Part II
The Battle of Access
Chapter 7
The Way of Uselessness
The NUE, or “new” phonetically, is the level of “near to affirmation” a human will often always be limited to encountering. If there is a difference by degree to where a human, as I have defined it, can be affirmative, it will be an elite realm that perhaps I have not had access to, to observe. I have to only consider from the experimental and investigative level of human behavior I have been able to account for, which though I have a great deal of data mining having to be considered, and can not certainly be said to account for all variables. All observations are limited. My observations, though they have their limits, are exhausted, in the sense of no new data has been encountered in order to challenge the conclusions, or the analyses hereto provided.
I have been in all the categories of earnings, from around the impoverished to the wealthy. I have been among the lower educated, and the higher educated, both educated, and rarely anyone who could truly be called uneducated, such as myself. Perhaps uneducated is still not proper for it suggests a rather unraveling of an education of sorts, versus merely being without an education, which is more accurate for what is my existence as a mind that was autodidactic and engaged in the Path of the polymath, to which Virs are marked by in their realized states.
Remember reader, or listener, I have not been housed, and sedentary, merely staying in one place, networked in having a utility, or usefulness to others, with fixed earnings. I am not NEW. I am Nomadic, Engaged, ever so Wandering, as a Warrior monk of sorts, and as such, I have come before a great deal of experiences, which to the settled and the locked could only seem fantastical, which too is why I must try to avoid too many injections of tales. I must keep it systematic.
NUE: Network Utility Earnings
The human male will network in utility, and this will be then how they measure their “success”, to which the human female they serve and her offspring will not have the same sense of. The human female measures success based on the NETWORK of support and servitude component, which is not necessarily UTILITY based, but more based in relational terms.
What the servant is to and for her, exceeds the need for, and the concern for utility, and the practical. Where it is not wise by way of utility and practicality, the human female will not be so concerned. She will provide the sense of chaos and destroy the utilitarian and the practical, placing the anxious concern as the thing to be prized, worshiped, distracted from, and relieved from, hence the dominance of escapism among little boys and little girls―to which only little girls and little boys could solicit. Escapism reveals, breeds, confirms cowardice and ineptitude. “Give me escape” is what a prisoner demands. “Give me relief” is what the burdened demands. “Give me distraction” is what the tormented wish for.
This is NOT the “Way of the Vir”. This, for the Vir, is NOT “The Way”. The Way of affirmation and endurance in the affirmed, “this is the Way”, and to say “this is the Way” is to say… of the Vir. And the Vir can only say that to another Vir.
The Way of the Vir is not based on NETWORK, not based on UTILITY, and EARNINGS, though they factor in the lowest of degree. Network, Utility, and Earning has a place in the lesser degree at the foundation of what is VIRITUS, in that they are NEEDED in order to carry on in the material realm, that houses, supports, and makes possible the INTELLECTUAL realm, which to the Vir, is the “authentic” meaning of the “spiritual realm”.
Because this is the AIM of the VIR, all that they do that is NETWORKING, that is UTILITY, that is EARNING is not in service to a human female, or a human male, if they be female Vir, but is in service to Virtue. Where to SERVE may be an energetic notion and force, it is about what and where it serves then becoming the focus. Humans serve their insecurities, their fears, their anxieties, and the ones shared by others in the kind. Therefore, humans promote “kindness”. The Vir is not CONCERNED with these, and the VIR DOES NOT CARE.
The VIR is not KIND.
The VIR is not NICE.
The Vir serves the interest of Virtue, in their innate religion, not chosen religion, of VIRITUS. A Vir does not choose their religion like a human. To a Vir, their religion is born out of their nature realized and affirmed. It is, nature is the religion of the Vir, and nature is that which comes affirmed out of them with ease, and therefore, dictates the meaning of their existence. The meaning of the existence of a Vir is to affirm in the nature of the Vir towards excellence and their own authority. And in doing so, it is the absolute most controversial kind of religion, because it denies the shaman, and their Brahmins victims, who need you to be distracted.
They need you to be diverted, deluded, confused, fooled, vulnerable, and dependent, so that they can take up the roles of Control and Management among you, being your media whores, your whores of education, and your political cowards of effeminate Control. They need you to need them, and where NATURE, the most authentic religion, may interfere with this, they come against nature, and preach the ethereal and the otherly, as a means to offer distraction and relief.
A coward seduces. A charlatan seduces. A chump will move to seduce, and to the human males, they have been made all of this, because among the humans, the human females, when matched with domestication, are all fused in nature to need, to desire, to want this of their males. And they project that NEED, that DESIRE and that WANT, but human males have an inner priority assigned to UTILITY and EARNING, though not all “degreed” in the same. It is in these realms that the human male believes he is reasoning, though hardly of that is occurring beyond reasoning for servitude, to which most UTILITY is for. Useful to whom and what, hardly ever asked, would have one single answer on display… For her, and her offspring, to which the human coward male, to which they all are, will say YES MA'M. This is the Mighty Animal Mode.
A human male is not being affirmed through utility and earning; he is being servile, and the anxiety, anger, frustration, and sharpness on his face that is characterized as a bitchy malcontent proves it. He is a chump.
The Vir, however, when they are in SERVICE, OBEDIENCE, and/or SUBMISSION to VIRTUE, like that of the nature of the Muslim to that of ALLAH, is not doing so… as a DEVICE, but humans will all suspect that they are. A human can not distinguish between a Vir and a charlatan, because ALL HUMANS are charlatans, with their shamans and their Brahmins just being more anxious, more concerned, more paranoid than the commons, and thus, leading with their concerns, controlling through their concerns, as well as SELF-DESTRUCTIVE through their CONCERNS.
The Vir will only be seen as a charlatan by one who has no sense of personal responsibility, or in absence of the phersu, that of INDIVIDUAL or SUBSTANTIAL RESPONSIBILITY.
They will, as they would all things, “relatably” blame the entertaining force to have been the enticing and diverting force, regardless of what that force produces. Mostly, they will be correct in the nature of the force presumed, because most are human, and most influential among humans are their shamans, and all of their shamans are charlatans, like all of their females.
The human male is no less a charlatan; he is just less creative, less imaginative, and less playful with his status as a natural charlatan, who out of insecurity and fear, anxiously lies and deceives for access, giving up his SERVILE substance as his currency, thus being valued in his Network, Utility, and/or Earnings.
A female Vir, like that of a male Vir, does not measure a male this way. Now, where one may be wondering, why is it, in “this Way”, do I say female to male, and male to female, and do not include the possibility of female to female, and male to male. One would wonder, what stance perhaps does this religion of Viritus have for “gays” or so-called “homosexuals”.
This Way is not for the effeminate and the hypersexual
To get this done and over with fast, it's simple. There is no such thing as a gay, or a homosexual, or one who is defined by their “sexual preferences”. Nature has the Law of Health making it clear, there are those more suited to its sense, or directive of breeding, and those who are not. Those who are not suited for its directive of breeding would be called defective, and it can also be said, sort of, that I can fall into that category, because I have no sense of breeding in me.
But not in the same sense, because nature directs human healthy females to want to breed with me. A so-called “gay male” is an effeminate male, who is effeminate by way of his mother, as well as by way of his material starting point. He is born with a negationary disposition, and a heightened sense of insecurity and fear, with the fused state of greater anxiety―even more so than perhaps a female. Nature, in the “Way” in which it works, brings this about. It is not the choice of the subject of nature. But when nature does this, it gives its subject traits that would be used to remove it from the breeding pool.
In natural primal conditions, this would cause the familiars to turn against the female or male that seemingly has traits not meant to be common to its sex. Not to be mistaken for its PHERSU. A sex is natured. A phersu is the fusion of the natured with the condition, with a need to be conformed to the condition. A human male who is effeminate and marked by nature for removal is very much also natured to be a shaman. They will see in their mommies and the other effeminates that the way in which they incur “free attention” is through sexual energy, and therefore, the ability to entice a female or a male through sexual energy becomes their modus operandi.
They are highly sexualized, because this is the easiest form of attention. They become “deviated” in the sense of being called “deviants”, insomuch that a human female uses sexual energy, but a human male is not actually supposed to. Hypersexual males called heterosexuals are restless males who do not exhaust their energy in fields, towards UTILITY based, EARNING based OBJECTIVES. One who has NO AIM will be HYPERSEXUAL. In the “Way of the Vir”, hypersexuality is a VICE, and those with it, be them homosexual or heterosexual, are incompatible.
Sexuality, in the “Way of the Vir”, is not a part of the phersu of a Vir, nor their aims. It is a mere entertaining endeavor that is not given a priority and value. In humans, sexuality is the fastest way they confirm relationships, and therefore, it holds a prime position. However, make no mistake, the homosexual and the heterosexual, both being hypersexual, are using sex not as a primary, but a means to the end of access, for attention, for distraction, and for relief. What makes the homosexual male classified as such is that they are hyper driven towards the sexual attention, outside of Nature's Prime Directive of replication, and they are marked by nature for exclusion, and therefore, they will need to rely on others marked for exclusion, for sexual attention.
That is to say, homosexual males are not attracted to males. This is a MYTH of the narrative of shamans. Homosexual males are first and foremost attracted to the attention and Control a human female has shown them throughout their lives. And they tie this Control to sexual energy. When they, and/or if they sought to get this from a healthy female, they would most almost always fail… because nature marked them as unacceptable. However, when a fanook, or an effeminate and defected human male, almost always a shaman, has NETWORK, UTILITY, and EARNINGS, they will be able to secure a physically healthy, though psychologically wretched human female. She would care less that nature has marked them as a defect that ought not breed.
Humans are not obliged, nor given instincts that are compelling in this realm. This is the notion of human volition. It is the ability, the capacity, perhaps, to either be in ACCORDANCE with NATURE, or DISCORD. The so-called homosexual having been offended by, and cursed by NATURE, becomes DISCORDANT with nature in almost all it does. And this is a NATURALLY produced antithetical disposition.
However, it has nothing to do with sexual preference, and therefore, a defected male who will be effeminate and deviant, who has AVENUE, will and can choose OPPOSITE sex, and even receive the praise of others males with a lower AVENUE. However, unlike the human heterosexual male, the defected human male, often a shaman, does not have an aversion to the same sex, but comes to have an obsession with sexual appeal and Control. But when they engage the so-called same sex, it is not the same sex in their minds, because they engage other so-called homosexual males.
A homosexual male is not, symbolically, nor by nature's decree, a HEALTHY MALE. Nature is clear in this, through the marking of the male for exclusion. But those markings do not apply in DOMESTICATION. When a so-called homosexual male gets with a homosexual male, they are opportunistically sexual, with another opportunistic and sexualized human male. They wear markers in their nature that “kind” can see as “kind”, and because they are natured with the same need for attention and access, attachments to offer distraction and relief to their insecurities and fears, more heightened than the normies… They MUST be, and be left FREE to be able to associate with others that are like them, or kind to them.
They have a hyper version of the needs that normies have. They have a HYPER relationship to INSECURITY and FEAR, anxiety and low self-esteem. Nature, that of reality and actuality made them this way, and I do not need the sciences to know this, and this is not new, but my Ancestors, who had none of these among them, observed them in the urban centers controlled by shamans, and their Brahmins.
The so-called homosexual male and female are predominantly born to shaman and Brahmin lineages, with atavism, liken to my own, being at play. My atavism has made me the Warrior Monk, and/or Sage of the Saka. Their atavism makes them the offspring of the shamans and the Brahmins of old, who through intoxication and hallucinogenics, were disrupted in their posture and made effeminate.
In the times of my Ancestors, thousands of years back, the Brahmins were not shamans. The Brahmins were Warrior Philosophers. But when the Brahmins brought order, and settling creeped in, arose the need for managers of the settlement, and because the Warriors were in the field, a separate set of Brahmins, administrators, came about, who would become restless, having no time in the fields. They did not like administrative duties but they were experts in it. Their eagerness to return to the fields often meant another would be given the charge.
And of those others, out of the West, came the shamans, ever so willing and ready. The willingness and readiness to administer is often the clear sign one ought not be trusted to. Those who want Control and Management over others will also need others to be dependent on them. They can not, as shamans can not, exist without others. They are relational and dependent, and need it to be mutual. Whereas the administration of an Ancient Brahman, of them in their Warrior Sage posture, would have been to administer others rapidly to have their own administration and/or authority―to which the settled, with their castled fears and insecurities, can never have.
Eventually, the settled areas would be left by the Brahmins, the Warrior thinkers, but the title and sense of it would be passed on to the shamans, with the nature of the shaman who only wants to Control, Manage, and Influence others, and with this, they had to take of the commons their brutes, and call them their warriors. So began the separation of the Wise Man, the Sage, and the Warrior. The shaman became the “wise”, though far from are they ever, and the brute became the warrior.
An ancient Brahmin was always a Warrior Sage, and there was no division. The shaman was marked by intoxicants, and because of this, the Ancient World ALWAYS identified the shaman as an EFFEMINATE, and in fact, when the shamans became the Brahmins, they had rules to restrict others from using the intoxicants. The warrior caste, which were barely warriors, but brute fighters, were needed to expand the lands. It would have been conceived of as foul to let them become effeminate, because they would then be useless to the effeminates.
So the effeminate Brahmins, who were of the shamans, and Brahmin in name alone, restricted access to soma and the intoxicants, stating a brute, or a warrior fighter, would produce shaman, or Brahmin offspring, if they were to engage in intoxicants, and therefore, they ought not to, as a means to preserve the stock.
It was well-known in the Ancient World that the Saka, and/or that of the more Eastern Barbarians forbade intoxicants―and too, would this become the way of the Nervii, in which my maternal line paternal line descended from in Belgium. In the Western Scythian lands, the shamans led theirs to intoxicate, and make no mistake, you chump males who drink and get high, all of your mothers were shamans, and your drunken ways and high ways are the product of that, while the bold, the Noble Warrior Sages of the East of the times not only forbade intoxicants, they forbade access to their social order to that of shamans, and Brahmins.
It was said, among these Barbarians, they called such because they had no priests, that is Brahmins. They had no shamans. Too… They had NO KINGS. That too, they did not even have LAW, for they did not need LAW, for they had no criminals, and they WOULD ALL come to each other's MUTUAL AID, and fight beside each other, with the rumors of the SARMATIANS, keeping note that even the wife, though she was not one, of a Warrior would join him on the battlefield and unleash her fury.
But these were not wives, and the outsiders were wrong. Nor is the rumor that a female had many husbands and was a matriarch among the Sarmatians. This too is not true. A female fighter would be seen with many male fighters by comparison. Because a female fighter needed to only prove herself on the battlefield, and then she could choose to return to the semi settled areas, and train and prepare the young. Not that this was true that she would then be able to take a husband. This is myth. She would be turned to the support around the resources and the training of the young.
I do not need the shamans, and the Brahmins' sense of history to confirm this, nor the material sciences. I know what my Ancestors were doing, if they were my Ancestors, because I was born with the natural ability to bring about this kind of ORDER. That if I was among my Kind, and my Kind and the Vir were present, this is the way in which our natures would order the social realm, so then this is the way it was done then.
And these were not ALL of the SAKA, nor the term Scythian. Most of them were run by their shaman mothers and her effeminate sons, to which she always would put in power. Every raiding Scyth of the Ancient World only raided with witches and warlocks at their head.
My Ancestors were not raiders, but make no mistake, when shamans and their Brahmins govern, brutes become their fighters and raid on their behalf. You all are run by shamans and Brahmins, and you call them politicians, and merchants. They raise your young males to be stupid and sacrificial, train them poorly because they do not understand war, and then throw them at their enemies, barely now even taking the time to make the poor fools in costume think it too is their enemy. Your whole system is the same as it has always been in domestication: effeminate shamans and Brahmins giving you all your Sense of Life.
My Ancestors behaved based on NATURE. They saw that the intoxication of the shaman produced in their offspring effeminates. Why do you think the boys you all breed are effeminate and easily able to be kept so? It is because you live lives of fatness and intoxication. The defeated are kept defeated by the merchants' provisions of alcohol; and the Belgae, the Nervii knew this, and forbade the merchants of Rome access to their area, and they were the most hardened of the so-called Gauls, the most noble, and Virtuous, but those around them succumbed to the drink, like you effeminates succumb to it now, and the weed that follows.
My Kind has never, and never shall engage in intoxicants, and there is no exception like in Islam, when dealing with blending among the enemy of Islam. I said NEVER. It is NOT “This Way”, the “Way of the VIR”. Intoxicants and atavism, born out of shamanism, are the cause for the chemical disruption that is called by the common homosexuality. It has nothing to do with homosexuality, or sexuality, that is merely the clothing or device the effeminate uses for attention, access, and the claim to victimhood.
I use the Italian “fanook” for effeminates, and this term does not mean “likes men”. It means soft and effeminate. I like this term as a reference term, because homosexual is a myth. Same with the sexuality of most human females. Sexual humans are bi-sexual, for the most part. Sexual humans are opportunistic. There is a term for same sex, and opposite sex behavior. What is the term for one who mostly “self pleases”? There is no term for them as a sexual type; only the act itself. But it's the same. It is the OPPORTUNITY for sexual expression and pleasure, and a human could care less if it is a male or a female, a hand, or a plastic toy.
SEXUAL EXPRESSION is its own trait, and the aim and source of its expression is not so relevant. However, nature has designed the motives of males to be “hetero”, in that sense, because they need to “seed the target”. But a human female, though she is designed to need OFFSPRING―and some, few, deviate from this, but not without error―she is not actually designed to care so much that the male provides the seed. And as of right now, when writing this, normies and commons will not know of this mechanics, but if the course of this society keeps on the way it is under shaman Control and Management, future procreation will be through insemination, and females will be doing as they mostly desire to do; and that is get all the attention a female is willing to provide her, versus the kind of attention a male little boy can provide.
