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Part II

The Battle of Access

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Chapter 5

Unfolding the Plays

Phase one of so-called Seduction requires that both parties, if not all parties, are in need of distraction and relief, and therefore… escapism.

Escapism is the primary ingredient of Seduction, and both the female is in need of it, as well as the male. However, to recap what was covered in Chapter 4, the male is in need of being SERVILE and the female is in need of being ENTERTAINED. Escapism, for the male, is therefore more servile and role based than so much as Entertainment; however, only so much as it applies to a female.

It must be made clear that Seduction is a form of Entertainment, and therefore, one should not think of the aims of the ENTERTAINMENT other than to entertain. It is not about SEX, nor is it about “Manipulation”, which is entirely different. It is about “access”, but why or what the “access” is for should not be presumed.

It should not be thought that one is seducing for sex. When this is the thought, one will then not think of “SEDUCTION” beyond mere male and female, where this term is often mostly applied.

But Seduction, as a form of Entertainment, is about escapism, but with the use of “delighting” as the tactic. Through Entertainment, the “plays” are about distraction and relief, and so long as this is the case, and it is Entertainment, it is too, Seduction. It is not Seduction when skill and competence play a role, and one's Entertainment comes to ADVANCE them in CONTROL and COMMAND. There may be Manipulation at play here, and there ought to be certainly ENTERTAINMENT at play here, but SEDUCTION is not the kind of ENTERTAINMENT that ADVANCES one in their CONTROL and COMMAND. Seduction is about distraction and relief, because SEDUCTION is ENTERTAINMENT for the WEAK, and the cowardly.

You are engaged in SEDUCTION as a male when you see a FEMALE who has signaled you that they are ready to PLAY, and you have their permission. It is not Seduction that the female has engaged in. She has not distracted you from the start because of a PLAY. Her sex and default automated systems already exist by nature's Command to distract you as a male. She does not need to play, and because of this, more often than not, human females have no actual sense of SEDUCTION, though certainly they will be the ones with demand in how you, if a male, ought to SEDUCE them. This too is why, with this Seduction, worse to do is learn it from, and listen to a female.

By default, if you are a human male, you think, because of Mommy and your time raised by her, that females are magical, and that they hold some hidden abilities and value that you ought to uncover. If you are a human male, which you more than likely are, this SPELL will not fade, nor go away. The best hope you could have, if you skillfully try to have it, is that you can choose tactical plays over your natural state and vulnerabilities.

Tactically, the first thing to do is realize that your interest is ignited in ALL females, and any female, because it is not an “interest” at all, but instead, nature has programmed your mind to SCAN for the signal, as a human male. You are not aware of this scanning, nor are you aware of the signaling from the female that it is looking for.

She, the human female, is not better off in this realization. Meaning, she does not have much awareness either. Simply automated animals at play. But the error you will not know, nor experience a path to knowing, is that the human female is not signaling the male, mostly, as a means to say “approach” and start the “play”. Those who deal in “Seduction” and try to promote it and its ways will teach others this is what is occurring. But it is not. The signaling a female gives to a male is based on what they automatically think of that male's status. They will not signal as much to “low statused” males. In the case of the unknown, the status is not, as many think today… the status of “earnings” as they can be presumed based on accessories such as clothing, cars, houses, and so on. The native mind, the automatic mind, does not actually see these things. A human female will have some consciousness about the material status of the human male she may be, or wish to signal “playtime” with.

But the real status that her automated mind is seeking out is based upon how dangerous that human male would be, and how capable they would be in doing harm to others, on her behalf, in order to secure her status of deference and ease, in which all human females value more than anything else.

Human female is the factor here, not female. Rare is it that some Women of the Horse still exist, and Men of the Wolf still exist, because rare is it that male or female of this Kind is still about. They are of an Old Kind, mostly gone, with only a glitter of atavistic existence to make note of. By what degree it remains, it rarely can compete with the human conditions. Therefore, I say human male and human female, because it does not apply to all males and all females, who may not be, by the standard I preach, HUMAN. And if one has read me this far, and still they laugh at this notion that “We” are not a “We”, and not all human, then you are but a mental midget, who must be motivated by some subversive oddity to keep on with this.

Humans, all humans, are as I say they are, and one who is not these things is not a HUMAN. But most of you would think you are not these things, because you think you can be what your wants and desires are in your head, versus you are what you are, based on what you actually do, and how you live. For the time being, if you do all, and live in all like a human, then you are a human, and I do not entertain wishful thinking. In no way you reading this are being distracted and being provided with a relief, based on seductive deception, led to presume you are not human, simply because you do not wish to be judged as such. You do and will do all these things I say of humans, and it will not matter if you were natured to be human, or something else. You are what you are being, and until you become being that something else… You are human being.

Because Seduction uses distraction and relief, escapism as a primary, the subjects engaged in the “play” enter into a state of novel Entertainment, before anything else could even be assessed. The male, who is the chaser, as they would with probability be, would be entertained in having something to chase. A human female will be entertained in being chased, and often, to some degree, realize, she began the chase, and the dumb male easily took the bait.

Because the parties involved in “playtime” start with the emotion of “Entertainment”, of “enjoyment”, they will be void of judgement, and often knowledge. This is made clear in the Kinetics I speak of. The Enjoyment, the Entertainment is in the sixth Kinetics, and this is where begin:


  1. Amusement

  2. Seduction

  3. Engagement


But Seduction requires “surprise”, the fifth Kinetics. And this Kinetics, the surprise, is the product of the emotion of “ignorance”; and make no mistake, it's the true base emotion of the fifth.

Not knowing anything about the “mark”, and the ignorance to presume they are the actual mark… leaves room for one to have “unknowns” running about. One does not know what “whim” in the process will prevail, but one senses, with human females as the presumed mark, WHIM, her WHIM, is all it shall be about. The “playtime” then has begun, and the “playtime” is based in the fifth, of that of a desire to be distracted by, and have the relief of the exciting, “surprising IGNORANCE”; the unpredictable, only because of one's ignorance. That which the ignorant is surprised by, the Wise certainly is not.

This ignorance in the fifth that defines the kind of Entertainment in the sixth, stands on the previous Kinetics. You, as the human male, are likely in a state of despair, and if your fortune has been wavering, at worse, in that of malcontent. This fourth Kinetics determines how you deal with “excitement” that would be triggered by the fifth, the ignorant surprise. When you can not be well excited in the fifth, it means in the fourth, your despair is heavy. When you have low self-esteem, and you look down, and you can not be caught by the signaling of the “female” mark, who in actuality has to be the one doing the actual marking, therefore, making you, the male, the mark… You will not easily be signaled, and perhaps, shut down and hide, if you ever think you just might have been. Because of this, you would show that you are not “aggressive”, that Mommy has “broken” you, in what makes a male, a male, and attractive.

Do not get it mistaken, aggressive males are the attractive ones, and if you are listening to some tired “wall hitting” older female about attraction like “Mommy”, you are listening to all the wrong sources.

A “wall hitting” female can not value an aggressive male, because in the realm of attention, “wall hitters”, for the most part, have lost it all. They do not have what used to give them attention, and that is, or was… their “youth”. It is not a stereotype, folk knowledge, or myth that human males strongly prefer younger women. It is a fact based on data, and where a “male” would dismiss this, in themselves, it is because like the “wall hitter” female who spins the narrative based on her inadequacies, the dope of a male will declare that what is of value, is that which he has―and in actuality, could not do better than.

If he could get younger, and youthful, he would have. But it is likely, if he is not an aggressive human male, but instead, a mere laboring chump on behalf of some “family”, that he has never done anything but look away from youthful females. It's almost a given that if he finds himself with a “female” for any extended amount of time, with offspring, and now in the routine of servitude, it was because when that female was young, and he was stupid, she knew she would be a faster “wall hitter”, so she hit him up fast while she had “youthfulness”, and he never experienced the youth of others. He simply got snagged, and was ever so willing to, because in his would-be youth, he was with too much despair and/or malcontent to think youthfully, to attract youthfully.

Age is not the actual factor here, though it is the one nature makes easy. Youthful thought is about Vigor and Vitality. If one maintains youthful, that is Vigorous and Vital thought, they can maintain this value of nature, even when older. However, nature, through chemicals, gives this energy to their young, but with a time limitation. This standard of “youth”, or that is Vitality and Vigor, is the primary one that nature has given females to attract human males. This is not what has been given to human males to make them more attractive. Instead, for human males, their attraction is correlated to their aggression, their eagerness, and their level of being able to be threatening.

When a human female is young, Vital, and Vigorous, near the baby making age, which is not to be mistaken for the “social norms” age, after 18, but instead, around 13-17, her attraction will be to these aggressive and dangerous types, if and only if she herself has been given nature's goods to attract them. This is showing in her social expression. A quiet young girl often does not show Vitality and Vigor. Her age is not the factor. This unexpressed quiet girl will only attract those males who are inadequate, and it will be less attraction to youth and Vigor they are drawn to, and more so, they will be drawn to the “female” mark, on account of having the ability to assert “Control” over her, and this will correlate to how their “Control” relationship was to their mother.

Grasp what I am saying here with clarity.

When a male appears to be “attracted” to a “female” who is not Vital, Vigorous, energized, and expressive, it is not nature's “attraction” at play here, which for nature, is driven by putting energetic breeders with good genes together.

Instead, the male marks, accepts, and goes after the inept and quiet female, quirky female, low in vitality female, because he yearns for the Control he could never have with Mommy. Human males who are not with, can not attract, and can not “chase” in “play” Vital and Vigorous young “females” is because they have mommy issues. There is a good chance their mommy was not Vital, was not Vigorous, was not joyous, but something that demanded tolerance and suffering, conflict, and chaos.

A quality, youthful, or that is Vigorous and Vital female, no matter their age, is easy to distinguish in that, they will favor more “male adventures” than they would fearful and insecure girly social endeavors. Often the best of these females are found in “sports”, or some demanding activity that has a degree of competition. A “female” who does not engage in things where they could fail and learn from those failures is a female who certainly lacks Vitality and Vigor, and the bulk of human females avoid failure, even forbid it.

Human females who forbid failure, forbid challenge. Because these two are needed to maintain, to cultivate, to advance Vitality and Vigor, they will be without it. And because of this, a human male will come in, and seek to Control them.

But because he seeks to do this from the start, does not mean this is what will occur. What really comes to occur is, because that human female lacks Vitality and Vigor, she will have increased insecurities and fear. And through these insecurities and fear, she too will need, and desire to Control that human male. And because he does not understand relational Control, he will assert Control over the material, only to fail, and because she is programmed for relational Control, he will be submitted to a mere existence of dead servility.

Neither he nor her were Vital and Vigorous. And because neither of them were, all that can be produced is the dark servility of male existence, and the dark fears and insecurities that beget the chaos or dysfunction that is common to most human females, in that most human females lack Vigor and Vitality, past the age of 22.

The purpose of this expounding about age and its correlation to Vitality and Vigor, mostly now in the human females, and weeded out of the human males through social conditioning, is because these levels are the determining factors behind “playtime” and how the plays unfold, in SEDUCTION. Not all Seduction, then, is the same; however, ALL SEDUCTION is about ENTERTAINMENT through pleasure, distraction, and RELIEF. But by what degree the “plays” will be carried out is subject to the Vitality and Vigor of the marks.

Both are marks. The male is not the hunter, and the female is the mark. This is absurd. Both are more often than not dealing with the mark of a nature they do not have awareness about, and both have the mark of society upon them, and both are marking each other, more than not, based upon that of their fears and their insecurities, and attraction is, make no mistake, all about the “mark” being able to serve these emotional inadequacies. Humans are not attracted to humans based on strengths, because humans do not often have any. Humans, male and female, are “attracted” to each other, mostly based on how each other can serve in their “weaknesses”.

When a writer, speaker, and/or fool tries to sell the beauty of Seduction, and the “playtime” with human males and females, if they are male, it is because they are a chump, who believes they have learned the “plays” to get at the mark of a female; but in actuality, most of them can not do any of the things they say. Greene, who had a bestseller on Seduction, is one of the evident examples of this. A chump who in no way embodies some “power” or “Seduction” that words can get one to, because they can not. Works like his are the “Seduction”, are the distraction, and the relief, to make the reader think… they now know the game. No, you just got played by a chump.

If the female is Vital and Vigorous, and the male is aggressive, then they will play a very entertaining game, or rather, nature will play them in that game.

It is absurd to think one is the “player” in all this. You all do not “play”. You all are getting played, and not by others, too being played, but by nature.

It is absolutely absurd for a Vital, Vigorous, and aggressive male to chase a “wall hitter”, a female who is most certainly about to lose nature's gifts. When a human female is approaching the “wall”, that limit to her youthful preservation of Vitality and Vigor, her mating value is diminishing, and others around her will begin to remove the deference they once provided, subconsciously, on account of her womb.

Her womb was what other humans saw was valuable, in their subconscious mind. No one cared about her replicant personality, because, that was all it was. No one with a personality ever looked at one who was just a “womb carrier”, who now is loosing even that status.

There is an expiration date on “female” value to bestial human males. But human males do not have an expiration date on their value, and because of this, a human female has to seize a human male as fast as they can to beat the “clock”.

This changes what kind of Seduction will be taking place. A young, Vital, and Vigorous female with nature's gifts of youth does not need to “seduce” or play. She just needs to signal. As a human female ages, she will need other tricks to make clear she is on the “market” or wishes to be. She will use more tricks, by way of makeup, clothing, and shinnies, and only those who lack Vigor and Vitality, as males, would fall for that, because those who are Vigorous and Vital do not like covered up females, and do not trust them.

A human female will have a struggle that begins to occur that most males will be oblivious to. They are absolutely tied in their esteem to two things. They are tied to their YOUTH, and to their WOMB. The society around them also treats them the way it does based on these two things. A human female is not measured by some other standard, and where they are lied to, and told they are, this is to feed their insecurity and their fears around the two things they are actually tied to.

A human male is tied to one thing: his role and ability to SERVE the interest of a female and her offspring. A human male will find little purpose in much of anything else, but will presume that such servitude is mostly in the realm of stable resource acquisition, and provision. However, because a human female has insecurities and fears around her youth and her womb, she will begin to experience a great sense of loss, as she ages. Whereas because a human male is SERVILE, and their sense of worth is based on this, they may encounter greater stability, greater security, and greater gains, on account of the most common way a “male” climbs the ladder, and that is “seniority”. Simply just outlasting the others, and being the one who has been “reliable” and “accountable” in the servile role the longest. So aging then gets the human male the thing they need, because it gives the time needed for “precedence” and “familiarity” to be valuable on their side. But for the human female, time is her enemy.

With this enemy upon human females, her aggression then to hold on to what she acquired when younger increases. She needs everything to be guaranteed, and therefore, to do this, the older she gets, the less she can take of any interest, dangerous and adventurist males. Instead, society then needs to promote based on securing their futures. To do this, that means there can be no aggressive and adventure based males, because the very presence of them scares all the wall hitters, who are at the age where they now have “precedence”, they have “familiarity”, and they have “seniority” in the systems. In no time, the whole of a society of ease will be based on the fears and the insecurities of “wall hitters”, and in no way does this favor youthful and Vital females. Wall hitters despise Vital and Vigorous females way more than they do Vital and Vigorous, aggressive and dangerous males.

Because of the nature of Seduction, the ingredient of distraction could have concealed intentions. Seduction is through Entertainment, but as I have said previously, why one is seeking to entertain and be entertained, in distraction and relief, is based on the previous Kinetics.

One is based in:


  1. Fear/Insecurity;

  2. Anxiety/Frustration/Anger;

  3. Disgust/Resentment/Spite;

  4. Despair and/or Malcontent;

  5. Ignorance and Surprise;

  6. Entertainment, Enjoyment, Pleasure.


When one is using Seduction, these Kinetics are ALWAYS a factor. Why they are seeking to entertain through distraction and relief is because of these previous emotions. This is why a “Seduction” as well is often short, and not sustained past a so-called honeymoon period, or some shortsighted realm. The individual one is encountering when they are seducing is not their sustained and habitual self, but their often controlled and entertaining self. Seduction is carried out in the absence of Vitality and Vigor. Any “plays” at such appearances of Vitality and Vigor are just that... plays. One is playing as such, and is not actually so.

The Vigor and Vitality being faked is proven in its inauthenticity in that it will not be sustained.

The timing of a human female is determined by fading youth and the womb. This is why human female and human male tempo are not the same. This is why a human female needs to be short-term fast focused, and needs to observe more quickly what the human male can do for her than the human male, who will prefer to sustain, and have the “Entertainment” last―to which it certainly does not, when the human female gets the short-term gain established. She will no longer, because she was not Vital and Vigorous, feel any need and/or reason to keep up the “act”, once “contract” such as marriage now plays a higher role.

