering that the time of this needed to end, and that talk was cheap, and that talk without discernment of the receiver was harmful. There is a “LAW” that dictates my behavior that is not drawn from human systems of “law”: DO NO HARM. This does not mean pacifism, or an avoidance of self-defense. I do not believe life is sacred, that is absurd, and many of you who consume and exploit other animals, in practice, contradict any notion thereof. Now, I do not consume animals, but it is not because of the life of the animal that I avoid the exploitation. I avoid the exploitation where reasonable, because of my own value of my own freedom, and the natural dictate to express my traits. Because of this value, I must value things expressing their nature, and not interfere with it, and when such occurs, a great balance comes back around and my own expression and nature benefits from it. Now, those not knowing of the greater “Way” of “balance” and “non-interference” will have no sense of what I mean. When you are not driven by individual freedom, this will show in your so-called morality. You will interfere with the lives of others, as well as other animals. The Vir avoids the exploitation of other beings seeking to be expressed.

Know this reader. If you know someone who is “departing” from your realm and your ways... I did NOT seek them out. They sought me out, like this fella did. I do not chase or put forth energy towards the approval and development of an association with anyone. I was born fully capable of walking this Earth on my own, and the sense of “alone” is never present in me. I can be in a dark cell, and I have been. I can be in the middle of a jungle, and I have been. I can be high up on the mountains, in some monastery, on a battlefield, and the thralls of chaos, which I HAVE BEEN... and never am I “alone” in some feeling.

Tell me what the opposite of “feeling alone” or “lonely” is. Tell yourself, or ask yourself, what is its opposite?

Its opposite is not its opposite, because it is an affirmed thing, not a negated thing. “Alone” and “lonely” is a thing of negation. It means to one's nature; it is implied that one is supposed to be with another. This is true to the nature of humans, and I do mean all humans. Of course, I must repeat the same definition over and over again, because some mental midget will quote me on that, and then say... “but you are a human!”

A human is a set of mental traits. Mental traits the name implies are that of low sense of worth and self, and that of being insecure, fearful, and in need of a collective to ease these fears, with the chemical oxytocin being of great value. A human does not Reason, but it does have abstract thought and ritualistic relationship to abstractions.

I am not a human. I am with the general traits shared with humans, in form, and therefore, I can be signified as a hominid. The Neanderthal was not considered human; yet it was a hominid. It was so much alike that it was able to mate with humans, or Homo sapiens, as you all mix it up, and produce offspring. Hybrids. I am much like humans in mere appearances, but my mental drives and the character of my cognition is far more distinct than any other hominid probably was to that of humans. I am, in my tongue, a Prijna, on the account that my cognitive character is driven by nature by the essence or the trait of Arete, that extreme and potent drive towards excellence in all I do, a drive necessary for that of Virtue―not excellence in the way you may think of, and certainly not in what you may think is Virtue. Virtue and excellence here are defined not separate from my nature, but by my nature, for my path... not your nature, and your path.

Most excellent version of my nature, and when you mistake this for being like your nature, human, Man, or other... then you are judging my character and being through ignorance and delusion.

Others come to me, seeking to deceive me about being aligned with my words and the kind of nature I have been seeking to attract. I do not come to them to deceive them. In fact, ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you of the “struggles” they have had to stay associated with me. My strategy in life, likened to Access Denied, and informing it, is to get rid of you. It is to find any reason I can to deny you access. Why?

For this is what makes me different, and will be perhaps, honestly or deceitfully, what is making the individual departing from you different, and your struggles uniformed with others: that a standard of association is required, and deference is an evil to my nature, trait, and behavior. “We” of the Mind of Freedom, of Reason, of Arete, and Virtue, DO NOT YIELD.

Like the nature of Logic― specifically my form, Logji, a necessary seed of the Prijna― the objective is to be Vigilant, and constantly forging an updated sense of one's Control and Command over their conditions and self. This means constantly bringing the “heat” and testing that which is before thee; constantly testing one's own sense of belief and one's own sense of certainty forming the sense of knowledge; constantly testing those I associate with to see if they are seeking access to me through deception, or if what they are carrying on about is in fact true to their nature. This will never end.

Those then who seek me out are always under pressure to leave. I do not believe nor do I carry on in behavior to keep and maintain association with others. This violates the primary “relationship” I have with “Something Else” that sustains my drives. No one is ever “related to me”. I say this with clarity. But yet there are those charlatans who want to possess me, who want to be related to me, and who want to be seen in “my light”, and they will say and do anything necessary to attain this desire.