He is insufficient to this task, and that is why the daughters of shamans, themselves shamans, try to turn their little boys into little girls. They need males to be girls, until they do not need males so much as to be Networked Utility based Earners. Eventually given enough time and motion, domestication all ends up an ancient form of slavery that none of you could ever remember, because you are young and stupid. It's a slavery that is of the first order, whereby a settled society is controlled and managed by the females, and the males are merely work tools, slaves, and servants.
Original Saka Ways, that were bastardized into Buddhism, were affirmative and bold, not effeminate. Original Islamic Ways, bastardized by brutes, were affirmative and bold, not brutish, nor effeminate. If the modern Muslims―not those Liberal effeminates who wear the hijab, dance, drink and pollute their minds and bodies with Western effeminacy―come to find a way to bring grace to their brute force, they will spark an inner revolution and new Golden Age of Islam. But agents of chaos exist in Islam, and keep them brutish. Whenever one surfaces to speak about the Golden Age of Islam, and they come to have Influence, they get disappeared.
US, do not think I have forgotten. I shall never forget him.
But the matter of sexuality makes everyone stupid. In no way, shape, or form would I ever want to see harm come to an effeminate. However, any who wish to be free needs to keep effeminates away from the Control mechanics concerning their own lives. But this is based on personal responsibility. You are meant to be ruled by effeminates, if you stay ruled by them. It means you are a chump, not with your own authority.
When you cry, complain, and vote this way… you sanction the effeminates' ways. The moment you more brutish so-called Americans wake up, and realize that the US form of government is effeminate, you could start ignoring it, and replacing it with the barbaric systems that are more honest to your dispositions and postures. Stop voting and playing with the effeminates. You have a right to call them what they are and make one SIMPLE DEMAND, not request.
The DEMAND that YOU, the effeminates, stop claiming the right to GOVERN “US” in whatever your “US” is. But you, the brutes, have no right to remove them and their governance from those who are of the same kind who want for them. This is why I am not an anarchist. I am a “Sovereign”, and this is not the same. All have a right to be governed by and through governments of their choice. None have a right to govern without consent of the governed. Where consent is not rendered and allowed, it can not be given. Meaning, if you can not withdraw it, opt out of it, put an end to it, or never render it, then none have nor can they. Its alternative must be possible to call it consent, or that of dissent.
To which, let me make it clear, there is absolutely NO government upon this Earth that I CONSENT to, and all oaths taken in the past, I hereby withdraw from, upon announcement and clarity, and can never then be accused of mutiny, insurrection, and betrayal.
But what makes EFFEMINACY dangerous comes from what made your mommies dangerous. Effeminates require conformity, obedience, servitude, and sacrifice, and have absolutely NO STANDARD for hierarchies, and who is in charge. All because who you have been born to is in charge. What governs before you is in charge. The effeminates do not seize through force the start of a thing. They wait to be born to the brutes, and atavistically they come about, and in effeminacy, they do not need to take by force what was already taken by force. Now, they must act through its “ORDER” to sow CHAOS, and to control opposition and outcomes to favor their own; the EFFEMINATES.
All of this is based in INSECURITY and FEAR. The effeminate, male or female, but mostly male, is like a “crackhead”. Crack makes them afraid others will target them, makes them paranoid, so they attack and seek to destroy imagined enemies first, before they can even be so.
Make no mistake, you US collective of mixed brutes and effeminates, the effeminates will always enslave the brutes, using the systems of their mommies already in motion.
And if you think you pay taxes based on your brute version of the US collective, you are delusional. You pay taxes to EFFEMINATES, so they can use the exploits of your male servitude to play mommy and daddy among their own.
EFFEMINATES, shamans, intoxicated, and the product of the intoxicated have no PLACE in that of the “Way of the Vir”, and not on account of stating it is because of their choices. No, it is on account of how NATURE fashions things. Sexualized individuals do not have VIR in them.
The Intellect does not forbid sex and its expression; that would be unnatural. The difference between the Vir and the human is that the Vir does not value or prioritize sexing and breeding. This is why too, the Vir could be called a defect and deviant. It is not in obedience with nature's directive for replication. But it is not disobedient to it, and neither is the fanook, the effeminate. Nature did not write this program into the fanook, nor the Vir, though certainly it did in the human brute, and commons. In the fanook, it made them insecure and fearful around breeding, selection, and networking, so they are the ultimate bigot that for relief and the sense of freedom and security, they need to sexualize, and effeminize all spaces.
This is why you brutes, in the US collective, feel threatened by so-called gays. You see that they are forcing themselves into every part of your brutish and servile life. Make no mistake, a brute feels threatened, and you want me to. But I am not a brute, and effeminates can not exist in my way of life. They are not a threat to me, because I am not playing, nor opposing the systems controlled by the effeminates.
You, the brutes, are. You too, want to dictate what is in their lives; you are just not as aggressive and unified as they are, because insecurity and fear, though you the brutes, the commons, have it as well, do not have it in the heightened state in which the fanook, the effeminate does. So they merely act more, but not differently than you brutes. Where you can oppress their nature, you will.
Where they can oppress your nature, they will, but unlike your simpleton nature that has no care or sense of the CONTROL and MANAGEMENT of governance, which is designed by and for effeminates, they are DOMINANT in these spheres. They Control the media your offspring watches. They are the teachers your dumb asses send your offspring to be schooled by. They are the professors who train your offspring to be an activist, to hate you, and see you as the bigot. They are the politicians, on both sides, your offspring then votes for in the theater of democracy, designed by effeminates to destroy the constitutional republic of this so-called “nation”, which is no more than a super mall of effeminates; a corporation used by private interest to exploit, and to subjugate the local population quickly becoming divided.
Your problem, you chumps, is that shamans and Brahmins erased that small history of free roaming Warrior Sages, and they have taught you a history where they have always been in charge, and they have never bestowed narratives to make them visible. It's almost always too late when you brutes catch on, and when they see you catching on, they teach you to react with hate, with rage, incompetence, malcontent, complaints, and feelings of betrayal, so that you dopes and stooges then use force, because you are too retarded to take Control of your own lives, and to work with others more kin to you.
They teach you that to fight them, you must hurt them, and then they spin your force into victimhood. Too stupid are you to realize that the best thing to do is stop fighting and reacting to them, and instead fight FOR SOMETHING: for Control and Management of your own lives, and among, and with your own kind… that of other brutes. Separate the brutes into their own order, the effeminates into their own order.
But when you do this, if you were to, which is not likely, then you would be the victims. Because if you tell them you will not feed, clothe, and protect them any longer, they will be the source of FORCE, like the Left is being revealed as now, and they will act against you with the tyranny, and rightfully be called the source of tyranny, and so-called fascism. But so much as you remain fused into their narrative and its systems, you remain inept. Overly stating the need to separate is the first step to then take a DEFENSIVE posture which is the only way to remain ETHICAL, while they can only take an OFFENSIVE posture and be revealed for what their nature compels them to do―and that is offend.
Because it is the nature of a thing to OFFEND does not mean one lets them. But it does mean one shows mercy and grasps the cause, and tries to resolve the nature of the opponent, the opposing force, by getting it to take “care” of itself. Stop taking CARE of the thing if you see it trying to harm you, hurt you, and enslave you. When you take CARE of it, then you deserve to be cared for by it, to be its concern, and the target of its anxiety, fears, and insecurities. Stop playing with EFFEMINATES.
Do not try to reform them. Do not try to harm them. Do not try to overthrow them. None of this is intelligent. Simply move to radically remove effeminates and their systems from being the governing systems. Have a culture that realizes that though effeminates are naturally born atavistically predetermined, they should never be allowed to manage others AGAINST their CONSENT. All of their consent. Not, 51 permit the decision making of 49. This is tyranny of the majority, and right now, that is what I encounter. I will not be playing this effeminate game with you chumps. I am putting you on blast. If that makes me the villain, so be it.
There are NO EFFEMINATES, there are NO SHAMANS, there are NO BRAHMINS, there are NO INTOXICATED, and there are NO HYPERSEXUALS in the “WAY OF THE VIR”. There are also NO REHABILITATED versions of these, whereby one is like, “I am one of those, but I do not wish to be, so to try not to be… I turn to the “WAY of VIR”.
Access Denied.
That is not acceptable in this Way. This “Way” is not to reform or to alter the nature of others. It can be used to identify that nature only, but there is no sense in this “Way” that a nature can be, or ought to be altered, or pretend at being. Let this be clear. Absolutely NONE, outside of the nature of Vir, does this all pertain to. Absolutely NO natured to be otherwise is to seek a sense of redemption and Entertainment through this “WAY”. This “Way” does not come to exist to amuse nor to ENTERTAIN you. This “WAY” in no shape or form comes to SEDUCE you. This way in NO way, shape, or form comes to provide DISTRACTION nor RELIEF, diversion nor foolishness.
This “Way” is the “Way of the VIR”. This Way is NOT the “Way of the shaman”, the “effeminate”, the “sexualized”, and the “cowardly”. This “Way” is not for redemption. This way is not for self-help. This way is not for motivation. This way is not for play, and for novelty, and the bulk who will take immediate interest in it will be in it for these reasons.
If you are an effeminate, and for some reason read this piece, and you feel offended, then you read it to feel offended. That was the value you gave it, before reading it. If you are an effeminate, you knew all along that stating this is for those who make sense on a battlefield, those who make sense in armor, in weapons, and in pursuit of affirmative and excellent traits, then you kept on this far to be offended, to be the victim, to FEEL targeted―yet no one made you read the views of some stranger, some madman behind a computer, or listen to their voice upon a mic.
None of this was the doing of another, and the proof that all I say about an effeminate is true is that an effeminate does not think I should be allowed to say what I think, and to be honest about it, even if it may be wrong and misguided. To an effeminate, they are right, and there is no allowance for being wrong, based on their sense. That is mommy câlice, and not mine.
I do not care if you are an effeminate and how you live. It is against my “Way”, against my religion, and against my nature to seek to govern, to Control, to Manage, or to harm you based on your way of expressing your own nature. This is the most any could ever ask of another. DO NO HARM is the most any could ever demand of another. You can not then add and levy the additional demand that I MUST CARE about you and your EFFEMINACY. You can not levy that demand, no more than can I levy the demand that you must MARTIALIZE in your life. This is not a part of your nature, but it certainly is my nature to be MARTIAL, and to be WISE, and therefore, it is my RELIGION to be affirmed in my nature.
WE are not a WE, and neither do WE need to be. I can be from and out of my nature, and you can be from and out of your nature. But this does not mean, I must permit you ACCESS to me, to treat me as a NETWORK, a UTILITY, and an EARNER for your way of being, with your nature. I am not USEFUL, I am not ACCESSIBLE, I am not in SERVICE, contract, and agreement with EFFEMINATES. I am also not at WAR with effeminates, do not stand against them and their expression. I am AGAINST tyranny, despotism, authoritarianism, compelled inclusion, compelled speech, compelled servitude, slavery, subjugation, oppression, and obligation.
To all this…
Access Denied.
I do not need to conceal what I think of effeminates. My honesty about effeminates is not bigotry. It is informed. I have a mind that can see you and how you must be, and I am saying ACCESS DENIED to me, and only me.
EFFEMINATES are proven in their dark posture in that the very thing that makes them a threat to everyone who is not effeminate is that they DEMAND and COMPEL ACCESS. If, and where, and when, this is done to anything in my life, then effeminates become at WAR with me. But nowhere in my life is this occurring, and therefore, I do not fight this war for the brutes to whom such compulsion is put upon. I am not a social activist. I leave you all to take responsibility for your own fights.
However, if one begins the process of investigating, and unfolding as of the “Vir Kind” and this becomes evident, and they become “of the Way” of that of the “Vir”, then I am charged with their protection and their defense, only so far as to move them to this charge and authority of their own. Till one arrives at that, I am their Sovereign, so long as they CONSENT, and APPRENTICE to me as such. And this US collective ought to have relief that there are perhaps but only a “should be Vir” among the population, and that these decrees can not and will not ever become popular; for if there were more “Vir” in captivity, who came to collaborate in liberation, we would not DESTROY you through fighting you chumps; you would be DESTROYED by us boycotting you, going on strike, removing our VALUE from your exploitative systems.
We would do as the VIR did before: we would choose to live in the dirt, on horseback, homeless, as wandering swordsmen, and we would chase your effeminate whores out of the minds of those they have bamboozled, they have led astray, to which they have hoodwinked… BECAUSE… Make no mistake… This is WHAT THEY DO, and they do it through Control mechanics, through Management mechanics, through Manipulation mechanics, through amusement mechanics, through Entertainment mechanics, through Seduction mechanics, through escapism mechanics; and through this their subjugation becomes easily defined, yet rather useless, and they will know it.
They will know that a VIR, and his or her culture and RELIGION can not be read, nor heard by brutes, and that as shamans, they can only see it so far as they know that within the religion of the Vir is proven that presence of the Great Intellect to which they have fallen far from, but ever so aggressively desire―but know they can never attain to.
They used to HUNT us, and they did so successfully. I remember the hunt, shamans. But you missed some, and through atavism… I am back bitches. But worry not, just like those who came before me spoke and wrote words that could not be read nor heard from your subjects, your victims, I too shall come, speak, and write, and come to pass with no impact. But remember, my Kind does not write, nor speak for the purpose of utility and practicality. We do it, because the Intellect demands it, and we die because of that demand, and when we have freedom, we thrive because of that demand.
The phersu I am active through wants to hide me from you. It wants to blend in. It wants to assure others that it comes only through the sciences that can be observed and deduced in relation to phenomenon, but that phersu will not contain and hide me for too long. In due time, I will take it over, and become the only Voice and the only Mind it has. I will slay that phersu that still tries to remain to make what little use there is for the familiar.
Yes, you reader have been warned… Your days of access and hiding are numbered. Access Denied is not truly an Access Denied. It's more of a birth of the Commander, in which the writer and the listener are able to observe in real time. The Commander has not arrived yet. But all of this in preparation for that advent, that becoming.
This section and dealing with Seduction will be dual bladed. It will unfold the ways of Seduction before you, and reveal to you, you have poorly been this way with others, but at the same time, in this dual bladedness, I will introduce the reader into a deeper sense of the shaman.
The signaling of distress
This portion will break things down via the use of grounded examples.
It will be more for the brute to take note of versus the “would-be Vir”. I may not succeed in writing to a brute the way it needs to be written to, and in this attempt to specify in approach, far more errors will be present than that of the Logos' dictates in definition and precision. This is the case, whenever dealing with the brutes and the shamans of humans. It's a muddy affair, and it takes a lot of climbing of the roots of a lotus to see the Sun, to which the bulk of you have never seen.
Seduction is born out of amusement, and/or Entertainment. Entertainment is not born out of insecurity and fear, but amusement is. Entertainment is perhaps the battleground of one's root Sense of Self, timid or bold. The timid begin in their insecurity and their fears, and because of this, they do not begin with Entertainment. They kinetically move from that base, up and through the rest. They move from insecurity and fear to anxiety and concern, which can manifest as frustration, as anger, and anguish, though now I would say, anxiety is perhaps the base emotion, not anger. From there comes disgust, and perhaps I may develop a sense of that better in the future. From there then comes despair, and through exciting the ignorance and the fancy of another through surprises and novelties, comes the pathway to the sense of amusement and/or Entertainment of the timid.
The bold, however, prioritizes Entertainment, and the certain frame of mind in which they prioritize with it, is the one that requires discernment, and the challenge to this faculty as it comes to move through skilled realms. With this discernment and the skill it produces comes competent engagements that demand more challenges and expression, and with that, but not as the aim, Victorious thought; and this begets the emotion only the bold can feel, to which the timid could never: that of the emotion of TRIUMPH, which then fuels and directs the entire emotional body of the bold, through the transmutation I have spoken of. From this position of emotional Triumph, I measure all the other emotions. I have contrast; you likely do not. So this will all seem offensive and foreign but I DO NOT CARE, and you will not compel me to CARE. Enough with this CARE, it's on BLAST, it's a SCAM.
Because Seduction begins in fear and insecurity, it will have all the markings emotionally of the path of the timid. With this insecurity and this fear that breeds the anxiety, the anxiety provides the energy of pacification. It's used by the timid to PACIFY the condition and to, in essence, distract and/or provide relief for the sense of threats, and instability.
Seduction only can be used on the timid, not the bold. Seduction can only be used by the timid, not the bold. I was never using Seduction, when the timid observed me using my COMMAND. I never spoke to the insecurity and the fear of others, and I NEVER showed them that I CARED about their CONCERNS. I have, and will always act with the AIM of VIRITUS, and that of demanding from one's self battle ready thought and actions, that move towards skill, competency.
Seduction holds a seductive position, in, and only for those who are in “tears”; for those who are in “pain”; for those who are “effeminate”, who are “inept”; and NEED for others to CARE.
The NEED to be CARED for, and ABOUT.
Seduction has this need, and it is this need that informs its plays.
The first of which is, being the one who has this NEED. With this need to be cared for, and/or about, one sets out to gain access to others. And this need is primal, and in humans, it is primary.
An infant, in which all begin as, has this primary for one reason alone that can not be interpreted in diverse ways.
It is because of INSECURITY and FEAR. This insecurity and fear triggers signaling of being distressed, which is meant to attract the “anxious concern”, the “care” of the “caregiver”.