This too is why ALL HUMAN FEMALES will be agents of the state, in that they will have the state be their agents. The state is the ultimate MALE to a female, because she knows with certainty that it will do VIOLENCE on her behalf, and do it best. Make no mistake… Human females always lean totalitarian, and you mental midgets who would be in denial about this, will not have that denial last long, because in a matter of a decade from the time of writing this, systems will be more totalitarian than ever in America, and there will be a lot of female wall hitters delivering the message of kindness on their behalf.

The issue expressed in this piece is not about human females; it is about ALL HUMANS, and it is human males, as mental midgets, that will serve as the arm of totalitarianism, ever so willing to do VIOLENCE on behalf of the females they serve. All humans are slavers, and it's because all humans are enslaved themselves to their bestial urges, with fear and insecurity as their primary drive, and distraction and deception becomes the most common way to play, because the commons always become ruled by the weak, the effeminate, the shortsighted.

Humans do not have Men among them; they have males.

One should know by now, if they have read this far. Humans, I see as lowly, as common, as the many and the multitudes. Man, from Manu, meaning hand, and being about the augmentative abilities of the mind revealed in the hand, is why then this term is used to tag one who is with Intellect, to which most of you and your kin are not, and will not be. Therefore, I do not say, NO men, or hardly any men, or man among youse, like in the loose sense of that expression.

To humans, a “man” is one who takes responsibility and care over others, and is reliable, stable and secure, often with a female and her offspring, they do serve. A man, to humans, is a SLAVE, who serves, and serves best. This, because humans can only praise slave behavior, because ALL HUMANS are SLAVERS. Therefore, in their “ethos” so-called… It will be SLAVE ETHICS at best.

Seduction relies on and requires this to be the case. Seduction requires that the “CONTROLLER”, who will be in the female-male spectrum, the female has that of emotions, and delights that will need to be served.

Though it can be observed that there are those human females who deploy attention seeking plays of “attraction”, it is an error to conclude that this is actually a part of SEDUCTION. It could be said, eliciting attention is a factor of “Seduction” that needs to be in play to even begin the process, to be seen enough to be selected, as a human male, but foolish to think females have to do much BUT SHOW UP to get attention from males. Only in stories and tales, do you have examples of a female having to put work into getting attention from males, and securing their servitude.

What little work they do carry out in dolling up, and trying to appease with their looks is not on the level of Seduction. It's on the mere level of Control. A female is trying to control her odds when she dolls up, and it is mostly because of what she thinks about herself, and what other females would think about her. It's about her social network more than it is about getting males to be attracted to her.

In this modern age of America, how well a female takes care of her appearance to be attractive could barely be said to be about “luring in” males for attraction purposes. It is not common for an American male, whatever that is, to approach on average a female, be selected, and get the plays going, on account of… she signaled with her appearance. This is perhaps only an absurdity that the mental blind would conclude.

She is not dressing up for you, the male. That is something to learn now, if you have yet to. She is dressing up for her network, her satellites, her girl friends, her managers, her social stability, and mental Sense of Self. She is dressing up for her, and her girls, and in no way does she think she needs to dress up for you.

When a female selects a male, or marks a male that she wants to elicit attention from, and that male has not jumped on previous signs, she will then dress to impress or make things even more clear than they were previously. She will dress to elicit the attention of a male she deems wavering in their attention. But in that most males give FREE or rather cheap attention, most females then do not need to consider what attracts and instigates that human male. The answer is simple to her, and she is right when she can see it. The answer is…

Merely showing up, and being there.

And because of this, this will be the value most human females think they have in this world. It is not FEMALE to think, “am I value added?”. It is also not the WAY OF BOYS to think nor to say that as well. “Am I value added?”, and “what are my values?”, and “what do I trade?”, are all questions a Manu would ask of themselves, and of others.

Little girls, which most of you females are, if not even you little boys, never think of value added. This is the opposite of the plays of Seduction. Value exchange via Reasoned awareness is not a part of Seduction. Such an exchange too would be individualistic, but Seduction is not individualistic. Seduction and its plays are based on the models that are average to males and females. Who they are as INDIVIDUALS will not matter much at all, if even they are in any way an INDIVIDUAL, at all… To which it is not probable they are.

The Ethos of the sick
The Ethos of the sick

Before going further with the nature of the plays, I will secure that route and make a quick point about that. Skills, competence, knowledge and its arrangement is the source of INDIVIDUALITY, when then applied to your INDIVIDUAL living. With degrees of skills, competence, knowledge, and action, it would be nearly impossible for you to live with the limits of others, among others, out of conflict and in obedience. This all would be near impossible, or rather IMPROBABLE.

So when you mesh in, and others easily identify you, and you go along to get along, there is a very good chance, you are not and have not been an INDIVIDUAL. You are a collective, and a part of that will be, your decision making process is guided by being either a male or female, and regardless to what extent you wish to characterize yourself otherwise, in and through a narrative, behavior wise, it will win out you are merely your sex, and doing as your sex has done for a long time. For males, that means being duped into SERVITUDE, to which they are designed for. For females, that means doing a great deal of insecure and fearful duping of others, to try to make your life easier, and to back out of the pressures before you.

A Manu has no place in either of these trends, and certainly, a Manu does not try to back out of pressures, but often, sees the pressures as the signs that they are building something stronger with their energy, interest, time, and focus.

Though a Manu is often engaged in the Intellect's ability to build out their Control and Command over conditions and self, more often than not, it is not in a way in which others, humans, can observe and measure. It is not mere TRANSITIVE. The Manu's true workshop is hidden inside them, and all others have to go off of, about that Manu's work, be that Manu male or female, is that of the character it has produced, to which it could be said… Only a Manu can know another, and see another Manu, whereas in the eyes of the children of multitude, they are limited to seeing only the other children around them, and to presume… All are indeed children. A presumption that their lives will constantly confirm, and show to be true, till that odd occurrence, that rare occurrence of meeting a Manu is upon them. Most, be it that this occurrence is unlikely to occur, would never be able to see otherwise, to even consider otherwise.

I was speaking with a fella the other day, online, as most my interactions take place there, and I had just said that most do not know the difference between Manipulation and Seduction, and rather ask what the difference was, he went on to say Seduction was this and/or that, with the end result being some pain or suffering, to which I said… That is my point. He was among the most who did not know the difference, and why would he?

Most use words never having analyzed their meaning. This is what my treatise is doing before you at this moment, viz., analyzing the meaning of terms. Of course others can define these terms to mean what they think, and present. But this is not what you are doing when you just say what you think about a word, and that thinking has been low. It's not equal to the work others put in to unravel the notions, to define the notions, and to communicate the notions to others.

In the same day, I was watching a video about “bug out bags”, or “emergency kits”, and a fella was referred to as an “EXPERT” in the field, and I was waiting to hear what made them an “EXPERT” and/or, what exactly then is an “EXPERT”.

An expert can be said to be “one who is Wise through experience”, as the term itself has that essence in it. An expert, in many ways, is divided up from the commons, in that the commons, in a court of law, ought to keep to the facts, whereas an EXPERT may be brought in to interpret the facts, and show how they correlate, and what they just might indicate. Often, this means, because their EXPERIENCE is specific and always around this kind of material, it thus can be presumed they have a “DEEPER RELATIONSHIP” to the “SUBJECT” matter.

Of course one must avoid, in their self-doubt, hesitations and inadequacies, presuming they can measure who is an expert, and therefore, that they ought to yield in their own judgement.

I am an expert at defining my own thinking. This does not then translate over in that I am experienced, and learned in the ways of others, on account of say, their behavior having been able to be played on me. This is not the case.

I have been observing humans, on the side, and not from having been subject to the ills of their decision making process.

It seems fitting, before I go on further with this expounding, to make that point. I have never, nor would I ever be at the end of being seduced, and certainly harmed socially by others. Yet most who write as EXPERTS, that of their EXPERIENCE to others, are doing so often having been DEFEATED by the thing in which they wish to get you hip to.

Because this is perhaps most common, it would be easy to then presume, I am carrying on in the same fashion. This notion then needs to be refuted once presumed to be likely to occur. Likely to occur, I draw the reader's attention to the rebuttal. In having observed and experienced a great deal of human interaction, having traveled much, and been involved in direct experiments and investigations, none of the behavior I am describing had me at the losing end.

I have never had an association where the other “entities” in the association held Control, Management, Manipulation, or Seduction over my mind. Only a chump would ever promote the wonders of being controlled by, managed by, manipulated by, and/or seduced by another. That chump is looking for ESCAPE. When someone says they were glad they were SEDUCED, this ought to make sense why. Yes, though they are a chump, it would mean at least the seducer mostly stayed in the lane of pleasure, versus the lane of falling back to a harmful form of Manipulation.

The harm, the hurt, the pain is not born out of SEDUCTION, but because most could not have a categorical sense of terms and their notions, they roll all the ideas into one, and grunt out that single term. Seduction is about pleasure through ESCAPE, through escape's ingredients of distraction and relief. Seduction has the necessary component of ESCAPISM, and when distraction is used for RELIEF, the sign of a successful Seduction is often elation, Entertainment, joy, relaxation, and PLEASURE. It is meant to be pleasing. But, though I may have brushed too quickly over the categories of Control, Management, Manipulation, and Seduction, the sick, when they “manipulate”, will manipulate in sickness, not strength. The pain and the pleasure around ACCESS is all seen falsely under the same light of Seduction. However, the pain is born out of being MANIPULATED emotionally by someone who was sick, and/or―and this one needs a lot of ATTENTION―you being SICK, and manipulating your own emotions in a sick way.

It is ABSURD to always blame others for your own EMOTIONAL states and what has happened to you.

The first evident thing to conclude, the obvious, is certainly, you have NO EQUANIMITY, and you are not only able to be moved by others, but are emotionally moved, that is… CONTROLLED, MANAGED, and MANIPULATED by others.

The second evident factor is, when you blame others, you are saying with clarity you DO NOT have a relationship with personal responsibility. You do not have a relationship with CONTROL over yourself. You do not manage your own affairs. So then, if you are a NO GO in all these areas, and you then open yourself for others to take up those roles in your life, you will have plenty to blame for your SUFFERING. You will FAULT them in your inadequate sickness, for not TAKING CARE of you, the way you, for some reason, believe you ought to be taken care of. This entitlement is heaviest in the American female population.

They will show a sick relationship to Control, to Management, to Manipulation, and be heavy in every attempt to TAKE the positions, yet never learning how, and ALWAYS being able to back out of the POSITION, and blame the MARK, the TARGET of their ATTEMPTS for then how they come to FEEL, and stand in the relationship to these notions. ESCAPE, for that very reason, is why I consider it a VICE, and not desirable. Escapism, that of seeking distractions and relief, has VICTIMS.

When you are EMOTIONALLY SICK, as most of you are… You will not make HEALTHY decisions about the CONTROL, the MANAGEMENT, and the MANIPULATION of your course in life. The SICK need to be CARED FOR, and therefore, the SICK is who PROMOTES CARING INDIVIDUALS.

The SICK need Seduction, need to be seduced, and even more so… FEEL ENTITLED to SEDUCTION. They need it because they need to ESCAPE their own mental Sense of Self. In their sickness, they need others to LEAD THEM ASTRAY from their own splinter of thinking. They need DISTRACTIONS, not FOCUSES. They need RELIEF, not VIGOR. And the ETHOS of the SICK is the dominant ETHOS. Make no mistake, every time you have heard, and/or said yourself that someone is good, because they are caring, you have been the receiver or the echo chamber of a SICK ETHOS.

In domestic societies, doctors are held in high esteem, as a profession, and often as an odd mark of being intelligent―odd in that most can not distinguish between intelligence and mere studious behavior of obedience. Most doctors and culture factors are so because they were studious and they were pressured culturally to attain, and they often have tunnel vision, and are not well-rounded as a being.

But my point is this… I am 43 years old, and I have lived those 43 years healthy. I have had only a few situations where harsh conditions caused me the kind of harm that warranted medical attention, and even then, the doctors only provided the position of doubt, whereby they declared the conditions beyond their control, and the work to rebuild, to rehabilitate rested on my own nature to Command. These situations numbered few, being anomalies. Put aside, I have had no use for doctors in my life. I do not go to hospitals, I do not do checkups outside of past military and governmental requirements, and I do not use pharmaceuticals.

On an individual level, a car mechanic has been far more useful to me than a body mechanic, which a doctor is.

Truck drivers and what they do has been relied on in my life to get the products I use. Any who keeps the infrastructure going has an inherent value to me, because I use the products of their labor. But if you are prone to sickness, and in need of treatment, a doctor ought to be held in great value. My point is that the valuing is relative to the need. Supply and demand. Where there is no demand for a thing, the value of that thing is impacted. I have no demand for medical practitioners, but the commons, with their unhealthy living, do have a demand for medical practitioners. With the mental midgetry of the masses, there is a demand for many things, and thus, a valuing of many things that I neither have a demand for, need for, and thus value in.

If matters of law arise, I handle my own affairs. I have no demand for a lawyer, because he who needs and uses a lawyer is by default admitting to be a minor, not of the age of Reason, and incapable of managing their own affairs. But you dopes do not think about these things.

I do, of course, recognize that NOT all have the same CAPACITIES. But that then aids in my points. This all comes down to a value system based on capacities, on limitations, on abilities, on skills, on competence. When you are living a lifestyle, or life course that requires so many controllers, so many managers, so many manipulators, and the need to be seduced… You are living a SICK course, among the SICK. Only the SICK would have it this way, and because they will be SICK, too, they will be infectious, and need others to have it the same way.

Because you would need to be SEDUCED, that is LED ASTRAY from your own Sense of Self and direction, you will need me to SERVE in the role of DISTRACTION and RELIEF, to be your DOCTOR of ENTERTAINMENT, and when I have no REMEDIES for your SICK ASS, you will then blame me for not TAKING CARE of your needs, desires, wishes, wants, and EXPECTATIONS.


I am not your doctor of SEDUCTION, and I have never been your DOCTOR of SEDUCTION. It was not I, as it is not I, as of right now, who is SICK. I do not engage in SICK Manipulation, but I do certainly Control, Manage, Manipulate, and COMMAND my own CONDITIONS and SELF. As a Commander over me and for me, not a doctor and caretaker for and over others.

Anyone ever disappointed in me for these reasons would be too SICK to know why.

But, to wagon back to my point… I have never had to worry about the conclusions and the results of SICK kinds. This is why I have not been on the losing side. When I determine someone is SICK, and their SICKNESS is a problem, I GET RID OF THEM. Someone who is CARING is not permitted to do this. When you are CARING, you take CARE of the SICK, and that is why more often than not, those who are CARING are too themselves those who are SICK, and have others CARING for them. Psychologists and others in mental health are rarely good examples of mental health, and when I have been compelled by profession to get checkups by doctors, not one of them was healthier and stronger, making good life decisions by comparison to me… at the mercy of their inadequacies.

You all live in an ABSURD world of the SICK, and because they are the COMMONS, you have a SICKNESS that you will not likely identify as such, because in this metaphor,

YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH THIS SICKNESS… the entirety of your life.

This SICKNESS I call SAM, which stands for the SOCIETY ADVANCED by the MAJORITY, and/or the notion of SYMBOLS ADVANCED by the MAJORITY.

Esoterically, this is Samael, the first Venom of your Gods of Care, and Ignorance.

It was for this ancient problem of domestication that Mytho-Buddha was called a physician for the soul, to which, then, others too have come to try to role me as. Yet to know better, I then tried to SERVE in that ROLE the BEST I could, being a HEALER and a DESTROYER of that which would INJURE. A true physician of this sort knows there is a war and acts accordingly. One is not a true healer if they are not as well a true destroyer of that which would injure and harm. One who allows INJUSTICE and those who commit it, allowing INJURY to even take place to begin with, is a PREDATOR who preys on the WEAK, and they need them to be WEAK, because when they're WEAK, the predator can then ORDER themselves by RANK of presumed strength and that of being BETTER OFF than the one INJURED.

I am, and always have been bad for business, because I have lived a life mostly without the need for others. Because I am not WEAK and NEEDY, in the eyes of you, effeminate predators, I am DENYING you ACCESS and taking from you, when your role and value is defined by having others worse off than you, and in need of your CARE.