This I am aware of. And now, so will others be. For any reading me would clearly see, that out of all who have sought association with me, perhaps 95 percent fit this description of those seeking to have access and to possess me, only to thwart, overthrow, subvert, and sabotage, all along having everyone else, for some reason, see me as the “predator” who has sought them out. This is an error along many lines.

Over time, conditions permitting, I will come to have produced multiple treatises, or books, if you must, where I potently profess my values and “Ways”. But who of those who will seek to have access to me will have truly read them, and learned about what they were seeking? Who among them who read me will stop and say, “this is not for me”, or “this does speak to my nature”? How many will instead think to bypass my own accurate and potent characterization of my mind and its Ways, and just, well... get “access”?

So many would. The very act of writing these pieces―and this one in particular―is that of self-defense. This too then is why this is of use to some, be they perhaps only a rare some. Prior to these pieces, in person, that is, in phersu, in a mask alone was all I could do. I had no sources to send the individual to that had anything to do with what I thought. Every book I could recommend was not likened to my Ways. Any name I could mention, not likened to my own character. Not a single suggestion could be given that would give the receiver a sense of me. With this being the case, I have been left with no choice, but to write.

Now, a reader not knowing of me in flesh will not grasp this need, and them thinking they do too will often fall short. Them knowing of me in flesh, and having seen how the so-called public reacts to me can testify that I “draw in” the interest of others, not by intent to, but by the nature of my own being (Wu Wei Do/De), be their motives Virtuous or vicious, with the vicious often always dominating any realm of aggressive pursuit. For every individual suited towards Virtue I attract, there are a hundred suited for an expression of vice, who would take up my time, my energy, my efforts, and keep them from landing among those more suited. I know all too well the notion of “pearls to swine”, as I know all too well the “Yeshua” expression, that “Them who Love their mother and their father, their brothers and their sisters can be no follower of mine”. Now, I am not comparing myself to a “Jesus”, and certainly not a savior, and whatever this was taken from, it too is not likened to the Jesus it was assigned to, but it says a great deal. This “love” so-called is a prison to the past, and the so-called “worldly ways”. The issue here, up and out of my own thinking, is clear.

When you have a “love” born out of a condition of default, then you are no more than a conditioned and reactionary animal, and can not have any sense of a different kind of “love”, or that is, esteem. When discernment and Reasoning is not the seed of the valuing, then there is no mark of a valuable entity appraising. You're just another animal that was born to animals, mimicked association, and confused with abstract thought, you call “love” what should be called something more simple: familiarity. If the statement is true, or somewhat valid, the one Buddha would agree with, that delusion is default and widespread, and you too agree with the Buddha, then are you not one of the delusional?

When did you, and how did you become one of the Wise, while having lack of Control and Command over your conditions and self? When was Wisdom able to be characterized as common, and when was Control and Command rejected from its nature? Other than an increase in Control and Command over one's conditions and self, how can Wisdom be measured? Words alone? This seems to be the ways of charlatans.

Hardly can one say by what standard, and by what definitions they will be and are in judgement of others. But this is what I do. I will say what I am looking for in life, removing mystery; yet there will be those predators who come for “my mystery”. This is how they will be identified, they will seek access to me, and never use the best sources to know exactly what that entails: my literature. Same with those who will target me. They will seek to target me, for they are predators as well, and never use my actual words and ideas to frame me as an enemy. This is how they will be identified.

Those who know why I am their “enemy”, for they make me so, are far more noble than those making me their enemy for base reasons.

I am made the enemy not of individuals, nor groups, but their ideologies.

I am made the enemy of collectivism, because I am an extreme individualist.

I am made the enemy of altruism, because I promote self-worth, and Control and Command, and forbid sacrifice to me, or any other, where altruism is a slave ideology of sacrifice.

I am made the enemy of governments, because I believe in self-governance.

I am made the enemy to families, because I expose its default state of ineptitude, and captivity, but only to those who have to be, by their nature, innately individualistic. How do you know if they are innately individualistic?