Etymology of Distress (n.)
late 13c., “circumstance that causes anxiety or hardship,” from Old French destresse (Modern French détresse), from Vulgar Latin *districtia “restraint, affliction, narrowness, distress,” from Latin districtus, past participle of distringere “draw apart, hinder,” also, in Medieval Latin “compel, coerce,” from dis- “apart” (see dis-) + stringere “draw tight, press together” (see strain (v.)). Meaning “anguish; grief; pain or suffering of the body or mind” is from c. 1300.
The infant in distress is in this state because it can not maintain, and/or manage itself. This maintenance, this self Management is often seen as CARE. Meaning, for a thing to take proper care, would be to seem interested or concerned with the well-being of the thing. But this is not valid. This is the romantic sense of the term, after the “feeling” and after the “anxiety” as the feeling.
In order for there to be “CARE”, in essence, there must be a CONDITION that warrants it, and its FELT appeal. That condition is called a “distressed condition”. One must be “in distress”.
Etymology of Stress (n.)
c. 1300, “hardship, adversity, force, pressure,” in part a shortening of Middle English distress (n.); in part from Old French estrece “narrowness, oppression,” from Vulgar Latin *strictia, from Latin strictus “tight, compressed, drawn together,” past participle of stringere “draw tight” (see strain (v.)). Meaning “physical strain on a material object” is from mid-15c. As an abstract force in mechanics from 1855. The purely psychological sense is attested from 1955.
The order, among humans, is often communicated in REVERSE of the actual state thereof. One says “this condition”, or “this event”, or “for this reason” “I am stressed”, and/or, “I am in distress”, and therefore, “I am in need of your concern, in need of your care”. They say… “Care for me because of this adversity, because of this hardship”.
The one who is targeted by the inept who can not have care for themselves is targeted for SERVITUDE.
But they will not presume they are the TARGET, for in their sense, the SUBJECT to whom has their attention is merely observed to be “inflicted” in this or that condition. It is not, to them, that the observed is making a request, is seeking something―and this is often the naivete of a male at play.
They do not realize that the signaling of DISTRESS is no mere suggestion for RELIEF, and for CARE; it is a DEMAND, when signaled, for the CARE of others to be produced and to offer DISTRACTION and/or RELIEF.
Among the humans, the human male shows their distress with anger, with frustration, with aggression, and often nastiness. Among the humans, the female shows it in weakness, in sorrow, in doubt. Both are signaling others to CARE, or else the expression in an outward manner would be pointless. An expression you can detect from an observation point of your own was designed by nature to be DETECTABLE for a reason. It is not simply there as a manifestation of the inner realm.
Nature, or that is “Reality”, and/or that of “actuality” is designed in a specific way. The health of a subject is able to be measured based on how well they handle pressure, handle force, handle adversity, and handle hardship. It is not subjective that when these things trigger in another high levels―which is what normal levels are―of ANXIETY, then that SUBJECT is not EMOTIONALLY FIT.
What most human males do not know is that human females, though not themselves with the knowledge thereof, are “stress testing” males, when they bring to them their anxiety, its concerns, and its demand for CARE. When a human male has been mommy stamped, that human male will succumb with ease to her DISTRESS. That human male will tolerate her signaling of DISTRESS as a means to “assert her will” upon his. For make no mistake, a human female uses distress to assert her will, and to get others to comply with her desires, her wishes, her wants of distraction and relief for anything she may deem a “HARDSHIP”. A human female is designed for, because she has a womb, that of AVOIDING…
And challenge.
In order to AVOID these states, the human female is designed to signal DISTRESS at the sign of them coming, so that the human male can then throw themselves at the distressed conditions, and provide relief. In primal conditions, this was healthy, and the rapidness in response was necessary. Perhaps it can be argued that one quick to distress would have seemed the best at sensing adverse conditions. This, however, does not seem to be the case among primal folk, and therefore, I would reject it.
Primal folk do not seem to operate with “stress” the same way as “domestics”. They do not seem to be with more, the primals, but instead, they seem to be with less, hence why some of the domestics in captivity admire, and wish for the simplicity of the primal.
But when these some, having been domestics their whole lives, chase this different and simpler way, what they often come to find out is that their anxiety that is used in being distressed is not CONDITIONAL, but is more so born of their inner sense, and comes out of them, in concern, often regardless of the state of conditions.
This is to say, even in the absence of HARDSHIP; even in the absence of PRESSURE; even in the absence of FORCE; the absence of ADVERSITY, from a human male, and/or human female, with the human female having it far more… the anxious concern will try to be expressed on anything that it can.
When a human male, which is most human males, can not then manage the conditions, and has no idea of a standard of what warrants concern, versus what does not, the human female will express that of the distress wherever she can, to CHECK to ensure she has his ATTENTION, and his SERVITUDE.
She is INSECURE and FEARFUL that whoever the human male is before her, he is fit. For he will show almost everywhere in his life, especially with his mother, that he is UNFIT. And how he will tell her scrambled mind's auto-system that he is unfit is, she will be able to get him FRUSTRATED and CONCERNED with whatever she chooses. She will assert her will over him through signals of DISTRESS, and when he yields to these signals, and confused, tries to offer solutions, remedies, distractions and reliefs, and she rejects them, none being good enough, he will scramble to serve her, not realizing attention and servitude is the aim… not solutions.
He will have shown he is not EMOTIONALLY FIT to her auto-system, and his own, because he will not be in a position of Maintenance and Management of his own mental and emotional states, but instead, her innate distress becomes his distress.
Because of this natural code, innate to human females, to use distress as the primary signal for attention, primary signal for access, and primary signal for servitude, the human female has been traditionally characterized as CHAOS.
The human male, however, has been poorly then compared to ORDER. But in actuality, what the human female proves about human males, when they succumb to her chaos, is that too, they are easily induced to chaos, and therefore, never were they actually order. They were not order when they prefer structure and clearly defined “ways”. They are obedient and servile, and because of this, they are susceptible to the orders of those who give them, though too, they have them not. Because of the servility, the obedience of human males, they appear ORDERLY. This is an error to presume. A human female does not break a human male. She does not SEDUCE a human male. She does not corrupt a human male.
The human female REVEALS the authentic and valid status of ALL HUMAN MALES.
When the human female through distressed signaling gets the human male to CARE about her sense of “hardship”, her sense of “pressure”, her sense of “force” and “adversity”, that human male is proving they are a CHUMP who has no STANDARD to compare her distress to, to say, to maintain, to manage the notion that SHE OUGHT NOT BE DISTRESSED, and that it means she is EMOTIONALLY UNFIT. If the human male is EMOTIONALLY FIT, they do not entertain, they do not SERVE an EMOTIONALLY UNFIT FEMALE.
They set her straight on a standard, and they demand of her and from her that for continued ACCESS to them, in their EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY and FIT STATE, means she needs to stop acting like an INEPT and INCOMPETENT little girl, to which most females are, and she needs to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, and become SKILLED, become COMPETENT, and become with POTENCY over her own SELF-DETERMINATION.
However, these “Ways” are not for human males, nor are they for human females. The fact of the matter is, human males are SLAVES, are SERVANTS, are DOPES, are STOOGES, are...
Human females in actuality do not effeminize human males. Human males are on average already effeminate, which is why the term is not fitting to mean female like. Humans are not female like. Humans are timid, are indifferent, are inept, are incompetent, are anxious, are frustrated, and therefore, clouded by the absence of EMOTIONAL FITNESS, and are little ass bitches that whine in distress to signal each other the need to be CARED for; and if a human male was allowed to get away with equal displays to the human female, then he would.
It only happens to be because of the womb and tradition, a human female is allowed to assert her will, with distressed signaling of anxious concern, in need of care, and a human male is more geared toward asserting his will with frustration, with anger, with relief as his smokescreen, and OBJECTS as his claim are the things in need of CARE.
The human female needs you to care about her, and makes that clear. The human male is not allowed to declare you must CARE about him, so instead, he makes it seem like he cares about a “thing”, a “job”, a “role”, a “purpose”, and he needs to get you too, to CARE about that, if you are a male, to get ACCESS to the thing that comes easy to females, his SERVITUDE, and your role in a DOMINANCE HIERARCHY.
There is no such thing as the absence of hierarchy. Those who are anti-hierarchy are delusional, and often asserting themselves over others quite rapidly.
Seduction vs. Manipulation
The level whereby greater compounded tricks or plays are used to get others to CARE about you, or a thing, is MANIPULATION, not Seduction. Seduction differs in that, PLEASURE, through RELIEF and DISTRACTION, is the aim.
When it is “work” related and school related and responsibility related, it is not SEDUCTION. When it is SERVITUDE, in which one gets you to care for, this is not SEDUCTION. This is the level of Control called MANIPULATION. Most of what others think is Seduction is Manipulation. Manipulation is long game. Seduction is often the honey with the short game, to get the one who will then be MANIPULATED into SERVITUDE. Because of this, the honey and the stick are used interchangeably.
Which is at play is identifiable in the ask, or rather the DEMAND clothed in the ask, costumed in the ask.
When distress is being signaled, it is not SEDUCTION; it is MANIPULATION. MANIPULATION is not NEGATIVE, till this is the case. When it leads to TRICKING another towards a SACRIFICE, towards a SURRENDER, towards the WILL of another asserted, then it is used NEGATIVELY.
When it is used, however, by way of the displays and signaling of TRIUMPH, not distress, and therefore, towards that of one mimicking, mirroring, and acquiring a sense of their own WILL, in need of cultivation towards Triumph, then the MANIPULATION is not negative. Manipulation is just an ART, and it can be used to bring about a slave, or bring about a Champion. Manipulation is simply often that one has an art, or that is, a compounded sense of the use of signaling to provoke in another a response, or motion. The one being provoked is manipulated, only if they themselves do not wield, or know the art. To know it is to be able to wield it. In order to avoid needing to be manipulated, and/or to manipulate, one must do one THING, and only that thing…
Control one's self. Manage one's self. Manipulate one's self, and thus COMMAND one's own.
This is the formula for the ONE THING; that is, cultivate one's own authority. The above stated is how that is done. And that can not be done if one thinks CONTROL, MANAGEMENT, and MANIPULATION is inherently NEGATIVE. It's not. It's when you are so inept, and so emotionally unfit that others need to take up those ROLES before you, and upon you, that it has ill consequences, or that is negative consequences. But that you can be Controlled by others, that you will be Managed by others, and succumb to the Manipulations of others means you are, and were a chump, and need to take personal responsibility for being a chump, before you can cultivate and ascend into what it is to be a CHAMP.
One who blames others for doing what they refused to do upon themselves is a coward, who makes themselves a victim in order to secure the DEFERENCE for the future, that made them and kept them a CHUMP in the past. They now have the CONDITION they can declare is the cause of their DISTRESS, and to signal to others, they need to be CARED for.
Make no mistake, the masses love being VICTIMS. The masses love being anxious and frustrated serfs, servants, slaves, and stooges. All because, so long as they have CONDITIONS to blame for this, they can keep being the comfortable, stable, and secure stooge.
Seduction is added to the degrees of Control, for those who Manipulate with the intent to assert their will on others, and to have others serve “their interest” through the main manipulative device of “CARE” as “Currency of ACCESS”.
It has become of the CARE component of ACCESS, that Manipulation and Seduction, used by degrees by most, are seen as NEGATIVE, because ASSERTING your will, and getting others to serve you EMOTIONALLY and/or MATERIALLY is the NEGATIVE that is SLAVERY.
Make no mistake, human females are with the proclivity of a higher degree than human males to get others to SERVE their emotional and material sense of DISTRESS. Human females are with the hyper infant need to signal distress to others, that they need YOUR CARE, and to be CARED for. But this too, this signaling of DISTRESS for CARE as the reward, is also that of ASSERTING one's own WILL upon another.
When a human female cries, she is asserting her will on those who witness the cry. When she complains, she is asserting her will. When she stresses her CONCERNS, her ANXIETY, her FEARS, and INSECURITIES, this is the way she is ASSERTING her WILL.
SEDUCTION is that manipulative set of plays designed to answer to the DISTRESS of the EFFEMINATE, and the greatest way to seduce is to DEMAND, and to show CARE, and then to offer distraction to the DISTRESSED, and temporary RELIEF to the distressed.
But do not get it mistaken. The RELIEF, in Seduction, is only TEMPORARY, because the DISTRESS is not in actuality CONDITIONAL, but is dictated by their inner sense, and the absence of emotional fitness; and this is why CARE is a CONSUMER, not a PRODUCER. For there to be care, there needs to be a targeted PRODUCER to be CONSUMED. There needs to be a maker and a TAKER, and make no mistake, the human female is mostly a taker, and the human male is NOT mostly a maker, or a producer; he is merely a hoarder, who hoards on her behalf as a chump servant.
Seduction is all about the chump answering to the distress of others, and falling for the cry to have distraction and relief, and becoming its servant. Servants seduce. Champions Command through their own will. They do not assert their will on others. They remain Vigilant and fortified that others in turn can not assert their will upon them. They stand with their own authority, and they promote personal responsibility, which breeds self authority. Wherever dependence is promoted and allowed, such as all families, there is a family of chumps, to which all families will be. Those seeking to assert themselves hate “fortifications”.
A chump dependent mother who has convinced the world of stooge males that bearing children is unique, challenging, and difficult. Caring for them is unique, challenging and difficult, and then, for all this childcentric activity, they need relief, distraction, and someone to care for all the rest. What do they get in return as stooge males?
They have a forever mommy pretending they have selected that chump of a male. That chump of a male does not realize, she would have selected any male that opportunistically was before her, and he just happened to be the ONE, at the time, that proved to be the easiest mark.
Ask yourself, chump males… Why is your “female” with you, and you are hers?
Describe what makes you different from your neighbor? Describe what makes you stand out.
You can't. For if you could, that dumb creature that you match in stupidity would not have been able to select you, and you would not have been so easily selectable. The ease in which you all couple is on account that there is no SOUL in either of you. You're just material machines of baffled unfit emotional standing, that need each other to CARE for and about, so that you can then labor towards death, never having lived.
Because of this pathetic level of Manipulation, there is hardly SEDUCTION. What little there was, was a bunch of pigs putting on some glamour of clothing. Females with their dresses, selling their sex, and males who look awkward, in their suits, and their pro wear, who both, if you're able to observe, have impostor syndrome written all over their insecurities.
You can look at a male in a suit, with tie, and see he feels he is an impostor, because he is. You can look at a female in her sex selling garb, and see she feels she is an impostor, because she is.
Call me more liken to the Muslim, but you, Americans, in the way you dress, walk around in costumes, trying to hide that you're “pigs” is not fooling anyone. You all are whoring yourselves out. You males whore out your earning potential, or your ability to stabilize and secure “some standing”, no matter how short, to get the “care” that could never be given of a human female. You're a John.
She then whores herself out when she is young, to pay for that sense of security and stability that she will disrupt for a sense of care, enticing with sex, or the hope thereof, and that of pleasure―which all know has an expiration date. An expiration date that does not match how long you Johns will need to do your part. She only needs to whore herself out for a few months to a year, and then she flips it, and she becomes not the new John, but your pimp, as she whores you out to the labor force to bring back your earnings, and use it the way she sees fit.
This is not the case for all, but do not underestimate how much of your coupling is based on DESPAIR as the emotion. Where you are afraid of being alone, you are afraid of being without a narrative to justify your existence. You need to exist as a father, a daddy, because you have nothing else you stand for. You need to be a husband with a pimp, to justify why you labor, why you get up in the morning, and do what you do. Without these roles, and these “access points”, you would have no motivation, or any idea of how to orientate in regards to yourself and others. You need others to see you are safe, and for most males, the safest kind of male is the one with a family, being pimped out to the “workforce”.
The workforce can rest assured, when you are married with children, your pimp will keep you in check, making sure you move from check to check.
You all know you are lying to each other about how “good” the “pimp and the whore” setup is. It's why you all hold onto the past. It's why you all need to tell stories of “how you met”, and how it all came about, and you have nothing to tell in the present that can shine like that deception of the past you all played on each other, when LOVE, and CARING, and KINDNESS was a thing.
The Ancient Martial Ways
The Vir, they do not live nor think like this. In ancient times, foreigners were confused about my Ancestors. For starters, my lineage was not the masses called by any name. They were often elite rulers, and only when those elite rulers were Martial, and provided that service. Where one was an elite ruler and not Martial, they were not my Kind, even if of the same lineage. Most of a lineage is not the kind in which that lineage will be defined based on. Most in a lineage may try to model themselves off of the ones of notoriety, but more often than not, not being the same kind, they corrupt, and/or fall short.
I am one of those notable forces of a lineage, whereby I am of the Kind, the VIR, in which the lineage then sought to live up to, but not producing many of the Kind falls short. One who is of the Kind then comes along, thanks to atavism, to correct the notion.
What the foreigners were often seeing was not the nature of the Kind, but the many who were not of the Kind trying to figure out how to be modeled off of that Kind, while still answering to the kind of their own natures.
Observed was that the Martial Barbarians to which I came from were not of a monogamous nature, where they served the interest of families in settled ways. Too, they did not understand what they were seeing in say, Sarmatian females. They thought, the female had many “husbands”, because she had the attention of the Martial males around her. The Martial males they saw were not Martial kinds. They were the masses which were ruled by the Martial, during the time of a ruling kind, or in the absence of a ruling kind, the culture of the ruling kind remaining.
These Martial in culture males would have Martial females among them, who would number few by comparison. This, because, in order for a female of this Martial order to be able to return and remain in the semi-settled ways, she had to show and prove herself on the battlefield and in battle movements. Only then, after she had proven herself in apprenticeship, could she then retire from the battlefield, where she would return to the settlements, instruct the young, NOT IN FEMALE ways, but in the MARTIAL WAYS, in which they live by in the “fields”, nomadic and energetic.