Do not get it mistaken. Think clearly about what I am saying. CARETAKERS, not in the professional sense, cause making money is separate, but in the sense of personality… are VAMPYRES who feed on the weakness of others. It is not a VIRTUOUS trait in the WAY OF THE VIR. A VIR is not a CARETAKER, and does not grant others to place them in that ROLE.

This does not mean that a VIR does not CARE, or that is, VALUE the WELL-BEING of others. A VIR is all about the well-being of others, in that healthy and strong others, in collaboration, means a SELFISHLY valuable COLLABORATION around strength. Caretakers do not have this. Caretakers, those emotional vampyres, need people to be sick, so they can care for them, and there can be NO SUCH THING as a caretaker without one who needs to be cared for. Remove the need to be cared for, and then where is your VIRTUE of being a CARETAKER?

You would not be nothing, without there being the weak to care for. Being a caretaker and promoting it as a VIRTUE is simply being one who praised the state of weakness as a given and needed thing, and without it, the CARETAKER would have no VICTIMS to feed off of, and justify their course in life.

A Man, liken to a VIR, is all about you learning and applying care, better, VALUE, in and for yourself, so that when you stand in collaboration with them, you STAND STRONG, not weak and needy. You know you are among VAMPYRES, when you are CARED for, and not COMMANDED to care for yourself, to learn, and to develop.

ROLES are a mighty threat to the well-being of so many systems. Most ROLES require weakness in others to be made sense of.

This began even before you were born. This is most common among the CARETAKING sex, the human female sex, and that is why it is considered a VIRTUE, to which it is said, human females do it better than human males, and in this domestic sickness of a society, the little boys of effeminacy, all raised by mommies, think they ought to compete. They think they ought to show more caring, and as they say, VULNERABLE traits.

You people have no idea how SICK you are, because when you look left, and you look right, you are surrounded by other sickly kinds, and when everyone is sick, that sickness has to go unseen, and be called normal, so you can LIVE WITH IT, and move on. Soon, you forget what it was like to be HEALTHY―if you have ever even known what that was to begin with―and soon, what was obviously SICK is no longer called it.


Let me call this out right now, as if you have any Control over me doing so. CARE is possession. It is possession over the WEAK.

I am not caring.

For a VIR, this is no VICE.

CARING and being of VALUE to the WEAK and the VAMPYRIC is the vice, in this here RELIGION and this here WAY OF THE VIR. Let that be said LOUD and clear.

Caring is possession. That is why love is caring, and/or defined by how well one CARES for another. In Seduction, this is what is pleasing. The male, when given the signal from the female that he is too retarded to realize has occurred, has to then move to CONVINCE that vampyric little girl that


And she will then need to be convinced that HE, the dope of a mark, will only give his CARE to her, that she will have a MONOPOLY on his CARE, that spreads only so far as to her OFFSPRING, and/or her extended NETWORK of CARETAKERS, called FAMILY.

Etymology of “care”, and what this should mean
Etymology of “care”, and what this should mean

Reader, and/or listener… You may need to be reminded often that the one who is here before ye, expounding on these points, has NEVER been like you, and among you and your ways. Even in how I began with the English language, we differed much from each other. You likely learned vocabulary from the schools, and in your homes; you DID NOT likely engage in much debate, or high level thinking, and communicating.

Let's say you think you did. Run a comparison of what this might mean, in what I am saying, and do not use your FEELINGS about your own limited perspective. Ask yourself what is high level thinking and debate. Ask yourself about what to which you know. Most of you know you are mental midgets, but you might FEEL like you are not supposed to be. That is a good FEELING to have, so long as you recognize it is a FEELING, and not to be arrogantly mistaken for an alternative identity.

How you FEEL you ought to be will have a degree of potency. It is of high degree when your FEELINGS change your decision making, and influence it. It is of a lesser and meaningless degree when felt, and yet having no impact on your decision making. Only what is felt and then used, can be called useful. So if you feel you are not supposed to be a mental midget, but you keep on safely under the CONTROL, the MANAGEMENT, the MANIPULATION, and SEDUCTION of others, then you are a MENTAL MIDGET. Feeling otherwise will not make it otherwise.

To make it otherwise, you have to feel the “otherwise” potent enough to ACT towards the INTEREST of being OTHERWISE, and this is done through a set of SKILLS, brought to a level of COMPETENCY, in that of Control and Command over your CONDITIONS, where you can, and your SELF, where you CAN, for yourself.

One of the most important areas where you have been CONTROLLED, MANAGED, and MANIPULATED was in your language and the codes that rely on it.

I did not learn the English language through the schools. I was not schooled; therefore, I was not, and I am not EDUCATED. Do not mistake my self-directed learning, in the multiple disciplines which I am EXPERT at, as SELF-EDUCATION. I am not SELF-EDUCATED. There is no such thing. I am LEARNT in many disciplines of thought, and the most important foundation for being an autodidactic polymath is that of having a sound relationship to the ESSENCE of terms, the ability to recall that ESSENCE, to stick to it, to correlate it, and to build out categorical thought like a TREE OF KNOWLEDGE.

You can not do this when you use examples, and mere context to grasp the meaning of terms. The terms will not be yours, owned in their independent essence. Instead, your relationship to terms will be under the Control of those who use the terms, and you will be “led astray” from that of accurate terminology, that begets accurate recall, which is essential for accurate, or that is, and the words of Mytho-Buddha, skilled thought, skilled speech, and skilled action.

I have never been in this “world” of language absent the sense of etymology, and relationship to original and historical essence of terms. I have never existed in this “realm” of language, thinking I ought to have a mere feely for words, and use and think of them based upon the use and thoughts of others. Most of you do not even know that, in your sickness, this is all you have ever known. That most of you, especially the schooled, never thought to Control, to Manage, to Manipulate, and therefore, Command your sense of your DEFAULT tongue.

Because of this, the bulk of you, if not all of you, are using the auxiliary language called “Basic English”. In the past when I taught your kind this, I thought then, perhaps foolishly, that curiosity would exist in youse to a degree where you could now fix your sickness, and the foundation of it. But instead, the bulk of you pass this point by sickly, and remaining sick. I have told you a significant symptom of your metaphorical disease. Your language.

You do not think, speak, and act based on a native tongue. Your symbolic roots, or your origins in symbolism, have been entirely controlled and managed, manipulated under a constructed sense of English that is not native. It sounds like, and seems like English as a native tongue, but it is not. It is a controlled language, which is not by default a bad thing, but in the case of this particular controlled language, it was certainly carried out with psyops, or psychological operations in mind, and worse, folk tried to tell you about it, and warn you about it, when it was being carried out.

Yet no matter how often I try to illuminate to you, SICK people, this symptom of your metaphorical disease, you do nothing to seek a cure, a remedy. That cure and remedy is… You need to learn actual ENGLISH, and the only way you can do this, is through metaphysical treatment, epistemological treatment, and logical treatment of the terms and their history. A failure to do this, means one simple thing… You will have no CONTROL, no Management, and no Manipulation of a relationship to terms, and therefore, to your OWN THINKING. It will not be your thinking.

SAM is language based, because it is a set of SYMBOLS arranged in a set way, that makes it a SYMBOLIC ENTITY, a SYMBOLIC LEVIATHAN, that in SYMBOLS has a MENTAL life of its own, and as such, it is a language based program that can determine the course of the present, based on the course of the past, and therefore, CONTROL, MANAGE, and MANIPULATE the FUTURE, which will one day be… someone's present.

So when you see me go over etymology, and talk about the essence of a term, you need to take heed. You are SICK and lack a relationship with a native tongue, when all have a set of value judgements and considerations in them. If you have Intellect, Intellect will want to consider the essence of the terms, and how they relate to the tools of thought.

I may not be well-groomed like the schooled in my expressions, and certainly I will write or speak aggressively and make errors. But Command of language is not the same as a command of one's “facts” and access thereto. It's a Command of what one thinks, how one thinks, and how that thinking then manifests in behavior. Wrong, and/or right behavior is not the first point. Right and wrong are not the primaries here. Aware or unaware. Awake or asleep. Accountable or unaccountable for one's thinking, one's speaking, and one's actions are the primary, are the first, and it is here, whereby one can truly express the Intellect and bring it through etching or speech before others to be considered. If you can not write your thoughts, and in writing show consideration of your own thoughts, there is a good chance you do not have much thinking occurring. There is a good chance you are just a vessel of SAM.

There is a social skill I have mastered over the years―and/or perhaps I have not actually even got going to a level of skilled. That skill is presenting, and/or creating absence and/or space for others, so that what potencies they may have internally can be self-motivated and produced. I get out of the way of others, to see what will manifest. Those who required me to take care of them, to motivate them, to Control, to Manage, to Manipulate them, would always go dormant, like a zombie without stimulation.

Without my input, SAM simply demobilizes them. That shell advanced with SAM would then look at me with its NEEDY, and DESIROUS EYES, with the unspoken demand of “ENTERTAIN me, Control me, Manage me, and Manipulate me, so that I can then have something to OPPOSE in you, and certainly to BLAME you for.”

I have never been the victim of this, because of this notion to give the space and the absence. When I step out of the way, the question is, what are you doing born out of you?

This often means, the other is ready to head back home to their social networks of servitude. It's time for me to stop entertaining those without Mind, without Intellect, and incapable of being an individual. They fit right back into the realm of the dead, because only those never having tasted Life and Living, in essence, could ever RESET and fall back.

SEDUCTION is in demand of the OPPOSITE. SEDUCTION has one DEMANDING to be entertained by others, and the one in DEMAND is the one who first MARKS, and far more often than not, the DEMAND is based on the SEX of the individual, with human females being far more in DEMAND of human males being in need of SEDUCING, that is, entertaining and pleasing them, all because the gem of nature is the WOMB, and males are by default made retarded by nature to this system, so that they can serve it with ignorant delusion they call bliss, while it's actually suffering.

No one can begin the track of SEDUCTION without receiving a SIGNAL, a demand for SEDUCTION, that is, ENTERTAINMENT through distraction and relief towards pleasure.

It is a myth that one is the victim of another when they have been seduced. It is a fact that they signaled the other, knowingly or unknowingly, their demand, desires, and/or needs to be seduced by them, and then the seducer obliged.

Seduction is about access to others, via the route of access via Entertainment, with an emphasis on escapism, or that of distraction and relief, through pleasure.

Control does not say how or where. Management does not say how or where, and neither does the third, that of Manipulation. These first three are more complex, and need expoundings of their own; however, in Part II, this is mostly about Seduction, as this is a topic I start with, with all who interact with me.

The Patterns I bestow are all about Control and Command, and being fortified against the Control, the Management, the Manipulation and Seduction of others is the first line of DEFENSE in this Martial Religion. This too means even having others ready to DEFEND against what I COULD DO.

COWARDS will pay only enough attention to get this consideration going, and then, because they are cowards, they will only have ACCESS to using DEFENSE plays on me, only never seeing that I am not ATTACKING. This is what COWARDS do, and I have been at the receiving end of COWARDS often, who take only a percentage of these notions, and use it to guide them in their mommy and daddy issues, centering me in this role, with the desire to subvert and/or overthrow me.

This has been the aims of any who had known me even a little, who could then come to have bad things to say about me, only because I moved to ACCESS DENIED with them, and took away the easy target I was, in that I granted ACCESS to begin with. A COWARD will talk DEFENSE, Control, Management, Manipulation, Seduction, and so on, in all the areas that do not count. You will not see them implement any defenses among their familiars, but have plenty for strangers, and even then, only in talk more than walk.

It is not as if there are any out there in numbers who could say an ill thing about me. Fact of the matter is, I have used good judgment in my life, to “Access Deny” folk based on profiling long before they had a chance of sustained access. I choose others wisely, and even more wisely when to get rid of them, to which I will do to all but 1 out of a hundred. It is about that which may make the cut of my profiling, and sustain access, so much as it was in the past. At present, any having ACCESS to me is going to be even less likely, because the more I write and seek to inform, and/or speak to inform, the more I can monk up, which is the nature of my being.

I have never had a single human male in this world “know me”, and I do not mean in the biblical sense. But meaning, actually have an accurate sense of my character. And of the females, perhaps a couple have ever truly known me. I have met and been around a lot of people in my life, but never long-term. To the rest of you, to be “known” means to be familiar.

One can not truly be familiar with me, and it seems the more a fool has access to me, the less they know me, and at best, the great deal they must have been projecting all along. Too many of you dwell in a prisoned mind, doing thoughts only generated by SAM, and few of you are paying attention to anyone else, or life in general. Sleepwalking is simply synonymous with daily living, for most. It's no life at all, and one ought not fear a zombie apocalypse to take place in the future… because this is already about. Folk just are not biting each other, YET.

SEDUCTION levies that demand, more often from the effeminate, male or female, that “I am not satisfied with my own choices and focus in life, and I NEED you… WANT YOU, so that you can DISTRACT me, and provide relief, and pleasure, by being my ENTERTAINER.” It is not common that those in need of being ENTERTAINED by others will themselves then be entertaining. It is more common that they only know how to spectate and to receive, and they stand idle and empty, meant to be played on, and having no plays worthy of observation themselves.

It is for this reason, I have begun to shift out of any acceptance of having quiet folk interacting with me. Being quiet and idle, in spectator mode, waiting for things to happen to you, is often the clear sign you have no Intellect, or dare I say… a soul. You're just SAM's drone, and SAM is very boring.

It is not empty, that slogan “get a life” and/or “be more sociable”, or “get out more often”, and so on, often said to social inepts. It is not that then socializing is the sign of health. Often, the sick will socialize with the sick, and just party and hurt themselves with inept childish decisions. But what is certain is that ONE who can not interact with others, act on and with others, and be a presence in their conditions is without a doubt SICK. So at the least, it is like telling someone who is sick, they need to get “fresh air” out, and moving, and of course, this is only the start.

I try to encourage others to lead, to talk, to give feedback, but the evidence of a sleeping mind is right there, when you need to be controlled and managed, manipulated towards expressing yourself. But you see, reader, and/or you hear, listener, that the key here is none of these three are negative. They are neutral. It's why and how they are being wielded to cause harm, or to advance, ignorantly, or skillfully. When you sit by, idle, in spectator mode, and you make choices to interact with others, to any degree, you are levying a demand for them to ENTERTAIN you. This means you are not ENTERTAINING. When folk play off of each other, and both or multiple sides are engaging, then the atmosphere is served, not the ineptitudes of the quiet.

ENGAGING, being able to, and to sustain such, is a true mark of health and well-being, if what is being engaged is truly well, and healthy. It's simply the start, and Wisdom to wield always plays a factor in any trait, attribute, skill, or what have you. The Way of the VIR does not start with remedies and treatments for being SICK. It's about being strong and in motion, a potent factor in one's own existence. That is not the step that immediately follows having been sick. Recovery follows having been sick, and then advancing in health follows recovery. Once advanced in one's well-being, then the Way of the Vir, and only then, does it become possible and probable.

One must know the steps.

Over time, I may get better at bringing them to light, or I may not achieve in this at all. It is not a given I know how to describe a Way that others may investigate, that for me, was innate, apparent, and a given.

SEDUCTION is NOT a part of the Way of VIR. But those who would be VIR will be seen as SEDUCTIVE by those who NEED, want, and/or desire to be seduced. Just as, when one needs a mommy, they will role you that way. When one needs a daddy… they will role you that way. Because one will have these wants, and these desires to role your ass up to serve them… they will “fall in love” with those ideas, and treat you as this idea of a thing, and when you FALL FROM the GRACE thereof, they will shame, blame, and accuse you of some wrong.

It is not uncommon, meaning, it is quite common, that human retarded males find themselves in these predicaments with human females. The human male will not know what they did wrong, because the human male is retarded. He has yet to figure out that she, the human female, is not judging you based on what you think and/or know about yourself. She has this construct in her head, that she needs to be you. You are measured based on hitting that construct. Only, she is not skilled at thinking and behaving, and neither are you, just because you are a male. Instead, she has a flighty sense of what she wants, thinks she wants, thinks she ought to think she wants. She has an idea that can not be matched by Reality, and that, in the realm of thought, is the definition of a mental sickness. All of your human females are sick, but this does not treat them differently, for all of your human males… Because of all of you HUMANS…

Are Sick.

I am the villain because I am not, and from a position of health, I dare to tell you chumps just what is wrong with you, and how your idea of self and others can not be satiated by Reality, and this whole entire time, that is your issue. You have the sick sense of entitlement, where you think REALITY, or that which is, by Laws of Nature, ought to bend, and must bend to your wants, your wishes, and your desires.

“What is that is?”... is far more of an important question than, “Who am I?”

