About Voltential
What Is Voltential?
Voltential is the outreach project of Viritus, the Religion of Virtue.
Voltgagement is the media arm of Voltential.
The hierarchy is as follows:
Viritus, the Religion of the Vehrka, is called the Religion of Virtue.
When one is asked... “What is your Religion?”, the “answer” is...
My Religion is Virtue.
But this means more than how most think of this term.
The Way of the Vir is another way this term Viritus can be broached.
The most ancient term for the Vir is Vehrka.
In order to propagate, and make sense of such a religion, an outreach project is occurring.
That outreach project is called Voltential.
V.O.L.T. stands for (V)ocational (O)bjectives of (L)earnt (T)ransmutation.
The acronym V.O.L.T. is taken, and combined with the notion of a POTENTIAL, to make the brand VOLTENTIAL.
This term has no use or existence outside of this outreach, and is the sole property of this AUTHOR.
Because VOLTENTIAL is an OUTREACH project of “The Way of the Vir”, that of “Viritus”... it is a RELIGIOUS outreach.
It exists not as a means to convince others of the RELIGIOUS value, but as a means to explain that VALUE, creating transparency and resources for those who respond to the “Call”.
“The Call” is captured in the (V) component, called “Vocational”. It is a “Religious Vocation” that is calling the INDIVIDUAL, or goes UNHEARD.
What is Viritus?
Viritus is NOT UNIVERSAL as a religion.
It is an ANCESRAL RELIGION, in the sense that this
expression means INNATE, and with
one's sense of “aversions” and “attractions” in living.
The notion of “ancestral” here is not based on
“phenotypes”, nor is it based on “region of
origination”, or that of “nation/state” names, and
“affiliations”. The Seed of Vir, and/or that of too a
“Manu”, is believed to have spread along trading
routes, as far east as Japan, all throughout Asia, to
India, to the Middle East, to the Near East, to Africa, to Central Asia, Russia, and Europe... and later the Americas. Anyone, no matter their present condition of origination, could have had ancestors that were Seeded in Manu or Vir.
The phenomenon of the ancestral connection, and why it Patterns in importance is called ATAVISM, and this means a “throwback to ancestral settings”.
Atavism is central in “The Way of the Vir”, and/or “The Way of the Manu”. These two are not the same, though related.
One who is Seeded in either of these Ways, and in their “ancestral” connection, is called an “atavist” on account that in them, a long and deep Call “back” exists, proven out by how their “attractions” to their “ancestral ways” are so “aggressive” and “extreme” that with ease it OVERRIDES their present conditions, under the control of present COLLECTIVES. One who struggles with their conditions is either in EXTREME oppressive conditions, or they are not an atavist by any worthy degree.
Because of this notion, the element of EASE in hearing the CALL, and RESPONDING, is a primary ingredient of VIRITUS. In Viritus, the Call can not be said to be heard in those who STRUGGLE with its Ways. It is Ways defined by their EASE of ADOPTION and IMPLEMENTATION, once heard.
Those who struggle with its Ways are those who have NOT, in actuality, “heard the CALL”, and therefore, are not of this VOCATION.
What is the purpose of voltential productions?
The purpose of VOLTENTIAL PRODUCTIONS is to “put out that Call”, or to “make the Call”, or to “expound on the Call” as a SOURCE of the WAY,
It is not the purpose of that of VOLTENTIAL Productions to
debate, to convince, to explain, to enforce, or receive assurance,
acceptance, and adherence.
Just, to CALL... with no expectations of response.
Voltential, as an outreach of Viritus, deals primarily and mostly in
what can be called the “Way” and its components, as well as its
contrasting forces. It is the means to define that of VIRITUS, in the open, with transparency. It is the ANNOUNCEMENT to the “world” of “symbolism” of this “Way”, captured itself in SYMBOLS, in language, in a discipline.
What kind of religion is viritus?
Viritus is not connected to Buddhism, but the most earliest of a Warrior sense, a Saka sense of BUDDHISM... is a good start.
Viritus is the religion of the Vehrka, and their name and character has fallen out of “historical” clarity, and therefore, is being exposed to a “rebirth”, a Renaissance.
As an author and thinker, my PURPOSE, as Volt Al Ta'ir, is to head that Vehrka Renaissance.
The Vehrka, ARE my Ancestors. I am a potent atavist, existing in the here and now, with their traits, their attributes, proclivities, inclinations, and temperament.
“WE” are not a “WE”, but all different from each other in many ways. So the aim is not to have others SEDUCED and pretending to be alike, for “group think”, but instead, to only Call out to, and collaborate with those who too―by what degree is in them―respond to such a Call with devotion.