It is among my Kind that the females, who are not human females, trained the young, both male and female, to show and prove in the “fields” that they are of the Martial Kind, either by their nature, or their culture, for in utility, the source matters not in importance.
There was no difference, among my Kind, of FEMALE and MALE, minus this DEFERENCE, if it can be called that, where they would not endure the forever war, or battle. However, it was not deference, because the PATTERNS that needed to be bestowed in the semi-settled areas were carried out by them, the Vir females, who were not human females. They did not have deference, because they were the builders, the managers, the maintainers, the cultivators, and yes, the DEFENDERS of the semi-settled spheres of “the Way”.
Both the young females and males, in training, having the Patterns bestowed, would rise up with the “Fathers” who were females, and DEFEND the region; however, mostly through SCORCHED earth, or FLIGHT, because what was semi-settled was never born out of the coveted and possessive ways of humans. My Kind, the VIR, does not covet. My Kind, the VIR, does not possess.
My Kind, the VIR, who is not human, does not have females that pimp out males for their earnings. My Kind, the VIR, does not have females who exist anxious, with concerns, that then need to have others CARE for those concerns, actual or made-up.
The female who is Vir is not a human female. She is not weak, fragile, needy, anxiously concerned, and in pursuit of DEFERENCE. Like the Vir male, she was more INDEPENDENT, but she was born to a lineage that did not sustain, like the humans, that of DEPENDENCE, but through the FEMALE FATHERS was risen towards being skilled, competent, strategic and tactical at thought, having primal skills to guide them in their own AUTHORITY, whereby through horse, bow, axe, and sword, they could CONQUER their own conditions.
The Vir does not, and never has had MOTHERS. The Vir, however, did not have male Fathers in the early stage of their young. They had first female Fathers, those who bestowed the Patterns, that were Martial, Wise, and Virtuous; and then, when the horde would come back to the area, the males and the females would be ready to ride with the pack; and then the males would become the Fathers of the fields; and both female and male would receive the Patterns; and the Patterns in which all female Fathers bestowed came from the MALE FATHERS of the FIELDS. What is taught and bestowed in the semi-settled is not based on the semi-settled; it is based on preparing for the war fields, the battlefields.
With you humans, you do not prepare for war, and to do battle in life. You are a stock that is born defeated. You are born in captivity, but that captivity is familiar. You are born stooges and chumps, and it is not the Barbarians of old who ever sought to conquer others. It is your human ancestors who sought to build and settle along what the Barbarians built for TRADE, and for ADVANCEMENT. And when you slaver kind comes and settles, it uses effeminate settlement forces to conquer others. You come with the demand that my Kind, the VIR, must CARE about how insecure and afraid you are, in demand of SECURITY, of STABILITY, and ACCESS to what makers and producers bring about.
Your demand that others CARE about you and your anxious concerns is born out of how you CARE for your offspring. With your CARE, you keep them pussies. You keep them WEAK and DEPENDENT, and because this is how you CARE, and this is the CARE your SLAVE DEFEATED offspring brings into this world, you enslave others to CARE. You do not have a morality, an ethics of self-reliance, and you despise those who do. You despise them, because those who are self-reliant would not find a reason to CARE for your concerns of dependency and weakness. They wish to be strong, able, and to assert their own will on their conditions, not yours. But when they say LEAVE ME ALONE, you say, “NO… I CARE ABOUT YOU. You too, need to CARE about me.”
CARE is the DISEASE you all spread. This, because he, or her who spreads CARE as a variable, a valuable, is one who is in demand of being CARED for. One who has no need to be CARED for, but is self-determined, self-reliant, and potent in their own essence, does not come to CARE as a variable, and valuable. They come to COMMAND.
I do not need others to COMMAND me. I need my own COMMAND. I do not need others to be COMMANDED by me. I need others to come to their own COMMAND.
This is the “Way of the Vir”. This is VIRTUE, and my Kind, when they ruled, ruled their young, manipulated their young towards their own COMMAND, and these were the Patterns in which our females and males of Kind Vir, of stock Vir, bestowed.
This is why I must say HUMAN females and males, for you, humans, are not “We” the “Vir”. My Ancestors did not have females with many husbands. They had some females that remained in the “field”, and these were hardened, battle formed females. And with those only cultured Vir, and not Kind Vir, the likely human female was permitted to show her affection to anyone she so pleased, and the human males, likely in this culture seen by others, did not possess her, and see her as theirs. She was free, and they were free, and sex to them was not PROPERTY as it is to humans, and why human males treat their human females as whores.
Make no mistake, when a male buys you, the female, dinner, he is treating you like a whore. Make no mistake, when the human male pays you his check, works for you and your offspring, he is treating you like whore. When it is your youth, your sex, your distraction and relief, if seductive, you provide, then you were at that time, treated like, and certainly like a WHORE.
When you needed him to pay, and to show he CARED, you made yourself a WHORE that someone would be paying for. When you needed him to wine and dine you, to buy you things to show his LOVE, you made yourself a WHORE.
You humans, female and male, are whores, because your whole existence is around resources to secure sex, and sex to secure Sense of Self, and you have nothing else to offer each other. You're a whore kind, you humans, and because of this, you suffer in domestication, with your restless whoreness. Pimps and whores is all your societies have ever amounted to, and that is why the oldest of professions is perhaps the sex workers. It is the most honest portrayal of what your kind, the humans, are, at its core.
To your kind, who saw those cultured in the Martial Way, though they were too likely human, you would see a single female with affection from many males, and she would be the whore to you. But what you would not realize is, the Martial did not connect sex to marriage as a possession and commodity. These are only possessions and commodities to males who struggle to be selected by females. Martial males, and Martial females do not have inadequacies around sexual energy. Only chumps do. To the Martial, sexual energy and conquest energy come from the same source. It is expressive energy, and there is between the male and the female sex, the sexual battle they do with each other, for one simple emotional Kinetics… ENTERTAINMENT.
But you humans, you marry around sex, based not on what males desire, but based on the anxious concerns, insecurities and fears of females. Too, based on PROPERTY owners, and racialists. Sure, there is safety and security in PROPERTY, in knowing who is the “Da” of offspring, so that he can be responsible for them. This too, because if you do not know who the “Da” is, you settled kind will mix in with your own, and produce, well, what you all have much produced, replicants of retardation, with aggression of mind and frailness of form.
My Kind, the Vir Kind, did not mix in with their own semi-settled places. They mixed in with females from all over the place, diversifying the blood. When they would come back, and they would draw from those populations, the males and the females of young… Those males and females would not move to mix with those who came before them. They fanned out into greater realms, and would come across new lines, becoming far more diversified than any other race, or Kind.
It would not be a selection of like kind in appearance that they would use, but instead, they would mate and produce with those who did not look like their brother, their cousin, and so on. They did not often mix with what today would be seen as a “countryman”. Yet domestics and the settled will often produce offspring with those who look more like them than not, with some exceptions, and the racialist, whose ancestors did not, begot many ailments in offspring because of it. Taking a long time to learn this, their females now mate with difference to try to fix these errors of same on same.
The Vir had Kinds that looked different from each other, and prized themselves on having these groups for this reason… Because it meant they would be mighty, and have the best to choose from, from everywhere. Martial and the capacity was required. This secured potency. Martial from elsewhere secured difference, and further procreation. And of this, the young would remain with the female's Kind, and them too being Martial, be advanced in the Patterns; and then they would come to fight with and beside others from other female Kinds, and from their own bands, and so on.
The Martial did not look upon their offspring as theirs. This was not the “Way”. They looked upon the offspring as “with their own Command”, by time the offspring has made their way into apprentice in the field. Often, a male would not even know if the offspring was theirs, but they would not need to… because, that offspring, when with their own Command, was to be going to a foreign land. The Vir, however, who was Vir Kind, kept track of their line. Those cultured in the Martial Ways did not need to, in those times. The Vir needed to, because the Vir held a strong sense of not mixing kinds, that could lead to a corruption and inner war. Humans could mix, because they were more driven by culture, versus kind, but even then, this has consequences. A Martial mixed with a shaman will have them more shaman than Martial, and at war with the self.
A common mixed with a shaman will have them more shaman, and they will seek aggressively to control others, to manage others, to manipulate others for exploit.
A Martial mixed with a common would have them more common, and they will be brutes who do not have the Martial mind, but are then muted, and easily susceptible to the Control, the Management, the Manipulation of others, be them the common shaman, or the shaman.
Human females are predominantly common shamans, who are culturally controlled by shamans. They then put their common common, or common shaman offspring to certain task. For their common common offspring, there is nothing but servile work. For their common shamans, there is lower Management, and for the shamans, upper Management. For the Martial commons, the brutes, there is the risky work, and the higher demand for the brutes to be sacrificed for the common commons, the common shamans, and the shamans, as they are so ranked.
Among humans, all SACRIFICE is from the demand of the shamans, as they will be the Brahmins, or the administration of the society. Then, next in degree is the common shamans, and below them, the common commons, and at the lowest, most sacrificial level, is the BRUTES who are used for soldiering, for fishing, for agriculture, for SACRIFICE.
The human way, as stated in their HOLY books, is all about the GOD of CARE, a GODDESS called Lilith that DEMANDS as the only payment a BLOOD SACRIFICE; and those who SACRIFICE the most are called the BRUTES, and next are the COMMONS; and to manage the SACRIFICES are the COMMON SHAMANS; and to receive the notion of what is the right SACRIFICES, that of CULTURE CREATIVES, are the SHAMANS.
Those of us, Kind as VIR, of the VIR KIND, “We” did not have brutes.
We did not have commons.
We did not have shamans.
We had the Martial Excellents, the Aristoi.
ONLY the ARISTOI. This was short-lived, because once the Aristoi established the trading routes and populated the nomadic areas, the human WHORES came and settled, ready to take. The human whores built their settlements where ACCESS would be easy, and relied on the Martials to protect them from the other human WHORES, who raided and were bandits, ALL with SHAMANS leading them, pimping out the brutes for their interest.
Every area that was taken by humans that were first settled along the trading routes was done so with brothels. It was whores that were brought in, to control the minds of the humans, for Vir have never numbered among the many. Humans once interested in the advantage of Martial culture would succumb to the tits of whores, going back to their mommied days.
The brothels would then attract female human shamans, both common shamans, and shamans. Administration mostly driven by females would come to exist. The males would go out to handle the trade lines, and when they returned, trade for sex. Make no mistake, this is the origin of CIVILIZATIONS.
If it is ever said that females have built civilizations, this is not an error. This is absolutely correct, because the first whore is the human female, who is common shaman, or shaman, and with her sex as currency, she will build along trade routes, which existed long before any civilization did. Civilization is no more than an URBAN area setup around natural values, with the aim to whore itself out to the highest bidder. CIVILIZATION is a collective of whores, mostly now called media whores, and political whores, who sell themselves to the highest bidders all with one DISPOSITION they all share, and that is the DISPOSITION of:
Civilizations have never been NOBLE. Inside the castle walls, the children of whores declare, “these walls, they protect us”.
From who?
Who is or ever has been trying to “have you”?
What enemy in your life have you ever seen?
What enemy do you think is outside of the castle walls, or beyond the borders of your “homeland”?
Who, or what is the enemy, that has access to you, or would seek to gain access to you?
There is no ENEMY coming for you, and the hordes of the Ancient World were not that either. Your civilizations have lied to you, like your mothers have always done. Your civilizations have kept you soft and stupid, like your mothers have always done. You have had NO Fathers, be them male or female, so you do not know the TRUE Pattern of history, that inquiry into the past.
The HORDES of the ANCIENT WORLD were trying to get the civilizations off of the trade routes that they had established in the name of their freedom, and expression. The hordes were not the rapists. Civilization is the source of RAPE. The hordes were not the attackers; they were the DEFENDERS.
Like your mommy, civilization or settlements show up, and only show up in front of EARNERS, and then it tries to SELL itself, through anxious concerns, to ELICIT care, and to get a brute to use force on its behalf. They demand… “BUILD ME A HOUSE”.
Where the brute, in his stupidity… asks its pimp. The whore of Babylon says… “Build this trade route, so that I can have access to the goods that move along it.” He says, “yes, my pimp, I shall CARE for your concerns and build for you this house”. Her sister, and mother say… “Where is mine?”
They pimp out their brutes to do the same. They then convince the commons to come and take care of these houses. “Why should we?”, ask the commons. The whore says, “because they will bring us, to our front door, the WONDERS of the world. But we need to be ready to trade.” “What would we trade”, ask the commons?
“We, your women, will trade our pussies. You, the commons, will trade your labor, and set up shops. So when the goods come through, we can trap the goods in the shops.”
At first, this all worked for the whores of Babylon, but the hardy males caught on, and said… “We will not be trading for what you all have to offer.” But by then, the numbers of the settled whores grew, and they had sons of commons, and of brutes, having been mixed and fused with the travelers upon the treacherous roads.
Their bastard offspring with the whores were raised against them, and the female shamans pulled their bastard sons out to RAID. For the shamans and their effeminate offspring, their males were tasked administration of the commons, who were now centered around shops with no goods, and shops that had no food, no water, no means to survive on their own.
The settlements needed farmers and other settlers to come to their urban zones... But why would they? “Instead, send out our sons”, say the whores, “and let them extract from these farmers a 'burden', a 'tax'. For protection, they will pay us a portion. We must protect them from our own RAIDERS. Too, we would raise a fighting force from the commons, and march along the routes to make them safer.”
Bastards were seen in ancient times as weapons used by their mothers. They would often be used in raiding hordes, with a female shaman riding with them, directing their minds.
Being one who sells sex as a currency is not inherently wrong. When the trade is something for something, it's between the two having the exchange. It was when sex was used for Manipulation and Seduction that it was the currency for CONTROL, not for TRADE and exchange. Used for CONTROL, it's the greatest poison.
I have observed far too many males―bastard males, because NONE of them, as none of you, have had FATHERS, or someone who bestows Patterns―get manipulated by the “faucet” of sex. Whereby, all over the whore media of America are jokes of a female using the “cookie” to enrage, to stir up the anxiety of a male and his self-worth. To where, when he is not compliant, she “withholds the cookie”―to which is indeed hers, and she has all the right. It is not on her, that the males in America are a bunch of chumps that get pimped out so easily. That is on them, that they are cheap little whores themselves. That is not on her, for using what value he shows with his desire, taste, and ineptitude to hold.
Why, it can be said rather observant of her to know the cost, to know the price, and to know the worth of her little whore of a male, so ready and able to be pimped out. Why, perhaps then it's good business on her part.
What then would CLEAN sex be, if not from whore and paid for with goods, or not from a wife, who is a whore at first, and then later to become the pimp?
Simply put, sex is only CLEAN when it is seen in the way in which all you whores and pimps see it as dirty, so far as your social faces go. It's only clean when both parties engaged in sex do so for the ENJOYMENT, the ENTERTAINMENT of each other, for that there session and only that session, with no POSSESSION or PROMISE of the future involved as some CURRENCY. Sex for sex is CLEAN. Sex for resources is whoring. And whoring your male out to the workforce for resources is pimping, even if pimping ain't easy. Pimping is not easy, for males. Pimping out males to the workforce is rather easy, for the pimp females called wives.
Sex has no value to the VIR. The Vir can have sex, and the Vir can be without sex, and where there is sexual possession, it can only be out of the matrix of the human whore emotional Kinetics. This, because humans have little to no other value.
Human males are valuable to females so far as they earn for them, and secure their deference. Human females are valuable to males, only so much as they control and manage their emotions like Mommy did, and make sense of their servitude for them, with the occasional, when young, sexual enjoyment to accompany―something the pimped out male ends up having to do without, in the actual flesh, and come to use his hand for, if he is broke, or if he has money in present times, some elaborate dolls.
To which one day it will be said… girls play with dolls when they are young, till they can play with fleshly beings, control and manage them, and human males, as boys, play with flesh and girls when they are young, till they are reduced to dolls when they are older. Girls play with dolls, then girls play with boys. Boys play with girls, and soon, will retreat to dolls.
This, because in modern times, there is more information and data to use to ORIENTATE by, and what a good portion of human males are waking up to realize, is they have been the pimped out whores this whole entire time.
I learned a lot from seeing this “world”. Took in a lot of data, and asked the right questions.
Prior to my time in California, I was on mission and often away, and had no interest in adding a female to my life. I became curious about females late in my game of life, and California made experimentation too easy. Females on the West Coast saw my Brooklyn breed as rare, and they were quite attracted to the novelty.
I do not, and can not believe in dating, because in no way, shape, or form, would I ever work to get, or keep a female. They are theirs, and I am mine. ALWAYS.
This small notion shows itself everywhere. One time, I was out with a female, and she asked me out, not I her. We went out, as you all can only do, to dine, and while waiting to be seated, she said she had to use the bathroom, and she tried to push her “pocket book”, or “purse”, as you all may call it, upon me, saying “hold this”.
I looked at her, and said, “what… What I look like to you? That is your purse, you brought it, you keep it… It's going into the bathroom with you”. I had never had a female tell me to hold her purse, but let me tell you, reader, what came to my mind immediately.
When I was 12, in Brownsville, I had gotten to my growth spurt, nearing 13, and was standing 5’10; now I am 5’11. I was 175 pounds fighting muscle. Call me a “teen”, but I was the size of a man. I was walking with fellas who knew my rep from another area, and Brownsville was not my area.
This black fella walked past me and said, “you dropped your pocket”, and I did not know what he was talking about… yet only that by the way he was speaking to me, he was beefing.