You can not ask that latter question and discover anything viable, till you have resolved the first question. It is the finding in the first that will provide the findings or sense thereof in the second. Not only are they correlated, but the second is DEPENDENT on the first. Your sense of you is not what Reality is dependent upon. Your sickness is you are all about your sense of you, and little sense with what IS, or that which is REALITY, or being outside of you, in which you DEPEND so much on.

SEDUCTION begins when one is SIGNALED by another to begin the ENTERTAINMENT process, which, because most of you are not ENTERTAINING, lack personalities, and difference, there is a settlement that is reached in this process.

Because the SIGNAL, the one signaling, may not be of a value of exchange to get a more quality individual, they need to lower the standard of acceptance, at least, for the time being.

Human females are hypergamous. Do not get it mistaken. This means, GIVEN THE OPTION, and only once given the option, the human female will trade up for what she thinks―not necessarily what is―the better deal. The better deal is about ease. Who will provide her with more DEFERENCE is the trait of the better DEAL. The human male may trade up, but this does not often occur. The human male may be enticed away to serve his beast by a human female who is in phase 3 of being a distraction to him, to get that attention she so craves. It is very common for inept males to fall for this. They equate attention seeking aimed at them as that of an assessment to who they are. Meaning, they think when a female shows them attention, it means that female is attracted to them. This is one of the many reasons I call you human males retarded.

The settlement, because most of you are plain and stupid, is the female will seek CARE as the trait you can offer, and try to make the process entertaining. To make the process entertaining, you imbeciles and inepts will need to go into your pockets. Only a chump needs to spend money on a female to get selected by her. Only a chump needs to take a female out to eat, and answer her questions, and pass her test. Only a chump needs to use diamonds, gems, cars, and houses. And in a settlement of chumps, this is what you all have left the human females to have to choose from. They are reduced to hoping you will simply TAKE CARE of them and their soon-to-be offspring, before they come crashing into a wall and lose that very thing they thought was their marketplace value: their youth.

However, I must point out an error in what so many find popular to say today. Make no mistake, a female's value is not in her youth and appearance to a male, on account of SEX. This too, is a coward and chump perspective. Access is for attention, sense of stability and security. A human male, on average, is not able to get a good-looking, fit, and youthful female. If this was the case, there would be hardly any coupling occurring. Especially in America, where the majority are fat and stupid. Youth and beauty are not real standards that play a role in the targeting and selecting for coupling. This is a media myth that these things factor in any noteworthy way. They get you in the media to look at what a small percentage of the population uses to judge each other, and because you are sleeping in your actual life, you believe the dream they sell you on your screens. When you then act like the DREAM could be real, you make all the wrong decisions. You are disobeying Reality, and Reality has some fine punishments for disobedience.

On average, the currency females have with males is “the selection” and the “attention” that comes with it. This means way more to the average human male, who is on average RETARDED, because he is stunted in ANY WAY. This too is why there can be males who orbit females, and never get the exchange of SEX. It is clearly, if you are paying attention, not the aim. Though it is the most potent way for the human male to FEEL selected, and given attention, it is not the common way in which he receives the VALUE of ACCESS, ATTENTION, and SELECTION from a female.

It was not Mommy's youth, for she did not have it, that made little Johnny feel of value. It was Mommy's attention, and the absence of her selection, but her unconditional attention given at such a young age that made you Johnnies retarded.

This is what a male is subconsciously looking for in the face of the female he will meet later in life. Can I have your Mommy energy, where you manage my emotions, tell me in your optimistic idiocy that everything turns out right and for the best, while I live in the uncertain world of males trying to always overthrow males?

For to the human female, optimism is easy, because more than human males, they often, not always, have vast networks of support to fall back on, and not much is expected of them in life. They do not concern themselves with males trying to overthrow them, for they have the CONTROL, and the MANAGEMENT. If not, even more so now, as a human female in the settlement, you can be expected to advance faster than males in their fields, because now, it is certainly true that there is a privilege of the sexes―and it is not white male privilege.

A male will not be selected for a job or position, these days, for merely being a male in the running. But certainly, a female, and the only female available will be selected for a role, and beat out a male, only because… she was female. It is an absolute myth that human females need to work twice as hard to get anywhere, a myth that comes out of the human female who thinks she deserves at least twice the recognition, if not way more, for doing what so many average and forgettable males have done since the beginning of time.

This is the real meaning behind the “twice as hard” nonsense that comes out of the entitled mouths of domestic females. Reverse it. It's “I want more appreciation and attention for doing this, and I demand it”. And where it would not be given because the acts are often forgettable, she then gives herself that recognition and status, and the unification of little girls all share in the mantra, and the inept males trying to appeal to them for attention, then help them by becoming their echo chambers. CHUMPS, all of you.

No, you see, when you are not entertaining, it will need to be your money that entertains, and the mirage of security, stability, and/or social status that the human female will need to use. You will need to be caring, because what you are not… is ENTERTAINING, and DANGEROUS, which for most females is the most ENTERTAINING kind.

Why I have not had the defeats of others to count as EXPERIENCE to make me an EXPERT this way, is because I was born to be both dangerous and entertaining. Because of this, I am the werewolf in the night to the human females you chump males fail so miserably before. They make me the prize because the rest of you chumps have made me a rarity, and any male I get to embrace the wolf in themselves, becomes a male that makes the “realm” of others bend to their Entertainment. I am not the one who needs to be entertaining, but I am the one that others need to be entertaining with, and where they only take, and they remain quiet, and uninteresting, it is because they are vampyres, perhaps by birth. Take and take, with nothing to give.

For human females, this is normal. But it is not that for human males, if they have something to give worth recognizing. Your CARE, that you have had to settle in trade with, for the female's attention and selection that may lead to sex, is the same CARE that so many will play at like you do. Your CARE, as a chump, means nothing. The demand for it is not the praise of it. That demand for it has misled so many of you. The demand for it, is because it's a settlement on the Access Value Engagement, or the AVE. You are not entertaining nor dangerous, so your human females have no choice but the demand and settle for CARING.

It's also the root of the joke that, “Why is it, whenever a female describes the perfect man, they are describing a female?”

Chumps you all are for not being able to see any of this!

And I am the villain because I was born awake.

I began by talking about language, and etymology. Watch this.


Etymology of Care (v.)

Old English carian, cearian “be anxious or solicitous; grieve; feel concern or interest,” from Proto-Germanic *karo- “lament,” hence “grief, care” (source also of Old Saxon karon “to lament, to care, to sorrow, complain,” Old High German charon “complain, lament,” Gothic karon “be anxious”), said to be from PIE root *gar- “cry out, call, scream” (source also of Irish gairm “shout, cry, call;” see garrulous).

If so, the prehistoric sense development is from “cry” to “lamentation” to “grief.” A different sense evolution is represented in related Dutch karig “scanty, frugal,” German karg “stingy, scanty.” It is not considered to be related to Latin cura. Positive senses, such as “have an inclination” (1550s); “have fondness for” (1520s) seem to have developed later as mirrors to the earlier negative ones.

To not care as a negative dismissal is attested from mid-13c. Phrase couldn't care less is from 1946; could care less in the same sense (with an understood negative) is from 1955. Care also has figured since 1580s in many “similies of indifference” in the form don't care a _____, with the blank filled by fig, pin, button, cent, straw, rush, point, farthing, snap, etc., etc. Related: Cared; caring.

Not what you were expecting to see, if you think enough to expect.

Remember, with all the terms I break down, and all the thoughts in which I expound on, I bring them back to the categorical references I have been building.

What is the Kinetics of this etym.?

  1. Is fear and insecurity, and born out of that is

  2. Anxiety and/or anger.

When you follow the trend here, and you discover the essence of “anxiety” and/or “solicitous”, you have clean categorical reference. Where then will the notion fall, in the Kinetics?

The Kinetics, like all language I use, is built upon cross-correlating terms, adhering to their essence, and seeing what values and notions are inferred, implied, and/or explicitly stated about the term and the subject it belongs to.

I do not use the world of your kind to direct my English. I use English as a tool itself, to organize expression with accuracy in mind, as a primary.

Because of this, methinks in this manner…

Born out of fear and insecurity, and because one lacks a potent Control, Management, and Manipulated, or Manned position in their conditions, they are struck with the sickness of anxiety, that can become anger. They are characterized by their “concern”, the trait of solicitous. And in such a state of anxiety, born out of fear and insecurity, if with this “concern”, they show “care” for that of “targets” and “marks”.

None of this speaks to the condition requiring “concern” or being rightfully the cause of such “anxiety”. I have observed in humans, that instead of conditional causes being the most valid sense of anxiety, that instead it's a chemical predisposition and/or proclivity of the chemicals. Meaning, one who is prone to anxiety is not one who has it caused by conditions. They themselves are characterized more often than not as “anxious”, and because I can see anxiety better than most, on account of my ability to read nonverbals quite fast, I see the anxiety in your kind as COMMON. I would say a commoner is perhaps almost always anxious, but by a degree they have come to live with, like the metaphorical sickness common to most.

Concerning, crying, grief, and even that of nagging often tends to be a set of FEMALE traits that most would identify with their mommies, more than their absent daddies. But certainly, a daddy one can say was like this, is mommy's daddy, and who the primal force is, is easy to deduce. This is not to say males are not like this. They are. They hide it in another way, that shall perhaps be described at another time and location.

But when one looks at the traits of “care” above, one ought to make easy recognition that these traits are far more acceptable when coming from females than males. Even the cries of grief, and complaints, and so on. Hardly, male to male, would these behaviors be given encouragement, but all over this female run society, or settlement, the females need males to now start thinking and behaving this way. Not for the reasons most of you may think. They need males to do it, because then it would appear to not be inclination and proclivity, but instead, conditional. They are almost succeeding at this ploy.

It truly does appear conditional and rather common, and I too would fall for this, had I not been in leadership among males, given them the alternative to mommy's script, and watching them choose it quickly over where they came from. In fact, far more females under my mentorship have broken from this “way” of mommies, quicker and with better results than the males. Is it proclivity, or conditional?

It's certainly a proclivity common among Earth's females, and males have a proclivity that makes them weak to it. “Males are not caring” would come to seem like an insult these days, on account that the female narrative of caring is the one they are using. That narrative is a ploy. It's deceptive, and misleading. It is true females are caring, so long as you know it means from insecurity and fear, they are anxious, and concerning, and this leads to crying grief, complaining, nagging, and dissatisfaction, and in order to weaponize this, a human female seeks out deference and normalization of this behavior. It is, after all, through the care of a human female, that she hides behind when she is caught controlling, caught managing, caught manipulating.

“It's because I CARE about you.”

And it is because of how each other cares about each other, exactly then why they hurt and harm each other, yet have the GREAT ESCAPE. The GREAT ESCAPE is the promotion of CARE, just like chump compassion as being a Virtue, when neither of them are.

When you do not “care enough” like they do… You are broken. When you do not have the fears and the insecurities… like they do… You are broken. When you do not have the anxiety, the concern, the grief for the situation like they do… You are broken. When you do not complain, or accept their complaints, you… not them... are broken. Somehow, anxious, grief ridden, concerned little ass chump girls have become the criteria for what is Virtuous, perhaps because not one of you males deserves the title of Man. Not one among you, as you let these little girl values dominate your sense of direction. Chumps.

Caring precedes possession, in the value hierarchies. When one “cares” and they are anxious and concerned about access to others, and/or security and stability, they will increase in their possessiveness. Human males will demonstrate their care often rapidly in this way. They will be possessive, and they will be territorial. These are branches of care. They can be this latter kind, because for them, their displeasure and grief was expected and allowed to manifest through aggressive tones, versus the human female deference and expectation of more passive, subtle and deceptive forms.

The human male, with his insecurity, his fear, his anxiety, his concern, is allowed to be disgruntled, complain in aggressive ways, gripe, and blame others, and hide behind the common notion that he, retarded as he is, is the smart one who knows how things should be, while the rest are all stupid.

Kind of why so many of them would find my approach attractive, thinking I am joining them in their defeated bitch fest. This I am not doing. But it would be the limits of what a chump could see.

I use my notions to direct my decision making. I am not anxious nor am I concerned about any of you. I have mastered my life. I am not complaining either. What I am doing is telling the bulk of you ACCESS DENIED, for these very reasons. I do not want your CARE, but I forbid it. And no one is ever to seek CARE from me, because I have none to give and never would.


Oddly, because I am entertaining and dangerous, a human female does not need to SETTLE for CARE from me, when she seeks to signal me for approach. But also, a human female can not signal me for approach, or that is, she will signal plenty, but I would ignore her, because she, with me, is not the selective force. Any female who would want to “select” me does so rapidly, and signals fast. There is no “hard to get” when females interact with me. They “get” and “get” fast, because I am the “prize”. I am not the prize because I am male. I am the “prize” because of what was stated earlier. I am entertaining, and I am dangerous. Am I the most entertaining and the most dangerous? Of course NOT. That is not what is being said. However, am I these things on an uncommon level? Certainly.

And because of this, I become the prize, and well sought after. This, combined with, I DO NOT GIVE FREE ATTENTION. However, Seduction requires just that, at least to get the ball rolling. Where one says SEDUCTION can be played without FREE ATTENTION, I would say… they are all talk, and they have no sense of actually how the plays are carried out. The second the marked, the one being selected, thinks they are the targeting one with the mark in sight, and they go towards them, and begin the plays, that… is free attention. Merely subtle signaling from the source got them in motion, and there is no other criteria.

The attention I get from females is not free. They give me the attention because I entertain the condition. I do not entertain others. I bring Entertainment, because of my joy, to the CONDITION. That is a part of my Control and my Command. Because I have Equanimity, on account of being a Master of my Way, the Way of the Vir, so to say for now… I carry with me a relationship to a joy derived from pride, and I am Vigorous, Vital, and Vigilant, and Vigilance is a necessary ingredient in being entertaining to some degree.

I happen upon my conditions, and that is why they are mine. They are not your conditions when they are happening on you. You are in the condition of others, and therefore, under their Control and spell. It is not always a negative to be in the conditions of others, if those conditions themselves promote your own Control and Command. It takes being in a healthy condition of another, to have an example and guidance in Control and Command. Though such conditions, well Controlled and Commanded, are rare. One ought to seek them out and apprentice to whatever Commander has established themselves.

I DO NOT ENTERTAIN individuals; however, in the demand and desire to be entertained, they mistakenly project that this is my intent, and they are at the CENTER of it. Do not get it mistaken. If you have read this far, now you know, or at least you ought to. I have never sought to ENTERTAIN you, and you being entertained does not mean that was my aim and intent. I always, without the motive or need, bring my joy with me, my pride with me, my Equanimity with me into all the conditions I enter, and I happen to those conditions. If you too are in those conditions, then you too will encounter that which I bring.

Do not get it mistaken… You did not signal me, and move me with your wants, desires, and needs. You had nothing to do with it, and it was going to be brought regardless of your role, which will more often than not be no more than atmospheric and dull.

I prefer the presence of Wild Ones for that very reason. In their freedom to be their silly selves, they can spice up any situation, and not need to sit around and wait. Wild folk are my folk, not you well-groomed compliant, and obedient costumed fools who fit neatly into your paradigms.

Seduction requires all this. But make no mistake… Seduction is becoming rather rare, when such a settlement has occurred to where “CARE” is the value promoted, and “lamented”, and therefore, evidence this was the value is that what follows next, is getting “familiar” with the other, on account of their “grievances” having been “shared” in “care”. “Sharing is caring”, the retards laud, the retards lament.

I neither share, nor do I care, and believe it or not, I have said this to all who have ever tried to familiarize with me, and during the proclamations of my clear character they have always acted as if, like them and others, I was merely wording one way and behaving another… Only eventually to see their delusions burst when I monk out in another direction, and show no concern, no care of sending them on their way. I am a Nomad, of the Wolf, of the Horse, and such a mind does not attach themselves to others with anxiety, concern, care, and grief.

You may think this is the wrong way to read this word. Yet, with care, why then is often grief the character in the long run, and not joy? Entertainment and joy you all may have had when the interaction and access was novel. But then, in the end, and after a while, GRIEF becomes the primary character. Then, one will say… “It is because one did not CARE as much as the other.” Let me put that nonsense to rest. The one who CARES is the source of the anxiety; is the source of the concern; and is the SOURCE OF THE GRIEF.

“But I care so much for others”… is a RED FLAG. Human males, you need to wake from this slumber. Do not couple with care bears. You think you want Mommy, maybe even subconsciously, but nature punishes you for that broken want. You're supposed to find a mission, and when you do this, you will see that nothing is more SEDUCTIVE to a human female than a man on a mission… But not for the reasons of the mission. But because a human male, or any male that shows they give so much energy to a mission, shows the human female that if she can distract you, and get you to care about her, you will have more energy and care to give, if anything like how much you have given elsewhere.