Why... they will be the ones who do not come to you to change nor to blame you. They will be the ones who find a “Way” and seek to live it, and it will be you who make “their Way” your enemy; but to control them, and to shame them, you call it not “their Way”, but you say it is the “Ways” of “others”, who then, be it one, or as a group, are controlling “their mind”―being all so familiar with this, because it was the only control you know, from having had default access to controlling their mind when they were, as you praise, vulnerable, as you too seek to keep them.

I am made an enemy because I was not born into this normalized slavery, but was born a Free and Ratiocinative being, and so my words ring out to those with splinters of these traits within them, traits your Society Advanced by the Majority, as a psychosis, fears and hates, because it deprives you of victims, and servants.

This one would only be honest in realizing, in reading my works, and asking the question, “what appeal have these rare and few discovered in considering what I have to say?”

No one has in me some savior, offering them some supernatural insight. For the most part, my literature and soon to be other forms of media will put a barrier between myself, and them. Who would do this, with the objective of having a flock? Who would demand standards that may have no actual sense in the “modern age”, with those it may have once made sense for, no longer walking this here Earth?

If anything, one ought to accuse me of being horrible at forming a cult, while at the same time, thinking this is what I do.

A few weeks ago, literally, a rather depressed and despairing individual who spars with us for emotional issues tried to get me to “preach”, and said outright, “Hey, if you got a cult going... I want in, this is something I need right now”. He was not joking, but was indeed looking to be led. I did not turn and say, “here is what you could do for your life”.

What do you want, if you can not even read my works? My works make it clear, a cult can not form around it without there being impostors promoting it. How can one build a cult of extreme individualism, and around the notion that we are all different, and need to advance our best version of us, through first discovering that, and then, obeying it, and then developing in Control and Command?

This would be a failure in the devising of a cult, and guess what, that is part of the reason behind its design. I have had a great deal of experiences in this “Life”, and one of them was me on my own journey in the wilderness of Colorado, doing my own thing, and then “predators” seeing this, coming to be beside me, and use my oddness as the attraction, while they then try to control others. They themselves were not attractive and could not pull others in, so they made me the figurehead, the attraction, and then perverted everything I would come to say, even saying the opposite. Numbers flocked around me, and not one of those who came had a nature my words applied to. NOT ONE. All of them were predators looking for some institution that gave them access to others. Those on the outside seeing this said, “look, he is manipulating them”, never once observing that I was telling them to “go away” and to “leave me be”, and “that is not what I said, or say”, and so on.

Eventually, in short time, I just left the area. This event would lead me to many overstandings, grasping the clarity of combining other knowledge drawn from investigated experiences, where this predator prey cycle is rather delusional. Humans are not like the other animals in this aspect. In human social spheres, the perp and the vic, that is, perpetrator and victim, have a character that is designed to work with each other. Your so-called “loving” families turn your young into future victims for perpetrators, because you had them out of base and possessive reasons. You need them to be vulnerable, and you call that childlike. You need them to be ignorant, and you call that childlike. You need them to be dependent, and you call that childlike.

And then when you send them out into the world beyond your “loving” houses, non-familiar predators have easy pickings. They target the young that you prepared for them, and they step in as the new “mommy and daddy”, only they tend to have more charisma than you two dimwits had.

It is your inept children that came to me in the “wild”, trying to make me their “daddy” of “Wisdom”. It is not me who came into your house. It is not me who came to your schools. It is not me who came to your political parties, who came to your media sources, or who came to your influencers. I am nowhere to be found, other than in that space I hold for myself. My space, my Sovereignty, over me and mine, which no other is or shall be.

So you see your inept children seeking me out, and being inept “predators” trying to make use of my talents and my charisma, to have access to others, and to do as you did with them, promote themselves as mommies and daddies, disguised through politics, disguised through spiritualism, disguised through philosophy, and then you say... this is what I do?

This is what you do, and what yours does. It is also why there will never be some social order that is stabilized in familiarity around what I “preach”, and “preach I do”. But I do not preach to be received, but instead, I have the Duty to affirm the Reality of the nature of the Kinds most likened to me, and less likened to “youse”. I do not have the duty to convince them, nor the duty to make sense, nor the duty to achieve towards an end, for I have none. I have the Duty to do the Do, and in no way, if individualistic and Ratiocinative, does acceptance by one or many affirm such things into Validity, nor does rejection and adversarial response negate the possible Validity. You all just do not “Pattern” in importance, and until potent, only “matter” in substance.

Continue to Chapter 1

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