I responded with “yo, who you think you're talking to like that?” He turned and was ready to escalate, but when he did so, a well repped fella stepped outside the housing door, behind me, and this fella realized I was with him. He said “my bad” to the repped fella, and went on his way.
“Good response”, said the fella I was with who was 23. I was always with older fellas, never young fellas and those of my own age.
I asked him, “what in the world is 'you dropped your pocket', is that a Brownsville thing?”.
He let me know, “that's a prison thing, and a Rikers' thing. When you are a dozier, a chump, you become a 'pocket holder', and often some 'dude's bitch'. He will have you walking around holding his pocket, tied to him. So, saying you 'dropped your pocket' means, you someone's bitch.” He was surprised I did not know that, yet responded ready to escalate. He asked me why I was ready to fight.
My response was, it was how he said it, and how he looked at me. It had nothing to do with what he said.
When I was young, a female's purse, which was uncommon, was called a “pocket book”. Females where I lived did not have purses; that was an old lady thing. I had been out of country a long time before Cali, on and off, but mostly out of country.
I had problems with this gal carrying a purse from the start. To me it's weak and too girly, but she was girly, and I was experimenting. Soon as she said, hold her purse, or “this”, as she said, it was the same to me as hearing “hold my pocket”.
Hell no.
I shit you not, after she was frustrated that I said no, and went to use the bathroom, I turned behind me, and saw a “dude”, a straight “donkey dick” holding a purse, and he just heard me say no.
He felt like a deer in the headlights when I turned and saw him, because he knew he was about to be seen by a “MAN”.
He immediately said… “It's different… That's my wife.”
I said, “it's no different. You holding her purse is like being a tree that has been pissed on by a dog. That purse is the pissing, and you are marked, telling other females, you're her bitch.”
He tried to tell me, it's too small to refuse, and he does not mind. Yeah, I will not hold your pocket, and later in my life, I would encounter that presumption by others, that I just might. And the next time I heard “hold my pocket”, I took the mobility out of the jaw that was used to mouth that command. I made a massive display out of that individual, and I took the beatdown that followed from his mates. I took it, and gave a little in return to all who put their hands on me.
That is how a “Free Man” behaves when one tries to make him their bitch. He behaves like today might be the day I die, but I die free. All these concessions you chump ass defeated males make are because you were not born free. You were born in captivity to your mommies, who made you hold their pockets, and be their little bitch, so that when you get older, and you start walking around without a pocket to hold, you feel insecure, anxious, and alone. So you can not wait for a female to tell you “hold my pocket”, and you race off to do just that.
This young lady came back to the table I was now seated at, with disgust on her face for my rebellion. She was fixing to punish me for my transgression. I asked her, “you going to sit there mad now?”
She said I was petty for not holding her bag, and I responded with, “what's petty is how you are acting when I said NO. So it seems like you have a problem with being told NO, and you will be expecting I be a yes man. How about this”, I proposed, “you can sit there in your pathetic emotional punishment, and punish the waiter, cause I am out, and can find something better to do.”
As I stood up, she changed her tune, and “came correct” fast, but it was too late. I learned a deep lesson in my work, to which I can not detail. I learned that the “prize” is that which does not need you. You are the inferior one when you need. I learned, when someone thinks to make me to work for something, the best course of action is to “walk away”. It's to leave the work for someone else. Quick to dip was how I described it to a “class” I would conduct on behalf of the nation-state, when teaching “infiltration strategies”. Inferior is not the best way to “infiltrate” a “castle”. Why work to INFILTRATE, instead of get INVITED in. That was my thing with my work. Give me a TARGET, and I will not manipulate nor SEDUCE them; I will get them to desire manipulating me and seducing me, greatly, up to a point to where they do the work… Not me.
Do it fast.
The more you sit there and work, the more you waste. I learned that whoever needs to be worked over has been wasting other people's energy and time as well, and therefore, they will not be worth it.
This frees you up for someone who knows right away, that you all can ENTERTAIN each other, and most of all, ENJOY each other and the CONDITIONS, together. Those who do not KNOW this, and have no reason to think you could, need to make you WORK to CONVINCE them that you can. They need you to answer anxious CONCERNS about you, and your worth to them. This makes them CHUMPS, and you a greater CHUMP for CARING.
I did not CARE, never have CARED, never will CARE.
If that female needed me to PAY in CARE for her PUSSY, she was in the wrong market. I have never paid for PUSSY, and I have never CARED about PUSSY. I have spent most of my life being a MONK, and I mean, truly a MONK, as in a religious WARRIOR with a strong ETHICAL standing, living a life of VIRTUE. I have never NEEDED, nor have I ever PRIORITIZED coupling and getting it on.
She may have thought dinner was about to be payment, but she was mistaken. That dinner was either going to ENTERTAIN me, or NOT, and where it became NOT, it became BOUNCE, and so I did. I was not there to be interviewed by a PIMP. I certainly was not there to “hold her pocket”.
I would observe you males to be “pocket holders”. I would observe other males having you “hold their pockets” all over the place. From your daddies, to your managers, to the dominance hierarchy in your social male groups, where you all treated each other like ENEMY, and tried to include me, and so on.
Pocket holders, little bitches, where they can, will try to get others to “hold their pocket”. It's the Pattern of abuse. The abused will often end up abusing.
This may come as a surprise to you chumps, but I have never been abused.
I have never been DEFEATED by “improper practices”.
I have never been USED UP by others.
I have never been VIOLATED.
I have never been DEFILED.
I have had many TRY, and think this could become the case, to which I have answered the same from the start. I answer with the Vir ethics of SCORCHED EARTH.
The VIR is ready to BURN IT ALL DOWN.
There are those who think I am rough and tough because of ABUSE. Abuse does not make one rough and tough; it makes one jaded.
I am rough and tough, because I have never been DEFEATED. I have been beaten and hospitalized numerous times in my youth. Is this ABUSE?
It would have been ABUSE if I was defeated by the improper practices, and used up, and defiled. I was beaten because I did NOT BOW. I was beaten because I would not be used. I was beaten because I will NOT be DEFILED. Those beatings were glorious, and in every one of them, I went down fighting. I went down having to be BEATEN, because at every turn, I stood up, and acted through my AUTHORITY.
If you have never been BEATEN, it's because you're a good little bitch, and the “pockets” you hold have kept you protected from others who would aim to have you hold their pocket instead. You have not been beaten, because…
You have been DEFEATED.
You have succumbed to improper practices.
You have been used up and continue to be.
You have not been BEATEN, because you have been a coward your whole life, who no one never needed to BEAT, because you were softened up through CARE.
That girl drove us to that spot, so I did not have a ride back. I was in LA, and did not know many, but there was one thing I did know. I walked into a café down the street, and sat down at a table with two girls who were together, and I told them what just happened, and asked them, if they could give me a ride. Sat there for two hours or so, with laughter, Entertainment, and enjoyment. Instead of a ride to where I wanted to go, they wanted to give me a ride to their place. I refused, and they brought me where I wanted.
It is a part of my genetic memory to identify with quickness Lilith, her daughters and her sons, and they pay with sex. They entice with sex; they possess with sex; and if you want to know who they are, it's that easy… it will be SEXUAL.
For this reason, my Kind has no sense of SEX as meaningful; no sense of SEX as property; no sense of SEX as something to possess, and be possessed by. Sex is no more than a massage, and a massage is about sex.
Sex is about ACCESS and POSSESSION. SEX is not about SEX.
A male who engages in Seduction is trying to get access, and if it works, it's because it's between the daughter and the son of LILITH, and not my KIND.
WE, my Kind, do not put energy, effort, and work into SEX, and SEXUALIZED realms. Sex is as meaningful as taking a HEALTHY SHIT.
Je m'en CÂLICE!
The sons of Lilith need to learn Seduction so that they can trade ENTERTAINMENT for a female's selection and her SEX. They want her SEX, because they want the ENERGY of Mama Lilith.
The sons of Lilith need to SEDUCE, because there is nothing about them innately that is ATTRACTIVE, that would ENTERTAIN, nor COMMAND AUTHORITY. They need to seduce, because they are contrary to what is itself seductive. In order to do this, their targets need to be their SISTERS, born too of LILITH.
They need to target the little girls who are INSECURE, who are FEARFUL, who are anxiously concerned, and looking for CARE. They need to target the little girl that Mommy and Daddy made sure had nothing else to offer but her SEX.
The elements of Lilith, with the notion of mythos will need to be saved for a later time, where the essence of the two is more clear. For now, Access Denied must not have this component.
On Pathos, Ethos, Utility/Logos, and the capacity
Access Denied has entered into a phase whereby well over an additional 1k pages exist. This is the nature of the Flow; however, what needs to be respected is the Act of the Editor to find a book inside all these personal expoundings. The following will be the closing out, and the conclusion upon this piece.
Access Denied, Part II and/or III is about the four modes of social interaction above. This is what they can be called, even if there is a wrapping of a professional realm around it. When there is one plus another, there is social.
Etymology of Social (adj.)
c. 1400, “devoted to or relating to home life;” 1560s as “living with others,” from French social (14c.) and directly from Latin socialis “of companionship, of allies; united, living with others; of marriage, conjugal,” from socius “companion, ally,” probably originally “follower,” from PIE *sokw-yo-, suffixed form of root *sekw- (1) “to follow.” Compare Old English secg, Old Norse seggr “companion,” which seem to have been formed on the same notion). Related: Socially.
Sense of “characterized by friendliness or geniality” is from 1660s. Meaning “living or liking to live with others; companionable, disposed to friendly intercourse” is from 1720s. Meaning “of or pertaining to society as a natural condition of human life” first attested 1695, in Locke. Sense of “pertaining to fashionable society” is from 1873.
The first question of socializing that is asked by the Vir is this: is the socializing voluntary, necessary, or compelled?
Where this question is never asked, one is not a Vir who is able to ask this question.
The root cause of the “socializing” is key.
When one chooses to socialize because the individual or group of individuals has something to offer, the state is VOLUNTARY. Voluntary in that one can choose NOT to socialize with the other.
The voluntary association has the Vir asking another question. What―if not some and/or all―of the three categories does this individual “fit into”?
The three categories of SOCIALIZING for the VIR are:
Entertainment, as primary likely;
Resources, as far secondarily desired;
Viritus, the Game of Virtue, the Saka version of Karuna.
For the VIR, the kind of ENTERTAINMENT is not that which is most common to humans, that of being amused; that of amusement. The Vir does not deal in amusement. Of the forms of amusement, and/or Entertainment, the VIR does not deal in ESCAPISM, or that of DISTRACTION and/or mere RELIEF. These traits are not present in the Vir’s form of Entertainment. Advancement and some work upon discernment, therefore, skills and competence are a part of the sense of Entertainment a VIR would have.
In the realm of resources, a Vir does not direct energy and interest for PAY. Meaning, a VIR does not do “whatever” can secure RESOURCES. A VIR and their relationship to RESOURCES is only so far as it serves the first, or the third CONDITION of SOCIALIZING, and/or of existence.
The VIR and their relationship to RESOURCES, for their own individual needs, is MINIMALISTIC, with an intent to remain active, with practices that trigger survival sense, threat sense, and endurance sense. A Vir does not seek to be comfortable, and relieved of challenge and adversity.
The Viritus, the religion, the “Way of the Vir” is the primary purpose of the first two socializing conditions. Where it is not prioritized, there is no Vir. When there is Vir with Vir, there is Viritus. There is Vertu, the Vir’s individual Viritus, and that is the needed ingredient for there to be Viritus with another. One can not have Viritus with another who themselves does not have Vertu.
Condition one and two serve the interest of bringing about “Vertu”, that of individual Virtue, in the condition, but not on, nor upon others.
The Vir does not work on others. The Vir is not a counselor, a therapist, a mentor, a teacher, a guide FOR OTHERS. A Vir is a guardian, a speaker, a presenter, of and for the Way of VIRITUS, and in the realm of ENTERTAINMENT, they bring Vertu to the social condition. In the realm of resources, they bring Vertu to the CONDITION.
A Vir does not provide RESOURCES for OTHERS. A Vir does not ENTERTAIN for OTHERS. A Vir resources the CONDITION for VIRITUS. A VIR ENTERTAINS the CONDITION for VIRITUS, and OTHERS SOCIAL in those CONDITIONS do not factor in by any degree, until that degree is a degree of Vertu. Those who develop by way of DEGREE that of their own VERTU become by degree “Kin” to all others who too, are degreed in VERTU. In that absence of that degree of being in Vertu, one is not Kin, and not one's SOCIAL, so to say.
One may be “associated” in the greatest loose sense of the term, but one is certainly not favored.
A Vir does not have a “FRIEND” in one who is not degreed in Vertu on their own level. A Vir does not have an ALLY in one who is not degreed in VERTU.
A Vir does not have one of their company, a companion, in one who is not degreed in VERTU. A Vir is not allied with one who is not degreed in VERTU.
One who seeks amusement, escapism, and socializing for the sake of distraction, relief, and validation is NOT degreed in VERTU.
INDIVIDUALISM is the foundation of VERTU; NOT that of COLLECTIVISM. Vertu is for those being apprenticed to a SOVEREIGN, with their own aim of SOVEREIGNTY, which is not a birthright, or default, but is earned through skilled and competent action, speech, and thought. As an apprentice to a SOVEREIGN, one is liken to a SAMURAI, who is not the servant of a LORD, but is a servant of VERTU; and the SOVEREIGN is only a SOVEREIGN insomuch as they are the living example of VERTU.
When one apprentices to a SOVEREIGN, this is their aim. They do not SERVE the SOVEREIGN, for the VIR is not RELATIONAL. They SERVE themselves as an APPRENTICE, with the VERTU essence being that which ought to be within them, being SERVED. With VERTU―VERTU, not the self―then serves the SOCIALIZING, the Viritus CONDITION. Vertu is not self, but Vertu is beyond self, and mastery of self is needed to go beyond self. REJECTION OF SELF is NOT a part of the Way of the Vir.
REJECTION of SELF is the WAY of DEFEAT. MASTERY of SELF is the WAY of the VIR.
A mastery for going BEYOND self, to unravel the Vertu essence that is not material, but from something else, that has no place in symbols.
When one apprentices to a Sovereign, they do not start with skilled thought, that begets skilled speech, that begets skilled action. This is the way in which the Sovereign travels, from right, Logos, to left through Ethos, and to Pathos. The apprentice travels from left to right. They travel from ACTION that Controls, Manages, Manipulates, and Commands Pathos, to then that of the Pathos body, establishing a kind of “character”, the Ethos that the action informs. And from this “character”, this Ethos, a Symbolic Sense of Self, that then informs the Sense of Self. And from there, the activation of the FACULTY of DISCERNMENT, which is needed as the foundation for the FACULTY of RATIOCINATION, which then orders the MIND to be the Vessel, the Avatar of “That State”, which is not to be SYMBOLIZED.
The SOVEREIGN thinks, speaks, and ACTS from “That State” that is not to be symbolized, but can only be accessed by that state that is symbolized in the apprentice and others, the state of Pathos, of the passions, the emotions, the Kinetics. The apprentice must resolve these STATES in order to CONQUER, and move on to the CONDITION that is called ETHOS, or one's “CHARACTER”, which is concerned with the arrangement of one's SYMBOLIC SENSE of LIFE, one's SOUL.
It is ABSURD to presume, when one speaks words of REASONING, yet they live like all others, that they are active in the LOGOS. This is absurd to presume.
It is more likely than not that most, more than not, exist in, are symbolized in, and act through their PATHOS form, or emotional body, and that, that which is found in their ETHOS is based on that direction, and not the direction of the LOGOS; to which may, or may not exist in them as a CAPACITY, not to be mistaken for an ABILITY.
The Vir does NOT hold the belief that in ALL hominids there is the CAPACITY of the LOGOS BODY.
On average, based upon the ABILITY to DATA MINE, and DISCERN in regards to HUMANS, it is rather a statistical given to say that a HUMAN does not have the CAPACITY to OPERATE from right to left, with LOGOS as the BODY of OPERATION. To be human is to be servile to the Pathos, and ACT, not OPERATE, from it, from left to right, with the Logos body not being present. Instead of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos, the human has Pathos, Ethos, and Utility.
Etymology of Utility (n.)
late 14c., “fact of being useful,” from Old French utilite “usefulness” (13c., Modern French + utilité), earlier utilitet (12c.), from Latin utilitatem (nominative utilitas) “usefulness, serviceableness, profit,” from utilis “usable,” from uti “make use of, profit by, take advantage of” (see use (v.)). Meaning “a useful thing” is from late 15c. As a shortened form of public utility it is recorded from 1930.
When “reason” or “discernment” seems at play… the Vir asks the question, around humans: what body does it serve?
When it serves the body of the Ethos, one's “symbolic sense”, it will serve the body, in ACTION, of the Pathos, the passions, the emotional Kinetics. When the reasoning is correlated to these two, and it does not have the essence of RATIO that can stand alone, and the other bodies conform to it… It is not LOGOS, and the capacity therein.
My Ancestors used to teach that the Ethos was the battleground where Pathos and Logos fought for “Influence”. Pathos fought for dominance; Logos fought for Command.
But this was because, like most, they presumed that ALL had the same capacities that they were born with. Because of this, they shared names with the “ALL”, and would allow themselves to be called liken to their majority. They would be the teachers and the guides of their majority, the elite thinkers and fighters of their majority. But in being so, they directed LOGOS at OTHERS, and not at “Ratiocinative Ways”, to make others prove internally their alliance to the “WAY” instead. This, they did not do.
This is where I have come to correct the missteps of my Ancestors; however, only because of the Victorious steps they did take.