Then, when you fall for this as the retard you are, destined to fall for it, she will squander your energy, your Vitality, and Vigor, give you her care, which is her anxiety, her insecurity, her concerns, her grief, her complaints, and you will be well distracted from the mission, and you will fail, or succeed only in the most base sense, while finding displeasure is infectious, and you are now a chump, caring for a creature designed to demand more than Reality could ever provide.

The Way of the Vir has rules about “complaining” that I express often to others. Do not bring me your complaints, your doubts and insecurities. Complaining is only valid if the expression is about trying to find a solution, and seeking assistance. Otherwise, why are you telling me it, other than to voice grievance?

The common notion among males and females and their differences, is that human females complain, and tell you their concerns, but they want you to just listen to their grievances. They do not desire, want, nor need solutions. Because of this, care ought to be clear. It's about crying, complaining, and showing concern, and it's from anxiety, not from values.

The difference in the Way of VIR, is in CARE versus VALUE. Do not read this, and then merely think you change the words to change the notion. You do not. Valuing and caring are not the same. Valuing, in the way in which I am using it, and always have, is Reasoned based, principles based, solutions based, esteem based, and proven in the advancing of a thing through excellence in skill and competence. Valuing all means Wisdom to wield, and where such a Wisdom is not present to be measured, valuing has only occurred in the lesser degree.

Care does not mean VALUE. Often the target is replaceable. It's just there to be the X, the target, and what it is, and why it's there, will not be subject to Reason. A little girl starts caring for a toy to train to care for organic beings. The absurdity in the mechanics should be easy to detect. CARE has no CONCERN for where it is aimed. It's a product of insecurity and fear, that directs the anxious energy into concerns and grief. It's:

  1. Fear and insecurity

  2. Anxiety, frustration, anger

  3. Disgust, and/or grief

  4. Despair


This is why then, in SEDUCTION, in coupling, in ACCESS to others, everyone is settling for CARE, and does not have ENTERTAINMENT and/or DANGEROUS as a criteria. They value CARE, so to say, only because they are in this Kinetics, and they need distraction and relief from the Kinetics, and they delusionally think CARE, and more of it, is the solution. It is far from. It is the cause of itself, and the cycle of care is the issue. CARE, in essence, needs to be cremated.

The emotionality of ignorance in the mechanics of Seduction, and the transmuted state
The emotionality of ignorance in the mechanics of Seduction, and the transmuted state

Seduction, then, starts with the need for “surprise”, or something “novel”. In Seduction, these are almost interchangeable.

In Kinetics, you chumps need five to be surprised, and novel in order to get to six… Entertainment.

The emotional Kinetics I present as a code are essential to grasping how all this ties into each other.

When you can embrace this notion, based on observation, investigation, experimentation through experience, you will come to think like an EXPERT. To be an expert, you must have that system that is applied with a consistency to be of value. A Vigilance, a Vibrance to keep watching.

When one is marked, say, as a male, by a signaling female, the signal she sends is designed to instigate the fifth Kinetics, which for now can be called… need to be surprised. However, one single word does not capture this. The surprise is based on ignorance, but in the fifth, ignorance has an emotional component, and in this ignorance, there is EXCITEMENT that can be triggered. Often, when one is boring, and therefore bored, they will need “newness”, which can be called “novelties”. The one marked, and selected in phase one exists in “newness”. Same can be said about the male who has been marked, signaled, and is ready then to seek access to the female. To him, this human male, she, the human female, is simply new, novel, yet to be tried, and in the ignorance, or the unknown, there is the want, the desire that she will grant access.

One must not limit the notion of Seduction, however, to merely that of boy meets girl. Seduction is used all over the place, well, when it is… and sex is not the point of it. Access and Control is the point. But all of it is in this Kinetics. All of it has then the previous and fundamental Kinetics that play in the emotionality of ignorance. Yes, I will keep saying that. Being ignorant is emotional. You can not strip ignorance to merely “not knowing” or “not being in the known”. If you were to try to keep it neutral, you would lose much of what could be thought and applied.

The emotional Kinetics of number five begins and is due to ignorance, often sustained, and in the absence of the stimulation of the new, the novel, one will have an emotional proclivity to confusion. This confusion one will have, as an emotional phase, cross-correlates back to “CARE” with its anxiety, and its concern. Being “concerned” is often because one has entered into some “unknown” variables. But even more so, being “anxious” means lacking the Vitality, the Vigor, the Vigilance and the focus “to know” and to be in the “known”. Anxiety favors doubt, not certainty. With increased relationship to certainties, one begins to see a reduction in concern.

Therefore, care is by default in the state of the “uncertain”. However, what is missed often and/or unknown to the masses is that insecurity which meets anxiety, frustration, and anger clouds the ability to think, and to act wisely. Perhaps these Kinetics are even worse than the effects of “intoxicants”. Perhaps is almost certainly.

When one then is “uncertain” in their confusion driven by insecurities, and their anxiety born from such coupled with their sense of lack of Control in their conditions, with this being augmented by stability and predictability, it causes the emotional to then form into and around disgust. They will have a disdain for that which “shakes them”, and almost everything shakes them.

This disgust further developed leads to despair, but not in the way in which you would like to think, to remove oneself from consideration of being in this state. It is the “grey”, the “despair” that is in all of you, that demobilizes you, keeps you in check, compliant, and avoiding conflict. The thing that keeps you without Vigor, saps you, and forbids Vitality, expression, and certainly, forbids the pursuit of standards of Excellence. It is normal, therefore, only often used to describe the obvious. This is perhaps the greatest problem in all this, that what is normal is all the things in which I describe, but a reader or listener may be quick to say “I suffer not these things”. Yes, you do. Not a given that you do, but highly probable that you do. But in that high probability, it is likely your levels are the same as most, normalized, and when this becomes the case, “none of you most” have this as a problem. You need the contrast of “worse case” to draw from, and when you see them, and they number less… You think, “they are the ones with despair… NOT I”.

Yet, I hear it constantly in the tone of almost everyone I know of, who lack any sense of direction, HAVE NO WAY. And in the absence of a WAY, are left only with UNCERTAINTIES, that then drive their anxiety, which their gasping makes clear, to which normalized, they then deny even exists. It exists, you are just normalized this way, and therefore, have no sense of it, by the absence of that contrast.

When the despair is present, as it is in most, it may turn to malcontent, the worse kind, or may remain of the normalized form, where you are simply DEFEATED, and lack any Control over your conditions, and certainly, any Control over the self. You will be demobilized, and having never mobilized, declare this untrue, stating you move often. But do you? Where, and for what reason? DEFEATED, one does not have motion; one merely stumbles at the speed of the others, and calls the masses stumbling, meaningful motion, but only to those outside of their mind, as one's own mind betrays this notion, and punishes you with low self-esteem.

Most will not tell you they “see you” and this about you, on account that they do not “see you” and they can not, because they can not see past their own “possession” in these Kinetics.

The fifth Kinetics, the ignorant surprise, and the need for novelties to excite, to consume… is where music in cultures began; Entertainment was on account of these feelings. Pastimes, meal times were social factors, needed to deal with these EMOTIONS, to feed these emotions, in DELIGHTS. They are needed because of this emotional Kinetics. One needs to be “shaken” from their despair, their absence of motion, and Vitality. Shaken into an often “spectator” state, with something to CONSUME with their eyes. For human males, this need to CONSUME with their eyes is why the mere presence and passing of a human female suffices to excite. And because the human male consumes more with the eyes than the human female, the “playtime” of coupling does not favor him. When he is consuming her with his eyes, she is already plotting.

The human female does not have the same need of visual consumption. This need for visual consumption is a part of the human male's “biological adaptation” in the deep past of your physical history. It was when ALL of the ancestors were developing the situational awareness for the hunt. The primary sense for long distance engagement, and orientation in goals, was sight. This, however, is not a part of the female biology. The female biology is designed for near sense, not far sense. This is why then human females have an ease of changing, in any given moment, and are referred to by some as “chaotic” by nature, and human males as “orderly” by nature. I would never say that human males represent order, but perhaps the terms would be “stability” and “certainty”, and that of the routine of compliance. Order, to me, means far more, but that is not for here.

This aspect, which I will not spend too many words on, of consuming with the eyes, is very important. In chess, or any strategy, the notion of tempo, of time, in which one can move, and has moved, is very important. You do not want to “lose time” and fall behind, having to play catch-up. But because of the human male need to consume a target with his eyes, to track it, and to chase it, in the coupling plays of males and females, this sets the male towards stupidity. He will hone in on the female target, and she is only the target of this visual consumption. She is not the target of any plan, plot, or well thought-out “Way”.

However, he, the visually consuming male, will be marked for a greater gain. Her greater gain is “CARE”, and getting the human male who consumed her with his eyes to go beyond this consumption, and provide “CARE” for her, so that she can beget offspring. The “CARE”, then, the visual consumer is meant to offer, has to be greater than the mere care for her; it has to be the best she can do, to secure CARE for her yet to come offspring. Nature has not made it to where the human female needs to think this, know this, and realize it, while it's all in motion. Nature, like it has made the male consume with his eyes, has made the human female lure with her weaknesses, her doubts, her confusion, her “VULNERABILITIES” that of the “care” instigation, the “concern” and the “anxiety” of the human male. “Caring for her”, as a target of one's need to be concerned, out of one's inept anxiety, is all nature's chemical code. Not a single one of you gives any thought to why, and how you couple with another, and therefore, for many of you… why you struggle with coupling.

The best thing for a human male, in modern society, to do, when their consuming, their HUNGRY EYES are activated, is to FEED themselves in another activity. Immediately stop what they are doing, remove themselves from the “targeting lane”, and move to a new lane with a “target” that improves their condition, for their own present and future well-being.

That “targeting hungry eyes” energy would then be transmuted into productivity, to industry, to ownership. One who does this when they are “hungry” will become “fed” with something far greater… SUCCESS. When one has been “FED” in SUCCESS and they repeat it, they will develop a relationship with PRIDE. When they feast on PRIDE, the hungry eyes will alter its TARGETING PROFILE, its TARGETING PACKAGES, and the excitement will change. The fifth Kinetics will no longer be driven by an ignorant surprise, with the novel. Instead, transmuted, the fifth becomes a form of Vita, of life force, of EXCITEMENT based on Knowledge and skill, that is not SURPRISE, but CURIOSITY, as an emotion. The transmuted sense of the fifth is curiosity, and curiosity is rare.

You are not curious, though you may think you are. You are not curious, or at least not likely, until you have displayed an EAGERNESS, that is, a VERY MUCH wanting, towards that of a very specific realm, the REALM of learning and knowing, which implies the development of skills, in some frame. EAGERNESS here is key. Out of ignorance, one excites in surprise. Out of curiosity, one is ignited and excited towards Knowledge. This is the transmuted fifth.

When the “hungry eyes” kick in for the male, and the TARGET is nature's target, that of coupling, he is and will be ENSLAVED to his BESTIAL URGES. This is no sin. This is no error, nor anything that warrants shame, as nothing ought to. This is code. But it is nonetheless an enslavement.

It is an enslavement, because no Intellect, no Patterns, and no thought shall arise. Only code, and one is not a “free agent” yet, perhaps, and even more so likely… never has been.

One is merely engaging in the phases of copulation for replication. Nature does not feed you this notion to have thoughts about. In being coded to be hypersociable as a human, nature made your kind “inventive” with “tales” to explain why it does what it does. One of those “inventions” created by the human females is the notion of LOVE, and its counter or subparts… Care.

Love becomes to care strongly for another. Love, like care, is a human female myth. Meaning, its value as a good is a myth. A human male who promotes these values innately knows they are a liar, and they do not truly conceive of them. Innately feels like a fraud, and struggles with these fraudulent notions daily. A human male does not love a human female, or care about her or for her. A human male is driven to SERVE the human female, and this is why that human male, in his ineptitudes, will have disgust for the female closest to him, as she holds disgust for him. You all find each other disgusting, because you are all disgusting, as an adverb. You're shaken to disgust. You all are moved to disgust, from your insecurities, and your fears, through your anxiety, your frustrations, and your ineptitudes. You have no choice but to hold disdain for your own existence, and in doing so, are only capable of this emotional view of others.

Let me tell you what I have told others countless times, only to hear them deny it, even more countlessly.

I do not believe more than a couple of individuals I have ever encountered ever had more than a disdain, and disgust for me, while their hunger made them maintain or seek to gain ACCESS to me. Only but a few have ever sought me out with CURIOSITY, having observed that I just might KNOW things, that excite the HUNGER for knowledge. Only a few, and do not get it mistaken, reader or listener. We likely have not had similar social courses in this life. I have traveled vastly, and was not contained to a single location. This means, I have encountered a lot of conditions, and those in those conditions. I have entered the targeting lanes of far more than the average individual ever will do, when they confine themselves to the sense of safety and security of a job, and set geographical location. WE are not a WE.

Do not use your experiences to combat what I say. If you have been working and living in the same region most of your life, if you have a “family” you still know and are around, and you cycle through having a coupled home, with offspring, that you leave to work, return to sleep, and repeat in… Then you are a defeated chump who can not nearly grasp what kind of encounters a Nomad would have had. Better yet, what encounters you could not, if you are of the many who are uninteresting, who are unintelligent, who are without an Entertainment value for others, and without the dangerous levels to walk the massive roads of “uncertainty”.

These points are not my “opinions” versus your housed “opinions”. My points are born specifically around my ability to be present for all kinds of experiences, to be observant of them, and to have them act as seeds of knowing. WE ARE NOT EQUAL, and when you chumps encounter me… Make no mistake, I DO NOT THINK your interest is more likely out of CURIOSITY, versus the likely, that of a NOVELTY before you, in which you then IGNORANTLY engage, hoping to be excited and entertained by me, while all you offer is an empty shelled AUDIENCE. I SEE YOU.

A clear indication is this… One who has, or would engage me from CURIOSITY would not be CURIOUS about me, but about those “Patterns” I serve. They may first be “hungry” on account of my “Entertainment value”, but what will prove out for the “curious” is that they still know me, and associate with me. Those who, however, had me as a novelty, would have had that novelty wear off, and rest back to their realms. They did not have an eagerness to learn and to know, often revealed when I stopped entertaining them and delighting them, with intention to have them take their own direction with Vigor, to which none of them could furnish.

Any who came to know of me, and then lost me… lost me because they were purely relational, and merely wanted me to serve their insecurities; serve their anxieties, and concerns; serve as a target of their disgust, and an entertainer, to surprise and excite them towards enjoyment. ALL OF THEM have mere hungry eyes looking to consume my energy… Never knowing, I knew all along that regardless of their intent, they were ALL born vampyric, and wherever they would be now… They are feeding on others, never finding a satiation on the same level they had, when I was their “meal”. Vampyres love feeding on me when they can, I am like a fountain of youth.

But I only used to FEED others to get them to feed themselves. I am not a part of the Brotherhood of the Wolf, that accepted a life of mere consumption and being consumed as a natural Duty. I am a lone Wolf, and a Wild Stallion. One which never dropped from the Great Ocean of “The Sound”, and therefore, never has needed to “be found”. I have never been lost, but when others have “fed” upon me, appearing near to them in “familiarity” was necessary, to attempt the building of a bridge, where the rest of you live. But make no mistake, you never came to my lands, because beyond that bridge you never crossed, is not mine. I, however, am its.

Curiosity is rare. Humans lack Virtues, and because of this, when humans hear of a Virtue, they have to find what is normal to most, and claim that Virtue is somewhere near to them. Humans can not say “I am not curious”. Most I have encountered would say they are curious. But if you ask what was the last realm of knowledge you conquered, which begot skills of some sort, they would be confused. Just as you may be confused.

But curiosity evidenced is in skills and competency attained. Eagerness means excited and energized, which would not fail if the right energy, in that of learning and knowing. But if you do not have things you come to learn and know that required energy… then you are delusional around your sense of curiosity. An interest that requires little from you is no curiosity. These are mere novelties and delights of the lesser level. Energy by itself, committed to an act, is not evidence of curiosity. Curiosity is about learning and knowing. Athletic interest does not have curiosity. It is chemical. There is a learning and a knowing, but your normalized sense of the term does not apply. Learning and knowing is about decision making. Interest in “familiarizing” with useless things is not curiosity. Do not mistake learning and knowing as being liken to that of the “familiarizing” most of you have been left only able to do.