Because of this kind of RELIGIOUS language, and this project and its connections having a sense of being called a “New Religious Movement”, it is inevitable that the terms “cultish” and “cult” will be used. However, it is important to note that those who often start with these “accusations” are those who themselves are a part of the biggest CULT there is; and that is the CULT of normalcy, of NORMIES, called SOCIETY.
Whenever something new arises, and comes to attract, it is slandered as a “CULT”, only on account that it lacks two erroneous traits: that of PRECEDENCE, and FAMILIARITY. To the masses, SOCIETY has come before them, and is given legitimacy, only on that account. Second, it is what is FAMILIAR to them. Other than these two traits, they can not explain why their “CULT” of the “masses” is legitimate, and others are NOT. To them, in their mental midgetry, and bankrupt spirituality, or materiality, it all JUST is... and that which is NOT, is WRONG, is FRINGE, is worthy of their scorn, their fears, and their insecurities.
Viritus is NOT a RELIGION of OPPOSITION to other
religions.. It is a religion for those seeded in likeness, to guide in AFFIRMING from, and out of one's own NATURE, towards AUTONOMY. Because of this, there is an AIM of SEPARATION, and EXCLUSIVITY. But there is NO AIM at conquest over others, usurpation over others, subversion over others, nor that of disruption of others, and what they do.
However, if ever Viritus became strong enough in presence, and able to use FORCE for CHANGE... a RESISTANCE and a DISRUPTION would occur against that of ENSLAVEMENT of all sorts. Meaning, the greatest of errors and harm is in ENSLAVEMENT, and FORCE would be used against SLAVERS, to SHUT DOWN their ability to enslave. However, only if and in, that those enslaved know they are enslaved, and wish to be FREE. None ignorant to their condition of enslavement would be forced to be free. NONE seeking FREEDOM for VICE would be given support to be FREE.
The “freedom fighting” nature of Viritus is only under the condition that FREEDOM is used for VIRTUE. Not the Virtue only defined in VIRITUS, but more so, the worthy, and the healthy life that others can conceive of, for themselves, that keeps them from harming others.
Viritus is a “Do know harm”, and “Do no harm” religion. But
the “Do know harm” is the element to mean... MUST BE A
WARRIOR, or one of “VALIANCE”, and able to use it. MUST.
Because of this, another PRIMARY, for Viritus, is that “martiality”
is a REQUIREMENT in this religion. This term falls short, and
in “our” terms, it is “VALIANCE”, and “VALIANT” that are
used instead.
Viritus is a religion of ARMS and ARMOR, that has a
DEFENSIVE posture against collectives that seek to
ENSLAVE the individual to the will of its elites. This
is a PRIMARY in the RELIGION and it is not subject
to change based upon the “tranquility” of conditions.
In Viritus, it is not only a “RIGHT” to be “ARMED” and willing and ready to “fight” at any moment; it is a DUTY. This will be odd for most Humanus, or humans, in that, coming from peasant ancestors, they have been stripped of a RELIGIOUS sense of “martiality”, and that of being ARMED, and READY to fight.
The Vir is, for lack of better terms, at the moment, a “Holy WARRIOR” of their religion. But in NO WAY does this translate in FORCE, as a means to SPREAD the RELIGION. Force can only be used in DEFENSE of the WAY, for one to LIVE it, without IMPEDIMENTS of others, and/or the conditions. Viritus is a religion that in addition has a PRIMARY ingredient of VOLUNTARISM, in the most general sense, and COMPULSION only exists in one form... DO NOT HARM, and DO NOT INTERFERE. Because of this, compulsory associations are held as forms of enslavement, even if a “soft form” of enslavement. For those seeking to be “free” of such “soft enslavements” for “Virtue”, Viritus acts as a DEFENSIVE ARM.
Because of this, it is inherent to Viritus to have a TACTICAL DEFENSIVE FORCE, which is the Right of all beings... armed in, and by nature... or ARTIFICE.
This last “martial” or “Valiant” element is why the starting elements of consideration in Voltgagement are about TACTICAL thinking, around conditonal variables. TACTICAL thinking, and SITUATIONAL awareness are RELIGIOUS components in VIRITUS.
They are necessary for the Votary, one who is “Vowed” not to Viritus, but that of its primary trait of “Validus”, or strong, fortified, and sound thought, speech, and action. VALIDUS is a “divine principle” in Viritus, and governs all of those three elements of self: speech, thought, action. In that order when one is coming from “captivity”.