The Vir does not have a masses, a majority alliance. The Vir does not bestow upon others. They bestow the “WAY”, the Patterns upon a CONDITION, and more often than not, the Patterns will NOT BE USEFUL to the Ethos and the Pathos of a human. These bodies will not be SERVED by the WAY.
The Vir does not have their Ethos and Pathos SERVED by LOGOS. Their Ethos and their Pathos serve their LOGOS.
Because of this difference in CAPACITY and ABILITY, what is often the Way of the LOGOS is useless to the way of the Pathos. More often than not, they can not exist in the same “REALM” of expression. Where one is on in expression, the other is off.
In the tradition of the Buddhists, the bastard religion of the Saka Way, they had the notion of “coming and going” to and from the “high mind”, and falling back, more often than not, into the hell mind. This is the semblance of this ancient notion of the “three bodies”, which now only seems to be referenced in rhetoric and these three modes of communication.
Logos was the high mind, from the poor reading of left to right. Pathos was the hell mind, in the poor reading of left to right. And because the individual traveled left to right, only among others who traveled left to right, it never produced Logos; only utility. The Buddha figure, who likely never existed, treated all like they had the CAPACITY. Of him, this imagined idea man, he was called the Tathāgata. Many translate this the way they see fit, and I shall do the same. It means one who neither comes, nor do they go. It is one who REMAINS. One may say, one who does not come. Another may say, one who does not go. But NONE will say, one who REMAINS.
But in the left to right, and right to left, this is what it means. One who is awakened neither comes, nor do they fall from that of the LOGOS, or the HIGH discerning, Ratiocinative, SOVEREIGN mind. They remain there.
But this ABILITY was not born out of a CAPACITY. This ABILITY of the ELITE, and only the ELITE of the Saka, or As’Vaka, was INNATE to them. Meaning, of their Kind, the natural Aristoi, they were born ABLE to remain in LOGOS.
One would have been this way when a “child”, a “youngin”, and thus a prodigy, but not with a mind meant to conquer one realm, and suffer the rest. The mark of one who is born a VIR is that they would be a prodigy, autodidactic polymath from the start, in which, for those who do not know, I am, and always have been.
This is why I know well what I say. I know it well, because I was born able to REMAIN in LOGOS. I was born there. Conditions compelled me to have to contend with the Ethos, and Pathos notion of the CONDITIONS. Had it all been based upon the way methinks, the conditions would never have the marks of ETHOS and PATHOS necessary, and for those who have experienced me in conditions where I Control, Manage, Manipulate, and Command… they “feel” this to be VALID, and thank me for it.
The Vir does not presume the ability to remain in Logos. This is not the aim of the Vir. This is the born ability of what is called a RATIENT. A Ratient is symbolically a Vir, but is natured a different way. The nature of the Ratient can not be properly symbolized, and ought not be, and even more, shall not be.
The symbol of Ratience is the extent of the symbols to be used, liken to how the symbol of LOGOS, that being the essence of discerned symbols, is the third, and highest body to symbolize. The Ratient is born in Logos, and therefore, used to be called LOGOS in order to direct apprentices to see that what words, what SYMBOLS that are used to organize ACTION, SPEECH, and MIND, were the ones that came from the LOGOS; but like all priestcraft, which is corruption, shamans and their Brahmins would appoint their own EMBODIMENTS of LOGOS, and PERVERT it in SUPERSTITION, BELIEF, and FANCY.
In the first degrees that have but some metaphors, the three bodies are used to develop a symbolic sense that at its first level is PRIMAL, and without the accuracy of the Vir. It is for the mind of an apprentice, which is not to be mistaken as an attained mind. The Vir that is realized does not think in terms of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos. These symbolic inferiors are replaced with entire maps of REASONING from LOGOS, that include every single set of traits and attributes that paint an accurate portrait of the mechanics of minds, symbols, and expressive actions.
But the notion of by degree is necessary, in that one does not move quickly to what they are capable of, and become able overnight.
But for those who are born to this “Way”, there is no DEGREE for what comes before. They do not act from capacity, but they are instantly ABLE.
In the past then, one who was Vir, born so, would need to use the systems in place by others, and their degree of apprenticeship.
I set out to master these mystery schools, their degrees and their initiations. EVERY one of them is under the Control, the Management, the Manipulation, and the Seduction of what it is to be in the left, trying to travel right. They have not had a single Lawgiver in the last 600 years, to fix their degrees to go from right to left, and the left be defined by the right, for the apprentice to travel the “Way” of that of “Virtue”.
ALL of those mystery schools, fraternities, and organizations that tie themselves to the Ancients and their Ways, that can be named and sought out, I have sought out. Too, I have sought out, found, and initiated in the Ways that do not get named, do not get mentions, and do not have crumbs to lead others to their “gates”. I have been “tapped” and “initiated” in all I have ever heard mentioned, and/or able to be “knocked upon”.
Had any of them had the needed degrees dictated from the faculty of discernment and Ratiocination, I would be in, and use their systems. In the absence of others having done the work, I have to work from right to left to figure out degrees for those who would apprentice a Sovereign, and direct their attention to the “Way” that can only attract those who have the “capacity” in themselves. Those who attract to “persons” attract not from this “capacity” of Logos within, but from UTILITY, in the RELATIONAL, to serve their PATHOS, and their ETHOS; an ETHOS and UTILITY that serves and is subjugated by their PATHOS.
I DO NOT KNOW if I can develop degrees that are born out of the right (Logos), and able to be communicated to the middle social Sense of Self (Ethos), in order to lead to the TRIUMPHANT emotional state of the Pathos.
This is why the “Way of the Vir” is with the status of being an INVESTIGATIVE, and EXPERIMENTAL WAY, subject to constant changes, upgrades, and alterations with the AIM of the SOVEREIGN being the system and the religion of VIRITUS, and not relationally personified. In other words, I work to remove my “presented self” from the equation, so that relational errors do not occur. In the absence of written and spoken works, one is left only with apprenticing an individual or group. They do not have resources that are provided to “act along” and through standards, and that of systems.
The faster, though rough it may seem, I can get works out, the faster I can resolve this relational issue, that leads to masses of humans moving towards things to make use of them for their distraught emotional bodies.
Let me be clear. I have not observed a single system of thought and “Way” that humans in their Pathos have not projected upon towards perversion. When humans get access to the words of others, born out of Logos… they pervert them, and make them Pathos. When they get access to SOCIAL orders structured around LOGOS, they pervert them, and make them relational, and PATHOS. PATHOS is RELATIONAL, and LOGOS is METHODICAL, and RATIOCINATIVE.
It is likely an absolute absurdity to presume that upon this physical planet, at the “time” of this CONDITION, there are in fact others who have the CAPACITY to awake to “WAYS” born out of Logos, and its dictates; born out of RATIOCINATION and its dictates.
This capacity is likely so rare that just about anything by degree I shall write will upon its surface seem to be absurdly crazed. Which then means too, those who are prisoners of their Pathos, themselves crazed, would become attracted to that seen as absurdly crazed.
Because of the primary component of RATIOCINATION driving the nature of the Symbolized Way of the VIR, this ought to show its greatness in DEFENSE. That those crazed out of the Pathos should struggle to even read, let alone ADOPT in PRACTICE, actions and WAYS, informed through the SYMBOLS, the ETHOS of the expressed LOGOS.
The whole point of Access Denied is to inject the absurdly crazed notion of the errors of human relational ways, in which ALL show they are scripted, in, through, out of, and by… thus, subjugated thereto. The whole point of Access Denied is to say that “This Way”, the “Way of the VIR” is not accessible to those who are grounded in the Earth Pathos, and lacking in the CAPACITY to be shaken and AWAKEN to that of LOGOS.
Pathos, Ethos, and Utility are easy to identify in WORDS, and in actions.
It is from and through this Pattern that humans ACT, and one, therefore, ought not listen to what one says as being as they say it. Ask what of their Ethos, their “frame of mind” is served in utility through their reasoning, and post reasoning attempts. And what of that frame of mind, that narrative of mind is there that likely serves some emotional state.
I have defined and refined myself, a sense of the emotions and their Kinetics with this piece, that of ACCESS DENIED, part II and/or III, depending on the chosen order of the Wild One's edits.
There is no randomness in the emotional Kinetics. There is no randomness in the degree of classifications, Logos dictates I must render into expressions.
One has these categories for thinking, and where one has not the capacity to engage Logos, it will be proven out in showing that when they think, they do not use, and can not use these categories. When one speaks as they always have, so shall they be thinking as they always have. When one speaks, one first acts upon that which is symbolized otherly in fantasy; the truth of the capacity to wield a sword is in the eventual, by degree, ABILITY to show and prove in the wield.
One is not of “This Way” when they sound the “same”.
One is not of “This Way” when they act as they sound, in “same”.
One is not of “This Way” when they sound the Way, and remain in the “same”.
One who has the capacity to be of this “Way” will not and can not stop furthering their degree towards it. For if the capacity exists in one to be of this “WAY”, it is shown and proven out by becoming excited. When one does not have this capacity excited, it is because one does not have the capacity.
The capacity in which Logos needs to be there is not hard to excite. It is EASY to excite and to attract by anything that has even the slightest mark of LOGOS. One who says, it proves to be difficult to be exited in and through such marked realms, has such difficulties and hardship because they do not have the capacity.
Instead, they need to retreat into their Pathos, and see how they can pervert, and familiarize to gain, and/or maintain access to this “Way”. It will prove difficult, because everything a human would find in their Pathos is seemingly contradicted by what is the “Way” in that of “The Way of the VIR”. One can not find a Pathos version of this Way. That is why when one is slaphappy, or they are malcontent, they are proven to not have the capacity in which this “Way” will excite and cultivate. It will prove that both of these Pathos states, happy or malcontent, are evidence that they are human, without this capacity.
The CAPACITY to be VIR is not the same as ABLE to be VIR. Able to be Vir is not the same as REALIZED as VIR. By degree, the ones that follow need the ones that preceded. This is what is meant to be degreed.
One who is not degreed with CAPACITY will not be attracted or excited towards the Way. One who thinks they are degreed in capacity, but the attraction and the excitement does not lead to eagerness to learn and know more of the Way, for adoption, was never actually degreed in the capacity.
The capacity is proven by the EXCITEMENT and EAGERNESS that contact with the CALL of any who is RATIOCINATIVE has been made. Where one is in doubt, there is no capacity. When one is with difficulty to cultivate further, to focus further, there is no capacity. Where one is with any sense that there is NO capacity, within them… there is no capacity.
The capacity that is needed for the “Way of the Vir” was called “being born in confidence”. This was not confidence in all things. This is confidence in that one's inner sense has a Way, and is best served when served that WAY; and therefore, to what is the “Way” for them is not with doubt, but surety in CONFIDENCE.
However, what may interfere with their sense of confidence is that of SUBJUGATED CONDITIONS, that so subjugated do not have a single call of RATIOCINATION that can ring out. So one's confidence has been buried, and has not and can not HEAR the CALL. This, only stated till they encounter the slightest seed of the CALL. When one with the capacity encounters the Call even in its slightest form, they become EXCITED more than they ever have known. They become DEVOTED more than they ever have known. That devotion is not to another, nor a system or group. That devotion is the kind a human can never have.
It is a devotion to CONQUER SELF, towards the VICTORY of VERTU; and it is one's VERTU―if and only if with the CAPACITY―that becomes the MASTER of SELF. Another is not one's VERTU. Another can not be the MASTER of a VIR. Another who may be Vir may have a MASTER, or their VERTU to act as an EXAMPLE. But it would not be an example of one's own version of VERTU.
They are not all the SAME by degree, but they are all the same by ESSENCE. They are all of the genus of Ratiocination, but by what degree of Ratiocination, mixed in with the Ethos and the Pathos, will differ by way of a species. Vir is the genus; a Ratient is a species of Vir. A Manu, female or male, was once a species of Vir.
When the Vir considers the socializing, they do so with CONSIDERATION by a METHODOLOGY specific for the socializing. One is not a Vir, who wings it. One is not a Vir, who is enticed through the form alone, and through the excited chemicals of nature's traps. This is not the way of the VIR. An apprentice may be enticed in these ways, but they are not an apprentice, if they do not override the enticements, and think of the standards.
One who is an apprentice is not a Vir, but they have the CAPACITY to be one. One is not an apprentice with the capacity to be a Vir, if they can not STOP with nature, and use STRATEGY and TACTICS. One does not deny their nature, and what is enticed through it. One does not even hide this from others, less they be the enemy. One first takes note, and RECOGNIZES the enticements, and wherein nature is so, works upon, and then makes the CHOICE, if they have the capacity, to choose strategy and tactics over easily naturally induced.
Where one struggles with SEEING self, and what excites it, one will not have the capacity. Where one says, “I forget to think of that”, or “that was hard to choose”, then one is not with the capacity. With the capacity means excited to think about that, excited to choose based on it. When one then is moved through the excitement of such… they have conquered; but this does not mean that the condition rewarded them.
The condition will more often than not punish the conquest of the apprentice. When this punishment works to stop the apprentice from initiating their degrees of knowledge, then they were without the capacity. When one is punished by the human controlled conditions, yet they know they chose the “Way” of their own nature, then they will not think of, and receive the stimuli as sufficient to play on their decision making process. One will see the so-called DEFEAT, conditionally, as a Victory intrinsically; the Victory in the WAY, if one has this capacity. The Victory is not found in how the condition responds to the Way. This would be absurd, and this will be the opposite of a Way based on Logos. This would be a “way” that is based on UTILITY.
Humans use the rewards and the punishments of their conditions to dictate their “way”. Humans choose “ways” that are useful, or have ways chosen for them, so to say… that are “useful” to the cause mostly of some. Humans are taught the “way of usefulness”. Humans are not able to carry on in a way that the CONDITION punishes.
Humans, in many ways, do not have a “Way”, nor can they ever. They have, instead, a “use”: either them being useful to others, or them making others be useful to them. It is this root that leads to the expression, humans, that is ALL HUMANS, are SLAVERS. This, because HUMAN SLAVERY is about this impulse to be USEFUL, and to make others USEFUL for your own USE.
The WAY of the VIR can humorously be called… The WAY OF USELESSNESS.
When the Vir is socially about, they do not ask HOW IS THIS ONE OF USE.
They do not ask this.
They ask what VALUE the individual has. Value and use are not the same thing.
The human uses others for Pathos.
The Vir finds others of VALUE if they fall into three of the categories aforementioned. But the Vir does not find one to be of value if they only fall into the category of 2, for resources.
Human females value the usefulness of a male based upon their primary standing in regards to RESOURCES. HUMAN FEMALES―not to be mistaken for Vir who too are of the female sex.
Human females value others based on resources, not for resource sake. They value others who can make them FEEL that of SECURE and SAFE, and resources and access to them act as indicators for this COS (Cycle of Servility), or CAUSE. The resources themselves are not the actual point.
Human males value human females based on recognizing them, affirming in them their usefulness, in making a human female FEEL safe and secure, regardless of the actual level of safety and security.
A human male desires to be recognized SOCIALLY as USEFUL.
To call a human male useless would be an insult.
To call a Vir useless would not be an insult. To call a Vir useful would not be an insult, but that Vir would have thought prudently, to make sure they are not seen this way.
A human male needs other males to determine what their level of usefulness is. A human male can not detect their “social status” without reference and comparison to other human males. A human male does not find security and safety in their interaction with other human males. Human males fight for status, in the “house hierarchy”, or that is the “dominance hierarchy”. Dominance hierarchies are based in Pathos, not Logos. Competence hierarchies are based in Pathos, Ethos, Utility… not in LOGOS. But the competence hierarchy that is external, that begets the one that is internal, is driven by the attraction to LOGOS, not UTILITY.
The Vir does not engage dominance, nor competence hierarchies. The useful human male is enslaved to competence hierarchies. The useless human female, and she is mostly useless, is subjugated by dominance hierarchies, though she is not allowed to engage in overt displays. She has to use a human male, mostly in competence and dominance hierarchies, to hide her plays.
This is not because she is “weaker”. This is a myth. This is because she has to “restrain” her ambition, because in actuality, she is mentally more aggressive than the human male servant. Nature gave her Lilith line, to which all human females are from.
The Vir is not useful to a human female. What she seeks is from her Pathos of insecurity and fear, anxiety and concern. To the Vir, that is her problem, and nothing in the Vir makes them think, they ought to resolve it for her, and well-informed, they too know, she does not seek resolution, because the condition is not the cause of the concern. Her concern TARGETS the condition.
The Vir is not useful to a human male. The Vir does not COMPETE with human males, and does not POSTURE in dominance hierarchies. The Vir does not posture, or that is, make themselves known in competence hierarchies. The Vir is able to appear passive. The Vir is able to appear the fool, and incompetent. The Vir does not DOMINATE in the way in which humans conceive of domination. The Vir does not in actuality dominate; he or she CONQUERS. A Vir will use the notion of dominance to trigger in the human their need to dominate. A Vir does not show a human, at first glance, their competence. A Vir does not make a sense of status in dominance hierarchies, known to a human.
The Vir, so long as there is no threat to them, lets the insecure and fearful human assert its ineptitudes, and WIN.
A Vir has no sense of COMPETITION with others. It has no sense of WINNING, in the manner in which a human does. When humans observe a Vir, more than likely, they observe them with the sense the Vir is of the lowest in dominance hierarchies, the lowest in competence hierarchies, the lowest in USEFULNESS, but suspect the Vir is holding back, and concealing.