Do not get it mistaken… You all are only FAMILIAR with others. When coming to “get to know” another only requires a “care for them” and their “past and present grievances”, you all are just “familiarizing”. You only have a sense of that creature in front of you being no different than any other you would encounter. Merely a replicant, and you can not see this, when too, you are a replicant.

The first Journey you all need to engage is the test to see if you have an “Intellect” in you, that needs to be cultivated, or if merely you are an animal that needs to care, and be cared for. They are not the same, and they do not abide by the same “Ethos”. The Intellect begets a different Path, a different Way than what is common, for that very reason. But I shall return to the feebleness of Seduction.

Back to the definition of “care”
Back to the definition of “care”

Care, defined in its generic form, has two profiles.

Forest Sunrays

Care, Profile One (noun):

  1. The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.

  2. Serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk.

Notice, and refer to my expoundings on Provision and Protection in Part I. Those words would apply here. The first line seems like a Virtue, the way it is worded. But I will translate.

Care is about serving the material interest of another. In that definition, this then was mostly expected of a human male.

Care is to provide Protection. Mostly this was expected of a human male. Both show that CARE and the notion is a one-sided demand, at least in this profile. Care is the demand mostly upon the human male to be a Provider and a Protector, and a human female is not often, or commonly given the same demand to be a PROVIDER and a PROTECTOR. Most males are not suited to this demand, with any eagerness. But most males are relegated to these roles, and most, not all… DO NOT DO THIS WELL. Therefore, it is always the case, they are shamed as NOT CARING ENOUGH, and they NEED to do more... says who? A human female.

In profile one, we have “serious attention”, that is, a “commitment”, and we have the notion of a “correct” way―which begs the question, according to who?

The next variable is a strong telling. Care, with this serious attention, has “correctly OR to AVOID damage or risk.” Care is, and has always been seen as RISK-AVERSE. Damage-averse, and can be said to be correlated with the VALUE of SAFETY.

“Take care, and be SAFE.”

Profile one is SERVITUDE and one-sided. Profile one has the Provider and the Protector―who is rather useless, because they avoid damage and risk, take no chances, and adventure is not careful. They, in essence, conform to a safe and predictable path to “care” not for themselves, but for another.

Profile two, in the definition, makes it simpler, and more common as a verb, where profile one was a noun.


Care, Profile Two (verb)

  1. Feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.


Here we now have the correlation to the etymology, with the word “concern” being present. I will point out and refer to previous expoundings, with the term “attach”, here. To care, here, is merely a concern and/or interest that has an attachment that follows, whereby something is declared “important”. It's important to import one as a novelty, if not the only thing indeed important at all. Servility.

Profile two follows with:


2. Look after and provide for the needs of.

That is it. It's servitude. Self is not really here, for what is cared for, but with language and elaboration, folk will use words commonly found, and try to augment them to match their own value system. I often prefer to not do this. I do not CARE, and I DO NOT hold CARE as a Virtue just because I have the innate proclivity of PROTECTION to my nature. It is not what it means.

Care is servitude, and it is more than often one-sided.

In the dichotomy of human males and females, how much is a human male expected to CARE for a human female, compared to how much she is expected to CARE for him?

She is expected to CARE ABOUT, not FOR. The human female only has to have the appearance of the second profile, and its first element, that of:


feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.


I will come back to that…

But first, here is a quickly found Q & A online about the “true meaning” of that of “care”.

Winter Forest

“What is the true meaning of care?

Care is defined as to have feelings like concern, responsibility or love for someone or something. An example of care is someone feeling anxious about their spouse going out to a singles bar. An example of care is how someone feels about their friend's well-being.”

This take on care removes the Provision and Protector sense.

It can not be said that a female cares for a male, if she is not a Provider and Protector. But it could be said a female cares for a male if she “feels” concerned, responsible, or “loves” them. Then this profiled question includes “anxiety” born out of “insecurity”, when the other goes to a place where their “access”, in essence, can be challenged. They throw “well-being” in there later. This is the decoration you all do. You do not care about the “well-being” of anything.

Returning to the second profile, and what it could tell you.

You see, or likely, you never have… Your language tells you a whole lot about the values of your kind. But you lack curiosity. So you will not be eager to learn, and to know, and certainly not in regards to the code that runs your thoughts, which is a language code, as all codes are, to some degree.

In the definition of care, here is what ought to be clear.

When coupling, a human male shows his care by being “serious” about being a “Provider” and a “Protector”.

A human female shows her care by making the human male “feel” important to her, attached to her as important, and shows her “concern” for everything, as a mark of her care, and in extension her love. Coupled with insecurity, then, love becomes evident in “anxious” bouts of “concern” whereby everything seems “unstable” and in need of “fixing” and “securing”, and all of this would mean… SHE CARES. But being a PROVIDER and a PROTECTOR successfully, with human males, never amounts to much of anything, but somehow still can leave a human female dissatisfied, and a human male experiencing their confusion triggered by this. Experiencing their confusion, because nothing makes you confused. Things reveal that you were already, and/or are merely EMOTIONALLY CONFUSED.

Here then is a SECRET that has perhaps never been written nor said. Let me be the first, if that counts for anything.


as well as problem for many reasons.

Access Denied page dark.png

To start with, however, is this… YOU are not important to the human female, as a human male. This is not why she is “concerned”, and why she has “attachment”. You are, and the numbers prove it… replaceable. You, to her… are not likely “the One”, even though to you, the human retarded male, she “feels” like she is “the One” and your “hungry hunting eyes” will be fixed on consuming and possessing her, and only her.

With this, then, you must presume, she has the same “attachment” relationship. She does not. She is “attached” to her ideas, not you. You exist now to live up to those “ideas”, but they are ideas that were written down for her, in a shiny and glimmering notebook, by the “unicorn” who rode in on a rainbow, up and out of her teenage room's closet. It picked up a pen with its hooves, violated all sense of Reality, and gave her the formula.

You stand before a shaman, with a unicorn as a Messiah, and you will then SERVE and work hard to make sense of your role with your new demanding Mommy… only to have her confusion revealed all throughout, as you relate to her “care” like the idiot Mommy made you. You watched her treat, and help your Daddy find his inner idiot, but you never knew anything about what you were seeing. It was all normal. You never learned the true identity of Satan, that it's a UNICORN.

When I have mentored females in the past, I had to get them to kill, to slay their unicorn, that kept them captive to delusions, concerns, anxiety, and care. The unicorn's name is CARE, and that unicorn looks pretty only to an effeminate eye. That unicorn has all the appearances of a horse; comes to the horse kind with some “familiarity”, and is only slightly altered, enough to go about unsuspected. Nothing is worse than a human male who too, likes unicorns.

The human female's anxiety was there before you were. The human female's anxiety is the source of her concern. That concern does not “care” about a Reasoned context, or that is, some condition that requires, or should require concern. But when you “CARE” about what she “CARES” about, you as a human male are checking your code to find out what “category” is the problem, that you could fix. You, as a human male, focus on the words that describe the problem, and these words to you, as an idiot, are given weight… Because of how much she “FEELS” behind these words. Because she “feels” so much behind these words… they must be important to her. She must “truly care”, she must “seriously care” about this issue, or she would not feel so much around it.

But you are an idiot on this account. You are a mental replicant midget who has not equipped yourself with the battle armaments to grasp what is occurring in front of you.

You make the first mistake of listening to her words. What she is saying is irrelevant to her. But she knows you need those words, and that she needs to run you with them. If she has you focused on the words, she controls your time, and your energy. She needs to control your time, and your energy for one simple reason. You are not entertaining, and you are not dangerous. You are not eager in Provision, and certainly not eager in Protection. You have nothing that you are so much about that it demands more of your time and energy than she does. Or you have something you appear to be about… and she wants what all human… HUMAN females want, and that is a monopoly on your expenditures of time and energy. They DO NOT feel important, and significant, and they need you to assert what you have, to make them “FEEL” safe and secure. But you can never do this, because in your ignorance, you thought to lie to them… and they have not seen you are a chump in your lie.

You do not listen to them, that they are telling the truth. They are insignificant, and they are not important. They are replicants that often lack any skills or value, outside of nature's code that values the womb. You do not see anything in them that you can point out, other than their shell, and the distraction and chemical relief it provides when you have access to it. Few would say they access human females for what their minds may tell. Few themselves, by way of human males, have a mind that would yearn for another mind. When a mind exists to yearn for another mind, there is transcendence of male and female.

This is why I say “HUMAN FEMALE” and “HUMAN MALE”. It would seem redundant only to the ignorant and the illiterate. What “females” that know of me, and maintain association with me, do so not as fleshly vessels, but as instigated minds, and not one of them would think to utter an anxious tone of “concern” and relegate me to some role of physician. They have slain their unicorns, or they do not RIDE with me. I RIDE horses, not unicorns, and I know the difference.

You human males are so retarded to not have figured it out by now, that innately, your human females are insecure, are anxious, and that “concern”, for them, is emotional issue, that they then need you to show a value in. It's all they have, so you need to treat what their entitled condition has as valuable; show them that what they know is not of value in them... is valuable; because you ought to know value, because you put forth an energy, and a “care” towards your work. The human female does not know that you chump human males put forth “CARE” at work and nowhere else, because you are bred, and programmed to be slaves.

But this is what then she wants you to be to her “concerns”. A slave of them, and this is why then you human males fall for it. Because you have no discernment, slaving is merely slaving, and you will take what you get, because, as chumps, you are all opportunistic.

But when you show the human female that her petty emotional concerns deserve attention, and “CARE”, she will never, and could never RESPECT nor HONOR you. She inherently knows she is “full of câlice”. So when you do not know that, and you do not show that, you're just to her some dumb confused little boy that she has no choice but to couple with, because… the unicorn Messiah, through all the mommies of domestication, rules over all the males. The real God of humans is the UNICORN Messiah, that every American girl has been visited by when they were young, and partook in agreements with.

They have not made the males all little boys. They revealed that is the potential for human males. All slavers, and all slaves, simultaneously, taking turns undermining and oppressing each other.

To a human female, the insecurity, the anxiety, and the concern has nothing to do with “what is”. When they get you to think it does, have something to do with something, you have revealed you are just a programmed chump that exists to serve the Messiah unicorn. She has spread out to find its slaves, and through Mara’s daughters, they line up with ease, and wave the rainbow flag to show their allegiances. “All hail the mighty unicorn” is their silent prayer before bed, and upon their lazy rise into this world.

Care is the name of the unicorn.

Most of you will not recall the 80s, having not been born yet. But the cartoons of that time were all being made by the priest of the unicorn, and had hidden messaging all over the place. But one not so hidden was The Care Bears.

When I was a young fella in Brooklyn, I was surrounded by mentally inquisitive individuals from around the world. My Ancestors, on my paternal side, were from New Orleans. They were Creole of color, and they were deeply religious, but not in local customs. They had identified as “Muslim” for more than eight generations, with the claim they were “Muslims” when they were stowed away. A deep oral tradition was born out of the “Teachings” of Mother Shahbaz, the matriarch of my paternal line, who was half African, and half Québécoise. Her offspring, though starting as ¾ Caucasoid, with the mating with an E-V13 so-called “European male” with Mama Shahbaz, would go on to mate “black with black”, and eventually be of dark complexion, and not light complexion. Though they were Creole of color, so to say, they were darker than most.

As “Muslim”, my paternal line had issues with local customs, and in particular Voudon, or Voodoo if you must. Pagan systems, and in particular, the way in which “friends” were a factor in this system. Now, I could write a book on Voodoo and its symbolism, but that is not my “calling”.

My Patruus, uncle from my father side, had me for the first four years of my life, and then he would move to Thailand, leaving this country. My bio-Da would be incarcerated a year later, and that was nothing significant to me, but I did not have access to them, past five. However, a close friend of my Patruus, also from New Orleans, remained in Brooklyn, and we would meet up later, and he would share a great deal with me about my line and their history, where they originated.

He too was a Muslim, and yet an odd one, especially from the point of view I have now, having learned and lived among Islam a great deal. My white Syrian ancestry, combined with my African heritage of the North African sense, both have roots in Mutazilism. The African line of my heritage has Iranian males coming to Africa, some thousand or so years ago, at the same time that the line of Laniers were coming about in “Europe”. It is likely the two lines, the Lanier, once “At’ta’ir”, and the Shahbaz were closely linked, before this migration.

Back to the point.

This fella of my Patruus was very religious, and I used to attend when older a great deal of Islamic meetups, as well as the mosque with him. It may surprise many to hear, or to learn that though I have always been a Deist of sorts, rejecting revealed religion, but not a God sense, and though I am historically connected with Buddhism, I was very “Muslim” in my upbringing, and hold a reverence for Islam and the Quran.

This too is why you idiots who suppose I am anti-religious because you suck at life, and have issue with the religion of your mommies and daddies, and need me to fill the role of religion rebels with you, need to stop that nonsense, and treat me like an individual, and not as a member of your mind. I am not anti-religious just because I am pro Reason. I am deeply, and always have been RELIGIOUS, and everything I do is RELIGIOUS. I am not a follower of a Messiah, a Prophet, or a man-made God. I am not a Mohammedan, or a Christos worshiper. But do not get it mistaken… I had studied the world religions with a fervor before I was 10, all of them, learning the accepted ones, as well as the forbidden and dark ones. I consumed ideas from the start, and was committed to hearing everyone's point of view, and then practicing that which spoke to my nature, my “Calling”, my “vocation”.

Do not get it mistaken… My VOCATION is RELIGIOUS PREACHER, because I PREACH a WAY. I preach that WAY; however, not liken to religions, that call their WAY, “THEE Way”, and “thee only Way”. I do not do this. The WAY I speak of is for the descendants of the Wolf, and the descendants of the Horse, who then in extension belong to the WAY of REASON, and because of this WAY, born out of the Wolf and the Horse, that became SELF-TALK, and accurate accounting for Control and COMMAND… My Kind throughout the ages have had to augment the local systems to appeal to their own natures. And versions have been brought about to facilitate these needs. I have heard the “call” of those versions, and Mutazilism was the one my Ancestors brought about. My Ancestors were never FREE enough to bring about the RELIGION of their Kind. They had to always make due with what was permitted.

I am not with the same conditions as them, and I have long heard the Call of my Kind, the Ancestral voice that does not apply to most. I do not send this Call to ALL, to say, “this is the Way”. No, I specify. THIS IS THE WAY OF THE VIR, which I am a descendant of, and have their “Ways” written on my nature. I am the Sage of the Vir.

When you stand before me, and think to think me without RELIGION, because you exist defeated… Know this… You are defeated when you have not among youse, a “WAY”. Any “WAY”, be it wrong or right is better than “no Way”. Even the “Way of no Way” is better than that of simply “no Way”.

I return to the road.

This fella had an odd outlook on both Islam, as well as what was mainstream culture at the time.

However, there were things my nature had me see, that when shared with others, I could not find a “common ground”, to whereby they would only presume, “you see what is not there”.

I would learn fast, that this was not the case. I simply saw with an “eye” that many did not have, that the “Ancients” had been calling the “mind's eye”, which differs from the mere perceptually limited heads, or physical eyes, the mere organs. The “mind's eye” is Reasoning, or the Ratiocinative faculty, and many do not have this faculty engaged, or “opened”. Those who seek physical means to open it can only fail, because its realm is among the mental entities, which are the closest to ethereal as anything could be. Let them who can see, see, and them can not, be forgotten… for certainly, forgotten they trot.

When I would take my sight to this fella, he would engage in it, always smiling and reminding me of how my Patruus and I had the same sight, and how odd it was for there to be two in combined generations; but how this sight was common to my lines, males and females.

One of the things that differed with my sight was what I saw when the 80s was introducing cartoons to the populace. The first thing I thought was, why these anthropomorphic endeavors?

Why not portray the achievable. However, much of this was of no confusion to me, because at a young age, I had studied Edward Bernays' Propaganda and fields of mental warfare, in which it can never be said, I have truly lived without this sense in my life. Everything was mental to me, and this sphere of mental entities has always been primary. One who has this sphere as primary, in no way would lack a God sense.

An atheist does not exist in the mental sphere; they exist in the material sphere, and they are governed by their insecurities, their anxiety, their disgust, and their despair, and they get excited only when playing “adversary”, never recalling, this is what makes them governed by Al Sheitan, or Satan. Satan is merely an adversary, not to be mistaken as an entity. And when you exist only reactionary, and oppositional, and you stand for nothing, are not about anything, and affirming not a thing… Then you are governed by opposition, through reaction, and are Satan's slave. This is the meaning of the use of adversary to describe the character of another. It means you are not about anything.

I would unravel this mystery of terms with this fella with discourse that would often go on beyond a day, leaving the two of us still at it, at 1000 the following day, having no supper, nor the breaking of the fast, but well fasted.

