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What Is Voltential?
Voltential is the outreach project of Viritus, the Religion of Virtue.
Voltgagement is the media arm of Voltential.
The hierarchy is as follows:
Viritus, the Religion of the Vehrka, is called the Religion of Virtue.
When one is asked... “What is your Religion?”, the “answer” is...
My Religion is Virtue.
But this means more than how most think of this term.
The Way of the Vir is another way this term Viritus can be broached.
The most ancient term for the Vir is Vehrka.
In order to propagate, and make sense of such a religion, an outreach project is occurring.
That outreach project is called Voltential.
V.O.L.T. stands for (V)ocational (O)bjectives of (L)earnt (T)ransmutation.
The acronym V.O.L.T. is taken, and combined with the notion of a POTENTIAL, to make the brand VOLTENTIAL.
This term has no use or existence outside of this outreach, and is the sole property of this AUTHOR.
Because VOLTENTIAL is an OUTREACH project of “The Way of the Vir”, that of “Viritus”... it is a RELIGIOUS outreach.
It exists not as a means to convince others of the RELIGIOUS value, but as a means to explain that VALUE, creating transparency and resources for those who respond to the “Call”.
“The Call” is captured in the (V) component, called “Vocational”. It is a “Religious Vocation” that is calling the INDIVIDUAL, or goes UNHEARD.
New merch is available!
Voltential original products are now be available for purchase. All sales will directly support Volt's work and the development of literature, videos, art, and more.
Check back soon for updates, more products are under development!