The Vir is but the vagabond among the socials. The Vir is but the vagrant among the socials. The Vir is but the wandering fool, the risk, and the impoverished… among the socials. At first glance, the Vir does not seem like anything that ought to attract the “housed”, the “dominant”, and the ones seeking to dominate. The Vir looks OUTSIDE that of the “DOMAIN” of others.
Etymology of Dominate (v.)
1610s, “to rule over, control by mastery,” a back-formation from domination or else from Latin dominatus, past participle of dominari “to rule, dominate, to govern,” from dominus “lord, master,” from domus “house” (from PIE root *dem- “house, household”). Meaning “have chief influence over or effect on” is by 1818. Intransitive sense of “predominate, prevail” is by 1816. Related: Dominated; dominating.
The Vir is not, and never can be a “housed” individual. They are not and never can be a “landlord” or a “householder”.
The Vir is a nomad. ALL VIR. The Vir is a wanderer, even when they are “still”, in place. What makes the Vir a wanderer, landless, a nomad, houseless, and so on, is that the Vir never sees these things as “theirs”, under “possession”, but sees all these things as their own. This is not a sense of anti-property. This is not the Communist and Socialist sense. With one's own “kin”, where there is Vertu shared in Vertu, in social Viritus, there is “common property”. With one who is not of the “Way”, is not essenced in Vertu, is not standardized in Vertu, there is “individual”, or that is, private property.
Among one's enemies or unknowns, there is private property. But Vir among Vir, there is no property.
A Vir is not one who claims they want to be a Vir. A Vir is not one who says they are a Vir. A Vir is one who is realized, lives as, speaks as, thinks as, a Vir, and remains so. A Vir is an ALIEN in ways, and there is no Vir who would be mistaken about who, and/or what is a Vir. There is no such thing as a Vir commune, with self-labeled Vir running about like hippies. VIR are MARTIAL, and there is no such thing as a MARTIAL commune, and therefore, there are NO communities who are VIR. The Shaolin are not a MARTIAL community, though they are perhaps the closest seeming.
The VIR is not SOCIAL, in that Entertainment is USEFUL.
In this category, Entertainment for the Vir is defined as something in the condition that can be called upon to ADVANCE in one's sense of CONTROL, of MANAGEMENT, of MANIPULATION, and that of COMMAND, and/or the revelations and observations of AMUSEMENTS and SEDUCTIONS to LEARN from, that partake in.
Therefore, a chump can be the source of Entertainment, in that there is an observer who is Vir, able to draw attention to the ways of chumps. However, a Vir is not one who exists in this realm of Entertainment of poking fun, berating, and illuminating often more so than not what is wrong, versus what ought to be.
The wrong, error, or corruption illuminated for Entertainment only occurs when too, the alternative, the “Way of the VIR” is presented. It is not the “Way of the VIR” to illuminate errors without ADVANCEMENTS.
It can be asked, other than errors, what do you show and prove are the advancements of the VIR?
In the absence of the advancements of the Vir being alternatively on display, the commentator, the speaker, the writer, the illuminator of errors and dilemmas is no VIR. Were they Vir, advancements would dominate the Entertainment. Where there is no advancement in the Entertainment, is not the Vir sense of Entertainment; it is the human form of AMUSEMENT.
Therefore, where one is entertaining to the conditions of the Vir, it is just that. It is not that the SOCIAL is entertaining in and of themselves. But it is that perhaps they are entertaining that of a CONDITION the Vir has set up for ADVANCEMENT. The Vir will control failures and successes in conditions, to use them as a means to ADVANCE the CONDITIONS' demonstration of VIRTUE.
This is an Ancient tradition that used to be used by past “Masters” of “Ways” to teach students. The Vir does not aim the same way as these masters of the past. The Vir does not use this “Way” to teach individuals. The Vir is playing the “game of conditions”, whereby the game is played regardless of how others are able to see the “Way” within the conditions.
The Vir does not play games with and for others. They have the game of Entertainment, that the VIR runs regardless of the other players, or the played NPCs involved. It is RARE that anyone but another Vir would detect the way in which the Vir is playing the social condition present.
A Vir watches faces, analyzes tones, and checks for profile cues of those in the condition. A Vir can know another better than they can know themselves, because ALL VIR are social profilers, who use ALL SOCIAL CONDITIONS to bring out in others what has yet to be analyzed, personality traits and values.
With a Vir, every situation that is social is a puzzle, and EVERY VIR has at some point stated this is the case, to all who ever try to, or get access to them.
It is ethically required of a Vir to explain their modus operandi of social interaction. A Vir is not allowed to CONCEAL this, from any but the ENEMY. A Vir is not allowed to sustain social interactions with an enemy, unless that enemy has been openly declared as so, and the Vir then is free to use that enemy for the cause of LIBERATION and ADVANCEMENT.
If an enemy maintains access to a Vir, and it has overtly been designated an enemy, and knows it is… the Vir can use that enemy any way they see fit to secure an advantage, and the enemy is never protected from the ethics of the Vir.
There are ETHICS of WAR that bind a Vir, and only one of them is at play in the social sense, with a social enemy. A Vir can use a social enemy for any ADVANTAGE, so long as the use thereof does not HARM the enemy. So long as the enemy willfully assists in securing the advantage, the Vir is permitted to make use of them without providing a quid pro quo defined in the Way of the VIR.
It would be rare that a Vir is to make use of an enemy, and sustain association with them. However, these permissions exist in the Way of the VIR, on account that a Vir will almost always be born among human conditions, and thus, be born DISADVANTAGED.
No VIR is ever born ADVANTAGED among humans. The very nature of a born Vir, versus an acquired Vir, is that it can not BOND with, and formulate with humans in the way in which they relationally demand. An acquired Vir having been by capacity cultivated could have been born with advantages, and/or able to blend and get on with humans. These are those with a capacity, that can remain fast asleep the entirety of their lives, till awaken by Ratio Calls.
They can go either way... till they hear the Call. Those with capacity who hear the Call, if with capacity, lose the ability to maintain an advantage among humans. If they are in conditions controlled by humans, having heard the Call, they will suffer. If they suffer under human Control, and do not become excited to take Control over their own conditions and self, then they were not with capacity. Suffering under human captivity is not the mark of the capacity to be Vir.
The mark is, suffering under human captivity, and driven to Control that condition, and throw off the suffering. Suffering is not a part of the born Vir. Suffering may be a part of those with capacity yet to be realized. But they do not remain in suffering; they become excited towards Triumph. One can not be suffering and Triumphant in emotions at the same time. Humans suffer; Vir are Triumphant.
Humans suffer easily, and even with the greatest adversity, war and oppression, even in CHAINS, and PRISONS of the body, the Vir is mentally and in character… TRIUMPHANT.
A VIR does not USE others for RESOURCES without a QUID PRO QUO. Regardless of the source of a resource, the Vir is required―and does not need to be told it is―to exchange in VALUE.
If the value of a resource exists in a Vir’s condition, the number one thing they are likely trading is the expounding on the “Way of the VIR”. This, the Vir would do, even without the EXCHANGE, but this, the Vir is righteous in, in exchange, if one offers only material contribution. It does not need to be that the Vir and their expounding is of actual use or value to the material beneficiary.
The Vir's mentorship of the Patterns, not the individual, is registered by the Vir to be more valuable than any material form… ever. When one gives material value, their motives are irrelevant. When one gives material value, it will often be correlated to the Vir, based on the ENTERTAINMENT VALUE, and/or the VIRITUS VALUE rating the individual has.
An individual who only has a second value in that of material is at least giving that to the Vir, and more than often, will not and can not find VALUE in the Vir, for what the Vir is. That individual who only offers material for trade of the VIR's expounding is often that individual who wants access to the Vir to gain, and/or maintain it, for relational reason, and thus Pathos reasons. So long as the Vir states that the Vir has observed this to be the case, the Vir is permitted to allow this transaction in the material form to continue, so long as it does not create impediments.
In the sense of material exchange for expoundings, say, such as the mere purchase of a book for money, the individual offering material value is not presumed in any way to be “about this Way”. All who offer only material exchange for access to the Vir and their expounding are presumed, ALL are presumed, to be doing so from Pathos, and not from a presumption of CAPACITY.
Capacity only becomes presumed when the individual offers a value in the third. When one does not enter into the third social value of the Vir, there is no presumption, or sense that one has the capacity. One in the first and second are both presumed to be trying to get the Vir to be of USE to them, for their own Pathos based emotions.
When this is the limit of the individual to whom the Vir has stated its WAYS to, it is the Duty of that INDIVIDUAL to learn the Ways of the one they are seeking access to, or maintaining access to. One who is seeking access to, and maintaining access to a Vir out of Pathos IS AN ENEMY, because the VIR would have declared that they are not exchanging in the relational, emotional, and Pathos needs of the individual. When they then ignore the Vir’s proper declarations, and ethically required declarations, like this book, that ENEMY is engaged in a form of WARFARE, and is treated accordingly, under the system of WARFARE that the VIR adheres to.
A Vir, in no way, shape, or form is allowed to SEDUCE, and use MANIPULATION to deceive another for ACCESS. A Vir does not do this. But one who is an ENEMY to the VIR is one who will try to have and maintain ACCESS on their terms, ignoring that the VIR has stated their Ways with clarity.
That individual will feel seduced, betrayed, and manipulated, when they come to find out that the whole time of association, they were the ones trying to seduce and manipulate to get the Vir to be the way they wanted them to be, to be useful to their Pathos. When the Vir remains as they have always said they were, the enemy associate will turn to their own lies and deception, to have to believe certainly… the Vir was the enemy.
For this reason, for this Pattern being most common… It is from this RATIENT'S mouth that it is said…
A Vir, even for material gain, is not to allow an identified enemy access to them.
This is not the rule, and the Law of the Vir, but it is the Way of the Ratient. For the Vir who is evolved in their sense of strategy and tactics, it is what they would conclude by degree. It is not that apprentices should practice this, because it would be easy to see, with the capacity of Vir, you are surrounded by ONLY those who could be enemy, and there is no Vir to see.
So this is not the Way for APPRENTICES, and one who realizes in Vir does not need Ways to be prescribed.
This is a Vir of a Ratient species declaring this observation, and making the rather new account of forbidding enemies access to the Entertainment Value, the Material Value, and the Viritus Value of a Vir.
That, on the level in which I am being provoked to, it is clear, I have far often in my living granted enemies access to me, and honored the ways of professing the Way, only for that not to be sufficient for those who are enemies. Those who are enemies are humans, and therefore, SLAVERS; and therefore, they will ignore what you say, because they can care less. They will still make you of USE to them.
EVERYONE I have met, outside of my place and time of origination, has behaved like ENEMY, except for TWO.
One would say… But wait… That just must be a pessimistic view. No, if you have read this book, and what follows it, I am making quite clear what the traits and attributes of an individual are, that make them the enemy to a Vir, and its species. I have defined the traits, and it is almost a guarantee, even if seeded in capacity, that my literature has defined your present “ways” in exactness. I am saying, the way you are with everyone you know, is the WAY of ENEMIES and EMOTIONAL SLAVERS.
I can not be any more clearer than this.
But also, those who number two are those who have identified this enemy behavior in themselves, and with appearance of capacity, have been excited towards their own Control and Command, that then removes that kind of behavior and exalts Viritus to the status it would naturally have to the capable.
Meaning, I take position liken to that of Malcolm X. He said the cure for the white man and the black man was Islam.
He was young still, and not realized. But Malcolm X was an infant kin to me, who given some more years, would have become as near to Manu realized as one could perhaps be.
For the white man to not hate himself, he would best be Muslim. For the black man to not hate himself, best to be Muslim. To stop hating each other, both best to stop hating themselves, and to do this, is to be MUSLIM.
Now, I am not a follower of Islam and Muhammad, but make no mistake… I am a Muslim. Everything I say is about SUBMISSION to the WILL of ALLAH, which to me, is the will of REALITY, which does not assert itself upon the human retarded animal. Humans have to choose to stop hating themselves, and they are born in low self-esteem. Humans have to work hard at Virtue, and rest not ever, remaining Vigilant to its fall.
Even those with the capacity towards Vertu do not likely have the high chance of realizing it, and coming to Vigilantly stand in it. It may be probable that the “Way” in which I expound on is for any but a few. An actual few. Not a relative few by the millions among billions.
Literally, I will live this form and its life and in the end, perhaps count about 33 who any of this has ever applied to, and aided in the cultivation of that Vertu capacity. Now, if I am wrong and the numbers became greater than that, make no mistake, I would not meet those numbers in the human way of rejoicing. I would meet those numbers with a Vir Vigilance, suspecting I have erred along the way, and some shamans and crazed have made their way in.
We, the Vir, in no way use NUMBERS to rejoice. That is the human collectivist way to be a part of groups, need groups, need SOCIALIZING.
It is not the Way of Vir to need socializing, for Pathos. It is the Way of Vir to arrive at socializing for Viritus, and only it.
There is no SOCIAL value of an INDIVIDUAL to the Vir in the first and second degrees of socializing. The individual who is entertaining is hardly an individual and ought not Pattern in importance. The one who merely provides material for their own reasons, hardly an individual and worthy of Pattern in importance.
The only social value of high esteem a Vir has for another, is the one that begins when that other, within their capacities, starts cultivating the Vertu within them. In the absence of being “about the Way”, a Vir does not find you to be of individual value.
You will be a “plaything” of sorts, and nothing from you demands you ought to be seen as anything more. You are not born worth more than that, and you may not like to read, or hear that stated, but make no mistake… You live your whole life affirming that even you do not think you or others are worth more than being playthings, used, used up, recycled, and moved past to get the next one.
Those with the CAPACITY to be a VIR, that become excited in it, do not come to this notion that the Vir in front of them is a mere plaything, for their emotions. Their eyes of their mind so excited can see that the Vir in front of them is a passing star that if not made use of in the now, shall be missed, and the incapable will never be able, and instead remain in the condemned realm of the humans, who are mere playthings of the gods, and in turn, playthings for their mommies and daddies, who are mere playthings to the groups that run them as the subjects they are.
The Vir is no mere plaything, and hardly will a Vir be seen treating others like mere playthings, even if this is all others amount to. The Vir will see you as merely playing, and say, NO THANK YOU… because I am not here to PLAY that way. I am here to ADVANCE, and you playthings do not add to that ADVANCEMENT; you impede with your attempts at AMUSEMENT.
NO, and NO, thanks to you… I will instead engage not playthings, but ADVANCING things, and when you realize this was my “WAY” the whole entire time, and you feel like a discarded plaything, realize that FEELING was not from me or any Vir; it was the feeling you began with, and you gained no ADVANCEMENT among a Vir, but instead, you had no choice but to retreat back to your humans feeling the same way you came… played with, and moved past on account of the boredom that follows mere playthings.
Treat yourself and others like a plaything, and you ought to expect that is exactly what you were and are, and can only eventually have the fate of.
But a Vir will not allow others to treat them like a plaything, and to exploit them and keep them base. A Vir will not be base. They will be exalted.
I have not said, how, or by what means yet, in this piece. This is a social self-defense manual for the Vir, or that is, those capable of being Vir. The “Way of Vir” will follow next as a series. That will be about an Apprentice to the Master system of Vertu, that may be in them or not. A book that does not make me their master, relationally, but makes clear what that operating master Vertu, seeded in some, would look like and behave as, and perhaps, how one conquers their way to it.
But I do not know how to actually do that. My Vertu worked on my Ethos and Pathos from the start. It has refused to allow the Pathos act as the master. I was born with the ADVANTAGES of my Kind, and because of that, would seemingly be disadvantaged among humans, but never is this truly the case. Humans are disadvantaged among their own, no matter what. So then even a human seeking to be advantaged would be best to not follow human examples, which there are plenty of, saying this way, thou will suffer.
The human, especially its female, DEMANDS, and believes she is ENTITLED to be SEDUCED, and becomes disappointed in how little her human males actually are inclined and know how.
Males are not often succeeding because of Seduction, to get female attention. They are succeeding at getting material indicators of their status in dominance and/or competence hierarchies. The female is not caring to measure the male before her. She is measuring his status. The few who are statused by these means then get choices. The rest have to SERVE the PATHOS of their female options, which in no way is the ambitious kind in general, but is the LITTLE girl kind.
You mommied stamped males have been taught that “empathy”, that you all know is emotional Manipulation, is noble, not because you have nobility, moral and good defined, for you do not. You have NOBLE in place of USEFUL. You have good in place of USEFUL. Placating to the EMOTIONS of others is not EMPATHY… it's useful for Control, for Management, for Manipulation, and when those three fail, the target of an amusement, in which SEDUCTION is used at.
The bulk of you shall never enter anything complex as SEDUCTION. The bulk of you are female and male chumps that do not SEDUCE; you just CONTROL and INFLUENCE each other, through base emotions, and Pathos, and you all are doing it like a four-year-old little girl. It's not complex, sophisticated, and NOBLE. It's USEFUL.
The Vir can not seduce you
The Vir does not and can not SEDUCE you children, but you can certainly Control, Manage and Manipulate your own emotions, to think the Vir is talking to you.
The Vir is not talking or writing to you. The Vir is expressing upon the conditions. And that is why the Vir does not and can not engage in CONTROL, MANAGEMENT, MANIPULATION, and SEDUCTION over others. That requires targeting the individual or their groups. It would be you, coming to the condition to make it serve you, to be useful―the condition that is under the Control, the Management, the Manipulation, and the Command of the Vir. When you access that condition, for you will not access them, and you remain in it to suffer as you do in your human conditions, YOU are the source of your suffering, for the Vir does not keep you nor try to, in their conditions.
The VIR says, GET OUT OF MY CONDITIONS if you do not like it. The Vir does not say, let me change these conditions to match your individual needs, so that I can maintain access to you. The Vir does not seek to gain, or maintain access to others. The VIR is not RELATIONAL.