This fella, from the perspective of religion, was always hunting Al Sheitan. He was Vigilant to where it could come from.

One could say, perhaps, with this filter… ye may find just what ye is looking for, because to look for something can easily lead to projecting your wants and desires all about, mistakenly thinking they originated before thee, by a separate account. No one can argue this in practice better than me, and prove in the life they have before themselves, the application of this realization. I know projection very well, because I have a controlled ability to do it well, to augment the visual spectrum.

Therefore, I exercise safeguards against this, being sure to discover what is there, and having no wants, desires, and wishes that precede first observation and analysis. I have no need for wants and desires. I have never found them to be valuable. There is that which I do, and do often certainly, and they are not products of “wants” and “desires”. When I do the do of bringing my form to be battle ready daily, I have no interest, want, or desire to do this. It can be said, this is the notion of the “will of Allah” versus my own “will”, to which I have not seen evidence of being “real”. I do what I am supposed to do, and I leave the vicious sense of free will to those who use their freedom to be against themselves and others, and for nothing.

I never observed this fella projecting, which was proven by the fact that he had me doubt everything he said as a practice, and seek to prove his observation wrong. To this day, I value the same practice, and challenge any to do the same.

Before our discourse, I was well acquainted with the notion that LOGIC is not a weapon of truth, but a weapon against falsehoods. It's a battle against, not for. But often, because of this characteristic, folk get it reversed. They presume, though they have no sense of logic, that they are logical when they “reason against something”. But when they reason against, what they often do, it is the lower case reason, not the upper case Reason. Their reason is a slave to their emotionality, and nothing by way of detection of fallacies, or errors in reason, is present. They are scammed by their own emotions.

But to maintain on this case, I redirect, or come back.

I found almost everything in the 80s coming out of the radios, and on the TVs to be WEAPONS, that were with clear aim at consumers, and all produced and brought forth by a minority of unity.

Simply to put it… One group, who controlled culture, used their position of Control to dominate the mind and direction of the whole population, giving you all your sense of culture and identity, to which they still do.

Of these were the cartoons. They are as wicked as any media could be. Cartoons were and are brainwashing.

The makers of them would tap into different systems of thought, that had your “Christian” parents known, they would have rejected. But instead of being clear in the origins of the thoughts, they hid them in the “innocence” of “childhood”―which is not “innocence”, but “ignorance” and “ineptitude”. Care Bears were one of them.

Rarely did houses around me let their children watch cartoons, but I happened by this one, one time when going to meet an associate who had three sisters. When I came into their apartment in Red Hook projects, the girls were huddled around the TV, watching The Care Bears. I think I was 8 in those days, because I had been around the Italians more than the blacks by this time, and had not been back to Red Hook in a while.

When I saw that cartoon, I had a negative reaction immediately. I turned to the young fella who was about 12, and said… “Do not let them watch that”. He was stunned, and dismissed my warning with laughter, and the young girls, of course, rebelled with “we will watch what we want to watch… Mind your business white boy”.

To which I preached, “that is devil shit you are watching, and you can not even see it”. Of course they all laughed, just as you may be right now. It would never cross your mind to think “loving”, “caring”, “friendly”, “warm and fuzzy” inside is the devil's playground. Because after all, your mommy stamps these things, and they fly about everywhere. A Warrior natured to be so can see the enemy. The defeated do not know War, and therefore, when they look around, they see “friends”. Believe that. You all see “friends” and you have no idea what that means. But I knew, and always have known, what all that means. One of the religions I studied was Voudon. My Ancestors were very familiar with its ways, and had safeguards in their culture against it. This fella was all about those safeguards, and prepared me to see as my Kind can see.

And “the devil… is certainly in the details”. But certainly in the details, when as your master. But too, God is in the details, is perhaps the version you have never heard. What is simple could be said rarely as such, because often things are compositions. There is intent, and design in composition not often communicated to a mere spectator not versed in any art, that can be wielded to compose. He who is a composer is no mere spectator, then, of the composition of others. But instead with their composure, they read the marks of others, almost in their entirety, and they know who the craftsman is, by this mark, and regardless of the author leaving their tag, a master can tell from whence it came, and to whom it serves.

I can see who the craftsman is, in their work, because their mark is all over the place.

Nothing is worse to bear sight to than a dumb mass, dancing to, and singing the songs of the devil, all along, calling it by its many names and personifications.

America is not a Christian nation. America is a nation that worships the unicorn, and that worship is in the mouth of all the witches and warlocks that run the schools, make the sounds, and the lyrics, and lead in culture creation. You think you are all atheists? You are mistaken. You all have a God, but you all have been trained to see its manifestations, and divided personifications made to be polytheistic, shamanistic, while hiding behind your vices and academics.

Care Bears are Satan's craft, and every time care, compassion, and love is promoted, it is out of the mouth of Satan's whores. EVERY TIME. No exception.

So SAVE IT, with me, when you hear of me and come to seek access. I will say to your face, I have no CARE for your values, for they are the values of slaves, and their slavers, and I am no slave, and never shall be. I will not CARE for you, provide for you, nor PROTECT you in your insecurities, your fears, your anxiety, and your petty concerns.

Je m'en câlice.

I know the SECRET. I know that what you say does not mean anything to you, and ought not mean anything to me. I know that is a smoke screen; that regardless of the condition, you are lost, and ever so afraid, and in this fear, your anxiety flourishes, and your concern is merely an emotion looking for material to consume, and to aim at. I will not be aimed at with your concern. You can not seduce me, and I shall not seduce you. For Seduction begins in, and requires that I come to you, and you come to me… with CARE.

To care, I say this…



I have no CARE for the CARING.

I shall not be CARED for, nor shall I be caring.

I reject the premises of your mommies, and if you have any ounce of fight in you, be you male and/or female… take that ounce, and kill that trifling unicorn called CARE.

The devil is certainly in this detail, and that detail is the combination of the simple form of: insecurity breeds anxiety, which breeds concern, which breeds care, and care is the well-bred unicorn. The devil can not ride a horse. So in its place… It rides a unicorn, and it visits all the little girls of the human species of cognition, and dances and entertains them, establishing their future expectations.

When you, as a human male, are marked for servitude, and signaled to begin “Access Value Engagement”, it would be best for you to see the unicorn that she has beside her, that she knows is there, and believes you can never see. When you prize her, and tell her she means so much to you, she looks at the unicorn, and when it looks back, it whispers… “See, I told you they are all beasts of burden who have no sense, and therefore, are ripe to be governed by you.”

If you can not do this, then at least approach that crazed creature, and ask her one simple question… “May I join you and play with your unicorn as well?”

Because in actuality, this is what you chumps are doing. You are chasing unicorns, wanting one of your own, but nature has forbidden the human male to have unicorns, and because of this, the human male is trained to think, the unicorn is in the material realm, and I need only wear a dress, a skirt, and have my hair and looks be “female”, and then label myself as such. But the “girls” know you are not a girl, because none of those things is what makes them a human female. That unicorn you can not see nor feel, that they all feel so loudly, is what makes them “girls”.

The unicorn taught them to say, “care for me, make me feel valued and appreciated, and give me your time, your energy, that of your attention, and make me feel secure and safe with all that. In return, I will show you I care, by controlling your access to me, and turning the faucet of recognition on and off, to help your dumb mind manage your emotions and sense of purpose.”

What is Seduction?

Seduction is when an idiot human male tries to do things that “lead her astray from her unicorn”, and what entertains her is that she will defeat your sorry ass, because that unicorn is her advisor, and it is an ancient creature of magic that knows everything about you, because it is literate, and has read the book of nature. Because it has nature's ways written with clarity before it, the little girl does not need to think about anything. She will defeat your sorry ass, because you do not have your own version of a magical creature that gives you a natural advantage. You are just a slave, designed to server her interest, and you have no idea what to “play”.

Dopes who write you the manuals tell you how to maneuver, how to play, based on what has been commanded and demanded of, from, and by the unicorn. Books of Seduction, manuals and recommendations are manuals for how to worship the unicorn, how to appeal to Satan's whores.

The first delusion it feeds you is that as an idiot human male, you have some choice in the matter, and you ought to choose the “right target, victim, mark, subject, focus”, and that right target, for some reason, has the same traits as any target you could acquire.

All of them are the RIGHT TARGET, you idiot.

All humans, not just the females, FEEL insecure and fearful, prone to anxiety, disgust, despair, in need of surprise and external stimulation to be pleased what short moments they can. This is the human condition, spelled out in the name. This is why you, as humans, are lowly. This is why you, as humans, are slavers and slaves, interchangeably. This is why you, as humans, have governments, have religions, have academics and media. This, because there is no right target, mark, or victim. You are all targets, all marks, all victims, and when you are convinced that you can “play” with some intent… you will be too blind to see that the one who wrote that has no record of actually doing it… for a reason.

The one who realizes that “they are all the same”, that is, “human”, casts out the plays every time and everywhere, and proves to have results, because they stopped acting like it has anything to do with them. It has nothing to do with you, him, or her. You are all operating by code, and when you get out of the way of the code, the laws of average will favor you.

There is no approach by the male to the female that does not first begin with “making them feel safe, and secure”. This is because all human attachments begin this way. All human attachments, from the infant stage and on into adulthood, is the code command of “we good?”

And how do you answer to this CODE…? By displays of CARING. By displays of Providing, Protecting, serving, and giving all your time and energy to the base. This is what she demands with your approach. “Tell me that lie, I need to hear that you are the idiot who thinks I am the one, that I am special, that I am the prize, for to get what I want, I need you to truly believe that, to which I know, I myself can not believe.” And when you believe that, and act as if it is true, I have the only evidence I need to have you revealed as the same idiot as all these other idiots.

Why do they chase the “bad boys”? Bad boys have often been around easily enough to know that a female is a female, and there is no mystery. They do not feel so inclined to lie to her, and act like “we” are in the lands of unicorns and rainbows. You wonder why they respect the bad boy more than your sorry ass… That is why. He has not failed the basic phase of “let me get you to lie to me, so that I know to never trust anything you say here on out.”

“What lie?”

“That I am the most amazing thing in existence for merely being the little ass girl I am. If you can not even tell me that truth I have known my whole life, when and why should I ever trust you to be anything reliable?”


Do not be that idiot who stresses the human female values, thinking it's what they actually want you to mirror. That is absurd. Stop listening to what they say.

Nowhere in any stereotype of human history has it ever been said, “women know what they want”. They say from their own mouths, “I do not even know what I want”. Listen to them, and stop debating with them.

Agree, “you do not know what you want, and I will now help you cure that concern. Let me tell you… I know what I want, and I am going after it. Here is what it is. If you'd like to join me on this journey, do so, and let's have some fun… But keep your mouth shut until you know how to work it. Knowing how to work it means, do not voice concerns along my way. If you are concerned, leave my way and find your own that is less concerning.

This is my way, and it's not democratic. You do not tell me what you think of my way. I do not care about what you think. I am a part of my way, and it determines the values, not your anxiety, your insecurities, your concern. Shut it till it works right. Working right means it is not about you, and what you feel. It has its own about, and that is what I conform to and obey in order to get its value out of it.

Its value is not in me disobeying and breaking it. Its value is not in me sowing chaos around it. Its value is determined by what it is, and what it is that can be something of value to me, for what I am. I am not what you are. My way, therefore, is not about you, it's about me. If you are along for that Journey, then keep it shut.

If you want me to care about your way, the way of insecurity, anxiety, concern, and CARE… NO. Access Denied. I have a way and that way does not need your input. You do not have a way, you have insecurity, you have anxiety, and concerns. I do not have these things. I HAVE A WAY.”

And one who too has a “Way”, be them male or female, would grasp this, and no “WAY” is composed of the things in which the commons fall back to. Those things prevent there being a Way, and they all stand still like animals for the slaughter, and only know to move when some pain compliance or threat thereof is asserted.


The chump is taught that if you wish to control another for access, you need to trigger their anxiety and their insecurities. They are never taught that for Seduction, you should appeal to their “Reasoning”, for neither you nor they have this to appeal to. Never is it about excellence either.

The essence of Seduction
The essence of Seduction

Do not get it mistaken, Seduction is open only to other possible routes by those who can not define it, identify it, and communicate what it is, and what is essential to it.

Essential, as the word itself indicates, is about what is the essence of a thing. Essence is identity, in that everything can be intellectually said to be composed of primary traits, and secondary traits. The primary traits are its essence. They will not be what they are if often, even one trait was removed, or additional traits brought about. Definition is about primary traits, whereas when folk often think about “what they think about A and B”, they will have additional elements in their mind, that are not essentials. This will often have been led by context, and by a relationship via example to the notion, or the idea at the forefront, subject to discussion.

Rarely, do I encounter those who understand and communicate “essentials” without the loaded notions that can all be removed, and subject to context. Context holds most back from being able to intellectualize new information. Integration requires a notion of essentials, and an action to strip all things down to them, first, and build based on what necessarily correlates, and not that which is merely “accidental” in relationship.

Seduction, as is, means to lead astray, but in most cases, this can be translated to mean “to offer pleasurable lures that distract and provide relief”. Meaning, an essence, thee essence, of Seduction… is ESCAPISM. ESCAPISM has, as its essence, that of pleasurable distraction and relief. Keeping proper account of these ingredients, and not overburdening thought with that which is not essential is key to clean and actionable Intellect.

In this realm of Seduction, using escapism for pleasure, this is the key to realize when PAIN is used, it is no longer the realm of Seduction. To say PAIN is seductive to some would be to lose the bigger picture.

This is when it is no longer in the mode of Seduction, but that of a transference to “Manipulation”. In order to maintain, or gain access, the actor is mixing the two realms. When pain and pleasure, cold and hot are employed, this is shifting from Manipulation to Seduction, and back and around again. Knowing the difference is key. Seduction is about pleasure.

And because it, on its own, is about ESCAPISM for pleasure, it is why it can be promoted as a better way than that of merely CONTROLLING, MANAGING, and MANIPULATING. That to add some SEDUCTION to all this, tends to make the rest of it easier, and more palatable to the many. SEDUCE them to CONTROL them. SEDUCE them to MANAGE them. SEDUCE them to MANIPULATE them. Seduction is the sugar that makes the MEDICINE, even the POISON go down. Make no mistake, SEDUCTION is used far more often for POISON than it is for MEDICINE, but the SEDUCTION itself is not the poison. The SEDUCTION and in how it is used by others is not the defining factor of what SEDUCTION is, as a form of association, access, and interaction.

Mental midgets have massive difficulty in being able to see a thing and its essentials, its essence, as a standalone, but instead must draw from experience and vague notions of the thing, to think on it. You are a mental midget when you stay this way, and can not elaborate on the ESSENTIALS of a thing, and see it in its SELF standing.

No matter what you think about the word, the utterance, the grunting of Seduction, it has essential components, and you more than likely have never identified them. That is why, when I use the term, and I have meaning behind my use, a mental midget will not listen to me in my individuality, but they will instead make reference to their own inept thinking on the “matter”. They are “matter” based and will have no sense of my “Patterned” base reference.

One of the number one reasons why I “Access Deny” or let's say “axe” others is because they can not see individuals, not being one themselves. I am an individual, and I prove that in being able to describe, expound on all of my thinking, the ins and the outs, regardless of their validity, relationship to facts, or accuracy. I can say why I think what I think, and what that thinking is, and how it impacts my decision making process. When you can not do this, it is because you do not think, and evidence is in your silence and the absence of demonstration. He or she yet to be demonstrated through expounding to be a thinking being ought to be presumed to merely be an animal with the faculty of abstract thought, that does no more than confuse them, and torment them as a mere beast bundled in the emotions.

SEDUCTION does not have essential to it the notion of INDIVIDUALITY. INDIVIDUALITY requires SKILL, COMPETENCY, PROFICIENCY, and MASTERY… All themselves requiring the FACULTY, the MENTAL power, of REASONING, and that of PRINCIPLED thought. DO NOT mistake INDIVIDUALITY for UNIQUENESS. A mental midget yearns to be UNIQUE, never becoming in actuality so. REASON unifies, and standardizes, and does not lead to UNIQUENESS as a VIRTUE. It will, however, lead to one being perceived as UNIQUE, only in that a LIFE OF REASON is very uncommon. Those who would then live one would stand out as odd, and foreign, and those who are attracted much to NOVELTY will see in the REASONED one, a UNIQUENESS. But that sight is the sight of the novel mental midget, and therefore, is not to be mistaken as a VALUE to the Reasoned one, for it ought not be, for it certainly is not.

SEDUCTION does not have UNIQUENESS as a variable, though it does have NOVELTY as a variable. A variable, not to be mistaken for ESSENCE, or ESSENTIAL. A variable.

Essential to Seduction is the most common notion, that the SUBJECTS, the actors, the marked and the marker are inherently DISPLEASED, are inherently DISSATISFIED, unentertained, and stagnant.

SEDUCTION is a part of this hierarchy of ACCESS, that of Control, Manage, Manipulate, on account that all three, to which it stands on, will be always present. There is no association or interaction where these “three”, the “three modes of interaction”, are not present. They will ALWAYS be present, and the inability to detect them does not mean otherwise. VIGILANCE requires the ability to detect what type of interaction is occurring. Where PLEASURE is a part of the INTERACTION, there are three possible modes, and only THREE:

PLEASURE, as a factor of ENTERTAINMENT, either in AMUSEMENT, SEDUCTION, or ENGAGEMENT. At present, among the commons and the masses, there is only, at most, CONTROL, and next to follow, Management, and to a degree of presence, Manipulation, and lesser degree, Amusement and Seduction as the primary forms of ENTERTAINMENT. The easy way to think on this is Control is 50 percent, and Management is 30 percent, and Manipulation is 15 percent, and Entertainment is 5 percent. This 100, in its parts, gives the proper phases to consider in all associations. It will perhaps take considerable pieces.

From an individual level to a collective level, one can categorize all interactions this way, and know what to first look for, based upon “DEGREE OF POTENCY”. Potency, here, is also presence. Power of presence, power of application, as well as the notion of frequency.

Take an individual's professional status, for example. When you go to work, who do you work for? In who you work for, what is being exchanged? How much of the exchange is under your Control?

If you are a laborer, and/or an employee, then the degree of your Control will be low. The model will flip. The degree of Management, by others, will be higher, if you are not the Management. You will have 5 percent Control, and you may be 95 percent managed. There may be no Manipulation needed, because the contract is standard. And there may be nothing about the condition of association that is entertaining. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All of these ingredients of association are not always present. But when they are, the model above tends to be the likelihood. Most day-to-day associations do not have more than CONTROL and MANAGEMENT at play. SEDUCTION is not a huge part of life, and if it had a greater role, there would be more PLEASURE, and more moments to be PLEASED, than there is. SEDUCTION is not a negative, so to say. It could be, if it is used for CONTROL, for MANAGEMENT, and for MANIPULATION all void of the individual's interest, and solely for the interest of another, and/or their group. Seduction, in the Americas, is used for MANIPULATION, and for MIND CONTROL. It is used to DISTRACT, and slightly for RELIEF, and this is because Seduction has mostly SHAMANS at the head, and therefore, its characterization beyond the essentials is due to their WISDOM, or lack thereof, to WIELD. However, Seduction among the commons is rather low. It is absurd to assign to common plays of coupling, of mating, of getting together, and/or forming bonds as under the influence of a Seduction. The essentials are not often there.

Most associations and interactions, or that of any access is subject to the “three modes”, having the fourth mode too minor for consideration.

The fourth mode's essential of DISTRACTION finds its way into the mode of MANIPULATION, and often, with Manipulation using distraction, it is presumed, a SEDUCTION is occurring. This is the wrong presumption. This, because more often than not, the distraction is not governed by the the ESSENTIAL of SEDUCTION as being PLEASURE over pain.

Instead of the ESSENTIAL of SEDUCTION being at play, where pleasure is the aim, distraction is occurring in combination with MANIPULATION, with the ESSENTIAL of CARE.

This, then, shall cause me to put CARE on further blast.

Human females rarely if ever seduce, nor do they need to be, yet they are sought out by human males for PLEASURE. PLEASURE does not exist in male to female associations as a PRIMARY. LOVE HURTS, and LOVE is mostly painful among humans, with a splinter of pleasure having been used to MANIPULATE for ACCESS. That splinter was not SEDUCTION.

This can be identified by the primary not being ENTERTAINMENT for PLEASURE. Entertainment for pleasure will exist for 5 percent of the initiation of ACCESS. It will be sprinkled in, but in and around what the primary and essential form is, and that is CARE.

Enticed with the promise of pleasure, but that promise will not pay out much. Instead, once the association begins with some ENTERTAINMENT, it shifts out of the 5 percent Seduction and into the 15 percent of MANIPULATION. The word Manipulation is not right for this description, but there, at this time, is no substitute to come to mind.

Manu is about intelligence, and to Manipulate ought to have intelligence as the mode and cause of augmentative choices. Meaning, intelligent plays ought to be called Manipulation. In actuality, this 15 percent of Manipulation is not what then becomes triggered, but what does become triggered, will be called this… by the anti-Man masses. You see, Man is there in Management and Manipulation, and both of these will tend to entice negative reactions in the weak and infirm. Most despise having to be, and being managed, and want to get to that point out of seniority where they then manage. And often, they manage with arrogance, which is the human way.

They will hold CONTROL in a manner that is less able to be challenged. Few are and can be called actual managers, because the Intellect is not essential. Anywhere these terms and their root Man is present is implied Intellect. These, Management and Manipulation, are terms used by humans arrogantly. They do not embody the actual meaning.

In actuality, those who manage others, in professions, are not managers in essence―only so in title. What they are requires no Intellect to be essential. They are CONTROLLERS. When you are working, your 5 percent of CONTROL is only in your CONTROL over yourself to remain compliant, and obedient, to establish that routine of stability and security. That little you control in just being able to show up... but show up you often must. But the “manager”, who is not essentially in any Management, is the CONTROLLER. Their 45 percent, or their 95 percent, in the absence of the need of MANIPULATION and Entertainment, IS CONTROL. It's just CONTROL in actuality, and Management in mere title. Management, in Intellect and actuality, would be principled based, and disciplined base. CONTROLLING the labor of others does not require Intellect, discipline, and Management, but to humans, the mere act of scheduling, maintaining a schedule, and so on, passes as discipline. To a human, Maintenance is arrogantly called Management.

On Maintenance
On Maintenance

When I began in Part I of Access denied… I stated that there is no “science” for all of this, however, that is the aim, the attempt of this piece. But a reminder is needed for the reader, and/or the listener.


Because I am a stream writer, and write in a Flow of Consciousness, whatever follows in my expounding is, in essence, as new to me upon its arrival, as it is to the receiver of the expounding, upon these pages, or among these spoken words.

In essence, I am working it out in front of you, in real time. Some of it was worked out in previous expoundings; most of it is NEW, even to me. When I work it out on paper, or in the spoken, the “me” that others can access is listening and learning, receiving and accounting in the same, in “real time”. To presume that my “me”, that my “I” had, and used the notions beforehand would be inaccurate. I HAVE NO NEED for all this. What comes out of my KIND runs an operation that these things are not variables in.

In the absence of the masses of humans, and the Control over the minds of others they wield… these points would be useless. My Kind would have no need for any of these ideas. They are worked out only in that, those under the captivity of humans need them. They are not worked out as a science for my Kind.

Because of this, it is not yet able to be called a science, though a SCIENCE is buried within these works, all over the place. Instead, because of the order of this system, it is more an ART, being expressed with a great deal of conclusions and positions affirmed, with perhaps their roots yet to be explored. Take for example what shall follow. In previous expoundings, the etymologies for gain, maintain, cultivate, and defend have not been explored and expounded upon, whereas ideas around it have received such coverage. Odd seeming, in the greater scope of things; however, their notions have been explained through the expoundings upon the whole.

But at this moment of expounding upon that of the phases, or the modes of interaction and access, there is the now realized need to cover the etym. of that of Maintenance, and just why all along, Management is not the same. However, will that then warrant a change?

Ought it be then, that it is Control, Maintain, and a replacement for Manipulate? You see, or perhaps you do not, reader and/or listener, none of this is settled. It is MY ART that is as of now of VALUE, and not that of a standalone SCIENCE or system, which my I, and its ARTISTRY can be separated. I do not hold that I can be separated from all this yet, because it is ART in motion, which is SCIENCE expressed. Until my ART can be used to arrive at the SCIENCE for others to have dialectical ACCESS, my work still must be DEPENDENT upon my I, or my me. The AIM is for a SCIENCE to be discoverable, and coverable. I have not yet ACHIEVED this AIM. So all of this is the ART of Access Denied, and perhaps can be called a WAY, but too, this ought to be unsettled, and subject to change.

You, the reader and/ or the listener, should always recall this is investigative, and this is ART as of now, with an ESOTERIC SCIENCE at its roots, yet to be perhaps detectable.

There is a SCIENCE in discerning the difference between Maintenance and Management.

Blue Pattern

Etymology of Maintain (v.)

c. 1300, maintenen, “to support, uphold, aid;” also “hold fast, keep in possession, preserve from capture or loss,” from Anglo-French meintenir (Old French maintenir, 12c.) “keep (a wife), sustain; persevere in, practice continually,” from Latin manu tenere “hold in the hand,” from manu, ablative of manus “hand” (from PIE root *man- (2) “hand”) + tenere “to hold,” from PIE root *ten- “to stretch.”

Sense of “hold in an existing state or condition, keep in existence or continuance” is from early 14c. Meaning “to carry on, keep up” is from mid-14c.; that of “to keep oneself, support” is from late 14c. Sense of “defend in speech, uphold by argument or assertion” is from mid-14c. Meaning “practice habitually” is from c. 1400. Sense of “furnish means for the subsistence or existence of” is from c. 1400. Related: Maintained; maintaining; maintains.

One can see, when the etym. is known, there is this MANU essence that is always correlated, the one that is shared with Maintain and Manage, yet to have them differ would beg the question... What was one term, specific to a “Kind” in the sense of the Manu Kind, became general in the sense of HUMAN values. Make no mistake, humans are not of the “Manu Kind”, and that “Manu Kind” has more than likely all but perished, as a part of prehistory, with only its human descendants wearing the title, and unearned.

However, I am limited to the human sense of these terms, and I can not reinvent them to their roots, from the values of Manu, which do not persist for reference. Not being able to reclaim the glory of Manu, from its retarded descendants, I use VIR. This then allows for my ART to flourish without impediment, and fortunately, not much corruption has occurred to this “Kind's tongue”. The “Vir” is relatively retained well, all over the place, undetected, and harder to abuse. So to resurrect it is for better in this Art.

The word “LOVE”, and the essence of “Maintenance” are perhaps one and the same. And here a route is secured.

To love is merely to maintain. To hold, to possess, to keep, in continuation. One who loves is merely doing this. To hold, to possess, and to keep in continuation access, often with the notion of a monopoly of such Maintenance. There is no accident to why in this Art, Logos provokes the term Maintain, in the value hierarchy, neither can that be said of Gain, Cultivate, and Defend, which shall be expounded upon when Logos so decrees.

To Control is about a registered position of “authority”. That which is the “authorized” regular register of conduct. To “exert authority”, in the WAY of the VIR, is to be “unregistered”, in this sense, under that of the “authority” of another, but is to act with one's “own authority”. But this is not by the ill notion of born to be “authoritative”. More on that elsewhere.

In order for this “authority” to prevail, it is concerned with one's “holdings”, and this is where “Maintenance” comes into play. What one “holds” in the hand, and the “hand” here is metaphorical. More often than not, it has been forgotten that the “hand” means “mind”. It's the perceptual trigger about what all abstract beings have… hands. But not the hands as they stand idle and empty, but what they are “exerted” towards. A master's hands are always covered, armored, and with “tools” of some sort in it, like in how my “hands” produce all these words in their etched form, and the tool, once a fountain pen, is now a keyboard in the electrical revolution.

The mouth was the master's tool of long ago, and because of this, the Brahmin, who was a Warrior first, and Brahmin second, was replaced by the shaman, who had only their mouth as a weapon, and often, their hands were empty. A Brahmin of the Ancient sort had a speaking and powerful breath, but had a war axe in their hand, representing their authority. And this is the root of the “Chinese” sense of a “Sovereign”, a sense drawn from their Ancient rulers, from the Scythian lands of Sogdiana, Bactria, and to the west. From them they derived this cultural notion of the axe wielding, well-spoken Sovereign. An empty-handed shaman uses their mouths to Control and to Maintain, through the exertion of others with more natural authority.

The shaman does not have their own authority that they can act through. They need to assert, and exert the “word” as a spell, over the mind of others who can use their hands. And humans lack the mind behind the use of their hands, and use their hands as BEASTS, under the spell of their shamans. Neither shaman, nor beast, that is human, has “authority”, and because of this, they become the Leviathan. They become the shaman that “spells” the mind of the beast forward, and tells it how to use its golem hands. The shaman puts the hands of the golem to work, on its behalf.

Absent authority and mind of its own… the golem desires, for security and Maintenance, the Control, the registries of the shaman. Neither having authority, they have no choice but to “spell” into existence that fiction, the “Leviathan of Contract” that governs, registers, acts as a “authority” over the lives of all humans upon this planet. In the absence of legitimate and natural authority, a leviathan, a fiction of authority is born. In the presence of any natural authority, the artificial authority of a fiction, the leviathan becomes challenged, and destroyed, and natural Sovereignty becomes attained, and its Sovereign is a master of their hands, with their axe, and their breath, with their mouth, securing the only thing actual “authority” is used for: that of one's own Control and Command over their conditions and self.

Those who do not have “authority” can only have Control and Maintenance over the “hands”, the minds, or the empty realm of others who are in need of others, to Control and Maintain them.

SEDUCTION is only possible because of this EMPTINESS, that is a void then, a controller and a maintainer will have to act upon, and appear in fiction to be able to fill. A controller and a maintainer have no authority in actuality, and therefore, will fill nothing. And those with authority natural to them can not pass it onto one it is unnatural for.


Authority is one's own motivations, own energy, own Vitality, Vigor, and Virtue.

In the absence of VIRTUE, there is no AUTHORITY. Only a VIR is the Kind that can have, and act through AUTHORITY, and to authorize, and to author one's own course through existence, one must Control and Command their conditions, and self, and this… is the WAY of the VIR.

And this is why a VIR is both martial and charismatic, and where these traits are not “paramount”, there is no Vir that is before thee. One will be before, standing in front of others, or a mirror with their own reflection, that of a mere shaman, or a beast of burden under its registry. Its registry will appear to be an authority, but no shaman, nor common has authority, and above them in title and name will be some collective fiction to which they then all behave as if is real, and authoritative. This fiction being present in agreement is evidence that none of its subjects and registers have actual and natural AUTHORITY, so they must invent a fiction to act through.

This will appear new to a reader or listener to consider, and for the first and perhaps only time, have heard it from my “me” or my “I” that appears to be the “expounder”. But do not get it mistaken, I am not the source of this realization. My Kind knew this, and thought this, not with the aid of modern reference, but at the dawn of civilization, as it watched the shamans come out of the bush with their crazed and intoxicated minds, and direct the human beasts of burden designed by them to be slaves, to use their mindless hands for the interest of the shamans.

They use the hands of the masses, because they can not use their own. And if you wonder who a shaman is, it ought to be clear… They are the ones who Control, Maintain, and Manage YOUR HANDS, which is not merely that with the chubby digits upon it, but also that which is arrogantly called your mind, which likely does not even exist. The best general thing to call what is Controlled, Maintained, and Managed is that of your “machinery”.

When you are a golem―and most of you are―you are a biological machine that has nothing of an Operator directing the machine, and therefore, you are ripe for the shaman to Control, to register, to run you. For they will have no opposition from anything in your machinery, and when they receive no protest, and no resistance, is that not proof that they have every right to govern you, the way they see fit? Is it not acceptable to make one work for your interest, if they can not have interest of their own, yet have plenty that ought to be put to work?

You are all slaves, if and only if you are mere machinery with no operational mind within you, that would yearn to be free, and be free, because slavery is contrary to Virtue, and freedom is only of value, so long as it is “free to be Virtuous”. Those seeking to be “free for vice” do not value freedom. They are looking to escape into and through vice, and freedom is the shaman's words that they use as mindless drones, to make sense of their pain, their suffering, their emotional burdens.

When I call LOVE possessive, it ought to be simple now to understand why. In what can be demonstrated, it is that of Maintenance that one must turn to. That folk merely seek to hold each other, and often, holdings can be anything, and certainly more opportunistic than selective. You would love to be convincing that you hold another due to selection, and by some standard, but in demonstration, neither will prove out.

Oddly, my Kind is not in actuality Manu, and judged by what is held. My Kind holds not with the hand, but augments with the mind. What is in the hands of my Kind is often empty, in many ways, because… it is invisible in its value, and what is mistaken is the value of the item and what it means to the mere brute.

Continue to Chapter 6

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