Along the way of the apprentice with the capacity, they will be CONDITIONALLY under RELATIONAL thought. The capacity is presumed, when they are not tied to their relations, and they start measuring others. One who struggles with this does not have the capacity, and ought not presume they do. This individual is now seen by them. They are aware of it at first as a struggle, but with the capacity, they can not deny, now, that this is often a plaything, an empty hollow thing in front of them running a profile.
The apprentice will get some fear around this. Clearly it must be odd to presume that most you would observe are not REAL, or animate in Reason, but only a plaything in flesh. Surely, at first, this would have to instigate fear, and a sense of loneliness in the apprentice.
I must remind myself of that possibility, because I have never “felt” that. The Vir who is realized, who is Sovereign, does not need the rest of you flesh bags to have Intellect and to be real. There is a game they know of, that does not need other players. They can play that game and rejoice. But the ultimate game, as they know, is the Viritus one, which after they have mastered the Vertu one, they are then excited for that… to which the Ancients have proclaimed, it is a game that has yet to be won, but that along it, is the greatest Triumph by a thousand seeds.
The Vir can not seduce, because the Vir does not play with your false sense of securities, your fears, insecurities, anxiety, and concerns. A human, you can get to take up your anxious concerns. A human will “know you” through your pain and your suck, and will be compassionate in this, because too, they are in pain, and they suck.
Knowing one from the human ineptitudes is knowing them to be broken like you, and sharing in your shit. This is not the Way of Vir.
A Vir can not seduce, because Vir will not communicate without skill. A Vir will not send signals that are ignorant, that are vague, ambiguous, and subject to the interpretation of your childish kind of ignoramus called humans.
A Vir uses exact signaling, precise signaling, clear communication with expoundings to take them further. A Vir would not try to trick you with language, and tell you, you have what is needed to grasp the communiqué. If all this was valid, it would mean you little girls and little boys do not need to advance to association with a Vir. But that is not the case.
The Vir does not seduce you by telling you, you, as you stand there a little boy and/or little girl, have everything in your minds already worthy of association. The Vir tells you what you are. You are a an inept child who has been educated to stupidity, and with that stupidity you do not have a mind that works sufficient enough to ever actually experience a Vir. You are experiencing your own inadequate thoughts about the Vir, in place of what they are in actuality.
You could care less about the Vir. The Vir, like your action toys as a boy, or your dolls as a human little girl, is your PLAYTHING, there to amuse you. You males play with the Vir to try to look higher among each other, in dominance hierarchies, and you only get one shot to do that, and the Vir has no further place in your hierarchy. You fail to see, as little retarded human boys, you are not higher or lower than the Vir… for he or she is not counted among yours. That is your miserable and suffering hierarchy.
A Vir can not seduce you, because a Vir will not encourage, care for, foster that in you, which is your anxiety, and your disgust, discontent, despair, and malcontent. The Vir says, I am not interested in your ineptitudes. Do you have strengths, skills, competence, and ability at something we can do instead? To which your childish and retarded kind of humans says to the Vir… Wait, what? What is that? For among your kind you are marked by your anxiety, the concern it breeds, and what you call your own, your family, your friends are those who SHARE in your CONCERNS, not those who shake and break those concerns, and elevate you to self and conditional mastery. For this would be alien and odd.
So then if the Vir does not share in your concerns, does not excite your anxiety, and does not engage in CARE, how is the Vir seducing you?
A Vir does not trigger in you your dissatisfaction, your low self-esteem, your low sense of worth, getting you to think they should be the target of praise and admiration. The Vir does not work at this. The Vir leaves you in your suffering, or demands of the condition that you contract to not include it. How is this Seduction?
The Vir does not try to get you to seek to possess them, to see them as praiseworthy and of high order. The Vir instead says, I will not possess you, you will not possess me. You are possessed by your Pathos, I am in essence possessed by my Logos, and to whom I belong and only can. You can not belong to me, and I can not belong to you. We are not a we. You are you and yours, and never to be mine. I am mine, and only mine, never to be yours. How then is the Vir seducing?
The Vir does not come to you on your terms. The Vir does not mirror your ways. The Vir does not play by your rules, and work within your frames. The Vir comes for the mission and the objectives with their own “Ways”, the “Way of the Vir”, and does not assert self, but methodology, which too, runs them. The Vir does not alter to appeal to you, does not tell you what you want to hear, and perhaps, not even what you need to hear.
The Vir keeps on as the Vir, never dropping their Virtue, regardless of the condition. You are not the target of a Vir; the CONDITIONS they have a right to, are. You may be in those conditions, and may have gotten there for your own play. But you, and only you, have the duty to know you are in and out of other conditions. But as little retarded boys and girls of the human kind, you are all with a sense of entitlement to all conditions, and therefore, you do not discern what conditions or under what, or whose Control.
The Vir tells you, this condition is under my Control, and established for my interest, and only when you are of the same aim and interest, would you then benefit from my Control over these conditions. These conditions are not based on you, your wants, your wishes, desires, and needs. You can leave or not show up at any time. This is the “Way of the Vir”. How is this Seduction?
The Vir does not entice through fantasy. The Vir does not try to be pleasing, or to discover what in you, what emptiness needs to be filled. This is what you all do in retarded states. What you are missing is not the CONCERN of a Vir. Why and how you feel empty is not the CONCERN of a Vir. They do not create conditions that speak to your emptiness, and your shortcomings. They do not speak to your Pathos, and your Ethos, and what prison they hold.
They speak the conditions towards Logos, and you all in your retarded states inject your Pathos and Ethos into the mix, and in your confusion about the conditions of the Vir, under their Control, you think what draws you in, is that their Control potency could be used by you to wander the great mysteries of your emotions. That is your fancy, not the fancy of the Vir, and that is not what and how Ratiocination of the Vir is made use of.
The Vir does not value surprise, does not value suspense, does not value ignorance. The Vir does not run the fifth Kinetics of the emotions as the means to entice, to entertain, to amuse. The Vir is not about spontaneity, and novelty. The Vir, for those who can afford to pay attention, its price is methodical, which begets predictability and accountability. Excitement for the Vir is not in ignorance, and therefore, surprise.
The excitement of the Vir is in eagerness to learn and to know, thus, CURIOSITY. Humans mistake this as the same as excited surprise and novelty. These are not the same. The Vir has no interest in your need for surprise to be lifted out of your despair. The Vir does not speak to your insecurities and fears in the first Kinetics. The Vir does not speak to your anxiety and concerns of the second Kinetics, does not speak to your disgust, your contempt, and displeasures in the third Kinetics. The Vir does not speak to your despair, depression, emptiness and malcontent in the fourth. It does not use surprise, your ignorance and your need for ESCAPE to bring you into the pleasing Kinetics of the sixth. A pleasure that would be defined by the previous five, and not be TRIUMPHANT.
The Vir does none of this… How then does the Vir seduce you?
The Vir does not tell you what you want to hear. The Vir will correct you, when you say your values and include them. The Vir will tell you they disagree with you, when you project your sixth inadequacies upon the association and situation. Never is the Vir caught telling you what you want to hear, because what you want to hear is based in your insecurities, your fears, your anxiety and its concerns, your cares they give birth to, your disgust that follows when you lack Control and Influence, and the despair you fall to, when you are impotent at living.
What you want to hear is that you are beautiful, wonderful, and important to the Vir, not because you deserve such a praise, but because you were born, and uttered words of praise their way, expecting it returned.
The Vir does not tell you what you want to hear, nor even what you need to hear. The Vir tells you what the Vir thinks, and this, if you find seductive, is only because you are surprised by this, and it excites you because it comes as chaos. This is not the Vir using selective honesty as a trick. That is not the Vir seducing you; this is your needy ass trying to get whatever you can to say the Vir has warranted your attention, when in actuality, as a plaything, to you, you want to possess the Vir, because it is giving in your mind a chase, which excites you. How is the Vir seducing you for saying what the Vir thinks, and not giving a care for what you think?
The Vir does not try to get your attention. The Vir does not play at subtleties. The Vir is a standalone that does its own thing. It is a bold thing, often expressive with energy that is sustained no matter the audience. It will neither go at you straight, nor round about. The Vir does not need you.
The Vir does not make your retarded entitled ass feel special by merely being in its spectrum of condition. It does not do things to make you feel superior or with the advantage. The Vir will play the conditions to have you exposed as needing this, and the Vir will fastly move on, to those less retarded than you and your feelings of insecurity, and fear of appreciation.
The Vir does not believe vulnerability is a Virtue; they see it as a vice. The Vir sees vulnerability and the preaching of it, to be proof that one is only among their enemies; for only an enemy preaches vulnerability as desirable. Only an enemy wants to know your weaknesses. Only an enemy wants you to be open about them. Only human retarded males fall for this as their human retarded females promote it. No one who is a strategist and tactician would ever come to conclude that vulnerabilities and weaknesses should be a part of an association. Only a little girl would preach this, and little boys believe and use it. It is the way of chumps.
A Vir is no chump. A Vir will not come to you as weak to get you to feel greater, not because a Vir hides weaknesses. A Vir destroys what makes them weak and becomes strong. The only one who can use weakness for social access and Seduction is the weak. A Vir is not weak, is not vulnerable, is not a chump, and therefore, could never use weakness to appeal to your care, and/or to make you feel greater. How is a Vir seducing you?
A Vir does not concern itself with dreams. A Vir does not concern itself with fantasy. A Vir does not pay attention to the dreams, desires, wants, and fancies of others. This is for shamans. A Vir is strong in relation to reality and demands the proper accounting thereof. To do this, one must destroy imaginary worlds of nonexistence, and focus on what is REAL. REAL is amazing to the VIR, not FANCY.
Humans require escape from the real, because humans lack potent Control, Management, Manipulation, and Command over the real. They, therefore, need distractions and escape. A Vir does not bring about conditions of relief, of distraction and diversion, deluded and fanciful on reality. The Vir dictates that the conditions be moved and advanced to obey, and then Command reality. The Vir is all about reality; not dreams, talks, wishes, desires, wants, and venting. How then is the Vir seducing your dreamy and fanciful ass, when demanding reality reign supreme?
A Vir does not separate you from your originals and your defaults. A Vir does not say DO AWAY with the others. A Vir says STUDY others, use them as the playthings they use themselves as, and run experiments, and investigations. They are free subjects to test, and to use to determine how the mind observes REALITY. The Vir says, do not quickly run from them, but it is in most to want to, because they FEEL betrayed by their familiars when their brain begins to work right. They look back and they see the rest of you are chumps, and now exposed. They see that you ask of them all the seductive needs.
You demand they be insecure like you. You demand they use poor language like you. You demand they tell each other, what each other wants to hear, like you. You demand that they play by the rules of others, like you. Why, you demand that they be lying, deceiving seductive little chumps, so that the boat of security and stability does not get to rocking.
Why, you familiars demand all along that your children lie, and cower everywhere they go, starting with you. YOU isolate your children. The Vir does not do this. YOU keep your young from learning the value of precise words and thoughts. YOU isolated your young in school rooms that made them retarded. You have led to all the isolation your young has come to feel, because ALL of youse isolated anything that could be true about your young, and subjugated it.
So now, even in places where there are fleshly stooges everywhere, your young feel isolated. They feel isolated in crowded schools, crowded rooms, and in your house. You retarded parents of ineptitude isolated your young from themselves from the very start, and made sure they could not gain greater advantages than you.
When they meet a Vir, and they have the capacity to be a Vir and this makes them leave you chumps behind, they are not being isolated by a Vir. They are never, ever, influenced about who they engage with. They do not receive punishment, shaming, and blaming for choosing to associate with others from other ways. THEY, those who separate from you familiars, do so because you act like their ENEMY.
The Vir tells them to return to the battlefields, and observe on their own. To recon the realms they were in, with the knowledge they have now. If they even remotely return to those realms, it is for two reasons: either the Vir told them go RECON and learn, or the individual came to realize they could not possess the Vir and make it relational, and they have no choice but to retreat back to the human realm and go play with the playthings that are like them.
They return defeated, bitter, and malcontent, but make no mistake… They are not the ones who chose to return, even if they think they are. It is more so likely the Vir pushed them out and away, when it was clear they were not with the CAPACITY to be VIR.
A new practice of the Vir has formed around this notion of ISOLATION as a SEDUCTIVE play. This accusation is the easiest one to appear true, because of the choices familiars make. I have never met one who was not quick and ready to do away with their familiars for many reasons other than any of this. And when they do it, it is the novelty their familiars see, that they blame.
Apprentice now, to the Vertu Way, are being handled differently. This notion of isolation is now able to be avoided in many ways. First, the books will be required read, and no access to a Vir should ever be granted from scratch. Access to a Vir who mentors the condition should be restricted to any and all who have the CAPACITY confirmed through having mapped their way to the CONDITIONS of a Vir, which ought not be needed soon, till much deeper in the process.
But even then, where a Vir becomes a central character, and one may be using them for relational and Pathos need, the Vir must push them out for a 40-day social cleanse. This way, this claim of isolation holds no weight, but even more so, the Vir will not be delusional about why others wish access to them. The longer one can be away from the Vir, and motivate themselves through their own capacity, the more likely and clear that the “Way” they are apprenticing to is actually the “Way of their own nature”. It is the isolated Children of Ineptitude, born out of you familiars, who are the ones actually trying to seduce and possess the Vir.
They are the ones who will come with lies, deception, tricks, and delusion, not the Vir. And they will have come with all that from how you are, their familiars, and how you have isolated them and kept them inept. You are to blame for any Child of Ineptitude. You are to blame for any child you lose to a CULT, because you groomed them with your familiar ways to be VULNERABLE to cults. You made them VULNERABLE. You made their weak childish states, that made you feel superior, become sustained into physical maturation. If you the familiars prepare the young to engage in war, with strategy and tactics, something you know nothing about… then no one could ever Control them, ever Manage them, ever Manipulate them, and ever SEDUCE them.
My Work, which will be required read, proves you familiars were the Seducers, the Manipulators, the Managers, and the Controllers, and that you carried out all these plays with subjugating forces. YOU, not me, SUBJUGATED your young and made them IDIOTS. I, with this Work, am doing what DUTIES you were supposed to do, but had not done onto you, and therefore, could not BESTOW forward.
My Works teach them about Control. My Works teach them about Management. My Works teach them about Manipulation, and SEDUCTION. My Works guide to Command.
The Vir sends the would-be relational back to the world of relationals, and when it can blend back, it is meant to be. With this Vir social tactic of the 40 days and/or more, the individual who may have thought they knew why they were in it, will have their own thoughts, and alternatives to explore. When they then decide to return to the CONDITIONS of a Vir, what then is there next for you all to accuse? If it was proven that they go back to the world of humans for 40 days or more, and that world does not shake their resolve with the capacity of the Vir… what then?
Would the “Way of the VIR” be so seductive by being anti-seductive that none of your ways could reverse it?
Is it perhaps, because shown and proven in the parliament of ACCESS DENIED, you can see now, I have told everyone about WHAT YOU ALL DO, and are doing?
Is it truly hard to believe that those who came from you, inept children engaged in parenting, have woken up to see that they do not want to be CHUMPS like youse?
The only solution you chump familiars can have to say isolation is not a tactic of mine, is if no one ever tries to be around me. Any sign that others would wish to be around a Vir and their conditions is all you chumps need to accuse them of ISOLATING your once FAMILIARS. Something that would not be doable unless you did a poor and horrendous job at preparing them for the world.
The fact of the matter is, this particular Vir, I, the writer and speaker, do not much like being around others, and do best by myself. I am not a social seeker, and this is evidenced in that I am trying to remove myself out of the equation. But you chumps can not know what that means, because the whole of your lives, you have needed the social aspect to think of yourself.
You needed your young to be in your captivity to make that more clear. You needed them to be tied to you, to keep that clear. So then, you can only think that in me is the same need, and fortunately for me, I do not do any of this to prove something to you, inepts.
It is in my favor for this Way of pushing others out to be practiced. A Way coupled with them showing and proving gains by their own solo motivations, before even having future access. Only but a few have access to me outside this standard, and one of them is WAY past any question of internal motivation, and being self-driven to be ABOUT THIS WAY. One is beyond a doubt, but only one.
In all likelihood, something will truly be proven by this social strategy. When I am removed from the equation, so then will be the sense of SEDUCTION. The inept parents are certainly correct, SEDUCTION is truly why most have ever been associated with me, and never would I have thought it was because of the “WAY of VIR”. But what they all get wrong is that I am the one seducing.
All the things I have said a Vir does not do above, are the things that EVERYONE that comes from the human kind tries to do to me. Your young of the past who sought me out and lost access to me―all of them―tried to SEDUCE me, because this is the way of human inepts. Because they were engaged in a game of Seduction… it makes it seem like I too, engage in it. I do not. The whole time was me teaching them I knew what they were doing, and what it was and where it came from, and why they ought to stop. When they come wobbling back, it was not my Seduction that wore off; it was their Seduction getting them nowhere with me.
What those on the outside can never realize is… I SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN.
But by removing myself from the equation, and leaving the works written or spoken, it will likely prove that Seduction was a huge factor. Because now your inept young will not be able to target me for Seduction, and abuse this Duty I have to expound on the “Patterns” and the “Way of the VIR”. This was the only reason why they had access in the past. With the new rules, I could say almost with certainty that it will PROVE that most of the past never should have messed with this, those of the present messing with it, it's likely right for, and those yet to come to mess with it, are more suited for it... but in all likelihood, my DUTY will be honored, and there will be hardly any to mess with this.